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Nanami Touko

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Posts posted by Nanami Touko

  1. That is still basically ursula's body, so your request is questioned.

    Uhm, so what? Just cause it's the original sprite, basically, doesn't mean it automatically looks good. I agree with Spykor, and you should try and make the arm face outwards a little more.

    I think that if you moved the head down one pixel and to the left one (OPV) it would look better, but go with what looks best to you.

  2. ifuckinghatethissetnose.gif


    Buh. Chalis, I swear I'm going to strangle you XD

    Just posting this here cause I can. Opinions, anyone?

  3. D:


    Sorry to hear that. Make sure to get all the text from the old hack before you delete it, so you can just load the script instead of having to do it all over again.

    I'm here to help if you need anything for it.

  4. I'm prolly the only one who isn't surprised, only because I'm a regular there, now XD

    Now, ALS, I think you've got a pretty good chance. Yours is very nice, and I love green hair, so you've got my vote already.

    I think Aeo's is a little over the top >__>

  5. I'm just trolling XD

    Not surprised that it's being done later.

    Want to see what you're doing with the first tier classes more, though >=D

    Any ideas on doing a new archer, or is that staying the same?

  6. Good!

    I can't wait for the final product but I will, since if I didn't have to wait, it would be done already

    (How's that fem rogue going, anyway? LOL, yes, Trent, bother him about stuff, mwahahaha)

  7. Shuh, ruin my surprise, Camcam.

    YES. If it was a map or an event that you changed to cause the goof, by going to the offset for the event/map in the original FE8, in hex, and copying it over into yours, in hex, you can fix whatever went wrong.


    You have to tell me what exactly you changed that screwed it up. If it was events, or a map, I can fix this.

    (Also, wanna be a bit more specific on the troubadour? Like, length of hair, body size, any details?)

  9. Like a moron, I noticed you mentioned the legs as I clicked "Post". Oh well.

    Obvious splice or not, it still looks good. I'm with Camcam on animating them completely. That would take quite a lot of effort not to mention customing, unless you want the knight jumping around like Hector XD

  10. Anything gone that you can't find a back up for, oh, say, a sprite that you might need remade? wink wink, I'm really bored with spriting lately and doing some for you would be awesome, since that would give me motivation

    Just let me know.

  11. Obvious Hector and hero splice for the knight, and pupil + mageknight + I'm not good with legs, but I'm gonna guess thief

    Gonna make an entire animation for them? I think that would be pretty boss.

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