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Wayward Alchemist

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Everything posted by Wayward Alchemist

  1. Guys, I got leekz. Want 'em? Pretty serious spoilers.
  2. You know we are weird if anime characters are making us question our sexuality.
  3. You know your siblings are hot when you are straight but you would bang your older brother.
  4. Hype levels off the charts, that's what!
  5. Firstly, Joker appears on the Hoshido box art, and secondly, why would they reveal all of the characters before the game's release?
  6. Do you think that, since there are three kinds of shapeshifters, Half Life 3 is confirmed that there is a Weapon Triangle there, too? Like, Bambi>Kitsune>Garu>Bambi?
  7. Lol yeah, that's why, as much as I love Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure and Star Trek, I hate the misconceptions they have about time travel.
  8. There are soooo many stave users in Hoshido, though. Sakura, Asama, Mikoto if she can indeed be recruited, Felicia, Joker, Orochi, Little Spellcaster Kid (who's name I don't know), Hinoka, Tsubaki, and MU are all confirmed to potentially use Staves just upon promotion, and we don't know half of the cast, or if any characters can be reclassed. We may have many many Tome users in Nohr, yes, but the only thing that changes is that the characters can attack on both defenses in a pinch.
  9. Quickly, learn the pairings that create expys and shun them! Honestly, I'm kinda excited with the way they're pulling this off. If this means what we think it means, we won't just minmax for the best stats, we'll pair characters to get the children we want!
  10. Your siblings were probably too young to remember, too, or at least to understand. Camilla and Xander, at the most have to be around 20, and Kamui looks to be about 16 or so, so even if you were ~3 when you were kidnapped, Xander and Camilla would have only been 6-7, and would not understand what had happened. Garon might have lied to them, too. The real question is why did your father bring you to Castle Krackenburg (that name is so stupid) at that age? Was Aqua kidnapped before you were? Was this when Aqua was taken? A political exchange of prisoners?
  11. I can imagine worse things Garon could have done to you than have you live a lie for your entire life as a child. At least he let you have a life, and I can't imagine life as a prince/princess of Nohr would be a terrible one lol.
  12. For reading it 5 times, you still don't seem to grasp the point. I believe that tiers exist in competitive play, but only in a competitive enviorment. I acknowledged your point and revised my thinking. Your post was a restatement of what I said. In the META GAME, some characters shine due to being suited to it's standards.
  13. Ooookay, thank you for restating my point, albeit in a rude and sarcastic way. Did you even read my post? I highly suggest you go back and read it again. Not only have I edited it, but I also SPECIFICALLY STATED that some characters are better in the META GAME, without using the exact words Meta Game, and better yet, I managed to present my point WITHOUT USING ALL-CAPS BOLDED PRINT.
  14. Woah, woah. I never argued that because I was beat by low tier characters meant low tier characters were superior to the character I was playing. I used that as an example of the fact that there's no such thing as a bad character. In fact, though I was wrong about the nonexistence of tiers, this was my entire original post. In my opinion, no deliberately overpowered characters exist, but some characters do indeed have an advantage over others in the situation regarded as the competitive play standard.I see what you're saying, and I've come to the conclusion that no character is better than another, or worse, the only real thing that makes some characters better in competitive play is that some characters have the tools to handle certain situations better than others. As most competitive players use tournaments or FG as the basis of tiers, the characters that excel in these areas are considered superior to other characters that are at a disadvantage, therefore tiers do and do not exist. Does that sound about right?
  15. The Horse could be toggleable, like a special move would call upon it or something. You'd be faster, stronger, and heavier, but you wouldn't be able to jump for shit, tech, or otherwise play defensively. Trust me, I've put a lot of thought into this, as I've wanted Jeigan/Fredrick/Seth/Marcus/Xander/some mounted unit to make an appearance in Smash for a while. It would be cool to see pallet swaps for each of these, plus some of the more famous Cains and Abels and other mounted units be in in the same way as the Koopalings. I was also thinking that you'd be able to toggle between a Lance (slower, more powerful, smaller hitbox) and a sword (vice versa) while on horseback.
  16. Viable with Work all the things! Personally, I don't believe in tiers. It all depends on who's playing what. As an average to above average player myself (able to stand my ground in tourneyfag mode 1v1 For Glory (the salt is real yo), I get curbstomped with "low tier" and "trash tier" characters (Mewtwo, Wario, Ike, and Zard come to mind), and I don't consider myself to be a scrub, but then I'll turn around and shit all over Rosalumas, Sheikah, Caps, and Nesses. Sometimes this is reversed, too, as to where I curbstomp "low tier" characters and get shat upon by "high tier" characters. Keep in mind that I play a variety of characters from all over the "tier list", use a variety of strategies (but I don't Edgeguard or Zone much,) and altogether dabble with many things in Smash. What this all boils down to is that everything is in how you play a character. What would be the point in making a character better or worse than another?
  17. Just stick 'em in the Characters thread with their owner (Owner? Practitioner? Perpetrator? How does one describe the possession of a skill?), and have them listed anonymously in the Skills thread, too. Also, in regards to the above post, put everything in different spoilers. For example: Xander [spoiler=Bio] stuff [spoiler=Recruitment-Nohr] things [spoiler=Unit Data (stats, reclassing, skills)] miscellaneous
  18. Do you have to train him into being an elite soldier capable of toppling a corrupt ruler? I think not.
  19. I mean on the Nohr side. Sorry, should have specified, I had forgotten that most people are talking about the Ninjas. Wait, does that mean Kagerou is in the same boat as Lowen? New golden Cain/Abel counterpart archetype confirmed?!?E: Wait, there's also that kid from TSS who's name eludes me and I'm too lazy to look up! Kyle's kid brother! E2: Unless these three are already part of an archetype?
  20. Personally, I prefer the air I'm going Nohr route first, because of Camilla the story and characters, and since I'll be tackling the harder route first, I'll then be able to go for Hoshido on Lunatic.
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