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Posts posted by astrophys

  1. 1 hour ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

    Simply put, no matter what, you're going to have to do A LOT of grinding, since your skill set for Sophie has THREE level 15 skills. 

    This point isn't inherently true for a child in general, as you can pick up the non-promoted + level 5 promoted skills in 3 levels each in the span between 3 promoted and above.... So you actually can get quite a number of level 15 skills with no grinding whatsoever - the actual cost is lots of gold for the seals, plus seal availability is limited until Ch. 20.  


    HOWEVER, there is a constraint on Sophie BECAUSE of a particular skill the TC wants on her that needs to be passed by Corrin. 


    1 hour ago, Echo-2 said:

    Tl;dr I don't like BR as much as Awakening - planning kids and skills is not as fun this time around. --- I want Avatar!Sophie. Avatar class at creation is Knight. Sophie ends as Paladin with Aegis, Pavise, Luna/Dragon Fang, Sol, Hoshidan Unity. Most efficient path to make this Sophie with maxed stats (aside from buying every skill from MyCastle)?

    Avatar!Sophie gets Cavalier, Mercenary, and Nohr Princess as her base classes.  

    She doesn't learn Knight on her own, so Pavise requires Corrin to get to General level 15 first, before you even recruit Sophie, in order to learn Pavise to provide it in inheritance. 

    This is what causes the constraint - outside of massive grinding, by the time you get the Avatar that high, it will be near the end of the game - which means when recruited Sophie will come in auto-leveled to a very high level - which means she won't have the amount of levels left before Partner Seals to learn everything - which will then require Grinding.


  2. 6 hours ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:


    I'd mind the Kinshi Knights' skills if I were you - especially if I happened to be running them myself. (They mostly have Bowbreaker or Air Superiority)

    Percy happened to be Mozu's son (Arthur x Mozu) in that play through, and I had Archer Mozu - Percy had Certain Blow.   +40 Hit on him vs. +30 evade on the enemy.  Also, I'm not speaking in the hypothetical - this is a long done, long since accomplished thing.  

  3. Yeah; I've beaten BR/CQ/RV all in Lunatic classic/no-grind, and BR/CQ in Hard classic/no-grind [my first no-grind RV was Lunatic].  I've done BR Lunatic no-grind twice, Conquest Lunatic no-grind once, and RV Lunatic no-grind twice. 

    Defined as no fighting challenge [random generated] battles, no online-battles, no DLC, no online features or path bonuses.  No skill buying from any source. No logbook characters.  Allowed battles are Chapters, Paralogues unlocked through the course of playing the game, and Invasions.   Stuff I find in my own file's MyCastle [Cooking, mines/food, random things given from speaking to my characters there in between battles] is fair game.   Deliberately waiting for multiple instances of stuff at MyCastle to farm them is not okay, but naturally saving the game because I need to go to bed or take a break of playing and coming back later is okay [mention that because some things naturally respawn in with time passed] - so times taken from natural breaks is okay in my book, but deliberately holding off repeatedly from the sole purpose to farm up extra copies beyond those from natural breaks is not.  


    Those are the conditions I used. 

  4. Ch. 24, Conquest Hard, first time around, was a hoot, as I was running a fairly flier-heavy team [Wyvern Lord Camilla, Wyvern Lord Selena, Wyvern Lord Percy, Kinshi Mozu, maybe someone else I'm forgetting], so the Dragon Vein massively increased their movement ranges.  Then you break out the Beast Killers and the Killer Axes and the Silver Bows and basically it becomes a slaughter of the enemy reinforcements as I rush up to them on the first turn after they show up with my flier's increased movement range and deal effective damage or critical hits against them.  

    This same team composition made Ch. 23 significantly harder for me that time around.  

  5. Conquest Lunatic was an interesting challenge overall, although I honestly like the Hard Mode version of the endgame chapters [notably 28 and in extension 27 because they come in a set].   Because it so heavily incentivizes Rescue-skip and Dragon-Fang proc or lose extremely that it kind of saps the fun out of the level.  


    But I've beaten them all no-grind.  

  6. 2 hours ago, Aventheim said:

    Actually, Corrin x Caeoldori seems nice and I dont exactly need her to have specific hair color. I was actually thinking about Corrin x Anna but he might end with somebody loving money more than him.

    But thanks for suggestion.

    Since you seemed like like Hinoka, I was simply trying to propose the character as close as possible to her that I could construct - stats, class access, starting class, hair color.  As you've noted, that's not the end-all-be-all.  

    You should check out Caeldori's love confession quote: her love for Corrin if you marry her is so strong that she even wishes that if the two of them ever reincarnate that they will once again find each other in that new life too [in a literary sense, this is actually an allusion to the fact that Robin and Cordelia can marry in Awakening as well].  



    As for the matter of Peri pairings, if you are trying to avoid strife between the partners, let me suggest Peri x Niles.   Niles is a sadist and is FASCINATED by Peri's bloody nature.  He's probably the most accepting of her than anyone that I can think of.    


  7. Caeldori loves Hinoka's growths [makes her a near-clone of Hinoka stat wise:  5% more HP, 5% less strength, equal magic and skill, 2.5% less speed, 2.5% more luck, equal defense, only notable difference is 10% less Resistance (note that its still 50% after class bonuses to Hinoka's 60%, so its still huge)].   


    Since you seem to like Corrin x Hinoka, but you can't get all the kids if you do that, as an alternate may I suggest that you have Hinoka marry Subaki, thus making Caeldori get the same hue of red hair as Hinoka has.  Then you can have Corrin marry a Hinoka-red-haired Sky Knight - Caeldori - a Caeldori who has extremely similar growths to Hinoka and higher stat caps and the same classes that Hinoka has.  


    Hinoka x Subaki

    Caeldori x Corrin 




  8. I normally use +MAG/-LCK (Clever and Unlucky to use their actual names).   

    Because the Goddess Icon in Chapter 4 is one of the earliest stat boosters in the game, its fairly easy to just give it to Corrin and almost immediately start patching up the weak stat induced by his bane.   His HP, DEF, and RES all remain intact for surviving damage, and while STR and MAG are slightly negatively effective, they're only -5% penalties to growth - 1 point of difference on average over 20 levels - barely noticeable.  Not to mention that +MAG (Clever) offers +20% magic growth [for a net total of +15% from +MAG/-LCK)... and MAG also boosts your speed slightly in turn [and less notably but still there it shores up your resistance by a slight +5%].   

  9. Most of the time I've married a second gen (Caeldori, in her many variants:   Hinoka!Caeldori, Selena!Caeldori, Sakura!Caeldori, Oboro!Caeldori, Rinkah!Caeldori, Mozu!Caeldori...). 

    Never have actually done it on Conquest though [the one route where Caeldori doesn't exist].   There I've married Selena and Camilla.  

  10. All Guard Stances/pair-ups bequeath at least 5 critical evade.  

    8>7, yes, but 8 < 7+5.

    Now, that's max stats, of course.   So yes, average Charlotte would face critical chances .

    But there are other ways.  Some attack stances give even more critical evade [I've even seen +15 bonuses out there].  So that's an option.  Additionally, you can use Charlotte's critical hits as the rear member of an attack stance [people use ranged weapons or melee, as needed, all while standing next to her, and lets her fish for crits].  

  11. 59 minutes ago, JayK said:

    What pairings would you change? 


    Well, its a difficult thing to say, because the nature of Rev and Fates pairing in general is that to change one pair you normally need to change another too, and then you also need to be careful given limited cross-nation pairing options [sometimes a direct switch isn't possible]. 


  12. Responding line by line.

    MU (str+/def-) x Ryoma

    Generally don't comment on Avatar pairings to allow player preference.   Female Corrin will like Swordfaire access.  

    Azura x Kaze

    I have done this one before.  Its fine.  

    Oboro x Jakob

    Seems like a very odd choice, in that neither is really interested in what the other offers.   Maybe some application for Basara Obor.  

    Hinoka x Silas

    Excellent mutual benefit pairing.  

    Camilla x Takumi

    Camilla makes any physical kid quite good, but otherwise doesn't do much special for the pairing. Still good as its a Camilla mothering a physical kid pairing.  

    Orochi x Saizo

    Asugi's speed will be crippled; better for helping Saizo himself in the pair-up.  

    Setsuna x Kaden

    Selkie will be super fast, but she'll hit like a wet noodle; very low STR.... 

    Kagero x Hinata

    Unconventional.... Hisame tends to be one of the worse off kids anyways.  Kagero likes getting +SPD from Hint.  

    Hana x Azama

    Hard hitting bow/Samurai Mitama, but they don't offer each other much.   

    Selena x Subaki

    Well, Caeldori gets good pair-up bonuses and a strong DEF stat modifier, although Selena is inferior to other options out there otherwise.  Has some paralogue dialogue lines.  

    Nyx x Hayato

    Great pairing.  

    Charlotte x Xander

    Great pairing.  

    Sakura x Leo

    Great pairing.  

    Rinkah x Benny

    A max DEF mod pairing, so there is that.  Cool, I guess.  

    Beruka x Keaton

    Odd pairing, but hey, Savage Blow Grisly Wound Velouria.  

    Effie x Arthur

    Fairly common.  Its fine. 

    Elise x Odin

    A fine common pairing - its good in that Elise doesn't pair well with most others/most kids don't like Elise's stats but Ophelia does.  

    Peri x Laslow

    Soleil is going to be REALLY fragile, but a glass canon with surprisingly good RES.   But counterbalanced by low HP and DEF.   

    Mozu x Niles

    Its a good pairing for capturing (Certain Blow Capture Niles)

  13. Fates' skill learning system is more nuanced than Awakening's.   Thankfully, it cuts out a lot of the grinding - all the skills from a base class to the top skill of one of its promotions can be learned in the course of four levels if your level is sufficiently high [12, 13, 14, 15], etc.    Whereas you needed to grind out 15 levels to do that in Awakening.   

  14. Given Camilla's internal level being about 5 less than listed for the purpose of EXP gain, getting Camilla in particular to --/20 by the end of the game is quite realistic - its roughly equivalent to getting other characters to level 15 promoted. 


    You don't need anything special to return to Malig - you only need one of Beruka or Arthur to get Fighter.  


    The best way would just get Camilla married to Arthur OR friended to Beruka, get her switched into Berserker (idea timing would be at level 11 promoted to get its key skills learned at the earliest possible level, but don't worry too much) - you get Axefaire exactly on level 15 that way.  Then switch back to Malig Knight and learn Trample at level 16.   

  15. "I'm going to do a play through as male corrin and I don't want to marry a child or corrinsexual, but I also don't want to miss out on any children."


    Sorry, the parts "as male corrin and I don't want to marry a child or corrinsexual" and "I also don't want to miss out on any children" are mutually contradictory in the game mechanics.   


    You have to give on one or the other.  

  16. Corrin should be top and Hoshido Noble isn't a strong reason against this as he should never be hitting that class in the first place.


    Look, you just take your Mage talent, then you take the Early Heart Seal and go Dark Mage -> Dark Knight.   You get 1-2 range magic (notable Horse Spirit) and Dark Knight has superior defensive bases to Hohsido Noble and 8 move.  

  17. Cordelia is the favorite. 

    Actually S-ranked:  Cordelia and Miriel.  

    Cherche would take precedence over Miriel these days, but Cordelia became my S-rank of choice before Cherche's became a #2 for me, and Miriel was the S-rank the first play through before I even met Cordelia [Miriel did share a VA with a "waifu" from Persona 3, Mitsuru Kirijo].   

    General likes:   Cordelia, Cherche, Sumia, Tiki, Olivia, Lucina, and Miriel, not in a particular order except the first two.  

  18. I'm starting to wear out on it after going back and doing BR and CQ  again on Lunatic this time (originally on Hard), doing a no-grind Revelation Lunatic and a separate all-recruitment Revelation Lunatic with grinding, and a few Hard Revelation Lunatic all-recruits.   

    I guess its a feeling that I've basically done almost all that there is to do.   Well, technically speaking there are still the middle Heir of Fates maps to do [starting with the Great Wall one; I skipped ahead to the final map with Shigure's special song, so I have done that one] left to do.  


    As for the post options... I don't hate it, and I do have fond memories of the time played for it, and I'm not indifferent to it... I guess I'm reaching the point of "diminishing marginal utility" with respect to it.   The idea (from economics class) that in general, the more of something you consume, the less rewarding each individual addition unit of it beyond what you've already had becomes.   I enjoyed it, and got a lot of enjoyment out of it, but I've finally hit the realm of diminishing returns.  


    Actually went back to Awakening after a long hiatus.  I've been away from it for so long (due to Fates) that even though I've played it a huge number of times it felt fresh and new again after not playing it for like a year.  

  19. Hm... neither of them is a wife with Galeforce themselves....  


    I personally despise Nowi being a character in the game because I find the inclusion of "loci" characters distasteful, but I'll nonetheless concede that from a children standpoint strictly with regards to gameplay it would probably be better to marry her than Cherche, as it allows for Galeforce Nah, whereas Gerome (Cherche's son) can never get Galeforce. 


    As a character and from the standpoint of their character design, I'd say Cherche [what a babe!] easily any day of the week over Now (ugh), but gameplay, I think Now is your best bet of the two you listed.  

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