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Everything posted by Yuki

  1. "INTJ – Every time you open your mouth to say something intelligent, something entirely idiotic comes out instead." ...Yeahhh... It's why I prefer to be an observer... Though "hell" is kind of over it.
  2. What, you think so? I think it's pretty easy, real talk.
  3. Roy has a OHK move on any fighter lighter than Link
  4. It's command code. It's like... Do you type [*spoiler]Text or [*spoiler] Text Both ways work and which one you do is a manner of preference. Same.
  5. i wonder how many people will get this
  6. Pretty okay, nothing really new happening. Have to sign up at the VDAB (Flemish Service for Placement) and RVA (National Service for Placement) tommorow, and I'm a little nervous.
  7. cappuccino and hot apple pie mmmm....
  8. I guess so A lot of places I check say I need to think about what exactly I feel like I'm missing. I'm not exactly sure what it is... Am I just stuck in time? Am I lonely? Who knows... Nonetheless, I appreciate the concern. Thanks.
  9. Ugh, I'm having my moodswings again. It's why I don't like to be bored or without a game to play/work to do for a long time, I start thinking. And when I start thinking, my logical mindset about life kicks in (it has nothing to do with SF really tho) [spoiler=If anyone wants to listen to me vent my sappy thoughts] and said mindset hits me like a fucking high speed train because I start becoming really depressive. Everything is just so boring, empty. I feel like life is useless yet I have to keep pushing on just to die old and for what? I'm a callous, self-centered guy who puts logic forward way more often than feelings, I doubt I'll ever get married, or atleast to someone I also like, or have children. Even if I find work, what then? Work, come home and play videogames and once every so often cosplay? I'm so egocentric that I'm too stubborn to change my lifestyle yet I only feel depressed because of it. I just constantly feel needlessly attacked by the world around me and yet despite my mind rejecting it, I want more. As if I want some sort of spice that can change the way I percieve things or live my life forever, but can't find one. I feel like there's a giant hole in my chest, and nothing seems to fit in place. Then all spirals down into self-loathing. I let my emotions get the better of me and start despising myself for it. And from my egocentric view, this self-loathing turns into some sort of hatred, some sort of jealousy that I feel towards everything and everyone. This then turns into guilt. Guilt for the many times I feel like I let people down. Sigh Well I suppose I got that out of my system... Sort of. Eh, I suppose I'll hopefully be back to normal in a few hours. D
  10. http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=133790 An artist named Bazu apparantly
  11. >The Prince & the Pussy is this a show about me yep looks like it
  12. often changing themes reminds you of a horror game?
  13. They might. Even so if you're fighting Amiibo's you're prolly doing Customs.
  14. They do technically. They have a much faster reaction time and can dodge anything you throw at them frame perfectly. The only times they don't is calculated by the RNG.
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