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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. You've made me laugh the hardest I ever have all day XD Probably harder than I have all week XD Ken, you, sir, are the official king of hilarity on SF. I swear. There is no one funnier XD
  2. I have a question for you: Do you ever leave comments that don't make you sound like a douche? If you honestly want to call this game as easy as SS, you must not have been playing FE8. And, like BL said, play hard mode. If you can do that, easily, without abusing Tuck, then I'll cede my point.
  3. It's alright. I got a lol out of it.
  4. Forget the voice and listen to the voice? wut
  5. Lol, Psych. I hope he realizes that if it's not well written, I wont do it XD
  6. Kai, the hair and the head angle don't match, the hair color is kinda ugh, and the shading needs work. :/
  7. Whoever did needs to make it better, than.
  8. Kai, dat Lia mug needs some serious work @~@
  9. If you actually took the time to read through the topic, you'd see that he's remaking Fire Emblem 6 using the Fire Emblem 7 engine, redoing the text, revamping portraits and battle palettes, and AGAIN, if you took the time to READ, adding in extra things. Please read a topic before asking a question that could be easily answered by actually reading through the topic.
  10. http://www.justin.tv/sqrtofpi Hey everyone, SqRtofPi is streaming.
  11. Oh shit, gotta upload those videos of this XD I've got up till chapter 5 recorded sitting on my desktop. Pardon my laziness.
  12. Thank you for making my brain hurt @~@
  13. Hey, Lumi, your Bizz square is back in action 8D
  14. No, it's Lumi's Floating Mercenary Base :3
  15. Since I doubt the game will tough enough to force people to go mad with supports like you are, I'll prolly just mess around with supports however I like XD Good to know the optimization, though.
  16. Mkay, I was reading it wrong, then. 'Cause, you're not stupid enough to forget that there are only 5 supports in FE7 XD I'm just silly I also see I'm not supporting Amelia in there. Awww.
  17. Lumi, the way I'm reading this... Is this supposed to be all your supports? I'm prolly wrong, just wondering.
  18. Lumi, sorry. Life ruined your plans for Bizz supporting me :c OH WELL~ Better rethink that square of yours.
  19. I don't get you guys and your support geometry @~@ Anyone want to explain?
  20. Dude, I should be like Douglas 8D Get some cool HM bonuses.
  21. Hmmm, true. Well, as long as I get to kill Proto, I shan't complain.
  22. Was gonna ask about that, too, since I volunteered. If you don't know, though, you don't know.
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