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Posts posted by astrophys

  1. Well, ignoring the DLC classes for a moment (so that the advice can apply to everyone who has the game, regardless of whether they bought the DLC or not), Cordelia does tend to have better access to magical husbands:

    Sumia gets Henry, Trickster Gaius, and the male Avatar. Cordelia gets all of those options, PLUS Ricken and Libra.

    There's also the tendency for Sumia to often be given to Chrom….

    So in practice, Sumia often ends up with a physical husband (same with Frederick here) so that holds back her magical potential. Cordelia tends to have more freedom of choice…. you're planning to put her with Stahl, but with Henry/Ricken/Libra/Avatar etc. she can get a solid magical boost….

    Actually, Tomefaire Dark Flier Sumia with generic +3 pair-up (Chrom/Frederick don't tend to give more for magic) reaches 42 + 5 + 3 = 50 magic.

    Cordelia with a Sage also reaches 50 magic; 41 + 9 = 50.

    So with a Sage partner (something that Sumia doesn't get outside the Avatar, but Ricken/Libra can do for Cordelia), Cordelia will end up tying with Sumia in magic when Sumia is stuck with her more typically physical partners.

    It does go more favorably to Sumia if she actually marries Henry, but I don't think that happens too often….

  2. There's also this on reddit:


    I dont think thats right. In sereneforeset, it mentions that 24,666 blocks is roughly the size of Fire emblem IF. But then it mention that only 12,239 blocks are used where the other half splits between the two versions signifying 24,666 is actually the size of both versions. The size of the U.S Fire Emblem Birthright is 1634mb or ~12,765 blocks. Which would then mean both versions of the U.S should be ~25,531 blocks .The U.S is actually larger.

    I don't know enough for myself to know if its right or not…

  3. seal10.jpg8UZsho0J.jpg

    FE:F = Fire Emblem: Fish

    But seriously if they actually have removed skinship, what is in the realm of possibility for a possible replacement? Just a gallery?

    Maybe I should just save myself the pronunciation trouble and nickname her "Dory" then…. works doubly well if I go with Oboro!Dory because of the blue hair color and the other Dory in the spoiler tagged quote…

  4. My best guess, and this is just speculation (assuming its actually removed and then actually replaced, which it might not) is along these lines:

    --- Invite someone to your room with a menu and they enter just like in skinship.

    --- We see their character model


    --- Now, after skinship they would generally say some lines of dialogue. My plan is to just skip over the petting phase and immediately get them talking, like a short conversation with you, or even just a line or two.

    ---- Your relationship has increased!

  5. Pretty sure Caeldori is pronounced kyle-dori. Cael in latin means sky/heaven/air, dori just sounds kinda Japanese I guess. Fits better than Rhajat, but there wasn't much hope with that one.

    Its "caelum" that means sky/heaven/air in Latin, although you are correct at least in that "cael-" is the root of the word, which would then be declined according to the declensions to denote what its function in the sentence was.

  6. Grad School, BUT I've finished all my classes and just have research - my schedule is flexible and I have no specific hours of when I'm supposed to be in or out of the office; as long as I get work done, they don't care if I step out of the office or show up later one day… there IS historically a stars & planets discussion group on Fridays, but its at 11 AM… EB Games opens at 10 AM….

    So I'll just go to EB Games on that day at 10, quickly test to see if everything is working, and head to the stars & planets group.

  7. Firstly, I don't exactly trust Kotaku. Now, if someone posts a stream of a reviewer copy and shows what's actually available inside MyRoom, or after the game comes out, or if Nintendo releases a press statement in advance, then that would be far more compelling evidence.

    Secondly, I kind of feel indifferent to the whole thing. My only hope is that seeing that a decent amount of VA work was associated with the MyCastle that they figured out some other way to use the VAs, assuming skinship was even removed in the first place.

  8. Kanna doesn't seem like a particularly impressive unit this time around… but what do you think are the best pairings (1st gen for 2nd gen Kanna or 2nd gen for 3rd gen Kanna) for making Kanna turn out as well as reasonably possible in a no-grind run?

    Kanna's clearly no Morgan, but perhaps some combinations turn out better than others?

  9. Falcon!Sakura, Basara!Tsubaki,Magic Matoi, and Basara!Hinoka.

    Basara does have +1 more magic than Falcon Warrior [in bases, 5 vs. 4] so there is that, but do you want to go for the +1 magic on Basara or the +2 movement and flight on Falcon Warrior? Is there another key reason why you advise Tsubaki/Hinoka as Basaras?

    For magic Matoi, whom would you recommend as her parent? Sakura (50% parental magic, 40% parental Spd, 30% parent Str), the more magic but slower and physically weaker Orochi (65% parental magic, 15% parental Spd, 5% parental Strength)? Orochi also starts with combat abilities and might pair-up more readily, but Sakura has a fast support with Tsubaki…. Or would you use a different parent?

  10. I don't know about the growths rounding up or down… the whole 2.5% growths are just resulting from inference from taking a bunch of child sealing videos and comparing the results of the video against the expected averages of various growth inheritance rules [such as the Awakening ruling vs. average of mother and child's default, etc] and seeing which rules most closely adhere to the data [both from "eyeballing" it and from least-squares analysis.

    So (as far as I'm aware), its not explicitly proven (unless some resource/source has come out since then that explicitly tells us it), but this seems to be the most probable conclusion from the mathematical analysis: its average of the mother [variable parent] and the child's default.

    But yes, Hinoka gives Matoi Lance Fighter just like Oboro does. The rules, remember are:

    1. The child has a default class tree (for Matoi, this is Pegasus Warrior).

    2. They receive one class tree from their father

    2a. If they don't already have it, they get his primary (starting) class tree. [Matoi already has Tsubaki's primary, Pegasus, so skip to 2b.]

    2b. If they already have it, they get his secondary (alternate) class tree instead. [so Matoi get's Tsubaki's Samurai secondary]

    3. They receive one class tree from their mother:

    3a. If they don't already have it, they get her primary (starting) class tree unless its not inheritable. [Matoi already has Hinoka's primary, Pegasus, so skip to 3b.]

    3b. If they already have it, or if their mother's primary class is not inheritable, they get her secondary (alternate) class tree instead. [so Matoi get's Hinoka's lance fighter secondary]

    4. If they already have that, they get a counterpart class to the mother's primary class instead, typically from the opposite nation [for example Spellcaster and Dark Mage are alternates to each other, so in the case of Nyx!Eponine Nyx actually passes Spellcaster to Eponine]
    5. If they already have that, then they get a counterpart class to the mother's secondary class instead. [For example, this happens for Jakob!Shigure: He starts as a Pegasus Warrior, Jakob gives him Troubadour, Azura's Singer is uninhabitable, she cannot give her Pegasus secondary because Shigure already has it, she tries passing Troubadour as a counterpart class to Singer but Shigure already has that, so she finally passes down a counterpart class to Pegasus Warrior and gives Shigure Wyvern Rider instead.]
    Marriage seals also work the same way.
    The result is that Hinoka x Tsubaki results in three units with identical class sets (although which one is their "secondary" differs): Pegasus, Samurai, and Lance Fighter.
  11. I suppose whether you go for the philosophy of "play to their strengths" or "patch up their weaknesses".

    Matoi has default personal growths of:

    55% HP (tied with her father)

    35% Str (5% more than her father)

    15% Mag (5% less than her father)

    40% Skl (10% less than her father)

    40% Spd (20% more than her father)

    45% Lck (20% more than her father)

    35% Def (10% less than her father)

    20% Res (15% more than her father)

    TOTAL: 285% (35% more than her father)

    Now, yes, you could stick her with Rinkah's 25% HP growth, which if my ideas are correct would yield a Matoi with 40% personal HP growth.

    But you could also give her a mother with higher HP (like Hinoka, ignoring for a moment that Tsubaki x Hinoka's pair-up synergy isn't ideal) and you could end up with something like 50% personal HP growth, keeping it fairly high still. 50% = (55%+45%)/2

    Actually, although given pair-up bonuses and not wanting to concentrate fliers together Hinoka!Matoi probably isn't that good of an idea, if you DID do it you'd end up with a unit with comparable growths to Hinoka herself, and only 10% less total growths (mostly attributable to RES).

    Hinoka's Stat vs. Hinoka!Matoi's Stats; (Hinoka - Hinoka!Matoi) difference

    HP: 45% vs. 50%; -5%

    Str: 45% vs. 40%; +5%

    Mag: 15% vs. 15%; 0%

    Skl: 40% vs. 40%; 0%

    Spd: 45% vs. 42.5%; +2.5%

    Lck: 40% vs. 42.5%; -2.5%

    Def: 35% vs. 35%; 0%

    Res: 40% vs. 30%; +10%

    Total: 305% vs. 295%; +10%

    Their growths are almost identical, just 5% trades in HP/STR, 2.5% trades in Spd/Lck, and Hinoka's only large growth rate advantage being 10% in RES.

  12. How come Rinkah!Matoi has such a poor defence score? I got her as early as I could and she's not impressing me with anything other than the Swordslayer she brought (which anybody else could use).

    Class bases…. also, Rinkah!Matoi has lower DEF growth than does Tsubaki, and Rinkah is in a high DEF growth class by default….

    Rinkah!Matoi might have a +6 DEF mod, but she's not actually REACHING that during the main game….

    EDIT: Rinkah also notably cuts into her HP growth and STR growth….

    Rinkah is a good pair-up for Tsubaki but a weak mother for Matoi….

  13. Although I have a general sense of it, to clarify, which children do you think are clearly better than their fixed parents, which do you think are clearly worse, and which are about the same?

    For example, I'd guess that Matoi is clearly better than Tsubaki, and I might guess that Lutz is better than Arthur, but I might imagine that Deere is clearly worse than Jakob [Jakob's personal skill might be really helpful to the Avatar, for example].

    What do you think in general on this subject?

  14. Felicia or Nyx. Doesn't really matter if your doing it just for Horse God. Sooner he gets paired off the sooner you can give the deployment slot to someone else. Unless you are looking for long term pair up fodder or using Odin himself as a main unit.

    Well, to be honest, I also kind of want Ophelia on the Nohr playthrough to then pair her up with the Avatar. But I have little desire to use Odin himself except as a vehicle for getting Horse God and Ophelia….

  15. Let's see… I've posted in other topics, but I'm still trying to figure this out….

    Like the topic creator, I want to do Birthright on Hard/Lunatic (maybe Hard first time, Lunatic subsequently) and I want to end with a full team of 16 for the final missions. Given how deployment slots and recruitments progress, this probably means children or late game pre-promotes will fill in some of the later slots.

    I'm assuming no-grind, no skill buying or DLC grinding.

    Now, in this post, I'm going to try to reason out my team, step by step, so this is going to be somewhat of a "stream of consciousness" approach to writing in which I write down my thoughts as I try reasoning it out… if you wouldn't mind, if you could evaluate my thought processes and see if you think my conclusions are sound, that would be helpful.

    I'll put the rest in spoiler tags to avoid taking up too much space on the page:

    I want to try as many of the royals (Male Kamui/Corrin, Azura, Ryoma, Hinoka, Takumi, Sakura) as reasonably possible… I hear that supposedly most of them are good units, with perhaps Sakura as an exception (low starting staff rank compared to other options). So that accounts for 6/16 of my units right there (5/16 if I don't use Sakura).

    I want to run Kaze to ensure I get an A-rank with him early on. I suppose at that point I might as well keep him around, as he'll presumably have received training.

    I don't particularly like Felicia, but the "first servant" that you get is suppose to be a really good unit, and it does make sense that she'd stick around with Kamui, so I'll probably run her.

    Silas seems to be a good unit and he has his friendship with the Avatar…. he seems like a good choice for the team.

    I want to get Matoi as the top priority among the children (purely personal S-rank preference), so this necessitates running Tsubaki (at least early on, but maybe I might want to keep him around thereafter). So Matoi and Tsubaki are two more slots.

    At this point I have 11 slots accounted for and 5 slots left. How do you suppose I should fill them in?

    1. Male Corrin

    2. Azura

    3. Ryoma

    4. Hinoka

    5. Takumi

    6. Sakura

    7. Felicia

    8. Silas

    9. Kaze

    10. Tsubaki

    11. Matoi

    So, for males we have:

    1. Male Corrin

    2. Ryoma

    3. Takumi

    4. Silas

    5. Kaze

    6. Tsubaki

    For females, we have:

    1. Azura

    2. Hinoka

    3. Sakura

    4. Felicia

    5. Matoi (2nd Gen)

    I'm guessing I should probably fill in another one or two 1st gen females for pairing considerations… do you agree? Then that would be something like 4 more slots for pre-promotes and children (one child already accounted for here).

    Let's see…. I think that these ones can be pretty clear…. in order to avoid incest of any form, legal or blood, I'll assume that Matoi (marrying Kamui) is not the daughter of Azura, Sakura, or Hinoka. This probably works out anyways because Azura probably isn't staying close enough to Tsubaki with her dancing (great movement differences, Tsubaki doesn't get much STR from her), Sakura probably is in staff support, and Hinoka probably pairs better (gameplay wise) with Sials anyways.

    1./2. +MAG/-LCK Dark Knight male Corrin x _____!Matoi (unlocks ______!Matoi!Kanna)

    3./4. Silas x Hinoka (unlocks Hinoka!Sophie)

    5./6. Tsbauki x ______ (unlocks ______!Matoi)

    Now, I'm not entirely sure what to do about the Ryoma, Tsubaki, and Kaze pairings…..

    Ryoma x _____

    Tsubaki x _____

    Kaze x _____

    Ryoma would prefer a physical fighter who gives STR or DEF, I'd imagine, and they are likely to end up as a hard support next to him, I'd guess… so that could dictate someone like Oboro or Rinkah….. Tsubaki and Kaze would also like characters like these….. maybe something like Tsubaki x Oboro and Kaze x Rinkah, for example…

    Of course, there is another option if I go with Crimson, who joins at around the same time as Ryoma and conveniently starts less leveled than him (--/4 Ryoma vs. --/1 Crimson). She's also "free" in the standpoint that I don't need to get her trained previously in order to use her… she cannot get support ranks, but +3 Str/+3 Def/+1 Move is pretty good… of course, might not actually be using her as a pair-up bot (she seems too good just for that), but if they need a Guard Stance they'd go well together… Crimson at least at first should triggering Ryoma's way of the Samurai, so in Guard Stance she'd cause him to have +10 critical, +3 Str & +2 damage (functionally +5 damage in most cases), +3 DEF & 2 damage (functionally similar to +5 DEF and +2 Res) and +1 Move when we combine the Wyvern Lord bonuses and the Personal Skill. And then Ryoma would give her lots of speed, although looking at it Crimson seems to have really high SPD growth already.. checking the numbers, +5 SPD from Samurai would give base Crimson 24 SPD (19+5), which the same as base unpaired Ryoma….

    Alternatively, Ryoma and Takumi actually have a synergy if you can keep Ryoma higher leveled… they would activate each other's personal skills… and they do give some of the stats that each other wants…. they could just go together in an A-support. Although Takumi has other options….

    Kaze and Rinkah have similar join times….. (both in the prologue)… If Tsubaki went with Oboro, he'd have to wait two chapters (7, 8) to get his future pair-up partner. Although given the importance of getting Avatar + Kaze A-rank early in the game, I imagine that at some points early on the Avatar will be pairing up with Kaze instead of Rinkah to build that support, so I suppose Rinkah could be temporarily shifted over to Tsubaki while the Avatar finishes A-ranking Kaze and while Tsubaki waits for Oboro… assuming I go with these, that is…. the Avatar's STR+2 from Nohr Prince combined with Mysterious Appeal after C-rank would give a +4 damage boost, similar to what Rinkah does for Kaze…

    So maybe I could go with this configuration… assuming I took Crimson, Oboro, and Rinkah, I have 3 more characters on the list now, so 14/16 slots filled…

    1./2. Corrin x Oboro!Matoi

    3./4. Silas x Hinoka

    5./6. Tsubaki x Oboro

    7./8. Kaze x Rinkah

    9./10. Ryoma + Crimson (not married)

    11. Takumi

    12. Azura

    13. Sakura

    14. Felicia

    15. ______

    16. ______

    15./16 should probably be reseverd for children or pre-promotes… or staffers, I guess…

    So that leaves me with one more male to consider a pairing for: Takumi….

    Takumi x Azura or Takumi x Felicia (as he cannot marry Sakura)…

    Now, Azura might have trouble with establishing pairings, as she's dancing, and she'd probably need to build pairing through attack stance, or otherwise intentionally sacrificed dancing potential…. Maybe she might have a better chance of attack stancing with Takumi, as his range allows him to engage at two range and have Azura at 1/3 range from the enemy take part as his Attack stancer, or Azura at 1 (less likely,given her fragility) triggering Takumi's dual at 2. Also, if they married, their seals would allow for GKW promotions on Takumi/Kisaragi/Shigure to learn both Swallow Strike and Prescient Victory in a common promotion. So that makes sense….

    So in that case, I'd have:

    1./2. Corrin x Oboro!Matoi ---> Unlocks Oboro!Matoi!Kanna

    3./4. Silas x Hinoka ---> Unlocks Hinoka!Sophie

    5./6. Tsubaki x Oboro ---> Unlocks Oboro!Matoi (see above @ #2)

    7./8. Kaze x Rinkah ---> Unlocks Rinkah!Midoriko

    9./10. Ryoma + Crimson (not married)

    11./12. Takumi x Azura ---> Unlocks Takumi!Shigure and Azura!Kisaragi

    13. Sakura (left unmarried; pure support)

    14. Felicia (left unmarried; pure support)

    15. ______

    16. ______

    So, two remaining slots, in some combination of a staffer (like Jakob), a pre-promote, or one of the other kids not currently used (Kanna, Sophie, Midoriko, Shigure, Kisaragi).

    I could go with something with Kanna (pure favoritism in including the Avatar's family), or perhaps another staffer w/Jakob?

    Of these kids, I'd imagine that Sophie would turn out pretty well, and having another Cavalier might be nice…. Takumi has bows covered pretty well, and Hinoka/Tsubaki/Matoi/Crimson being on the team would already give us lot of flier coverage, so Shigure might be redundant… this would also work out just in case I don't actually end up succeeding in getting Takumi paired up (or if he ends up with someone like Felicia instead purely because of her +SPD pair-up)… Midoriko doesn't seem that impressive to me…

    Now that I think of it, although not as well as a Bulter, Kanna could function as a staff unit: she DOES have staves as a White Blood and if I child seal her she should start with some free weapon ranks…

    So maybe the final list is:

    1./2. Corrin x Oboro!Matoi ---> Unlocks Oboro!Matoi!Kanna

    3./4. Silas x Hinoka ---> Unlocks Hinoka!Sophie

    5./6. Tsubaki x Oboro ---> Unlocks Oboro!Matoi (see above @ #2)

    7./8. Kaze x Rinkah ---> Unlocks Rinkah!Midoriko

    9./10. Ryoma + Crimson (not married)

    11./12. Takumi x Azura ---> Unlocks Takumi!Shigure and Azura!Kisaragi [if not feasible, not too big of a problem, as their kids aren't in my team plan]

    13. Sakura (left unmarried; pure support)

    14. Felicia (probably left unmarried; pure support; but she could be a fallback marriage option for Takumi)

    15. Oboro!Matoi!Kanna

    16. Hinoka!Sophie

    What do you think of this list? Does it make sense? Any changes you'd make?

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