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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. I can confirm this. At the start of Thracia, Leaf was 15. By the time he joins up with Celice and the gang, he is 16. It states such on the character ages for FE4. THIS STILL MAKES CELICE 17.
  2. I shall cede that gen2 started during teh year of 776 HOWEVER. Just as Leaf was 15 during 776, Celice could be the exact same, and be 17 at the start of 776. He would turn 18 DURING 776.
  3. Unless you want to tell the mods to go and change the information they have, quit your arguing and accept defeat. Leaf at the start of 776 is 15 and Celice is 17 at the start of Gen2.
  4. Iseewhatyoudidthere Voted for Nicht's as well. I like what he did with the hair.
  5. HAHAHAHA Chapter 2 and 3 would like a word.
  6. True, but I think only Levin meeting with Leaf first would make more sense.
  7. Years pass like the wind in FE4. It wouldn't surprise me if Celice took a year in Ganeshire to rally his troops and get his forces ready for assaulting Isaac.
  8. Just because it's Thracia 776 doesn't make Leaf 16. He could be 15 and not have had his birthday yet, making him at least 16 by the end of FE4. And, Celice is two years older than Leaf, making him 17 at the start of Gen two. If Levin hadn't been to Isaac yet, that doesn't mean that gen two STARTS during 776. Celice has to fight his from Sophara all the way down to Isaac, which encompasses the year from 775 to 776. Heck, he meets Levin in Ganeshire, which means Levin went there, left to see August, and then went back to Isaac. asfbaejrhgadf
  9. You people are funny. You really think you're right? http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=14605&pid=1386334&st=460entry1386334 Go tell the mods they made a mistake and get laughed at.
  10. I JUST SAID, it doesn't. It takes place after the start of gen 2, and before the second chapter of gen 2. lrn2read
  11. The fuck are you people talking about? FE5 does not take place before Gen two. It takes place before the second chapter of Gen two, and after the first. Gen two starts in gran 775.
  12. Go tell the SF mods to change it, then.
  13. Twas 15 years. Celice was born two years before the BoB, yes, making him 17 after the 15 years had passed.
  14. Dude, it says RIGHT HERE: http://www.serenesforest.net/general/age.html That Leaf is 15 and Celice is 17.
  15. No, no, you're right. Unless the mods of SF have been wrong about the ages the ENTIRE time.
  16. SF also states that Leafs age in FE5 is 15, and FE5 takes place during second gen in FE4, so, =P
  17. Was is Leaf who was 15? EITHER WAY. She's not 18.
  18. She can't be 18. Second gen is 15 years after the first. Celice is 15. Everyone is his age.
  19. Give him Lalah Sune. He'll do anything for her XD
  20. Didn't they ALL get blown up by Amuro or some other Gundam protagonist? :<
  21. 14 would still make it 6 O'clock, so... Who knows? @~@
  22. It's, like, 4 in the morning for them Australians, no? I'm not surprised he's not here.
  23. It's Lloyd's hair, spliced/customed face, and Beyard's body.
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