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Everything posted by Arch

  1. There's quite a lot of unique content, yes. There are a few lines of the prologue that are lifted from Shadow Dragon, but otherwise they're completely new cutscenes. Marth's father, Cornelius, never appeared in the original (he shows up in a brief opening cutscene shot in Shadow Dragon, which is what his appearance here is based on - he dies off-screen in Shadow Dragon's prologue). It'll be released no later than January 1st, 2020.
  2. Finally got this topic unlocked, lol. Enjoy the obligatory bumpdate! Showing off the cutscene prologue.
  3. Today is the submission due date, so I'll need to hear from all of our entrants what their plans for the presentation are.
  4. It's a totality of circumstances thing - but the goals mislead the player, and punish you for what might otherwise be "good behavior" under the false premise that the chapter's about to end. I'm not going to waste healing items and consciously position units to keep fighting if there's no point--except then, after turn 10, you realize it's a fake-out goal, by which point you're kind of already screwed since you didn't prepare for 4+ more turns of this. That's really the root of the problem here. The torches weren't even that useful, because you get punished for straying too far from the village wall openings anyways. The boss isn't even that big of a deal, easily slain with proper rangespam. If you strategically use Uther, 1 other hit + Claymore kills Zweis rather effectively. Still would've been nice if he'd sobered up when the goals started changing. Like, throw me a bone bro. The Juniors are super useful, but partially that's because you don't have access to axes. Would've been nice to see Bart's AI change at some point where he would spring into action; he doesn't really do much of anything currently.
  5. That doesn't mean that it's inherently a good design. An "efficient player", operating under the premise that the chapter will end after turn 10 (having seen no sign of a boss that would extend the chapter), would be poorly positioned to continue the chapter for another four turns. I'm not going to waste healing items getting everyone back to full strength if the chapter's going to end. There's a lull in combat towards the end of those first 10 turns, which is a bit deceptive. The checkpoint at turn 9 is a bit fishy, but otherwise the player has no forewarning that the chapter will extend itself. It would be better to just say "14 turns" outright, and the transition to "rout" is still a surprise (you thought you didn't have to fight the boss? hah!). Or, alternatively, you could extend the turn count to 14 when the miniboss appears--at least then players would have adequate warning. Maybe Uriel should get a cutaway scene early on, too, which would foreshadow the boss fight. except he doesn't. no playable axe units, fog, indefinitely drunk lord, and misleading goals make this chapter kinda frustrating.
  6. Technically you can hack the save data to expand space allotted to particular factions for unit memory. So yes, it's possible in GBA Klok's just talking out his butt to say XNA is better (which yes, it is but also not available to the public yet). Obviously it's easier to use an engine that already has this enabled by default. FEXP is not recommended to use at all, it's incomplete. But if you pace the enemy deployment well enough you shouldn't need more than 50 at once. I don't think FE4 ever had that many enemies on the map.
  7. Well, FE6 actually has an absurdly large tile limit. It can kinda handle huge maps. Wow that vid is 7 years old and I remember when Blazer first posted it. Someone just put me in a nursing home already.
  8. Nope, those maps were all within the "legal limits." The tile limit is large enough to more or less fit FE4's prologue map. Keeping in mind that was FE7, though. I wonder if the tile limit changed at all in the transition to FE8?
  9. That sounds basically like FE4's approach. I think it'd be pretty interesting to see an original hack built around that concept. It'd require a significant amount of mapping - but if you're invested in the idea and see it through, you'll have a really great starting point for your hack.
  10. Arch

    Elibean Nights

    Apparently I forgot to update the OP link with the latest version of the beta. My apologies, it seems that people have been playing and reporting glitches for an outdated patch. The latest can be downloaded here. My intent is to have an updated patch in the next week or two. My job has proven to be rather time consuming, so I've been pecking away at EN during my minimal spare time. Thank you for your patience, I still intend to have the final release ready for FEE3. October 4th. #BreakTheCurse
  11. The thing I dislike most about this game is its fanbase.
  12. Well, the original submission date is 9 days away... It doesn't seem like many people are going to be ready by then. So here's my proposal: I say that we take all of this month/most of September, all submissions are due on September 20th, and have the show run October 2nd - 4th.
  13. Hey everyone, bumping this because I've got the inevitable "should we re-schedule" question to ask. Poll's been added to the topic, and I'd appreciate feedback! It seems like we don't have many entries, and the general thing I've heard is just that people won't have enough time to make something worthwhile before the due date. Vote away~
  14. And then you start to realize that the point of making Kamui unrelated to the Hoshidan royalty is so you can waifu them with no regrets, this is exaaaactly what I've been "whining" about this whole time. IS makes terrible decisions, and carelessly undermines the integrity of their designs in the name of blind "fanservice." If you thought it was going to get better after Awakening, lol. They're tripping over themselves trying to sell this game to you. Here's to hoping FE16 is everything we ever dreamed of and more. Cheers!
  15. It isn't "fanservice" unless we actually like it and pay money for it. Until then, it's simply "bad design." Validation by sales numbers will be the death of this series.
  16. Welcome to "the future" of FE. Our children will travel back in time to warn us of this great calamity.
  17. You're putting words in my mouth, buddy. It's a bad support because it endorses terrible stereotypes about gay people and rape culture. And then all the people who want to sweep that crap under the rug, they're just fine. LOL. Let's not forget that the tumblr user posting about this, who is a transgender female, has received death threats from FE fans because of their critique. But that doesn't matter to all the fans who want to rationalize this away, does it? Stop blinding yourselves to the real, and ugly, consequences of bigotry.
  18. The fact that people just get annoyed and dismissive, like you, when something like this gets brought to attention is exactly why we need to talk about this and why it is NOT OKAY! Because the current direction of the FE series, which I have loved for many years, is bizarre and outrageously bad and I will speak out as much as I damn please, because I have every much of a right to post here as you. Even if you don't like what I have to say.
  19. I only come here to advertise my own FE hack, because the games IS makes are terrible. Your "I'm objective because you're both terrible" stance is laughable. I've had family members who were scarred for decades by parents who forced them to go to those therapies; and it's under the same assumption, that Soleil's sexuality is a "problem to be cured" rather than an integral part of her character. The game's handling of this is appalling; they "include" gay characters, but only to demean their sexual preference. But what really gets me is that people around here are so dismissive of the complaints of people they don't identify with. The fact that FE is just another battleground in this imaginary "SJW war" is absolutely fucking disgusting. Why can't we just call intolerance for what it is?
  20. I think this post should be flagged for flame-baiting. It adds nothing constructive to the dialogue and only seeks to antagonize people of differing viewpoints. Stay classy, SF. Anyone who defends the merit of this is utterly insensitive; plotlines with shades of traumatizing gay conversion therapy and frat-style roofie rape should not be in video games, period. It doesn't matter if it gets censored, we know what the original intent of the Japanese writers was. It's blatantly homophobic, just like the intolerant motherfuckers who use this sorta thing to hate on "SJWs." You are a despicable person for using this situation to attack people, and especially for using this as a reason to attack the inclusion gay characters. Heather was bisexual if not outright lesbian, and there were no issues with her inclusion in FE10 (a game released five years ago). It's 2015, grow the fuck and pull the wool out from over your eyes, FE fans. Every time I come to Serenes, the shit stank gets stronger.
  21. Arch

    Elibean Nights

    Achievement unlocked!
  22. Arch

    Elibean Nights

    Crazycolorz5 (aka Jesus) visited me this week down in Sactown, and now I have a slick EN update. First hack with customized AI? #MiracleWeekBasically, the function is as follows: Kaherdin will attack Karel at full HP, but will not move from his throne under any circumstance. After inflicting damage, Kaherdin will Talk to Karel a maximum of 5 times, at which point the battle ends. Because this was originally a forced loss, I wanted to include an alternate route to triggering the transition to Karel's last map.
  23. Thought it was worth a mention: Crazycolorz5 just posted an update to the Event Assembler over on FEU. Overhauls the EA's handling of AI to reflect new research, and also offers improved FE8 support thanks to Vennobennu's updated raws. http://feuniverse.us/t/nintenlords-utilities/52/9
  24. Arch

    Elibean Nights

    Sounds like you have an older patch on items two through four. I do need to fix the part about Arcard's death, though. You should be given the option to surrender after 14 turns, which is an automatic "victory." If you refuse to surrender, you keep fighting until you lose. I am intending to make Arcard's death end the chapter after reading this.
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