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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. In GBA. I don't think they exist anywhere else.
  2. A'ight, I can agree to that but it shall never apply to FE2!
  3. But why is it the worst? :c And FE2 would like a word about you saying Snipers are the worst, but that's only FE2, so yeah...
  4. If you seriously want to say that snipers suck, I would like to point you to Shinon and Rolf.
  5. Using an iron lance I'd have 54% hit, using a silver one I'd have 49% :E Even using an iron sword I would only have had a 64%, 59% with a silver sword.
  6. Soul, shut up about his low hit, I crit with a fuckin' 4% hitting with a 44%, if you're gonna complain about someone with low hit, I'm right here >:C
  7. You think Sniper's the worst class in FE? You must not have seen whisper.
  8. You DO know that their average stats are all listed on THIS SITE, right? Please tell me you knew that.
  9. Wha-- @~@ Jesus, this is worse than anime. asdf, the only resolve to that I can see is Allie leaving Ted, going for Aaron, and you going for Ted, unless you like Aaron, so you could date him, I guess, but that might make Allie upset, and Tedsadvlkjaerhvlkuqrent iyq3hwernv8 qiutnhlafhsdhsgdh This is a right fine mess you've gotten yourself into.
  10. A bit OCD? AHAHAHAHAHA You don't know Rey. Rey, remake 'em. If it's gonna make you feel more accomplished about it, go fer it.
  11. Bro, neither Eliwood or Lyn had their average stats for level 20. Either change your Opening Post, or give them their average stats :E
  12. Slap him, and , what, get her friend Aaron more upset with her as he's obviously confused as to why she's protecting this Ted guy? Smart. Elincia, if you can, talk to Ted, do what everyone else here is saying. Talk to him, ask him what's up, heck, tell him you like him if you feel like it. If he still acts like a complete douche, then Aaron's gonna kick his ass. Not much you can do to stop that :E If he does acknowledge that he was being a dick hole, and apologizes, tell Aaron, have Ted apologize to everyone else, problem solved. This is only gonna go one of two ways :U
  13. Facewall some more, then. The other games section is for discussion of other games :E If you're posting a hack, it should go in the rom hacking section, no matter the type of hack it is.
  14. FGSFDS OnO WHY ARE YOU SO GOOD?! D8 Geezus. Astel that's so fucking beautiful. The only thing I can see that could be a problem is this part of the forehead: Otherwise, my god, I think you've got a ridiculously sexy mug there @~@
  15. My province doesn't rhyme with anything :<
  16. My name rhymes with a lot of 4 letter words than also rhyme with rent and tent.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnhF1QAEZjU Oh hi Lux :D
  18. Then why are you wondering why we're talking about your palette? How 'bout you don't :3
  19. You don't know what a palette is? ... AHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!HAHAH!!!! AH!!!!!AHAHAHAHAHAHA
  20. Chrome has bad security, and the only problem with FF is that there's this whole memory leak issue, so my FF, atm, is taking 800 MBs of my comps RAM. I've got 6 Gigs, so, it's no problem for ME, but I can see why others would get annoyed by it XD
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