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Everything posted by Yuki

  1. Ironically this is what he tried in chronophantasma
  2. Ironically no it was jin kisaragi doing let it go
  3. i actually made a parody image of that once but i lost it
  4. The bards will write songs of me ice palace technically My standing as Ice Prince is unrelated to my waifus
  5. It's like an army Living in my ice palace waiting waiting to take over the world Hehehehahaha HAHAHAHAHAHAHA HYAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!
  6. my (sort of) sister barely touches forums anymore but her last avatar... ...yeah
  7. i'll train to be a perfect politician just to get it in
  8. by putting it on the big living room tv it's true
  9. tfw my dad is trolling my mom with a horse bestiality video
  10. So, I haven't gone in depth into Zestiria, but apparantly it's a really bad game. Anyone able to explain that to me?
  11. EDIT: Woops Wrong forum alltogheter Welp g'morning
  12. hi shin :< no u More like talking about Yuki the moment he turns his head i'm popular
  13. I just tried TERA And now I know where this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnzafqZqFf0 comes from
  14. Time To Make History Snowflakes Your Affection Best Friends UPLOAD SPREE I TOTALLY DIDN'T STOP PAYING ATTENTION
  15. Heavy storms here. The house just shook with that thunderstrike and lightning hit close by, estimated about 600 meters away.
  16. Shock are you coming on to me you've been talking a lot about me while i'm asleep
  17. I only keep the best close to me, so you can have em
  18. I control all waifu's it is my burden to carry I'm doing you all a favor
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