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Moishe Oofnik

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Everything posted by Moishe Oofnik

  1. Im looking foward to this but slight problem change the Holy blood screen just get a new gui or something
  2. Lol sorry dude Zoro is massivly hypersonic (faster then the eye can see=/=Speed Of light) He is around 600-800 mach (Faster then Gear 2 luffy at this point) Mach 441+ is the final number for pre-skip G2 Luffy. GER SCR KC B.I,G MIH are probably the strongest stands (universe level)
  3. Forgot to add Post Kenneth Canas Most Ideal Assassin I ever had
  4. The Flaws In Wyvern Lords Endgame Weak Speed-they are doubled by most of light Sacred Weapon Weakness-:( There Flier Utility isnt that important in those chapters-:( The Pegasi Win In almost nothing but not sacred weapon weakness Mabye falcons have staves like FE4
  5. Jean Pierre Polnareff (probably the most badass Frenchman in anime/manga, as much as that is worth) uses his Stand Silver Chariot to intercept multiple beams of light from the Stand "The Sun." And before you ask, yes, these are actual beams of light, not "magic light" or anything: First I'm going to try to get the height of Silver Chariot's head. According to the JJBA wiki, Polnareff is 1.85 m tall. Getting the size of his head as a proportion of his height, I'm going to say that he is 6.1 heads tall, the mean value of the proportions given for manga characters in the Wikipedia article. The reason for this being that, while he is hardly a moeblob or typical manga-style character, his head is rather... oddly shaped, and pretty tall. So I figured this would make sense. That makes the height of his head 30.32786885 cm. Here is a scan of Polnareff and and Silver Chariot together, where I scaled the size of Silver Chariot's head (with Polnareff's head I went from his chin to an area in his hair parallel to the highest visible skin in his head, due to his widow's peak. For SC I scaled from the chin of its armor to the top of one of the points on its helmet): The height of Silver Chariot's head is thus 31.80656161 cm. In the first scan, he is blocking all of the beams with one arm (the sword arm), by moving it in a semicircular pattern and adjusting his hand to position the sword to block each beam. It's hard to exactly tell how close the beams are to him when they get blocked, but I think the maximum distance they could have be from each other, in terms of distance traveled before being blocked, is 1 cm, as anything higher would be noticeable. So all of these blocks would have occurred in at most the time it takes light to cross 1 cm, or 3.33564095e-11 seconds. To find the distance Silver Chariot's arm moved, I measured the visible length of its forearm, and I will treat his arm movement distance as a percentage of the circumference of a circle with that distance as the radius (this will be a slight lowball as the overall path his arm seems to be moving in looks slightly wider than that, though). Silver Chariot head height = 31.80656161 cm Silver chariot forearm length = 33.69906679 cm Circumference of circle = 2.117374813 m Now to find the angle. Using the angle measurement tool in GIMP, I got 129.82 degrees. 129.82/360 = 0.3606111111 0.3606111111 * 2.117374813 = 0.763548884 m. This makes the speed of Silver Chariot's arm 76.3548884c. This are SC feats zoro gets blisted to hell
  6. New Skill Sigurd -100% Activation rate 9999+Str 99999+Def and res immortality and Being god in general I have nothing ill give more ideas later
  7. Post Chap27 Lowen Items Used:None Nigga is going to endgame I Knew Blind cook is best cav Wyvern Lords should have a 3rd Promo Path that gives them like 26~25 Speed and 30 str and def
  8. Geitz is Fail 5 base def joining when everything needs at least 10 to survive combat Truely Lol fail choose wallace instead LLoyd being nerfed alot made him not as a pain (doubled 20 speed assassin not SM)
  9. I got kenneths Map cuz i didnt train raven guy bartre Dorcas is my main pali Serra was at 20/0 Lucius 20/4
  10. Staffbot fodder>1 chapter utility then bench honestly he works good but heath was already promoted anyway so i had no use for him BTW who you gave your boots too I gave them to Wil
  11. Linus?? I had delibrity got LLoyds version because I honestly like wallace better and geitz cant keep up with lowens insanity anyway
  12. Basicly no one in Chaos mode is an arden or a diadora or a wendy
  13. Stat boosters that can go to better characters right bartre doesnt have shit stat because you gave him a crap ton of speed wings where you can give them to characters like hector who are better and need them more
  14. Honestly I feel sad for Kent He comes outclassed doesnt get better he has no use
  15. On another note Did you guys get karla or just ignored her because of her inferiority to hector (10 skill in the chapter where every enemy is a dodge tank)
  16. Thats a good point so yea logia isnt an arguement anyway shall we start Zoro Vs reff Polnareff cuts his head a million times while he tries to attack GG
  17. She had fail def upon recruiton gave the luna to sain because sain is god In your next playthrough I rec rebecca she caps all the offensive stats much easier and faster then lyn
  18. I just noticed that the leila description is so sarcastic GREAT growths awesome bases Lol
  19. >Show >Show A.Only Manga discussions and feats no anime new rule If you want to discuss it propeply discuss it The fights are 1 on 1 not the whole universe on polnareff
  20. 20/20 rath should Cap Str and def easy at 20/20
  21. My Hector Capped Skill Nerf dragoon speed klock to like 28 or 27
  22. Logias Must be in there Logia form to be impervious polnareff if they can even react to him silver chariot requirem is universe busting and invinicble hence PART3 polnareff
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