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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. It's in 8, and I love having my stone sword. As for your silly weapons, it's been done before, by a certain GhebFE maker.
  2. It MUST have been Nightmare. Wouldn't it say if one of the mods changed it, in the OP?
  3. Damn him and his shortness! Only on HM LOL good luck. Sleep on weapons is also ASM. The only status effects that can be put on weapons, and WORK are stone and poison.
  4. ...Tormod is higher than Ilyana? WUT No, seriously, what? His availability should make him the lowest on the list, MAYBE above Bastian.
  5. AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA Psych, stop asking. Just stop XD I'm laughing too hard.
  6. No, it doesn't. Not really. You lose about the same, comparatively, as you would lose in FE9, and, you lose less for attacking in FE9. You only lose 1 for attacking in FE9. I do enjoy being able to transform them back whenever, though.
  7. She's arguably the second best mage in the game (Between her, Soren, Calil, and Tormod. All the elemental mages) but that's still not saying much. Heck, Calil's probably better than her.
  8. Graaahhhh, Olivi Grass. If you were in FE9, there would be no reason for them to have changed Laguz in FE10 XD I guess I'm just offput by the bar, and having to make sure that they don't transform back during an enemy phase and get murderfaced. Sure, I had to pay attention to it in FE9, but I didn't have to worry as much, since the stat drops aren't as significant in FE9. I like Kurth :C I'll make ya a deal. Next time I play through FE10, I'll use more of the Laguz, and see if I like them any better XD And by more I mean the birds, bar Vika and Nealuchi. Maybe Volug.
  9. She'll never get that good on HM, oh no. I'll never try and argue that XD You'd think that cap would tip him off on his defenese, but no.
  10. But I don't D: The only abusing I did last run was turning the priests in endgame part 1 to stone, and getting Jill to promote. I never sit around to abuse Ilyana. I just overuse her XD He really does have weird stats. D'you think he would have been better as a cat? Iunno. It would have suited his growths more, but, I guess we didn't need another cat.
  11. I really should play through hard mode, so I can know why all these units are more useful than others on it. Since, I find Kurth to be amazing. Dragon foe and paragon, and he's level 40 by the end of part 3 end game. Personal opinions, yay~ Anouleth, Kyza's pretty bad, at least, for me. And getting Ilyana to promote in part 1 is easy as all hell. Getting her to level 7 is even easier. Fuck, I can get her to archsage by part three, and still have everyone else be at a good level. And Kyza's a tiger that thinks he's a cat. @nightmare Muarim's pretty awesome. I like mordy 'cause I could totally use him as a pillow.
  12. I guess so, and I wont deny her almost uselessness on hard mode during the middle game. I still, personally, don't think mages/sages are horrible in FE10. Laguz on the other hand... Correct me if I'm wrong, but, other than the laguz royals, I'm pretty sure most all of them suck. Bar Ranulf, Skrimir, and Kurthnaga, maybe the hawks. So, pretty much all the beast laguz XD
  13. Ehhh, I don't play hard mode. I'm talking about normal, since Soul didn't mention hard mode.
  14. If your sages are that bad, the RNG hates you. I use Ily every time I play FE10, and she doubles, ORKOs and doesn't get 2HKOd. Sorry, bro. Your personal experience sucks :P
  15. Sages were fine. What they nerfed was thunder magic, and the amount of playtime Tormod got. He seriously only gets, like 5-7 chapters in the entire game. And, they did NOT fix laguz. They nerfed them even further than what they were in FE9. The only good thing they gave was the option to revert back to human form when you wanted to. BEXP is only slightly better.
  16. What's up with his other eye? O.o If that's supposed to be a shadow effect, it's not done right, bro. And, there's not enough hair on that side to cause such a heavy shadow.
  17. I've gotta say, I really like that older version of Nickt you did there. Iunno why. It just seems... Hrm. It seems better than your other sprites, to me.
  18. I do prefer the term fanboyed. But I fanboyed over Brom. No, seriously. Rural Juggernaut for life.
  19. I used to fanboy over Mia and Ilyana. Then FE10 came out. I still fanboyed 8]
  20. BUT RIPPING EVERYTHING APART IS FU- yeah, he did. I still love the guy.
  21. You don't know spit about accents! I liked Brom getting an accent, though, I do agree that they should've gotten the appropriate accent. Brom's endgame title wins the day, though. EVERYday. I can see why Tibarn ragemoded, though. I mean, fuck, Naesala betraying his trust for a SECOND time. I'd get pretty pissed.
  22. There are a few choice lines in the supports, but it's that genericness that kills it for me. Kinda like how every character had the personality of a cardboard box in FE11. I mean, I guess IS can't be assed into making everyone support everyone the old way of doing it, but, I think it would of worked out better, in the end. Or at LEAST giving the majority of the characters non-generic lines for characters that actually mean something to them.
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