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Everything posted by Yuki

  1. Yuki


    Thanks! I don't plan on leaving anytime soon =D
  2. Yuki


    Thanks, I will! =D
  3. Oh... ;w; Well, there's still plenty of games to choose from.
  4. You don't have Fire Emblem: Awakening master race yet, though! Rhythm Thief and the Phoenix Wright game (and soon the collection) are actually pretty good too.
  5. Glad you like it xD I can only change shortcuts sadly, and the recycle bin has to always be on my desktop, so making a shortcut just for an icon change while the actual program is on the screen too seemed kinda redundant ^^; Thanks =D, and same here, alongside Lucina Firefox, Google Chrom and Owain.NET.
  6. Yuki


    Haha, all the results of my utter boredom, no divine intervention here, I'm afraid. xD Thanks anyhow. I've been planning to watch School Days but I actually never got around to it. I should note it on my Plan To Watch list after I finish all the stuff I already have on the backburner. ^^; My fav is Geass myself, I love anime that screws with my mind.
  7. Yuki


    Thanks! Now I feel all fancy, lol
  8. Yuki


    I'm the new guy. You can just call me Yuki, since TheYukianesa is sort of long winded, lol. I don't know any people here afaik, but I love me some Fire Emblem. I'm usually more of a lurker than a poster but I'll probably post something here and there. I like making stuff pretty like my signature, About Me or desktop and I'm a big BlazBlue fan. Hopefully I'll be able to fit in alright. =D
  9. Newbie from West-Flanders in Belgium here. If you wanna find my town on the map, look for Bredene.
  10. Spent 4 hours on this thing because I'm sick and have nothing better to do. If you want the .ico files I used, shoot me a PM.
  11. Same, I end up being far too reckless, forget about the possibilities (or trust the RNG too much) and get punished for it often at higher difficulties. I think it's mostly just experience tho'. Maybe taking things slower or slowly climbing the difficulty ladder might make one be more cautious.
  12. Time to lurk like a man

    1. Aryabug


      A man should go to IPC with us as well (bear)

    2. Yuki



      On the way

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