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Posts posted by astrophys

  1. Well, I have +Mag/-Lck Wyvern Rider (currently Hosh Noble) FAvatar married to Niles. Would you want me to reclass into Wyvern Lord/Malig Knight and see if it gives anything?

    Well, on the reddit thread, we have two +MAG/-LCK types already with different talents (Mage & Diviner) and both have +15 hit, +9 Crit, +5 Avoid. So if you did this test as a Wyvern Lord and got the same answer, this would give a good hint that talent indeed has no effect on it.

    So sure. It would be a good double check.

    Also on the reddit, we had a +SPD/DEF type that was +15 Hit, +6 Crit, +5 Avoid, +5 Evade.

  2. Copied and pasted from here, in attempt to solve a mystery about Fates' gameplay mechanics:


    Resources are out there for his growth rates, his mods, even his personal pair-up bonuses.

    But as far as I know, no such compilation is out there for the attack stance support bonuses in Hit, Avoid, Critical, and Evade. And I know that Serenes' postings cannot be the complete story here, as my Avatar gives different bonuses than they do. (On that note, Serenes also only shows the pattern of personal pair-up bonuses for Luck flaws at the currently time).

    Let's try to crack this mystery.

    What bonuses does your Avatar give to someone when they are standing next to to them, at what support ranks, and what is your boon/bane/talent.

    I have a +MAG/-LCK Dark Mage Male Avatar.

    He gives +15 Hit, +5 Avoid, and +9 Crit when standing next to his wife (S-rank). This contrasts with what Serenes thinks the answer is, which claims +15 Hit, +5 Avoid, +6 Crit, +5 Evade.

    If we build up a sufficiently large sample size of our boons/banes/talents and our attack stance bonuses, we can solve this mystery and figure out how it works.

    So post away so we can gather the data and figure out how it works.

  3. Marcella,

    If you're taking voice requests, would you be interested in doing a few lines (I wouldn't ask for the whole thing, as that would be far too much to ask) that strike your fancy from one of these transcripts?

    The first two are transcripts from the actual support conversations that Scarlet has with Corrin in the game. The first is Scarlet x Male Corrin, from C rank to S rank (marriage). You've already voiced her love confession from the end of the S rank support conversation, but perhaps you could add your voice as Scarlet to some of the other lines?

    Or alternatively, the second one is Scarlet & Female Corrin. Another possibility. EDIT: [Actually, since you are the VA of both Scarlet AND Female Corrin, you could even do either of the characters here]

    The third possibility isn't from the game itself, but is fan-made. Scarlet & Female Corrin cannot romance in Fates within the game mechanics… but a group of fans came up with a fan-made conversation for if they could. Perhaps some of the lines there might strike your fancy?




    Again, I wouldn't dare ask for all of them (that would be too much to ask), but perhaps you might like to do a few lines from one of them of your choice?

  4. I wouldn't worry about that one too much. Some people just can't accept any changes whatsoever when games get brought here from overseas, and get way too invested in putting everything about those games down.


    In any event, they (the person asking about 'cut content') were referring to stuff like the thing I asked you about, when I noted some of the differences between the Japanese version and the localized version. Such as the "petting" minigame not being present in the localized version. There were also a few costumes in the accessory shop that didn't make it over. That's what the person who asked about "cut content" was asking you.

    I haven't romanced Scarlet with my Avatar in the game, so I haven't experienced her romantic lines personally while playing the game, but I have heard some of her platonic friendship lines at the Private Quarters while building support ranks. I think you did her lines well.

  5. Sometimes given the various confession quotes and the dialogue in the private quarters (particularly the romantic dialogue), I've seen speculation on various forums on whether the voice actors found the dialogue they had to act out cheesy or awkward.

    I'd imagine it varies from voice actor to voice actor. How did you find doing Scarlet's romantic lines? (Of course, female Corrin does not have these voiced lines herself, being the player character to whom lines get said).

    Also, in the original Japanese version, the Private Quarters feature was significantly more extensive, in that there was a "skinship" mini game, where Corrin (Kamui in the Japanese version) would pet the faces of the various characters with his hand (represented in the mini game with the 3DS stylus) while the character in question would giggle, react to being stroked, moan, etc. This didn't make it into the final localized product, to mixed feelings from the audience (some found it awkward and didn't mind seeing it go, others were disappointed; I won't start a debate here whether that was a good or bad thing).

    But anyways, how would you have reacted if the feature HAD been in the localized version and they asked you to also do the stuff for this mini-game in Scarlet's voice as part of your acting as Scarlet? Just curious how you'd react to being asked to do such lines as part of the job.

    Example (this isn't for the character you acted, as I couldn't find an example quickly enough, but this shows what it was like in the Japanese version):

    EDIT: Oh, yes, shadowofchaos was right… I was forgetting that "Scarlet" was called "Crimson" in Japan. On that note, Marcella, which version (Japan's version or localized version) of your character's names do you prefer?

    Kamui vs. Corrin?

    Crimson vs. Scarlet?

  6. Good question! I'm not sure if my voice would be distracting or not. I would probably want to play female but is there an option of me romancing Scarlet? or only boys can do that? :P

    To answer your question, Scarlet can only be romanced by the male Corrins.

    There actually IS a same-sex marriage option for both the male and female Corrins, but its restricted to only one character per gender: female Corrin's only same-sex option is Rhajat (voiced by Stepanie Sheh).

  7. Hinoka x Subaki w/ Silas x Camilla.

    Hinoka x Subaki creates a Sky Knight family (Hinoka, Subaki, Caeldori).

    Silas x Camilla because the A-support reveals they once secretly crushed on each other in the past.

    Then A+ support Princess Caeldori of Hoshido (due to her parentage from Hinoka) with Princess Sophie of Nohr (due to her parentage from Camilla).

  8. Of the list, I've only ever married Cordelia (primary) and Miriel (once), but I like the theory crafting, and these are characters that I do like.

    But thanks for the opinion on the Cherche pairing.

    I notice that Cherche doesn't have a negative magic mod, so you could also conceivably do +MAG and get a +4 STR/+5 MAG combo, which seems it would fit in nicely with Ignis (although concentrated mods do give better damage than a random Ignis activation). But you know, something like a 44 Str/45 Magic Grandmaster, going up to 54/55 with Limit Breaker, 64/65 with Rallies, and 69/70 with tonics plus the generic +3 pair-up bonuses from 30 in a stat.

    EDIT: Also, thank you Hades for the response.

    I admit that with Cordy I've normally gone with +MAG or +SPD (+SPD overlaps; +MAG doesn't), despite Cordy's -MAG mod, just because magic in Awakening was so totally nuts (1-2 ranged Brave Tome, Celica's Gale or Waste, opposed to the 1-range locked swords/axes/lances or the 2 range locked bows). It would typically generate a +4 Mag/+5 Spd combination by doing so. with a -DEF flaw, +2 Str/+4 Mag/+5 Spd.

    EDIT: I notice that a +Spd/-(any flaw that doesn't hurt LCK) Tiki!Morgan would get a +5 LCK modifier, which would mean she would at capped (pre-limit breaker stats) naturally max arms thrift without pair-up or tonics or rallies. Kind of pointless, as those things do exist, and pair-up is generally optimal, although interesting for its novelty. Also, I suppose in a no-DLC context she would maintain perfect Armsthrift even from the back of a pair-up (where pair-up bonuses like +3 LCK, etc. don't apply).

  9. Haven't done Awakening in ages thanks to Fates, but purely hypothetically/theory-crafting speaking, what would be the best asset/flaw choices (as well as class choice for the Avatar) for supporting the following spouses in marriage:

    Robin x Cordelia

    Robin x Sumia

    Robin x Olivia

    Robin x Tiki

    Robin x Cherche

    Robin x Miriel

    Robin x Lucina

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