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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. Lol, I couldn't drink before 18 :P Don't be jealous, I'm sure with a few roofies Soluna would... "agree" to marry you. 'Course, it's not really a marriage if you keep her in a cage for the rest of her life
  2. Compare it to your average Fire Emblem female.
  3. Oh, no. I tend to run into a lot of morons on the idiot BIG SURPRISE and I tend to use what they say to make them seem stupid, outside of grammatical Lol, Spike, you misspelled it mistakes and typos. Even when someone isn't an idiot, it's pretty easy to twist what they say and make them seem like a fool.
  4. Pretty good, Spike. Except, you're wrong 'bout the ignore. I tend to use what people say against them :P
  5. You're pretty easy to troll too, Spike XD
  6. lolwut Chil', you've got to learn to man up, one day. Man up.
  7. But Lumiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, he makes it so eeeeeeeeeeeasy ; ~ ;
  8. HEY, LOOK, RELEVANT. It's what Lux does to illegitimate babies
  9. Lol, it is. We choose not to hear the drivels of an idiot. OH NOES. AN INSULT. ON THE INTERNET. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.
  10. Well, it'll help my teeth, since I forget to brush sometimes. 'Cause it's not just mint gum, it's Dentyne! Besides, better now. If I ever get the smart idea to do this with ten pieces or more, someone stop me
  11. Laugh, I did this to myself. Fuck, I think I'm actually crying. MINT GUUUUUUUUUUUM!
  12. Oh god, I can't feel my tongue anymore ; ~ ;
  13. Alright, time to try it with 7 pieces. I'll post if I survive.
  14. PAINFUL. God, that was the most horrific experience I've ever had with gum. Glad it only lasted 30 seconds.
  15. I just put 6 pieces of intense mint gum into my mouth, AAAAAAAHHH, OH GOD THE MINT SCENT IS STREAMING OUT MY NOSE.
  16. Amelia, if you're willing to tell us about the love and family problems, we might be able to help. If not, I hope they get resolved for the better as soon as possible :<
  17. But, the universe isn't imploding and all time isn't coming to an end.
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