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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. "Mmm... Food and enjoying ourselves. I'll do my best to accommodate." It felt... off, to not be so angry at everything. She had to find her footing in this new world, taking a deep breath and steeling herself to at least manage not pissing Miria off. I'll try to manage doing that much, at least. Sylmaria told herself that, but she found her anxiety growing as they left the castle walls. The castle contained the Tigers, Owen, Cassandra, Giovanna... Maybe some maids, butlers and staff, but it didn't contain... Civilians. People. Merriment... Joy and gaiety, things that she severely lacked a method to absorb and put back out into the world. "Mmm, it's... It's, loud." Insightful commentary... "It... does smell good around here, at least. Yes." Despite the sudden and quick nature of this festival, people had managed to put up several stalls of food, handing it out to the festival goers. Drinks were being passed around, people were so... pleased. "We... did this." That, was the moment she needed. Suddenly, the awkward feeling inside her melted away. This wasn't people celebrating for nothing. For fun. For pleasure... They were celebrating freedom, freedom from an oppression they thought they would always feel. They're all, just like me. Hah. Haha... Why would any of them think less of you? Or be upset you're here? You wanted this just as badly as they did... So badly you turned on kin and country for it. Hah... I'm so, damn, foolish. "Give me your best fish and your strongest drink," she demanded as she approached the encounter, a slight redness on her face. "I want... I want, to get wasted! Join in the fun! Have a great time! So get me started, as best as you can! ... P-Please." Talulah suddenly stood, walking herself, sword tightly in hand, towards the challengers' end of the fighting space. She was prepared, mentally and physically, for what was about to come. Placing herself in wait for the first rung of the gauntlet to step up and she eyed the mage that had just been mouthing off her records to Versaris, wondering if she was all she was cracked up to be. "We shall see." Versaris squinted, looking deep into Lumina, when-- "Oh! So you are! Goodness, it's been a time... I didn't even recognize you, hah. You're right, you couldn't hold a candle to me, but I do remember Miria being especially upset that day... We'll see if you rested on your laurels or if you continued training. Magic needs practice just as much as muscles do, I'm sure." He was making small talk and banter, but his eyes kept drifting away from the rest of them, glancing towards Alriana, sitting in the viewing area. She... had elected not to join them in this, much as he wanted to fight back to back with her. I can't, blame her... So I just, need to do everything I can not to focus on it. "And good to see you here as well, Jesse. Make sure that armour's tight! Looks like Talulah over there isn't going to let any of us have an easy time... Wouldn't want to lose your balance because of a loose plate, yes?" He patted her on the back, before, "oh, right, and feel free to mount your horse if it helps. Not a lot of room to manoeuvre around here, but enough for those that know their way around a mount." Speaking of starting soon... "Seems so, Laniva... nice dress." He smirked, heavily. "Looks like you're up, Lumina. Give it the best you've got." Eva couldn't help a shrug. "For now. If they were fully in control, their boss wouldn't have almost died, eh? Smells like Islexia's starting to fall apart, and we're gonna spearhead it. We'll save your sister, put a sword through Nicolas, make the country a better place. Everybody wins? So make sure you do too, yeah? You said it yourself. Two years. Put all that practice to work~" Coral idly crossed a leg under their dress, smiling calmly. "There will be no competition, Thalia, darling. I will win as I always do and then we'll enjoy what delicacies a seaside castle town like this has to offer~ Only enough to recuperate from the exercise, though. Can't go pigging out just because there's something of a festival going on... I wonder what they're celebrating? Hm." They shrugged, eagerly waiting for the first matches to begin. "You can go ahead of me, by the way. I want to see how much you've improved~ Give me a good showing, won't you? Even if it's with that axe of yours... Really, are you sure you can't start to learn the sword again? Axes are just, so... Barbaric." Amera was already halfway into a fish on a stick, the food idly hanging from her mouth, hand taken prisoner by Seila, listening intently to the witch's offer of having a few drinks. "Mfnmfink vat whhbdlt... Mhrahhn!" She quickly forced the rest of the fish into her mouth with her tongue and spat out the stick, huffing. "I think that wouldn't be a bad idea at all! It's a festival! We killed that bastard, we should celebrate about it! Right? Right??" She doubletook swiftly between Ember and Seila, tugging herself closer to the mage and giggling. "Besides... We, have to be on the watch, for, you, to, get, a mmmmmman~ Right, Ember?" Amera wiggled her eyebrows up at the hellhound, not forgetting part of the woman's initial goal when they'd left. Women just didn't satisfy her right. "There's GOTTA be someone around here that's brave enough to take on your heat, and if you're a little, less... ssssssstiff, in the response, maaaaaybe it'll go more swimmingly? Hmmm? What say ya? Get a few drinks in ya and see how much it livens you up?" There was nothing but silence and wind as Kieran spoke out to where Marigold might've been, nothing responding to his words... until-- "Not over there, no." She slowly lifted out from his own shadow, invading his personal space as swiftly as possible, pressing a finger against his chest-- for a moment, until she grabbed his shirt and tugged him down a few inches to her height. "Why are you here?" She raised an eyebrow at him, shaking him a little before letting him go. "You get emotional and want to brood? Ehhh? You should be down there with the rest of them celebrating and shit. Me? I would, but I can't get drunk. Shit sucks. Imagine drinking ale and all you get is something bitter, none of the fun. Blegh... Mead's alright, I guess. Sweet, little taste of honey, but still... Anyway. You? I bet your five foot ass gets drunk in seconds, so?" She took a small step back to give him some space, hands on her hips. "Why are you here? Feeling sorry for your dumb ass?"
  2. "I suppose I am," she stiffly replied to Miria's sudden comment on her beauty, stepping outside of the room. "And I suppose it would not do to stay wrapped up in that room the entire time... I cannot promise to be an entertaining partner to view a festival with, but, if you wish for me to accompany you, I shall." She paused, then turned back into the room, picking up her sword and its belt, tying it around her waist, before putting a claw on the hilt and rejoining Miria in the hallway. "Lead on, then... What would you like to do first?" She had no idea how these were supposed to work... Was it all free for them? Since they'd saved the place? All the food and drink and merriment... She wasn't sure. Hopefully Miria would be a good guide for these things. If it's even right for me to... Stop it, Sylmaria. You came here with the initial intention of harming Owen, yes... but you never did, and you even fought back against Kazran. It's... it's okay. You don't have to be the star. The hero. The focus... but you're allowed to celebrate all the same. You are allowed... She fought a sigh out and tried her best to quiet the upsetting thoughts that continued to plague her.
  3. Kise's mind was anywhere else than this festival. It was all so pointless. Kazran had been nothing but a beast given a place to play, and now that he had been put down as expected... They cheered, despite the true threat being on the horizon all the same. It was so... tiresome. Humans were so easily pleased by the things right in front of them. "Hahh..." As much as she wished to retire and brood over her discussion with the two, Gean had demanded they go out together and see the festival... a not all together terrible feeling, being wanted so desperately by Aegean. It seemed as though things had sunk in for her... Maybe not better than Renais, but that remained to be seen. "I am not a general vendor, so I feel no sense of competition. These unfortunate peasants would likely be unable to afford any of my wares... I suppose seeing their items isn't a terrible waste of my time. Feel free to lead me along, Gean." She hadn't held Gean's hand back yet, but slowly she closed her claw around the mermaid's hand, holding on and feel a faint warmth reach her cheeks. Accursed emotions... Had they been any others, I would have torn them to shreds for denying me... but I cannot deny feeling this way, hahh... Terrible. "Mmmm? Oh, hello there~ Yes, just sit down here with our other competitors... Miss Talulah got here first, so you'll have to wait your turn, but it shouldn't be that much of a wait. The fighters are just getting themselves ready~" Lucretia stepped aside to give them room to sit, Talulah still focused, staring off at nothing as she readied herself for combat. "And us?" That same high, feminine, smooth as silk voice came out from behind Syndra and Ryfia, a head of long, long, luxurious purple hair peaked out at Lucretia, their bright and beautiful smile staring up at the woman. "We were here first, my compatriot and I..." They turned towards the fluffy set of platinum blonde ears behind them, ushering her forward. "My friend Thalia and I. Coral Durandal, by the by. We'd like to take part in this little fighting challenge of yours... What is the prize, if I might inquire?" "Oh. Hello... I didn't notice you there. Uhm. Well, it's not all that important what order people go in... The prize is for who does the best-- which isn't gold, by the by, our apologies, but~! The challenger that performs the best against the gauntlet gets to take one item from the bazaar free of charge. How's that~?" Lucretia winked at... Him? Her? Them? Them. "Hmm... That, is a bit disappointing, but a reward is a reward. If the two of you wish to go first, by all means." Coral curtsied with their dress, neatly taking a seat on the prepared benches.
  4. "Thalia, do keep up. Looks like we arrived at the perfect time." A voice as smooth as silk and as high as any idol's rung out in the direction of the large and fluffy pair of ears behind them. "We need to fight whatever arena these people have and recuperate our purses, or we'll be eating very, very light tonight... So even if you're tried from all the walking, don't lag behind." Coral walked through the streets of Eslcas, dress bouncing ever so gently, eyes looking about for-- "Ahah~" They smirked, doing a small spin to stare at the fox behind them, walking backwards without missing a single step. "It looks rather unprofessional, but there seems to be a gathering of fighters in the centre of town~ Shall we introduce ourselves?" Said gathering was a large amount of the Tigers who had set up an impromptu gauntlet of sorts. Cinaed, Laniva, Versaris, Jesse one of Syndra's vassals, and the two women that had told the Tigers of their needs in regards to the blonde one's sister. Versaris glanced towards the incoming pair, Coral and Thalia, and the elf they'd picked up, Talulah, seemingly ready to jump at all of them. "Ladies, you going to be up for all this? I'm sure you're competent fighters, but this is more about stamina than skill..." Eva looked at Versaris like he'd said something incredibly dull, rolled her eyes, and turned her attention back to Lumina. "Can you believe these guys? THEY killed Kazran? And they can't even judge a book right? You know exactly what you're doing, geez... Guy's good at swinging a sword around and it makes him so cocky..." She sighed and then reached out and ruffled Lumina's hair. "But, they did kill Kazran, which means they'll be strong enough to save your sister. Ain't that great news, hun?" She grinned from ear to ear, stretching out the arm that wasn't messing with Lumina. "Figure I can give all these twerps a run for it as well... I'll make sure to guard the gates if they knock you over. Feel free to lean on me if you get tired, babe. I'm good for it." Talulah fidgeted with her hand on her sword. Things were still getting set up, and she wished to begin. Any chance to get stronger, any chance to learn something... Especially that man with the silver hair. His attitude was carefree, but he'd gone toe to toe with Kazran without breaking a sweat. "He's a demon," she mumbled, getting more and more excited. "I must fight him." "Alriiiiight~! All challengers, please line up over here~!" The Tigers new pink haired cleric was standing to the side next to a set of benches, leading all the challengers in. Talulah finally relented her staring at Versaris and moved over, taking a seat. "First come first serve and then we'll go down the line... I'll make sure to keep everyone topped up, but don't go too hard, okay? This is just for fun! No fights to the death-- I will step in if people get too serious." One final face joined the fighters on the other side of the space, the large circle that the citizens had prepared for these exhibitions. Laniva, shoved towards the others of the gauntlet, by a very, very pleased looking Syta. "You look great, hun! You'll knock them silly and look wonderful doing it~ I'll make sure to watch, do your best!" Before the cat could complain, Syta was already jogging over towards the viewing stand where a group had formed of Eslcas civilians, ready to see their saviours put their skills to show. Ahhh, I can't believe she hid that dress for so long... It looks so wonderful on her. Not to mention... her embarrassed face is beautiful. Oh, Laniva...~ "Hahhh... They said they'd be in the park, looking after that Jane girl. Probably aren't bothering them..." Alvira idly mused as she walked towards the Evokers with Roxanne at her side, going over all of what they'd learned. Someone had tried to kill Nicolas. SUCKS that they failed. Do better next time. That did explain why Kazran's fort wasn't suddenly overflowing with reinforcements... Jeremiah was strong, but also, one man. He couldn't hold off battalions by himself. They'd just go around him, and eventually make it to the Tigers... Must be hell turmoil over there. Good~ Let them squirm about it for a bit before we're sent in. We killed a warlord, and this will achieve the Evokers' goals. We can do this, and then I will go to Lufiria to kill a God... Hah. Hah, geez... "Wait, is that...?" Everything felt like static. The cheering, the celebration, it was all noise in one ear and out the other. M walked in a daze, guided along by members of the Tigers, heading towards the place she'd been told her daughter would be. Her only reason to continue... Her footsteps were heavy, her boots filled felt like lead. She kept walking, eyes staring at nothing... until... "... Jane." Sure enough. As promised. As Roxanne had said... The child, coddled in the arms of a blue, snake woman, resting against her under a tree in the park surrounded by Eslcas' walls... "Jane." Her voice got louder, her steps lighter, the color slowly returning to her world as she continued forward. Miredy's gaze slowly turned towards the woman as she spoke Jane's name, seeing the pain and surprise on her face, almost gasping. "Jane. Jane, wake up. I think you'll be quite happy to do so..." Jane had gotten comfortable, finding it easier and easier to be with Miredy, and even Miss Tio. She had a similar softness that reminded her of her mother. But for now, snuggled into Miredy's arms, she dreamt of that familiar smile looking down at her, the soft clicking and clacking of metal as she took apart her gun, cleaned it, and popped everything back together as if it had never been broken. It had been so long, it felt like, looking up and seeing her mother's eyes--Miss Tio and Miredy were incredibly kind, but there was something different with her. It was happier times when she could just watch her mother take apart the gun, and put it back together again. Then, for the first time, the dream spoke. It was her mother's voice. Not once before had it done that, not even when she wished so hard for it to be so. Then, gentle jostling, where was that coming from? There was no one around her in the dream, and her mother, still focused on the gun beneath her hadn't turned. Then, her eyes slid open. The night sky was different, and... "...Momma?" Jane blinked the sleepiness out of her eyes. As everything came into focus, she only got clearer, crisper. Jane shook her head, wiped her eyes, but she was still there. It was... it was her. Then everything became blurry again. "Momma... Momma! Momma!" Jane hopped up, out of Miredy's arms, and barreled right into M's legs, holding tight to M, hands squeezing, making sure that this was not a dream that she was going to wake up from and have her hopes dashed. "Momma! Momma! It's... It's, It's you, right, please! Momma!" Jane looked up at M, tears already streaking down her face. "It's... It's you, right?" M crumpled, falling to her knees beside Jane before wrapping the girl in the tightest, softest, most caring hug. "Jane! Jane...! My girl... My baby, baby girl, you're okay...! You're okay... Ahhhhhghhh...!" Something of a choked cry left her as she almost buried the spider girl against her, a hand so softly running into her hair, tears flowing like a stream, the weight, the emotions, the pain that everyone had been through... "Yeah," her hoarse voice responded, "it's me. It's momma... I'm right here. I'm okay. You're, okay... I'll never leave you, ever again." It hadn't been her fault that Jane had been taken, but it felt like a personal failing nonetheless. "Never again... My baby... Ahhh, Jane..." Alvira felt something in her twitch as she watched the scene. Jealousy? Envy? It was a touching, painful moment, but... ... Ah. You... won't ever have that. That's why... The Evokers were sat off to the side, Alvira taking a wide berth around the mother and daughter moment, not wanting to interrupt them by any means. "Guess we really did some good, huh, Tio?" She gave the woman something of a wry smile, before stepping to the side and giving Roxanne the floor. "Unfortunately for you and Elisa, we have some, uh... News." As soon as the crowding began, the cheers, the spotlights on them all, Sylm became incredibly uncomfortable, escaping to the rooms that Owen and Cassandra had provided for them. She stole away some hot water and soap, going about cleaning herself, her hair, her dress... She removed the bandages from her legs. As always, her scales had healed. They never failed to heal. She truly hated it before, but now... A part of her was glad that she hadn't caused permanent damage. She cleaned herself of the blood, washing her hair, letting her dress soak in the water as she could. Most of the blood on her clothes was her own... It wasn't any surprise, fighting like that, but the white dress had seen better days. With a combination of the soap, the warm water, some mundane household magic and some effort scrubbing, she'd gotten most of it out... She'd have to find new things to wear, though. "Mm..." It was one of the last things she had from home. There were no good memories of her life there, but it was... home. "Can't walk around bloodied, though. Unsanitary... This will do for tonight, but... Things will need to be purchased." She set about drying herself and her clothes off, finally finishing off her hair and putting the dress back on, fixing things, making sure she wasn't caught on it anywhere with how tenacious her wire of a tail could be at times... Then she caught her reflection in a puddle of the water on the stone floor. All that fear and anxiety. All that fighting and pain... For now, it was all gone. She was still tired, yes... But she was, safe. Without baggage. Surrounded by kind and good people. "Hahh..." She ran a hand through her hair once more, the smooth and velvety strands falling idly against her back. "Cursed with beauty, in a sense. In the eye of the beholder, I suppose... Hm?" A knock at the door-- "Miria?" She approached the door and hesitated a moment, before slowly opening it, glancing up, ever so slightly, at the girl. "Yes? Did you need something? ... ... I am, sorry for leaving you on the boat, if I might... offer that. I will try my best to hold such comments... until I can remove them from my thoughts entirely."
  5. "That's right!" Cass jumped to her brother's side, raising his hand into the air, "Kazran's fuckin' dead! Charred beyond belief! A corpse in his own damn castle! Rejoice! Throw a Gods damned festival for all I care! Celebrate~!" Cass was far less formal than her brother, already getting some people cheering at her provocative words, grinning ear to ear as she smiled at Owen. "What say we throw a feast for these tired mercenaries? Line the streets with our butchers' best! Give them the heroes welcome that they all deserve..." Versaris scoffed at Natalya's suggestion, the crowd growing larger as they approached. "If they're expecting an enemy ambush, they're in for one happy surprise." He slowly followed along with everyone else, finally giving Natalya's back a push as Owen took the floor and gave them the recognition they all deserved. "Well? Go on. These are your men (well, mostly women). Your mercenaries... And they just saved an entire part of a country from desolation and destruction. Surely their fearless leader has some words for the people?" Sylmaria ended up giving into her feelings and hugging Giovanna, squeezing her tightly as the ship finally docked. "Thank you... I promise that I won't let you regret this. I promise." With the risk of her dear friend disappearing slowly fading into nothing, Sylmaria turned to the growing crowd, the miniature speeches, the cheers and the claims. "Hah... This is what it's supposed to feel like. Isn't it? When you do something good... What a wonderful display. I suppose... even if I don't feel like much of a savior, we should, partake in the festivities? If there even are any...? Can, she really claim something like that and have it be ready? What a wild and raucous woman..." Whether or not Cassandra's demands for a feast and festival would be met, it was still wonderful to see...
  6. This... was expected. She didn't want it to be. She trusted these two. They were different. They were supposed to be... Yet, here Renais was, outright denying her revenge, and Gean, on the fence, leaning towards a no. She sighed, heavily, like her soul was feeling the weight of it all once more. "I should have expected as much." With ease, the fox removed herself from the two of them, standing up and moving towards the ladder down. "I really... really hoped that the two of you would understand the most, as people so far removed from this 'home' of theirs, that claim to care about me so deeply. There is no other way... I do not plan to raze the country to the ground. I will not become them. Only the guilty will die-- the crown, the nobility, those whose ancestors sanctioned this decision... But I will not be deterred by words or fear or kind promises. Three centuries... Three, centuries, I have done everything in my power to get where I am. I refuse to show weakness, for even a moment." She took a step onto the ladder and gave them both one final, sad, almost betrayed look, then shook her head. "You say that you do not wish for me to suffer alone, yet you refuse the revenge that all of my suffering is built upon. You cannot carry this weight for me. No matter how hard you try... I will be around until I am ready to act on my goals. Enjoy me while you can, I suppose..." With one final sigh, hiding the urge to cry, Kise slid down the ropes leading to the deck, landing in a fluff of tails, slowly standing up and walking her way towards the side of the boat. They would land soon.
  7. "These ones are better equipped than the last... Thunderbolt, I am providing cover fire. Nurse, patch him up once he retreats. Lucky Thirteen, Silent Dusk, do something about that sniper! We can't have the Dawn harried like this!" She didn't bother giving orders to Bonner; he knew plenty what he was doing. Louise levelled her rifle at one of the incoming machines, squinting. Her eye was giving her some guff, trying to overcorrect for incoming movement... "Stop, dammit... Urgh, fucking technology." She shut her right eyes, trained sights on the model and fired... Louise fires on Arde #3, Hit & Away to 28,12 "次!!" Kazue charged past the machine that she'd downed, riding the cliff edges towards one of the far Lancer models! Kazue activates Blitz! Kazue to 24,8, heat halberd into Lancer #4! "Tchhhh, so annoying... Rats with their knives, face justice for your crimes!" Selu rockets around to 4,10, ram Arde #5 with her lance (last ammo)
  8. "Much better than Kazran... Giovanna?" Sylmaria turned to face her and slowly took hold of her hands, holding them tightly in her claws. "Stay with them. With me. You're... you're, my best friend. My only, real friend. And I have been unkind to you for so long... Too long. You have given me, everything. A person to rely on, a reason to keep on going, a way to hide the worst parts of myself... And all I have done is spurn you for it. Please. Please, stay. I beg of you... I am so, so beyond sorry for everything I have done to you, and I regret that now, only now, have I made up my mind to do something about it..." She squeezed tighter, looking down and stifling a sob. "Please. I have no right to ask more of you. I don't deserve all that you've already done... but if you have room left in your heart for me, I promise that I will be your friend. Honestly. Truly. Confidently... from now on."
  9. "Oh, just... The idea that true dragons exist. It's all fairy tale, even more so than the Gods. If this Miz is truly making such a claim... I won't believe it until I see it. So don't worry about dragging me into things, until I get to go to Lufiria, this is all business that I can get behind. Of course, my apologies, if I do get the opportunity to head south, I will be taking it as soon as I can. I have extremely pressing matters to attend to down there. If not... We'll go crack this 'dragon' out of a crystal and test her claim." Alvira nodded, as well as Roxanne's assumptions. "The Evokers might know more than Jeremiah just due to their proximity to Hecatia. Probably have access to a lot of old maps that others wouldn't, given their position in Glacies... We tell them about Miz and ask at the same time. If they draw a blank, Jeremiah... If he draws a blank... Personal research?" She shrugged and smiled, unsure of where to go about things. "Looks like the ship is landing... So we'll have time to tell the Evokers, at least." "Hahhh... At least you get that much." She sighed and idly drew circles against his arm, pouting a little bit. He got it, but he wouldn't be quick to change. Islexia was just like that... "Owen and Cassandra and Lati will all work towards getting rid of Nicolas. This only goes on as long as he's in charge... And as soon as he isn't, the whole country can begin to heal. Slowly, but it'll be better than the nothing that's going on right now." The boat seemed to be coming into port, finally, Krystal picking herself up and tugging that coat over her bits some more. "Come on, come on~ We've gotta get your wyvern off the boat, right? That'll be one heck of a hassle, I'm sure..." Eva groaned. "Hooohhh, girl moves at her own pace... Gosh. Alright, you heard her. Ailstair, puppy dog, if you wanna come along, better get up and get moving." Eva took a moment to breathe before picking herself up and walking after Lumina, not nearly as urgently. "Wait uuuuuuup... You're gonna trip if you rush that much." Eva stepped outside, Lumina well down the road. "Khkh." She looked over at her big lump of a lizard, clicking for him to get up and go with her. Sasha shook a bit and flared his wings before closing them again, taking a few steps up to Eva. "Good boy. Snacks for you when we get back to the castle... The people of the hour are here, so you've gotta be there too, yeah?" She walked around to his side and hopped on, gently tugging on the reins. "Let's go, Sasha. Giddyup..." The wyvern grunted, but began to move, faster than her walking pace, but with zero urgency. "Ahhh, come on you big lug... I'll give you a whole rabbit?" His head turned back and his ears perked up some, swiftly getting into a gallop to chase after Lumina. "That's better~! Rabbit for Sasha! Good boy!" "Yes~! I did a great job. Seila didn't even get scratched~" Amera proudly puffed out her chest as Ember asked about their employment, shaking her head when Owen's name was brought up. "No way. We gotta get in with these mercenaries... They're perfect, aren't they? More clouded and monsters than humans, plenty strong, crazy friendly, making real change int he world around them... isn't it so romantic? It's like a storybook group came to life. Like. We just killed a WARLORD. An Islexian Warlord! Not some two-bit criminal, someone that will shake up the whole power balance of this country! That's crazy, mrow. Don't you two wanna do more of that? Even if we're just bit parts... Contributing, it makes this whole job feel so much more worthwhile." She shivered a little. "Course, being involved in stuff like this is real, real dangerous... So I get it if you two don't wanna risk your necks an' all. Mmmm..." "... Mikon..." Kise shrunk a bit in the face of both of them admitting their failures, expecting some push back or excuses-- that was just how Lufirians were, but the both of them opened up and accepted the fox's claims. "I always knew you two were different," she said through some sniffles, pulling Aegean in close on the other side, holding them both tightly. "Fine... Okay. This... may be a lot for you two to hear. But please, listen, and take it all in. It... is a long story." Her tails bristled some. Of everything she'd forgotten over the years, this, she would never forget. "Three, centuries ago... Lufiria and those around it, killed almost all of my people." She sighed after saying it, knowing there was more, knowing the fault laid on both sides, but... but... "They... Kisara, and others of her ability, were dabbling in techniques that were seem as blasphemous. The same magic I use to take bits and pieces from others... From the two of you. The magic itself, is harmless, beyond the year it takes from you. I cannot use it to rip a person apart, harm someone, or take more than I can fit in myself-- more than a single piece of them. The road to acquire it... was not. I played no part in its creation, but... Kisara and the others were playing at old magics from the time Lufiria was a continent spanning empire. One that, was not afraid to use human and monster experimentation to achieve results. Lufiria and Islexia found out about these practices and decreed them a sin against life itself... I must agree. Truly, they deserved to be punished, fully, for their crimes... But... BUT..." Her tails shook and her anger peaked. This. This would never be forgotten. "Like a wave of hatred and fear and fury and terrible, terrible motive, they crashed down on us. ALL of us. It did not matter who participated. Who was guilty. Who was innocent... My race was a blight. One to be expunged from the world... I ran and I ran and I ran. Mikoto is my shield. She is my guardian against this world. The only thing that kept me safe over the years... And now she is gone, and I am free to exact what is deserved on those who deserve it." She was staring off at nothing, at some invisible threat, almost growling. "To play a part in Islexia's downfall is nothing but empty victory. The world of monsters stands against this place, united and in agreement that this Nicolas and those like him should be removed. And what of Lufiria? Where is its due recompense? So many monsters live there in blissful ignorance. Some still under the yolk of history, hated by those 'superior' to them. When will it receive its due? And who will give it to them?" "I will. I will speak for all of those that died. I will sing for all the souls forced from this plane. I will fight for every child that died that night, out of nothing but fear and a twisted sense of power. I will crush this nation for what it has done. To me. To my kind. For what it continues to do... Lufiria is built on rot and until it is razed to the ground it will never recover." She took a deep breath and slowly did her best to calm down, shivering some. "And if you cannot agree to that... I will make sure, you are not in the way when I begin." Kise shook her head and shrunk a bit further, glancing between both women. "I will help you with magic as best as I can, Renais... I do not have an affinity for healing magic or anima, but I can teach you the practices and the theory. Gean... if your family does not stand opposed to me, then I will not harm them. Jeremiah... Yes. I let myself go too far. He did not deserve all of my ire in that moment... So long as he does not stand against me, it won't happen again, but... Knowing him, that is impossible."
  10. Kise had been about to explain to Gean that sometimes, beasts fought, and that was natural, but her entire face was pulled into something soft before she could continue, shivering at the sensation of words so close to her ear. "R-Renais!" she managed to muffle out, pushing the girl back just a bit. "Kon... Those are sensitive..." She didn't, initially, like Renais' questions, demands, everything involved, almost about to growl, but when she hit her with the 'I love you', Kise's bristling hairs began to slowly calm down, something of a sombre look on her face. "Hmm..." It would probably hurt the girl's feelings, but... She needed to hear it, and Gean needed to hear it too. Now that Alriana had gone to lick her wounds, physical and mental, it was just the three of them. "The both of you need to spend more time with me," she said, flatly, that sombre tone still on her face, but a serious stare beginning to form in her eyes. It was more akin to how Mikoto held herself; maybe some of her was shining through, maybe Kise was being more honest with the girl she used to be long ago... Whatever the case, "you have all of these other people around you. You met Jeremiah when he returned, and I got jealous. I attacked him because of that jealousy, and because he is Lufirian. I wanted to test myself against him to see how well things may go in the future... And I was jealous that you gave me zero attention as soon as he arrived. Is he truly that important to you, Gean? He's not even blood related to you, is he? It is frustrating to sit there and watch you prance about with him and the others and just... Be, present, and barely interacted with. Not a glance. Not a gesture, until I do something 'crazy'. I want attention." She turned her nose to Renais and made an even more upset expression, close to crying. "And you. You barely give me the time of day. It's entirely unfair of you to only show concern when I'm doing something you don't like, and then tell me, 'Oh Kise, I love you, I want to speak with you more, I want you to be okay, we don't need more conflict', yes? Well, do it then! Your words are empty, like my heart, and it hurts to hear you use that against me!" She huffed, sniffling some, letting out a hefty sigh. "If this is what caring for others affords me, perhaps I never should have. I am unhappy. You cannot possibly be so busy as to ignore me? Most of the time between combats the Tigers are just sitting around... What are you doing? Sitting around with them? Kon..." She sank into her tails. "I gave up a part of me for your freedom, Renais. The least you could do is... is be there more. Actually do it when you say it..." "Roxanne, I'm the best person you could've dragged into this. I believe you, I've been through this, and if I can find the freedom to do it, I'll help you when it comes time to getting her out of... wherever she is. I'm curious about this whole true dragon thing too... Surely she can't mean... No, that's actually just legend. This is what a dragon is." She flexed, and huffed, proudly holding herself up. "So don't worry about all of that. I can handle it. I will continue to handle it... Except for the maps. Didn't spend much time studying, uh, ancient maps of the old world. Ahah. If I even could! There's so little on that age... We'll really have to find a serious scholar to find out where that... gate is." There were no structures that large in Hecatia, to her understanding, so it must've been something standing long ago. Curses... Another lead with more questions... "There's my darling Laniva~" Syta was on Lani's arm, gently, before the cat could so much as mrow, squeezing up against her with the brightest smile. "Finally decided to join us, have you? Nice to see you up and at 'em, despite the waves rocking you... I hope you managed to sleep okay." Syta knew exactly what was on Laniva's mind... The Past Sneaks Up On You ... So she didn't want to push the cat any. Just be the support she needed for all of the memories she was facing. If it came to blows, Syta would be right there at her side, fighting back against the bastards that had dared to hurt the woman now most precious to her. Those thoughts don't suit you, Syta. They're the sort of things I'd be thinking~ Who knew you could be so vicious... Kisara was ever present, and ever ready to prod at matters. Laniva doesn't deserve this, and if people are going to come and harm her, they'll get a face full of fire for their troubles. I'm sure you'll be helping me when the time comes. ... Mmm... Rather stoic of you. Of course. You're my best friend, after all. There wasn't a hint of a tease, Kisara meaning the embarrassing term with full endearment. ... yeah. You're my best friend too. Thank you, Kisara. "Syndra, don't--" "Really? Him?" Cass' eyes were squarely on Marigold now, with the most raised eyebrows coupled with a squint that someone could manage. "You've gotta get better taste in people, Marigold, like--" "Ahhhhhh, I'm not gonna hear it! Guarding the boat was fine! Things are fine! Have fun chatting!" She cut off Cassandra before the princess could turn her admonishment into a lecture, disappearing into a nearby shadow and fading from sight. "Pft... Wow, I've never seen her run off so furiously. Good, lord... I guess that means things are just fine~" "Giovanna, leave m--" She caught herself once again... Old habits died incredibly hard, it seemed. "Mrrhghn... No. No, Miria was... She was fine. More than fine. Incredibly kind... and I still..." She shook her head and balled up her face, punching it into the wood of the ship's bow rail, wincing from the pain, but holding her fist there all the same. "I must change! I must! Kazran was wrong! Islexia has been wrong! It's all so, damn, fucking, wrong... And yet I still, without a second thought, insulted her father as if it were second nature. I know nothing can be shifted in such a short amount of time, but... Fuck. What a joke I am... I'm, the real beast. Not because I am a Monster. Because... of how I have dared to carry myself. So many years wasted, being... Nothing." She shuddered a sigh, feeling too empty to cry. "... I'm sorry. You... have put up with this for long enough. You do not need more. How... How, are you h-holding up? Giovanna..."
  11. "Ahhhh... Clever. Clever clever clever..." Marigold snapped her fingers, thinking she got the meaning behind Giovanna's words. "So... You, cut the hair some, maybe you dye it... And you were always Kazran's tactician, never his frontliner. I only barely recognized you because we've been at it for so long... The others? People you've fought once, maybe twice? If you give them a false name, I don't think they'll give it a second thought. Smart. Very smart..." Marigold picked herself up and slapped Giovanna on the back, smirking. "Good thinking. Talk it over with Natalya and the Gaffneys. You'll survive Islexia yet~" Marigold was surprised that she was already thinking about it, honestly... But with enemies everywhere, plenty made from Kazran for her, Giovanna Kastille had to disappear. As long as you tough it out for Sylmaria, I know she'll do the same for you. Crazy girl really could've killed Owen and chose a different fate... "You have fun brooding. Maybe go say hi to your friend, eh? I'm gonna make sure we're actually getting into port." "A, round stick...? Like a club? Why wouldn't someone just use a sword?" Sylmaria was getting far too caught up in the particulars of how this weapon was meant to work, trying to shake her head away from the slowly forming mental image. "Confusing... If your father prefers that, I suppose... Clouded are always coming up with strange and weird--" She caught herself, grimacing and looking away. "... My apologies." Old habits would be difficult to shake so suddenly, immediately insulting Miria's father rather than considering it novel or interesting. "Hahhh... Mmn. Thank you for all of your kind words, Miria. If you'll excuse me." She pushed away from the edge of the boat and made for the bow, needing to pull her away from that moment. Fie on my brain. Still thinking like that, despite everything... Ugh... "Hah! Look at the two of you! Already speaking like we're going to fight Nicolas tomorrow. We still have to cross all of Islexia to meet the fucker and then we get the chance to strike. Before that, let's make sure we're ready for dinner tonight!" Cass laughed and gave Owen a hefty pat on the back, spotting Marigold coming her way. "Oi, Mari, what's going on? Everything fine? No one's started a surprised mutiny on our way home?" "Why am I not surprised you're wearing different clothing...? Got too much gore on the stuff you left in?" The zombie rolled her eyes some. "Just coming to check on how landing the boat is progressing... Starting to get a bit stir crazy. I can see Eslcas, but it still feels so far away... Wish I could make this boat move faster. As for dinner, I'll go hunt something down if the castle chefs aren't prepared to feed a group this big. A bear should do it, yeah?" She smirked and then looked off at nothing, seemingly remembering some previous bear conflict. "Right, sure. A bear. You've come to the wrong people for information on landing. Gean's captaining and Kieran's out main lookout... So fine them, yeah?" "Of course... Glad to see you're still kicking, Belrose." She stuck her tongue out at Syndra. "Make sure you keep it that way until you can take responsibility for your family... Great work out there. Thanks for your help in killing Kazran, and helping bring the Tigers here in the first place. I, uh... Was probably too hard on you, when we first met." "... Me too. My apologies, Syndra... You aren't anything like your family, and I... should've given you the chance. I'm only glad it didn't ruin things, and we're here, now." Cass sighed, shaking her head. "I'm always too damn prone to anger." "That is all correct, yes... And, the sword only has a mind of its own if wielded. If I ever go out of control while using it, please cut off my arm. I would rather suffer the loss of my swordsmanship than be responsible for harming those I am meant to be allies with." She nodded sternly towards Versaris, who took a deep breath. "Lot of pressure to put on a guy you've just met, you know? I'll... try. Let us hope, instead, that it never comes to that. Now, about you bring warped across the continent...?" "Ah. Yes. I was travelling the seas with my previous companions, Genevieve and Kasim, to the east of Lufiria... We were beset by pirates of a sort." She didn't want to explain in detail that they were pirates related to her father. Ling and Van... Names she would commit to memory for the rest of her days. "At first our retaliation was going well, but they overwhelmed us when their strongest took the deck. I pushed myself too hard with the Yscavelne, and fell under its control... Were it not for Genevieve, the sword would have consumed me fully for a chance at another's lifeblood. She managed to heal me out of my stupor, enough to sheathe the weapon, and due to an artifact the pirates employed... Genevieve warped the rest of us away from the ship, else we'd have been caught in the blast. She was... I think. I don't know if she just... Took it, or warped herself, but... That was the last I saw of her. I woke up on the plains of Islexia, and chanced Lati stumbling upon me. Now, I am here..." "... Woof. That's a... story." Versaris was at a loss. None of the names rung any bells, so he couldn't tell anything beyond the wondrous degree of this tale. "We'll keep our ears out for those names. Genevieve and Kasim--" "And Sitonia," she cut in. "We were travelling with Genevieve's daughter as well. She didn't take part in the combat on the ship, so I didn't include her... but she is missing as well." "Alright. Genevieve, Kasim, and Sitonia... You'll be the first to know. I guess... Welcome aboard?" It was a fantastic tale, with fantastic circumstances, but she hadn't turned on them during the fight with Kazran, so clearly, either the sword was very temperamental, or the pirates they'd come into contact with were incredibly strong. "Your word is final, Natalya, but I can't see a reason, to say no...?" "My, my..." Kise took Renais' hand and pulled the healer into her lap, holding her close, "you were climbing so carefully and calmly, and now, a single claw has you panicked~? Not afraid until you're involved, is it?" Kise took the opportunity to lick the blood off of Renais' cheek, grinning widely. "I'm afraid you'll have to be ready for such scratches when you get involved with beasts... As for what I know? Nothing. I've no clue what you are or who made you... Beyond my magic-- not my spells, my magic, being intertwined with what's put you together... Which is why I could feel that being inside you, that isn't you. I've got hundreds and hundreds of little shards within me. The essences of so many others... I'm good at souls~" She wiggled her eyebrows and watched Aly like a hawk, wondering if the other half would burst forth suddenly, ready to pounce, but it seemed as though Alriana had her under lock and key again... "Besides," her attention turned to Renais for a moment, "what's wrong with us fighting, hmm? A fall to the deck wouldn't have killed either of us. I'm far too ethereal for something like that to leave lasting damage, and Aly's so dexterous, the sails or any number of ship rigging would've slowed her fall on the way down~ Such a worrier, Renais... Your blood is delicious, by the way. I won't ask for more-- I don't want to hurt you, but... If ever you prick your finger on something sharp, allow me to kiss it better...~" Then her eyes were back on Alriana, cold and uncaring, her smile even fading some. "We are finished, little box of souls. It was an impressive little squabble... One that, on the grounds that were set, you would've won. Akai." The wolf was suddenly behind Alriana, with a knife in its mouth, held out in her direction. "You may have that as praise from me to your capabilities... Or, perhaps, her capabilities~? Hmhmhmhm... Kihihihi~ Either way. Enjoy~" Alriana receives a Main Gauche
  12. "Huh, wha? How am I holding up? I'm fine. I appreciate you being worried about me Roxy, but I've known for quite some time about Fomalhaut not actually being some larger than the world deity... This whole deal with Mercuria and the Escaflowne-- stuff I'll try to explain when we land and are all settled, it's prepared me for these eventualities... but... Hmph. True dragon, huh. We'll see about that, Miz." Alvira seemed more bothered by the comments on her existence as a dragon, pouting some and picking herself up to stand fully, stretching a bit. "Never a dull moment, at least... I'm sure Tio and Elisa won't be happy about more people getting spoken to in their head, but at least this one seems... amicable. If she had the power to harm you, she didn't seem the kind to want to do so... Getting the impression that she's actually just been trapped in a rock for so long and wants out." Kise stared at the healer, expecting to get berated for her actions, cries of 'why, how could you, why are you two even fighting', but... Nothing. She eyed Renais warily, ears twitching somewhat, tails swaying, unsure of what this ploy meant... She'd been so upset before with Jeremiah, and now, nothing? She narrowed her eyes as she set Alriana down on the crow's nest... The healing seemed to have done what it was meant to do, locking away the nasty lizard behind the more controlled personality that everyone seemed to like so much. "She's released... What, exactly, would you like to speak about? We can. Right now. Aly can listen, we're all allies, so surely she can hear it..." Is she... fine, with me doing things like this, now? Did she just miss, how severely we were fighting? That wasn't sparring... It wasn't playing, either. Hmmmm... Hmmmm! Confusing! Kon! Mixed signals are bad for my brain... How am I meant to be a good girl for Renais when I don't know what's good!? First it's bad and now she's complacent, rrrrrrrr... Pick one, mrrgrgrgr... She huffed, pouting, arms crossed, the bruise from Aly's punch slowly, slowly fading away. "You're really making it difficult to stay upset, Miria... Let a girl pout some, would you?" She couldn't help her smile as Miria continued to pour on the positivity, even going as far as to offer a vouch for her when speaking with Natalya. This, really is what a group is meant to feel like, isn't it? Not kowtowing to the strongest, loudest voice, but picking each other up and standing tall for each other. Hahh... I really hope you'll stay with me and these people, Giovanna. Islexia is our home... But we don't have to stay in it to help change it. It's not like we have anything left, anyway... Sylmaria thought for a moment, about staying and fighting for the Gaffneys. Lati was out of the question; even if she wasn't her father, that place held too many terrible memories for Sylmaria to ever consider returning. If she did stay... It'd be so much more, waiting. She thought about it, and the more she thought, the more a feeling of restlessness began to rise up from within. No. I can't stay here... I must affect change. I must do everything I can with this second life. Islexia will change and I will be at the forefront of it... "I think I would enjoy your help with your boss. Having you... bat in my corner... what, does that mean, exactly?" The terminology was woefully lost on her.
  13. "It was indeed bad... but even bad jokes were a luxury before. I will take what I can get, Miria..." Hopefully the jokes would improve along with her life, now that she had the freedom to do whatever she wanted... And from what Miria was suggesting, that freedom led to staying with the Tigers. "You think they would accept me? I know that, you have... but you seem, rather... Easy going. I do not mean that as an insult... Just, it, feels like it would take a lot to truly upset you." Could she travel with these people? It would mean more fighting, but she'd been raised fighting... She was good at it, even if her magic was at times, unruly. "Mmm... If you think I will be a good match for this group, then I will speak with your leader once we have arrived and resolved things. It would be nice to be surrounded by people that care about me, even if I struggle to..." "Oh. I suppose I never did say what I am... A dragon. A true dragon. Nothing like the knock off next to you-- apologies, child, but the Monsters calling themselves dragons aren't anything close to the real thing~" There was a confidence and perhaps smugness to that fact, Miz was clearly pleased with what she was. Alvira made no comment, but she did pout. "You did mention Lucian. What a man... The person our tribe followed during the great war, but, only him. Not the Empire. Never the Empire. They put on a good face, but were performing horrible experiments in secret... If they've been wiped out since, fantastic~! It's too bad that Galari and the Six Tribes were no better, ugh. We turned on the Empire, but the Tribes were so full on their victory that they started killing every Monster they saw anyway. Disgusting. Hopefully they're all good, gone and dusted... Considering you're a Clouded speaking to me from a corner of the Empire, and you're not under duress, I'll assume the best~ Hmmm... Also, not Gods, Spirits, the Three Angels they called them. Galari held the Spirit of Earth... I'm not sure what the spirit was, really, but it was no God... Mmmm, what else before this ends... Oh!" Miz's voice perked up from the terrible past she was slowly recollecting, "The Gate of Providence. That should be nearby~ You'll find me in a crystal. The damn thing was SUPPOSED to let me out centuries ago, but it's only been getting stronger the longer I've been in here... Horrible, truly. I've spent so much time trying to break it, and I've made cracks-- that's why we're even speaking, but I can't snap the rest alone... It is nice to speak to people again, at least. I've been terribly lonely... There's only so much hibernation one can do before it becomes taxing to even sleep... Not to mention the ordeal its been putting my memory through, oi... Oh! Yes. Memory. Gate. The Gate of Providence is in Astralis~ That's the town's name. Happy hunting... There was one more thing wasn't there? Something about, contacting me, yes, if you want to contact me--" And then silence. Alvira waited a moment, but nothing came through again... The connection was lost. She let go of Roxanne's hand and took a deep breath. "Okay. That's. A lot... We need to tell the Evokers. Everything. Those names don't, line up with anywhere on the world map of today, let alone Hecatia's... Gate of Providence, Astralis... Those aren't... Ugh, geez." "I'm not any different, Dwight." Krystal drew a finger along his armor, sighing. "I threw that gigantic fireball at you, didn't I? But just the other day you were at my chest, like a baby with a bottle... We're not scary. War is scary. War is what the big, nasty Islexians want. What Kazran wanted... And even if we could launch magic that warps a whole area like that, how many of us do you think can actually do that, huh? Don't you think Nicolas and his cronies would've been wiped out by now if we were so strong?" She snuggled a bit closer, nuzzling up to him some. "Islexia teaches you to be afraid of us because we're different, we have big, hurty, magic, because of the past, things we had no control over... But even with how strong we are, we're the ones oppressed. I was the one under him. Sylmaria was the tool in his command..." She sighed, again. She really didn't like reminding herself of all this, but now that she wouldn't get stabbed for saying it, she wanted to at least express herself. "Kazran and Nicolas are the problems, Dwight. I'll repeat it until you get it... We didn't kill all of you because you don't deserve to die. You've all been taught we're bad, you're all fighting believing that... but this can't just be some, two-way genocide. Either all monsters or all humans, no... We get rid of the people that keep spouting this ideology. That the idea we can live together is ludicrous... We didn't kill you all because that's not, what we want. Honestly... Those nights, when the nicer men got together, we shared drinks and stories, leaned on each others shoulders... Those were some of my favorites. We weren't monsters and humans. We were just people... It didn't matter that I had horns, or that you didn't. It never should..."
  14. "No! Not at all! This is so far from how my talks with Fomalhaut go... Mostly it's him being, confused, broken dialogue, things like that... This is so clear, it's exactly like Mercuria, but... This, Miz has yet to try and brainwash you or snatch your magic, so either she can't, or she doesn't have the intention to." "Hahhhh... If you're in the Eastern corridor... Mmmm, map math... That puts me, west? Of the capital of the Holy Lufirian Empire. That's still standing, right? There was some conflict going on there..." Miz's thoughts felt a bit scrambled to Alvira, but if she'd been sealed as long as existing during the time of the Holy Empire... "You're ancient, aren't you...?" Alvira swallowed hard... "This is really big, Roxanne... M-Miz, can you, hold a connection for a bit longer?" "No. This takes a lot out of me, I'll have you know! Getting any of my mana past this damn seal is exhausting... Give me... A week, maybe two and I'll be able to contact her again. I simply had to take my shot now that she was out of that maelstrom of mana... What a fun little fight you must've had~ "... Okay. Fuck. This sucks... I-I was really hoping to get you to be able to speak with... With the Evokers, ahhh... Roxanne, I don't know how we get there, but... West of the Holy Empire's capital, is where Hecatia stands right now. She's... If everything she's saying is true, she's from almost a millennia ago." "I've been in here that long!? Gahh! No wonder the memory is starting to get fuzzy... You take one nap and centuries pass. This is terrible. Free me, pupil!" The connection had already begun to cut out, Miz's last words crackling as she spoke them. "I, uh, uh, y-you might have time for one more question!? Be quick! Anything!" Alvira panicked and squeezed Roxanne's hand back, unsure of what to do with this information or... anything. This was such a new experience despite it being her third time! Cassandra quickly wiped her tears away as the elephant in the room came up to them quite directly, not daring to show weakness in front of a Belrose, even one whose presence demanded they call her ally. "Hah, his 'friend'? Your father has no friends, Syndra. Just pieces on his damn board... Whatever comes of us killing Kazran, it'll send a message to every other warlord in the area as well as Nicolas. Their beacons of strength CAN and WILL be felled by the Gaffneys... Even if Owen and I relied on the Tigers for success, today, he was the strongest in this region, bar none. Unless Nicolas falls on us tomorrow with everything he has, we'll manage. Without Kazran hammering at our gates, we can rebuild Eslcas into the walled fort it was always meant to be... Trade will re-open. The people will prosper. We will grow strong... With a new ally in a Serdio we can trust, the entire Eastern Edge of Islexia will grow strong." Cass smirked almost evilly. "Is Nicolas dares to step foot here, I'll see to it that my axe finds his neck... And if you're around when it does, you'd better be there helping. You've chosen this path. His family is your mess to clean up, Belrose. I'm glad you're already well aware of that~" "Wish I coulda been there to see you snap and see his face... And, why do you have to go anywhere?" Marigold gestured towards the group. "You might feel less special, but that just means you're normal, here. And if you ask me, that means you're home... Best thing you can do to help Islexia is stick with these folks and help them with whatever it is they're going to do. Maybe convince that dragon of yours to come along... She needs a home, too. One that won't hurt her and toss her aside when it's done with her." Marigold was a bit shocked at how reserved and even, depressed, Kazran's ultimate killer was, leaving her at a loss for more words. You'd think she'd be cheering and clapping... I can't imagine the weight on her and Sylmaria right now. "Just give it some thought and go talk to the Tiger in charge if you feel brave enough. I'm sure your magic's more than fine for these good folks..." "Mrahahaha~ You can threaten me all you want, but they're empty if you can't catch me, ya know..." She finally stopped bouncing around, slowly stepping up to Ember, fistbumping her arm. "I'm just happy you care, okay? No need to get so bent outta shape... It is definitely cute that you get so upset about it, but that just tells me how much you care... so cheer up, yeah?" She hugged Ember's arm and rubbed up against her a bit. "The kitty cares about you caring~ Next time, you'd better join us, so you can show these folks that all three of us are worth it... I know how hard you can punch. My guts remember... I imagine you would've launched heads from shoulders out there." Kise grinned from ear to ear. "What do I know~? Everything I can see... And I CAN see her inside you, bubbling under the surface. Fighting for every scrap of control she can get... She wants her body back, Alriana." As the lizard continued to push the envelope, Kise didn't back down, quietly cackling, plenty pleased with this outcome. "Let's see which one of us deserves to take a bite of him first, then~!" With a sudden lunge, Kise tackled Alriana out of the crow's nest and onto the beam holding up the sails, the two of them almost rolling off of it, but breaking away from each other left them both scrambling back on top of the wooden plank, the fox hunched over with her claws at the ready, Alriana on all fours, both of their eyes glaring wounds into the other. Kise was the first to move, dashing towards her at a startling speed, her claw scratching at the creation in front of her... Normally, such a weak arm wouldn't leave a mark, but the magic empowering the amalgam that was Kise cleaved through alriana like a knife through butter, a gaping wound appearing on the lizard's shoulder. "Is that truly all~? No attempt to dodge, no fighting ba--" A fist rocketed into her face, launching the fox back, almost off the sail's beam, as she clawed and scrambled for balance. "What in the world--!?" "Normally I'd thank you, but you need to learn your damn place!!" Alriana was different. Something was wrong, and Kise had nearly no time to react as the lizard vaulted as her, pouncing onto her form and launching fists, claws open, barely missing her face. Blows strong enough to scare even the fox, at speeds well beyond what the creature should've been capable of. A desperate claw scratched at Aly in an attempt to move her, but she was staunch in her assault, another fist about to come down and flatten Kise against the sail beam-- "Enough!" Her other claw had scrambled for her tome, a leg coming between them and kicking the lizard off towards the deck, only to be caught with a nosferatu spell, holding her in the air instead of letting her plummet to the wooden boat below-- not that she figured it would stop her like this. "Hahhh, hah... Hahaha... Ahahah~! Kihihihihahahahahahah~!" As she guided the beast in her clutches towards the crow's nest anew, she couldn't help her laughter, limping towards it across the beam, feet carefully balancing as she walked. "You... You, are something special... Don't think I'll claim this, as victory. No, no I changed the rules mid fight. Were we to have continued... You would have undoubtedly won. Fascinating. Absolutely fascinating... What, are you? Just what are you, beast that sleeps within?" Kise weakly crawled back into the little landing atop the mast, lazily holding her control over the struggling lizard. "Hahhhh... Goodness, what a shock... Renaaaaaais~ I hope you're coming up here with your staff in haaaaaand~"
  15. "Hmmmm~? Who's talking to me... Oh." Kise sat up after her dramatic flop, eyes landing on Alriana, a smile slowly creeping onto the fox's face. "You're the lizard with the whirlwind insides... Not more of a storm than mine, but still plenty disorganized. What an intriguing magical signature... So many parts fighting for superiority. Especially..." She crawled a little closer, smile growing. "Whoever it is that's buried inside you. Mikoto is obedient. She only comes out when I need her... But this... She's actively fighting for--" She paused, her smile fading, before it returned with a hefty cackle. "She's the original! Ahah! Ahahah~! That's hilarious!" Kise rose to her feet, staring down Alriana as she got closer and closer. "You beat her out and now you're holding control... Ahah. Kihahahahah~!! That's so rich! How curious! You're so much more interesting than I thought you were... Ahhhh, as for Luthier... You'll have to wait your turn." She was inches away from the lizard now, still smiling, but her gaze fell to a cold, piercing stare, eyes thin, almost looking past Aly. "He has something of mine that I want back. Once I've had my way with him, you can have the scraps, little lizard... That is... unless you have something to say about that?" Kise cracked her knuckles and chuckled. "I'm bored. I wouldn't mind fighting one of you to entertain myself... Just don't blame me if I don't hold back, okay~?" "Ohohooooo, miss Ember's getting all hot and bothered, mrowr~!" Amera dodged under her claw, knowing full well what that petting was going to be if she hadn't! "And why should I? It's really cute! You should just be more honest, you funny hot dog!" Amera gave her another to fake jabs to the abs before backing away fully and sticking her tongue out. "People take us plenty seriously, you don't have to act cool. Just be you! And who you are is someone that cares about us lots, even if you're desperate for a guy~" Her tail wagged and she put her fists up, expecting Ember to start swinging properly from all this goading. "Just a big ol' puppy dog that can't help herself~" One more poke surely wouldn't make things worse... "I... Ahah, hah..." Versaris couldn't help turning red, Natalya slamming him with the joke of the decade. "Goodness, it's no wonder Alvira fell for you." He held back further reactions for the moment, also curious about their elf friend, laying eyes on her and then on the blade at her side. "Yes, I must say, we didn't expect to see Miria to exhausted when she'd been fine moments before..." "... Food, allergies...?" Talulah was also taken aback, blinking in confusion a few times before focusing on what was important. "I overexerted myself. I... Mmm. If I tell you this, and you abuse this knowledge to harm me... I will cut you down. Be very aware of that fact." She held the Yscavelne out in front of her, swiftly turning a stern gaze to Versaris. "And do not touch. This blade is some sort of relic... It speaks to me and it provides me with power when I wield it, but. If I do not strike down my foes, it feeds on my life instead... I was not looking to kill Miria. The energy in my sword and in her armor... are similar. It demanded we face off, and so I did, but I forced it away at the killing blow." "That'll be the second talking sword we've had the pleasure of meeting... First the Escaflowne, now--" "Escaflowne?" Talulah seemed quite intrigued, cutting Versaris off immediately. She flipped the blade's sheathe and held it out for him to read. "... Well I'll be damned. If they aren't related, old sword makers have one hell of a funny way of naming things. Natalya, I do believe we're looking at the progenitor of the Escaflowne. At least, one of them... Yscavelne, is it...?" As Versaris said its name, the sheathe rattled, Talulah quickly withdrawing it to her side and letting go of it. "Temperamental little thing, isn't it... Are you sure you should be wielding something so dangerous?" "I need it. For my revenge... Have either of you heard of the Visharan school of swordplay?" Sari's eyes narrowed. "No wonder your way of fighting looked familiar... And considering you aren't human, you must be one of the survivors. Hoo, boy... We've pulled in a live one, Natalya." "Yes... He killed my fellow students, and everyone else that night. Anyone that wasn't human, all because of Karavel's decree. I will kill him, with my own hands, no matter what it takes, and wash away the name he gave me." "Aiyaiyai... Always the grudges... Where did you even wash up from?" He looked at Natalya, trying to get a grip on things. "Karaval is on the other side of the continent." "I was warped here." "Huh!?" More questions!? "It's Sylmaria... Just, Sylmaria. My parents threw me away, so I threw away their name." She didn't realize it, but her whiplike tail had started wagging, the longer Miria spoke. "Mmm... Perhaps. I don't... I don't know if I'll ever come to like myself. This body has only ever brought me pain, sometimes in ways I know others will never experience." There was the self inflicted pain of scales regrowing, but the pain of her magic exploding out of her at times, leaving her unable to cast. It was so volatile, even if it was effective. She wasn't sure if anyone else could understand the sensation-- at the very least, it didn't seem like anyone in the Tigers could. "Maybe one day, at least, I can speak with the others without fear or disgust. I know that, I am... one... but it is not, so easy to accept. Not after all these years. Not after everything I have been taught. Even if it is... wrong. Hahh... And it must be wrong. If Islexia is so righteous, it would not have produced someone was detestable as Kazran. Mm..." She glanced towards Miria, feeling a faint redness come to her cheeks as she struggled to force out, "thank you," mumbled as it was. "Gods? Is that what they're calling themselves these days? Goodness, such grandstanding... And... Everything is west puts you on the east end of the Empire. Goodness that's so far away... Wait, what!?" Miz seemed quite taken aback by something Roxanne had said, Alvira cluing into what was going on swiftly. "Is she talking to you right now!?" The dragon snatched Roxanne's hand, clutching it tightly, thinking in her mind. Hello!? can you hear me!? What are you!? "Ugh, don't eavesdrop... What do you mean a mage of that school? Can't you use it? Did I seriously miss that badly? Aaaauuughhhh... This damn seal has my senses ALL out of sorts. Ugh. Whatever! A promise is a promise! And if I knew where I was, I would tell you. I can't see a damn thing. I'm SEALED. S. E. A. L. E. D. It's up to you to find me, wherever I am in the west, and do something about it... And if you do, wrong magic or not, I WILL make you capable of using anima. I'm not all powerful for nothing-- AND NO QUIPS about claiming to be all powerful and being unable to break my own seal. My people put me in here. People as strong as me. Hard to fight against more than one of yourself, hmph." "... Whoa..." Alvira had been almost about to make that quip, just listening to how clear and precise this voice was. Almost as clear as Mercuria's, but clearly not her, eyes watching Roxanne to see how she'd react. "This is crazy..."
  16. Sylmaria had seen her in the armor during the battle, but it was still shocking to see it suddenly form around her like that, the dragon left shaking her head. "... Cool, huh..." She stared down at her claw again, eyes tracing her arm where the black scales gradually faded into the rest of her arm, black leading a trail towards her pale skin. "I think... I don't know. I just don't know, but... Thank you. For being open and honest with me, Miria. I think... just one day ago, I would've found any excuse to rebuke you. You were raised by Clouded, you're not from here, you aren't thinking clearly... Any, number of excuses. Now... Now, I just don't know. I'm... too afraid to go back to how I used to think, but not strong enough to accept that I'm... 'okay'." She clenched her fist and leaned back onto the railing, continuing her stare off into nothing. "Nothing's ever simple..." That was... A lot. "Put, the voice aside for a second. You're from Ulara?" This was great! Probably. "Crazy question, but, if we ever meet any of the Lufirian royalty, could you vouch for me? I really... I need to get into the Lufirian archives in Ametrine, not for anything nefarious, just... It's the God stuff. When we get a proper moment to sit down, I'll do my best to explain everything. That, addressed... A voice?" Most people were likely to have written Roxanne off, but Alvira was well versed in hearing voiced. I don't think I should be proud of that. "My stuff with... her name is Mercuria," Alvira bit the name out with the least respect, "started as voices in my head. I was, praying to my God. Fomalhaut. I always do... A lot of fire dragons do, but... He spoke back to me, one night. And most people would've-- and did, call me crazy, but then... Another, deity, attacked me. And took away my fire for a time." She nursed the small ball in her claw, holding it close. "So lemme tell you, I believe you, completely. This, Miz, did she say anything else?" The situation with Jane and M was... nothing that could've been solved in time. Hindsight had perfect vision, and it was a terrible string of coincidences, but... At the very least, M had survived, Roxanne had gotten her revenge, their people didn't die for nothing. They shouldn't have died, but at least their lives went towards putting Kazran into the ground, permanently. All's not well, but it ended... well, or, something... I'm bad with these things, I shouldn't say anything. "I think the most important part is that you shouldn't trust them at their word. If they speak to you again, try and get more out of them. Anything else. Information, why they chose you, things like that... Mercuria seemed innocent for a moment, but then she slapped me in the magic because I dared to defy her. Cunt. So whoever this Miz is, don't trust her just because she sounds nice, or, whatever." "And why shouldn't you trust me, Roxanne?" The voice sounded in the sheep's head again, a smile easily heard on her words. "I told you what I would reward you with and I meant every word... So, perhaps not too much at your leisure, find me and release me. The wonders of anima magic will be yours~ Fully, and wholly..." Kise's ears perked up, hearing Gean's voice... She groaned, slowly peeling herself off of her tail and peering out over the crow's nest. "Hmmmm... You come up here if you want me so badly!" She was tired of kowtowing to the wants of the other two, huffing and flopping back onto her tail. "I don't care if you're captaining the ship, I'm staying right here!" Cass didn't say anything else, simply leaning into Owen and smiling. Whatever the future brought, they had done this much. It was a bright day in Eastern Islexia, and hopefully it only meant good things going forward... M slowly nodded. This wolf boy was right, wasn't he? "They... They wouldn't want to see Jane sad. Fel. Daniel... Howard. Hah... Haha..." Slowly, almost mechanically, M pulled herself out from her hiding spot under the tarp, staring off at nothing, but slowly standing and holding herself. Better than wallowing in a quiet corner... Fake it. Fake it until it kills you inside. Jane will be upset. Jane won't understand, but when she gets older, she will, and she'll be even more upset... and you'll face it. For her. For them. For everyone that followed you into that damn keep on a fruitless quest to get her back. They all did this for her. So don't you dare, ruin this day for her, Evelyn. Don't you dare. She slowly nodded, her body finally relaxing enough to stand there without looking like a rigid post, eyes then addressing Ullr. "Thank you. You... are right. Correct, accurate, true... I can't face her with a smile. Maybe that will change when I see her... but I cannot face her in tears. Not sad ones. I have to... I have to be there for her when we land. I have to. I have to." It was almost like a mantra;a lie she needed to feed herself until she believed it. "I have to..." "Shiiiiiiiiit I'm talking to a kingslayer... That's crazy. How did it feel? When you took that shit stain's life with your own hands?" Marigold figured she knew from how Giovanna was acting, but it felt prudent to ask anyway, make her think about it. It was definitely something only a handful of Islexians could possibly claim. Warlord slayer... "Name's Marigold... I've been working for Owen for a while, now. Managed to find the Tigers and bring them in on this, so I guess you could say I saved the day~" She smiled smugly, turning around and leaning her elbows onto the railing instead. "You are in fact alive. And you know why?" She pointed past Giovanna towards the dragon in white, shaking her head. "She walked into Eslcas like it was just another day. Stood around. No one questioned her because she's a monster... And then she almost killed Owen. Held her hand up and everything... Was ready to blast him with whatever magic she had at her disposal... and she crumpled. She cried. She demanded we kill her, and when we didn't, she demanded we kill Kazran to save you. So... No matter what you do with your granted life, Ms. Kastille, make sure you don't throw it away. Sylmaria gave her everything to see that you would live..."
  17. "Who--" Sylm flinched as she was approached, calming down slightly at the sight of... the woman with the golden armor. She hadn't asked her name, or remembered many names from the people she'd fought alongside with. "Sorry... I don't, remember who you are. I... suppose I wouldn't mind." She truly hadn't eaten anything the past day, quietly eating the bread and staring back out at the ocean, eyes searching deeply into nothing. "Why are you okay with us?" They finally turned back to Miria, standing straight and looking up at her, albeit barely. She quietly pouted about that. "What makes you okay with Monsters? We're different, beyond just our looks. The history, even if Islexia has perverted it to its whims, lends towards our races living apart. We've too many different needs. The scales of power between Monsters and Humans are so flawed. I could flick my wrist and kill you. You could swing a sword at me and wound me, at best... And I didn't even have to train myself to do that. It came to me, naturally. It's... wrong. Why are you so okay with us?" She felt like she was at some sort of turning point... If someone could give her a concrete answer, someone that didn't know her, someone that wasn't Islexian, someone that wasn't involved at all... Just here on coin for someone else's whims... "Please." Alvira couldn't help the frown on her face. Not over the people killed; she felt no shred of remorse for those men, even the few that had survived. Even if they'd pledged themselves to Lati, it was all the same. Following someone in charge that had force there way there, past everyone else, through might and murder. Such was the doctrine that Islexia seemed to run on, despite Owen's best attempts at playing leader in his own diplomatic way. No, she was frowning because it was someone else pushing their magic beyond the bounds of comfort. Beyond the bounds of it ever coming back... She sat down next to Roxanne and let out a hefty sigh, tail idly flapping against the wood of the boat. "I... used to be able to cast my fire completely. In Lufiria, there are many meteorological disturbances... We call them mana storms, and sometimes they help someone, sometimes they fuck them up. The one that hit me, fucked me up severely... It cut me off from my fire, and it pulled my very existence into contact with a being of ice that was so far beyond me... I tried and I tried to push towards my fire, fight against her... And it nearly killed me. I'm lucky to be here, right now. Lucky to be able to," she held up a claw, focused, and forced out a small flame, "even cast this much... I'm not blaming you for what you did, or who you killed. They deserved to die, fuck them getting a proper burial or some moralistic shit like that... Just. Be careful with magic. You're lucky too. Things failing could've been... permanent. And then what? There's no telling that casting something smaller wouldn't have saved Miria. We can't run on hindsight... Just... be careful. Even now, I'm fighting this damn spirit to get my powers back." She sat back and stared up at the sky. "Kazran didn't mean much to me. A small set back. I need to get to Lufiria and free my God, fix myself... Meet my aunt, see my siblings again. So maybe I couldn't feel the same way as you, who has been living under him, who lost so much... So... feel free to ignore me if I'm being insensitive or just, don't get it. Just don't wanna see a fellow mage burn themselves out..." At the end of things, Cass hadn't been able to lay a hand on Kazran, not for any reasons of weakness, just that by the time she'd arrived, he was already did. The Tigers worked quickly... Truly a force to be feared, not any average mercenary company. With the defeats of both Kazran and a sect of the Underground under their belts, it was likely that Nicolas would be hearing of them soon. He had spies everywhere, and word travelled quickly. "Mm? Ah, Owen. What do I think about Lati...?" Cass had missed her speech, rummaging through Kazran's offices, only showing up when things were said and done. "Mmm... I think if she was going to be the same as her father, she'd have shot one of us in the back while we were racing towards him... and she didn't show a hint of fear or disgust at the sight of me, or any of the other Clouded. If she's genuine, it's a good thing, but words are only worth so much. She helped kill her father, which is enough action to get me to trust her for now... We'll have to see how much of an ally she is going forward. If it ends up that we can trust her wholly... Then the eastern edge of Islexia will be fully united. Do you understand how wonderful that is, Owen?" Cass scoffed, leaning back against the ship's railing, her dress fluttering in the sea breeze. She'd changed out of her blue, wearing a spare white now, the blood having deeply stained her clothes and her. The water had cleansed her body, but her clothes would require much more work. "I never thought we'd see this in our lifetime... A whole section of Islexia, united against what is wrong in our country. It's... beautiful." Cass let out something of a whimper, actually crying, now that she was truly thinking about it. "There's so much work ahead of us," she forced out through the sudden onset of emotions, "but that we've managed this much, in such a short time... Make sure Natalya and her people get paid what they're due. They've done so much good... I don't know if it's even dawned on them, yet." "... Am I okay...?" M glanced up at Ullr, shaking her head. "No. I am not okay... I'm responsible for the death of my entire crew... Only one person survived. One. I'm happy you people killed Kazran... I'm very thankful that their deaths weren't in vain, and that he still died... But they could have lived. All I had to do was wait. Just a few more days. Just a few more... And Roxanne would've come back. Told me you all existed. We could've attacked them all. Together. But I couldn't... I thought my daughter was still in danger. I got so many trusted allies killed because I couldn't... wait just a few more days, and then. Roxanne tells me. That she was already saved. You all saved her... They died for nothing. Nothing..." Her eyes has gone back to staring a hole into the ship's deck, lost in her spiral. "If Jane wasn't still waiting for me, I'd have killed myself. I don't deserve to keep on living after this... Not for anyone's sake but hers. If she, still wants me to be her mother, then I will live, for that... If I have that much, then I will live on, and never forget any of them. Jacob. Fran. Istavion-- Ahkkkgnn..." She couldn't finish saying his name, burying her face into her arms and curling up against her knees as another bout of sobbing hit her, body trembling. "Saraya... Trevor, I'll never... Not one of you... Never, forget..." Quietly, in the shadows behind Giovanna, someone stalked, watching her movements, keeping an eye on her. Kazran's famous tactician, the last of the Kastille family, here, on their boat... Alone, unarmed, ripe for the picking... but truly, heavily saddened by something. Clearly not Kazran's death, else she'd likely be locked up or already dead. Marigold sighed and slipped out of the shadows, leaning next to her, staring up at her. "Hey. Sup. What's eating at you, Kastille?" She raised an eyebrow, giving Giovanna her best bored stare. "You're the one that sad dragon was so damn desperate to live for and rescue... And here you are. I guess she got her wish, and with Kazran dead, you both have your freedom... So what's eating at you? Someone you like die during it all? Just going through the motions? I don't mind listening. This unlife of mine's gotta be good for something~"
  18. Versaris sat near the stern of their vessel, idly wiping down the sword he'd purchased a while ago. The magic one had suffered no blemishes, but it was losing its charge. Only time would tell how long it would last before it turned into a dull piece of metal, no matter than any other iron... The one interlaced with silver had been handled a bit roughly this day, but it had been necessary in removing Kazran. Removing him. Fully... He turned the blade and stared at himself in its reflection, seeing the stains that were on it the day before. "... No. This time... this time you did good." Normally, he'd chastise himself. Wasn't fast enough, wasn't strong enough, didn't do enough, took lives that didn't have to be taken... No. He'd done everything in his power, directly contributed to the end of that warlord, and none of the people they fought-- that didn't change sides mid combat-- deserved any less... He found himself smiling. "One step closer, Jeremiah. Don't get too far ahead of me... I'll be there. Just you wait." For the first time in quite a while, the distance between him and his teacher shrunk ever so much. He picked himself up and spotted someone he'd made little time for, a mistake on his part. "Natalya, I hope the trip has been finding you well." The tiger was, of course, near the bow of the ship, overseeing its progress across the water. "I must say... pardon me if this is overstepping, but... When we first met, I thought, 'wow, quite the veteran, but time's caught up to her; these fresh faces will surpass her in no time'... Yet, here you are, providing not just helpful, but essential backup in the slaying of one of Islexia's most infamous warlords. That... was a very long winded way of saying, my first impressions were quite off, I apologize, and I'm very, very happy that you're both here, and the leader of this fine group. You are an inspiration, and I don't say that lightly..." Talulah had spent some time after the battle stabbing her sword into the fallen and allowing it to reap what it could from them. There had been too much going on to take the charge against so many leaving Yscavelne hungry and wanting. The corpses quieted the blade, but did little to truly sate it... She would have to find something to kill once the ship arrived at port. To that end... Her only contact had been Lati, leaving her quite the loner in this state of affairs. The other elf that she'd fought alongside, the one with the silver hair, he was speaking to a woman at the bow of the ship... She put aside her worries over the sword for a moment and approached. "My apologies for not introducing myself sooner." She cut into their talks quite swiftly, knowing such trepidatious introductions would slow things. "My name is Talulah... Through happenstance, I found myself in the company of Lati, on her way to deal with her family issue. Having helped solve that, I am... once again, aimless. Would you be against my following your party for a time? I relish a good fight, and your group seems to get its nose stuck in serious trouble." "Er... Hello, there. Talulah." Versaris hadn't expected her to join them, giving her a curious smile. "Well, commander? Shall we indulge such a request? The Tigers seem to be growing in size quite readily..." The elf had been at the lead of most of their fighting in the castle, holding her own against Kazran's strongest, with equal grace and deadly precision... Such a curious style of fighting, but... I feel as though I've seen it before...? Maybe I'm, thinking about this too hard... ... ... ... Still. It couldn't hurt to ask. After. Alvira had been rolling a ball of magic in her claws the entire boat trip. It was beginning to get exhausting, but she didn't care... She'd forced an orb of fire out of her body, concentrating on keeping it present, feeling it, keeping that connection to her flame open. The more she stressed it, the easier it got; fragment by fragment that seal the ice witch had placed on her was being forced open. Not much longer now, Mercuria... You'd better be ready for what I have in store for you. I can't wait to hear the anguish in your voice when I wake Fomalhaut. Curse you and your name until it leaves the minds of all forever... Finally, she snuffed the flame, taking a heavy breath. Roxanne had been exhausted since they'd left on their return voyage, Alvira discovering that the sheep had been the source of that magical blast. She was sat port side, not at her best, but not as dreadful as she had been previously. "Roxanne! You holding up okay? ... Don't think too hard about my own lack of magic. Ahah... I'm messing around with things that are best, left unmessed with, but... I can't help myself, y'know? Stupid witch took away my fire and... Getting some of it back, piece by piece, makes me wanna push myself even more. Like you, right? That huge explosion... You, uh..." Alvira knelt down next to her, trying to find her eyes. "You wanna tell me what that was all about? These losers weren't holding up a candle to you... What happened?" M sat alone, buried in some shadowed corner of the boat's stern, next to a barrel and a tarp she was under to hide her from the sun's rays. She hadn't slept. She hadn't done much at all. As soon as the fight finished and the adrenaline wore off, the weight of everything returned, and coming back to the ship to see Istavion dead... Something inside of her broke, tired eyes staring off at nothing. "... My fault..." She wouldn't dare ask for forgiveness. She couldn't even look Roxanne in the eyes... Kika was alive. That was it. Her, Roxanne, and Kika... Everyone else... She flinched thinking about it as one of the sun's rays crossed her face, turning her head away from it and wincing. "Set, already..." Her hand was idly fiddling with her revolver, the exhaustion yet to hamper her ability to spin it around her fingers. "I should be dead," she muttered, "dead with them... I was planning on it... But if you're alive..." Roxanne had given her one final sliver of hope, the only reason to keep going. "Be okay... Be well, healthy, alive... please..." Likewise, Sylmaria simmered in anguish, leaning against the starboard railing, staring out at the ocean as the sun's rays reflected off of it. Eyes drooped down to the claw she held out... Black scales, deep red skin on her palms. Nails sharp enough to scratch and pierce... The sensation of magic that emanated from within. There were no two ways about it. She was alive, and she was a beast, the ones she'd been taught deserved to die. Deserved to wallow. Deserved nothing but slaughter... Those 'beasts' had won, defeating Kazran, saving her and Giovanna, and giving the people of Eastern Islexia... hope. It was... wrong. It had to be wrong, didn't it? "How can... how can something meant to be so horrid, instill such... hahhh..." She'd given up trying to make sense of it. Giovanna had told her it was fine. She always did. She always had... And even if it was just to hurt Kazran, just to get back at Kazran... she'd turned on her fellow Islexians all the same. Spouted threats and curses. Shot her magic at them. Killed them... "Then I'm... part of all of this. I am a beast, but I... I helped. So many people. I did 'right'. I just..." Her claw curled and that closed fist weakly slammed the railing, no more words following. Amera had been unable to keep still on the boat, rushing around every part of it the entire trip. Several times Seila had gotten her to sit still for a time, pet her, brushed her hair some, but inevitably, she was up and running, finally bumping into Ember, quite literally. "Hey! Hey, you should've seen me out there. Like this, hoo, hwah, sh, sh--" the flurry of mock punches collided with the dog woman's abs, Amera making swift shifts around her like she was weaving between blows. "It was crazy... So many people were really, following Kazran like that. So aimlessly, just because he was strong! I mean, I never got to see the guy fight, but I did see what was left of him... huge fella. Big axe. Everyone looked so tired... Gotta say though, what surprised me the most? You, running in to check on us~ When'd you get that soft side, eh?" Since returning to the ship, everything regarding the burst of magic had been explained, so fears regarding it had been quelled, but, still... "Was nice to see you so worried... I mean, I always knew you cared, but seeing it, mroww, very fun, very fun~" At some point, someone had thrust a suit coat at her, Krystal finally thankful to not be breasting boobily about the group anymore. It wasn't like she hated the attention, she just hated that it was Kazran's idea... She'd hit the town once they reached Eslcas and find a fitting, plenty revealing outfit of her own taste. Still black-- he at least got that right, but a bikini? Gawds, the man had as much taste in clothing as he had brains. 'More skin good durrhurr' pbbbbbbbtttt, what a MORON. She rolled her eyes, then smiled, happily leaning against Dwight, who was likely panicking out of his mind. "Dwiiiiiight, aren't you happy~? You survived! Like I said you would... And so did so many others. I told you we weren't there to play eradication on everyone. Kazran had to go. He went. Fight stops! Simple as that... And I know you're probably not the happiest to be on a boat filled with ~monsters~, but... Think about it this way." She latched onto his arm and leaned in real close, staring out at all the groups across the Maelstrom. "Look at how beautiful all these beast women are... Ample everywhere it matters, supple, and what's in the way? A horn here or there? Some scales? That just enhances everything... Makes them more exotic. Like, Sylmaria, those claws? Just imagine it's someone wearing long gloves in bed... The cat girl? Those fluffy ears? ImAGine the noises she must make if you pet those in the middle of things... You've just gotta expand your horizons. Like you did, with, me~" Having sated her hunger, to a point, Kise was curled up on her tails in the crow's nest, playing pointless lookout for the ship, and catching the finals rays of the sun's dying moments. "Hahhhh... Mmmn, I didn't think Islexian would taste so terrible... Maybe they're better fresh~ Hopefully I'll get to find out, honestly... These prideful little mercenaries, not even asking me to join them to deal with Kazran. Imagine how easy I would've made things, khhihihihihi~" She giggled to herself, flopping back and rolling over a bit... Her smile slowly faded, as her tails shuffled ever so slightly beneath her. "Mmnnn... Something had felt... wrong. Ever since that bastard stole from me... No matter, at the moment, but I cannot shake the feeling. I'll have to make sure I teach him he did wrong the next time we meet. Pry out his teeth and feed them to him while he still draws breath? Or tear out the heart... I wouldn't get to enjoy his suffering as much on the latter, but... The shock on their faces when they see their own heart, kihhhhahahahahah~!!" Kise giggled furiously, delighted in her own thoughts of torture. "Ahhhh... I have so much energy. I need to let it out... I need a victim. More Islexians, please... Attack us~ Give me something to kill~ Mikon... It's been so boring, just waiting for Gean and Renais to return... Now Gean's captaining the ship, and Renais..." Her stare grew sour once again, frowning deeply for a moment. "What did I do...? She's... been so afraid of me. Ever since my bout with Jeremiah... He lived, didn't he? He even hurt me plenty... Maybe, m-maybe I'm overthinking things, and she's just... Just been nervous because of the assault on Kazran. Yes! That must be it. It's not me... I'm the goodest girl there is~ Mikon, it's impossible that she's afraid of me! Me~!? That just couldn't be... Hahhhn, okay... Mmmn, I should crawl down and see her soon... Konkon...~"
  19. It didn't seem like these fools were going to stand down, not until talks continued... There was still vitriol, anger and hatred, but it seemed they were done pushing their fight. Things would end here, with the death of the problem, and they would go their separate ways... For now. Tasha's hand met her hair and she slowly let her magic fade, crossing her arms and leaning back against the tiger. "Yeah... I'll watch your back, Tasha. Just can't believe these people, including that meatheaded oaf. Maybe it's poor to speak badly of the dead, but he was the most pigheaded, bluffing, empty headed fool we've dealt with... At least that creepy Luthier fuck had the abilities to back up his boasting. This guy... He got here with luck, intimidation, and brute force. Nothing good for a leader, let alone a 'king'. What an idiot..." She let out a hefty sigh and shook her head. "It's over. That's what matters the most... It's over. Hopefully Owen can make it last... and we can finally get on our way to Lufiria." Her goals had remained unchanged despite this speed bump. They would get to Lufiria and she would make good on her promises to the Gods.
  20. Suddenly, people. So many people. Krystal rolled her eyes. One of them had spoken to her directly, so she slowly hoisted Roxanne his way, slumping. "I don't care who you folks are, just get her outta here... They'll both be fine. Miria tried way too hard, and the sheep... is a dummy, that couldn't hold her emotions back. They just used too much magic... Nothing that'll last. Now! Before I have to stand in a crowd full of people in this DAMN bikini any longer, can someone show me to like, a SHEET, if nothing else? I'm almost naked. I might as well be naked." She sighed, so tired, having spent more magic than she had in weeks, months, perhaps her entire life. "Anyone...?" "Have to be the bigger people? No." Versaris shot an ice cold glare towards the rest of Kazran's followers, shaking his head. "They're just as terrible as he was. People lost to their ambitions, their teachings, ingrained in them so deeply that they couldn't imagine a different world. Even her," he motioned towards Sylmaria, "she's one of us. This country's indoctrination is so deep, so rooted in their history and all of their teachings... Nothing will save them, and honestly? I'd rather we just kill them all. But~ This is her castle, now... So long as no one's going to challenge her right by birth, I'm not going to spill anymore blood... just, make no mistake, Alriana. If you chose to keep fighting? I'd never chastise you for it. This sickness must be cut out, the same way they feel we must..." He sighed, shaking his head. "There's good left in Islexia. Owen, Lati, even that mage and Sylmaria... There's good left here. We just... need to pave the way, so it can reach the surface. It's buried. Too deep..." He wouldn't hear any arguments against his feelings. An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind, but such philosophy only stands when both sides have it in them to stop. These people are broken, beyond repair. The least we can do is give them a quick death. Amera couldn't quite understand what was happening, only hiding behind Seila as it occurred, happy that nothing had come, nothing had dared to aim their way, just burning and destroying the men ahead of them all... What terrifying power. "You think so...? I think it's a great thing. People this strong that aren't going to turn that power on us...? Seila, I'll be honest with you... I'm tired. Tired of worrying about finding a group, finding somewhere to stay, finding people that aren't gonna care that I meow and purr and... just, am me. This is that place... Sure, that was scary, but geez... If that's what we get by being here, fighting alongside us... Sign me up." She hugged the mage and helped her upright, letting go to stretch out her arms. "We gotta tell Ember that these people are the ones..." "He's... He's really..." Sylm shuddered as the words drifted from her mouth, finally loosening her tight latch onto Giovanna, no longer her only rock in a sea of storms, but... "Now what?" It almost hurt to ask, looking up at the woman in front of her, so lost, free from abuse and terror, but now... Adrift on open ocean with no wind, no heading, no sail. "What... What am I supposed to do now? Just... Accept, what these people say? That I'm, I'm not some... Abomination, that... Agree that they're right? Go against, everything I've ever been taught. Throw away all of my life... I... But... But he was so truly, truly awful... In some part, they must be right, but I-I can't..." It was all too much to accept so immediately, Sylmaria knowing she wouldn't reach port any time soon...
  21. "I don't think anything of yours will fit me, but some of the other women had big tits... That tiger lady might have something. Hopefully. Even a cloak would do..." She could manage if she had to, these people weren't going to try and ogle her in this situation, but it needed solved at some point. When Roxanne began to hide her cough, Krystal squinted at her, rolled her eyes, and then moved her way, slowly pulling the sheep's arm over her shoulder. "We're not leaving you here on the floor. There might be other people that don't know this is done, and you clearly done have anything left in the tank. One, two...!" She didn't want to be physical labor anything, but Miria was just as spent, and bird brain was way too small to carry her alone. "Ghhhh... Hate exercise... Come on...!"
  22. "... You'd better not, Miria." She huffed. "And you should be happy. I made sure to remember your name... Mine's Krys... mmmn... Kristin," she leaned in and whispered, leaning back on her feet with a pointed bounce. "But don't tell anyone! Anyone asks, the name's Krystal, you got that? Gawds... New faces making me care already... Ughhhhh..." She groaned and then looked down, flushing somewhat. "Right. Still wearing that stupid bastards basic bitch tastes... I wouldn't mind some better clothes... They can still be revealing, but, battle bikini isn't exactly... Tasteful."
  23. "Incoming from..." Louise narrowed her eyes. Something with the Ensign, now? Terribly reckless... She's already being terribly reckless, what could she possibly have cooked up? Mmn... but it's from Sia. I don't know who informed her of this, but... [Acknowledged, Captain.] If all Louise had to do was keep her eyes on the Ensign, she'd do it. Hopefully this wasn't the sign of a sudden heel turn... but that likely wasn't it. Kazue was too dangerous, in practical execution, to turn on them mid fight... If she was a double agent she would've done something on foot, probably killed several of them on the ship before someone could get a lucky enough shot to stop her. Curious. Eyes are on you, Ensign. Do what you will... "Sightlines established, Thunderbolt. Take care with incoming enemy fire... I'll have you covered."
  24. "You didn't need to do all of that to stop them. Don't you lie to me." Krystal bit back worse and pulled her staff away from the woman, shaking for a moment before forcing herself to turn to Miria. "And you! You've got to be more careful! You managed this whole time, what was that!?" At the least, her ire didn't hit Miria, concern on her face, letting the staff do what it needed to try and help her. "No one had to be a hero today, Gawds, why do the cool ones always try and play hero... Just live. So many people dying for nothing, just... live." She finally let her frustrations released, crying ever so gently. "So many of these people didn't have to die. So many. They just followed Kazran because he was strong... Because he told them to. Someone of them really, were, good people! Some of them cared... Just needed to make ends meet, needed to take care of their family, needed some place to live, dammit... Dammit, dammit, all because one man got so full of himself, Gods... Dammit..."
  25. Krystal wasn't sure what had happened until it was all over. The people she had hoped to hide behind were now crumpling to the ground, leaving her staring down... nothing. They were all gone. What was that all for? "What the fuck was that for!?" She was... upset. It was swiftly hitting her, how many people had just been erased, and, for what? Were there any attempts to stop the fighting? At least she'd managed to save a few, one, two lives herself, but that was... "What's the point in trying to be the better people if we just prove them right and blow them up like that? Maybe we are just beasts..." The little bird that had been tagging along with them was begging her to help, so was Miria. "Ugh." She didn't want to see anyone else die, angrily huffing her way over to Roxanne, almost smacking her in the back with her heal staff. "I hope you're proud of yourself. Live. Not gonna let myself be a hypocrite just because I'm pissed at this stupid, pointless display..." The castle suddenly shook, Lati about to send Kazran's fools on their way, attention briefly drawn to it. Several of the mercenaries ran off to deal with the situation, deciding it was best to stay here alongside Owen. "I would have informed you earlier... but I didn't want to sow confusion in the middle of something so important. We've much to talk about, but know that I am not, and will never be, anything like my father... I've lived my life in Lufiria, raised in one of its most hostile and challenging environments, brought up by people of all walks of life. If I can impart some of that onto Islexia, I want nothing more than to help you achieve it." She turned towards the man who had spat, raising her eyebrows at him. "Leave, then? If you're too stubborn to change your ways, then goodbye. You've no place here, and while enough blood has been shed, if you'd like to continue where we left off, we can add you to the pile. If you want to meet on another battlefield, I'm sure you know the way out of here. Take yourself and all those that refuse change with you... The rest of you! Those of you new, fresh, and those of you here by Kazran's will alone... Join us and see real change take hold of this country. Islexia is mired in its past. We WILL walk towards the future. Together." She placed a hand on Owen's shoulder, happy, almost relieved, to be standing next to him in this moment. "All's well that ends well... well enough, anyway." Versaris wasn't about to go running off with this... odd standoff, not until the hall was clear, but he did sheathe his blade and cross his arms. "Wonder who blew up the east hall... That was certainly magic, so no one of Kazran's, and none of the Tigers capable of such are over there... Leaving... Roxanne? Hah... I wonder what mess she's made. I suppose it's another thing for us to deal with... One, more, problem. What a day." He idly wandered towards Alriana with his eyes watching the enemy soldiers. "Looks like we got to have our share of the fun, eh? Hopefully there isn't more fun waiting for us... I've had enough fighting, for one day. Need a proper rest before I can force myself through another conflict like this... Quite the workout." Alvira shuddered under the sudden magical pressure, but Renais and Syndra were already on it, leaving her holding her magic aimed at these goons. She didn't trust them in the same way Lati and Owen seemed to, expecting them to just walk away... She was ready for any sudden movements, anyone stepping out of line or trying to be some kind of messed up hero. "Always something..." Sylmaria, she simply cried and cried, only so much as flinching as Giovanna found her, desperate arms struggling between pushing her away and hugging her, finally settling on embracing the woman in a tight grasp, claws digging into her, trying to hold her closer than anything before. "Of course I'm still alive," her voice croaked between shattered breaths, "I had to come back for you." It was the most honest Sylmaria had been in all her years, the admission breaking that facade of an Islexian, built up on the laurels of things who wished for nothing but her demise. She was alive. Giovanna was alive. Nothing else mattered... Cass had been catching her breath when thunder sounded out, and then an explosion, several people running off to see what had happened. "Hell, where's the fire...?" She didn't catch onto what had been so important. Magic and loud noises had been flying around the entire time... No point in panicking about them now, though, the sounds of fighting dying down meant only one thing in her mind. She grinned widely as she began to pour over the books in the study, finally erupting into a chuckle, almost a cackle. "Given the last sound from the main hall was thunder... You're dead, aren't you? You're dead, Kazran... My only regret is not having been there in your final moments~ I wonder what kind of face you made. M was less composed, the final ear shattering noises making her jump in place curiously following after the tall dragon man. "Rrrhhh, it's always something right at the end... Some, complication, issue, problem. But who, and why? Urghhh..." All she wanted as things grew quiet was to leave and return to her daughter. Roxanne had claimed she was alive, so... she had to see her. See that Roxanne was telling the truth...
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