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Everything posted by Yuki

  1. There's going to be an event soon where you can literally just get EMIYA or any other 4* for free once lol Thanks fam, accepting it once I finish these dragons
  2. ID: 052,549,303 (notify me or something if you add me sinceI tend to throw out a lot of invites) On a quest for Jeannes
  3. Not dead. Merely trying to get a new PC.

  4. I've yet to notice a speed difference. You need to format through the Wii U to use them though, probably some sort of anti-homebrew thing. You'd need to format again to use it for other devices. I've never needed a Y-cable for a USB on the Wii U... or well... anything that supports USB, I'm not sure where you got that from
  5. I have a USB plugged in the back of my Wii U, which is where all of my Smash stuff is on primarily. I have a 32 gig USB for personal use so worst case scenario I use that.
  6. My dad keeps nagging at me to get a job. I only finished school a month ago you think this is easy
  7. Couldn't complain sadly, they're in their right, but that shouldn't stop them from having some decency. Atleast it ended at 10 am but my sleep was ruined. best girl is like a fine wine you gotta savor it slowly
  8. I want my dead old neighbour back. She didn't have fucking drills that sound like MP44's going off, drills on the other side of my room wall with a sound that even my SteelSeries 'phones can't block out and didn't cause the house the shake all the goddamn time. AT 7 IN THE MORNING. If I don't get any fucking sleep soon I'm gonna go fucking ballistic. You do not fuck with me in the morning.
  9. It's daijoubu I'm the hottest guy
  10. Today I found out that I'm the king of douchebags in monopoly. Stopping people from buying out colours, raising rent when they're nearing my locations and straight out cheating numbers when exchanging the cash itself, as in for example giving 20 when I had to give 30 and not saying a word. So basically just playing monopoly.
  11. Rest in peace you beautiful memelord
  12. Got Skype, only works for one to one chats, group chats make it lag as all hell
  13. Desktop. Gonna use my tablet and parents' laptops till I buy a new one.
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtGQvjaaOf0 Subtitled it for viewing pleasure
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tymL9wjZT9o Hypehypehypehype
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvPNNSiGQbo The most beautiful thing
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7lAE7gAaGE
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