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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. So, Lumi, is the hand edit passable, or, wut? :<
  2. Crappy sprite is crappy, either way. Gonna redo it `~`
  3. Dude, it's iTunes, how hard can it be?
  4. Also the hand was irking me, so I tried to fix it. It's still way too small, but, I guess, for its size, it looks better @~@
  5. Ter-der Keep the blush like it is. Clever of you to use two shades of pink
  6. I think that she did the blush fine. I still say it needs dem eyebrows D:<
  7. Uh, je ne pense pas, monsieur. Les conversations etais tout en francais.
  8. The only pillow shading on there is on the bang on the right (OPV) Kthx, Mr Spike.
  9. I kinda agree with you on this slowly dying. Kinda sucks :< I mean, even though I wouldn't enter, the sets are fun to look at. The customing curse, she has consumed me @~@
  10. G'night. I still want to see what it looks like when it's done.
  11. It's not done processing yeeeeeeeeeeeeeet `~`
  12. I'd like to know if the sound is good as well, but, if you can't, that's fine. Remember, wait till it's done processing. You don't have to watch it in 1080p, but, just wait for the option to show up. That'll mean it's done processing.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3oxKcllyeY FOR THOSE OF YOU HERE. PLEASE WATCH THIS WHEN IT IS DONE PROCESSING. You will be able to tell it is done when you can select a 1080p option. I need to know if the quality is good.
  14. Naw, I'm good. I'm gonna take tomorrow to relax, sprite, practice drawing, render some more test videos, and read a few more posts of ToKA. Sound good?
  15. Why not just make it crossbows, and therefore make it slightly plausible?
  16. I refuse to read something that includes something as ridiculous and impossible as dual wielding greatbows `~` CROSSBOWS MAYBE. But fucking bows? Man, Legolas couldn't pull that shit off.
  17. Is... There a point to multiple headbands?
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