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Posts posted by astrophys

  1. I think Oboro's magic growth makes Falcon Knight all the more desirable through marriage with Subaki...

    Yeah, I think this is a good point…

    Oboro has a 20% magic growth, which isn't a great growth by dedicated mage standards. However, it is a decent magic growth for a mainly physical unit, as it might let her abuse a shockstick pretty nicely.

    Her Basara gets a 10% class magic growth too, as does Falcon Knight. Basara actually has a higher base magic (5 vs. 4) than Falcon Knight, but the Falcon Knight does get more movement range and is faster….

  2. Oh, its interesting to hear these commentary on Dark Mage/Dark Knight, as I was planning to run that in Hoshido… you're finding good success with it in Nohr as well, I gather from your above comments….

    My biggest concern about Dark Mage/Dark Knight was its speed in a route where we don't have Yato's +SPD bonus (+2 and later +4) helping it out…. your experience shows that its still working really well despite this?

    I just really like using sword + tome classes, and Grandmaster won't be available at launch anyways, so Dark Knight is the remaining sword + tome class… if it turns out to be a top pick, that would be exciting….

    What parts of Dark Knight are you finding the most beneficial to give it such an edge over the other classes like Cavalier? Would you take it as a Secondary, or would you buddy/marry for Dark Mage instead?

    Just wondering….

  3. Yeah, the "hyperbolic time chamber", or rather, the Deeprealms, is a stupid contrivance, but I'm interested enough in the mechanical/gameplay aspects of tinkering around with the kids, builds, pairings for stats/skills/classes/etc. that I'm willing to look past just how stupid it really is….

    But yeah, next time they have kids, they need a major (roughly 20 year) timeskip, or they should just not have kids in the first place…

  4. I'm basically going to go with a talent/boon/bane & marriage partner based on personal preference, but how does a Dark Knight + Falcon Warrior pairing work in terms of good/bad.

    Here, the characters themselves don't really want each other's classes [ranks don't match up], but they do offer some interesting pair-up bonuses for each other (+MAG for Shocksticking Falcon Warrior and +DEF to shore up thier bulk; Falcon gives +SPD to help overcome the Dark Knight's speed weaknesses).

    Something like +MAG/-LCK Dark Knight Avatar x Caeldori Falcon Warrior…. how well does this stack up?

    Sword/tome avatar doesn't want lance using Falcon Warrior himself, but likes getting the +SPD/+RES/+Move bonus from them.

    Lance/staff Caeldori Falcon Warrior doesn't want sword/tome Dark Knight herself, but likes +MAG for shockstick, likes +DEF for bulk to compensate for Pegasus, and likes +MOV.

    Kanna can get an inheritance of Heartseeker (Bind) or Devilsh Wind from her father; Caeldori, her mother, can pass down Darting Blow (Swallow Strike)….

    How good or bad is this?

  5. I have problem with DK that he's slow

    Quite true, one of the notable weaknesses of the class, although Hoshido does give you things to work around this:

    Yato in Hoshido after a certain mid-game chapter starts giving you +2 Str and +2 Spd just for having it in your inventory, even if not equipped. Around the endgame, this bonus becomes +4 Str and +4 Spd. You also get the standard Katana bonuses and penalties for equipping it, +1 Spd, -1 Def, -1 Res.

    So Yato alone can give you an extra +5 Spd when equipped (4+1) and +4 when not equipped in Hoshido's endgame, +3 speed when equipped and +2 Spd when not equipped after a certain mid game point.

    Horse God, a spell, is also worth +3 Skill, Speed, Defense, and Resistance.

    So there are a bunch of tools out there that can boost speed…

  6. Birthright Caeldori,

    Conquest Ophelia,

    & Revelation Caeldori


    +MAG/-LCK Avatar who is…

    … likely a Dark Mage --> Dark Knight on Birthright

    … likely either a Levin Sword Cavalier or Levin Sword Trueblade on Conquest [or maybe a Spellcaster secondary]

    … likely a Dark Mage --> Dark Knight or a Dark Blood on Revelation

    I am of course familiar with standard pairing suggestions for character like Caeldori, such as Oboro!Caeldori being a highly praised example for general purposes.

    But if I'm specifically marrying her to a +MAG/-LCK Dark Knight Avatar in Birthright, should I be going with a less commonly recommended mother? For example, should I perhaps be making her some variant like Sakura!Matoi? Or should I still go with someone like Oboro!Matoi? Or yet another option entirely?

    I presume that she's probably not going to have enough time to both marry and A+ buddy, although perhaps I'm wrong. Although if I did postgame after such a no-grind route [dropping the no-grind stipulation after beating the game], would Rajhat be her best buddy choice (for Tomefaire et al.), or would something like Sophie and her Open Assault + Luna + Diamond Shield access be better? Mitama also give magical bonuses?

    Dark Knights give pair-ups of +3 MAG, +3 DEF, and +1 Move, and +MAG Avatar's also give +1 Mag, +2 SPD, +1 Def, and +1 Res at S-rank, so a total bonus of +4 Mag, +2 Spd, +4 Def, +1 Res, and +1 Move, as well as the Supportive personal skill when in attack or Guard Stance.

    For Ophelia, I'm guessing that Elise!Ophelia would be a no-brainer. Are there any better options I should be considering if I'm planning to go with her for my Avatar in Conquest? Should I go with a Spellcaster Avatar so that Ophelia can pick that up in Partner Sealing (I'd also pick up Dark Mage from her). Or should I not worry about Partner Seal classes and just go with something like Swordfaire Levin Sword Swordmaster or Elbow Room Levin Sword Cavalier.

    Both Swordmaster and Spellcaster would give speed bonuses to Ophelia (+5 and +4 respectively)…. then there's also the personal bonuses. Dark Blood also gives some speed, although not nearly as much. Swordmaster gives no magic, while Spellcaster does give magic. Swordmaster and Cavalier can both use Yato still while having Levin Sword access, but they don't help out Ophelia's magic.

    Your thoughts?

    Any thoughts for Revelation Caeldori? Same suggestions for Birthright, or would any of her pairings suggest that I should do things differently, or reconsider my secondary class?

    Thanks for any advice.

  7. Sophie already have Mercenary class from Silas secondary class...

    To my understanding, Selena!Sophie ends up with: Cavalier [default], Mercenary [from Silas], Sky Knight [from Selena's secondary, as Sophie already got Selena's primary Mercenary from Silas].

    Sounds like it could be a fairly nice set…

    Plus we get the clumsy character on a Pegasus to homage Sumia and Cynthia…

  8. Midoriko in Birthright only opens up after Ch. 15 under certain conditions

    Avatar has an A-rank with Kaze before that point so he doesn't die



    For 3b, don't you mean add the secondary?

    I don't think Felicia gives Matoi/Caeldori a result of 6 skill….

    Actually, a lot of the figures are wrong…

    For example, hinoka gives her +1 STR/+0 MAG/+2 SKL/+0 SPD/+0 LCK/+3 Def/+2 Res

  9. Am I the only that prefers this English version of skinship? >.>

    It's like, inviting someone to chat and then your relationship builds. Seems logical and grounded, really.

    (Although, I think the best of all worlds would have been "unlocking" touching once married - because married people touch - but I think Nintendo wanted a less dating-sim mechanic for Western audiences)

    I could get on board with this.

  10. That's great news to hear… hopefully you can eventually get it confirmed….

    I guess the next step, assuming you're capable of doing it in the Rom-hacking that you're doing, would be to see if we can change the parental or children growth rates to something absurd (like 100% in each of the stats, or 0% in each of the stats) to isolate the effects of each parent more significantly….

    Perhaps give the children 0% growths and then adjust the mother's growths, then the father's growths….

  11. What I've asked; Now we'll see if we get a response.

    This question is actually an inquiry about Fire Emblem Fates, but your drop-down menus didn't allow a clear option for that.

    Anyways, I've heard about the removal of skinship/petting in Fire Emblem Fates. And actually, I'm kind of okay with that, regarding the petting itself that is.
    But what I was actually worried about the most was the art and voice assets. Alongside the petting, the mini game made use of a lot of detailed character models/art (only seen in confessions otherwise, once per game and only for one character) and had a lot of voice acting associated with it.
    Although skinship has been removed, has the character art and voice acting been retained, even if used in a new context? What happens in the Private Quarters now instead of the original petting? Are the detailed character models still used here, even if in a new way?
    Many people seem anxious to know about this… any information you could provide would ease our nerves and let us at least know.
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