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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. Hi Dio. We're all loling over in the Skype chat at Lux. This is some choice stuff.
  2. XD Dat picture. Eh. I guess it depends on the person. I spend three hours FCing a sprite, and you spend 20 minutes at the most splicing one. Let's just say that it's all hard work, and leave it at that, yeah?
  3. Damned for all Time = <3 Dat Judas can sing, and Caiaphas has, like, the sexiest low voice ever.
  4. But, Roy's already got a mug in FE6. It's very easy to bring it over. Why not try and make a better Marth mug?
  5. What the fuck? The only person I attacked here was Blademaster, for talking out his ass. Mariobro's been chatting with me in PMs about me spriting for him. Get your facts straight, bro. His hair coming out of the headband up top looks kinda weird, but, otherwise, it's a pretty decent splice. Good job ;3
  6. Your statement would have been correct, if my "Enjo <3" was placed before he stated that JCS was superior. Results accepted.
  7. That's a good question, ahaha xD Happy Friday to you, too. I wish it was Saturday, though.

  8. I do have a phone. Can I speak French to converse with these French people and order a pizza? Non. Do I have the money to pay for said pizza? Non as well.
  9. Pretty much that. Mario Bro's got a pretty interesting story, and his maps are good. The fact that he has events and world map events down pat is awesome, because he can do whatever he wants with the hack. I'm an extremely blunt person, so I tend to always come off as rude and offensive, but, I seriously just want the sprites to look good in this, since I see way too many hacks with potential that communities ignore because the graphics aren't up to par with everything else. That's not really fair to Mariobro, since he's obviously put a lot of time into this plot and the events/maps/world map events. If I've come off as offensive to Mariobro, Celice, HHS, or even Blazer, I apologize. I wont apologize to Blademaster, though, since his comment is stemming from lack of knowledge on the subjects of mapping and spriting. He's generalizing from what he's learned, and what he's learned isn't much.
  10. But, the Pokémon music, it's sooooooooooooo good OnO
  11. Dat's some pretty fancy music, but this music is probably the best, personally, that I've heard from the B/W soundtrack.
  12. Welcome welcome welcome! Btw, pretty good choices for pairings, there Enjoy yourself at the forest, and I hope you stay for a while XD
  13. Nanami Touko

    My Work. :)

    Agh, so much more I wish you could animation XD Damn, dat's a fancy sprite. I think it looks better than IS's Sage OnO
  14. *is jealous* Damn you and your access to Pizza, which I do not easily have.
  15. Kid, stop talking right now before you make yourself sound any more like an idiot. You have no idea how much effort people put into their sprites, and NO IDEA how hard it is to make a good quality sprite. Don't act like you do. It's harder to make a good sprite than it is to do event hacking. You can say it isn't difficult all you want, but your sprites suck, so, your word isn't worth much there, bud. Map making is also harder. Feaw, SL, Hero of Time, and AstaLunaSol will agree with me on this, if you seriously want to argue this. And, dude, did you just call FE5's difficulty fake?... Just... Just get out. Mariobro wants to focus on the story in his hack. No problem. I can respect that. I wont argue that anymore. But I wont sit by while someone with barely any experience in mapping and spriting calls spriting easy, while us good spriters spend 3+ hours making a sprite look good, and good mappers spend 3+ hours making excellent maps.
  16. [11:16:27 AM] EnjolrasMTA: About PoTO versus JCS [11:16:34 AM] EnjolrasMTA: you cannot deny [11:16:38 AM] EnjolrasMTA: that JCS is far superior [11:16:45 AM] Seph1212: Enjo <3 [11:16:47 AM] EnjolrasMTA: every one with "knowledge" of musicals [11:16:49 AM] EnjolrasMTA: knows JCS is superior [11:16:53 AM] EnjolrasMTA: because when analyzed [11:16:57 AM] EnjolrasMTA: JCS is a fucking great show [11:17:02 AM] EnjolrasMTA: while PoTO actually is kinda bad [11:17:08 AM] EnjolrasMTA: 'elloh SUCK IT, ERL.
  17. You have NO IDEA how many people I could find who would disagree with you on this. Matt is okay. His cloak is a little flat, and his neck could stand to be larger. Otherwise, decent splice, much better than the original ;3 As for Paul... Blagh. The outline of his cloak near where it touches his hair is all jagged, and looks weird. And his hair... Well, for one, it's messed up in the shading near the back, and his head is also too small in the back. His ear is over sized and jagged, and the hair directly to the left of his ear is completely out of place. See how this isn't actually easy? I'll stop derailing your topic any further, unless you want to continue this. Mariobro, after Feb. 17th, I would be happy to make sprites for your hack on a constant basis. I'm in the gender swap comp right now, and what I'm doing for it is taking up all my spriting time. Again, after the 17th, just let me know if you need anything done, and I'll see what I can do for you.
  18. Yeah, they need work. Sorry, bro. They all definitely NEED work.
  19. :E I highly disagree with you, Blazer. Pretty much all the sprites in the screenshots up top, 'cept for the original FE7 ones, NEED some work. An' if you really wanna argue sprites with an actual spriter, well... I'll just sit here an' watch:
  20. Lol, read up, or click here XD http://www.mediafire.com/?b1vvex7cvksv24c
  21. Everyone ignored my singin' ; ~ ; I didn't think I was that bad...
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