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Moishe Oofnik

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Everything posted by Moishe Oofnik

  1. I was talking about wyverns speed in general shwartz for top tier
  2. if the gaurds can attack the spy they will unless that spy is like shade+pass volke assassin so they couldnt detect him
  3. Wow I always remebered him having 24 sorry (thats what you get for always using transfer ike)
  4. By Ike Oscar and Titania I ment there transfers versions also Non transfer Ike doubles everything but the SMs
  5. You have more then 1 save slot IF VAIKE WANT GALEFORCE VAIKE GET GALEFORCE
  6. but thats nonsense because things need to make sense Im preety sure if it was mr sunfflegus fought anri it wouldnt be good plot it doesnt even function because it only tells us basic basic knowledge which is another problem with awakenings story
  7. There is a thing called plot Your imagination means nothing cuz it wasnt explained nor it was obvious
  8. Oujay is replace twice -_- also if its a crossover patch or a niche patch (llike fe8 midori/green) Just call it Binding Blade _____ Patch Instead of just + which gave me the impression of a rebalance patch
  9. Why thats just baseless why would the assassin be level 15 why wont the gaurd attacks him when they saw him pass Use logic
  10. Forgot about Mias existence also Mia is his best support canidate because Well she can kill stuff and actually deals damage and lives hit then because remember if the unit that supports ike is like lyre that level of bad even if she had a great affinity she would be useless because she is a bad character so Mia>Soren Now for how badly soren gets raped in 3-1 (3-P is trouble for most characters par Ike titania mia and oscar AS wise but soren cant double any enemy in that chapter) Why even use soren?? for the record mia doubles everything in the chapter
  11. was too lazy to look up enemy stats if we need more attack on Ike id rather having him in a support with mordy/ulki a better unit then fucking soren
  12. A.Dual earth>Not Dual earth B.You do realize Im pointing this at celerity Ike which means he has fancy 9 move like a mount C.Transfer Ike comes with capped str he can 2RKO most enemies and ORKO some enemys and just to adress your ridicolus point: SOREN is not going to frontline ever with that 9def/28hp bulk lets compare him to nolan who starts with 9def/29hp AS A LEVEL 9 FIGHTER AT PART 1 soren +22.5 Avoid from one earth A Soren aint keeping up with gatrie considering soren gets raped 2RKOd By 0/19Nolan no bexp HP:35 Str:17 Skil:18 Spd:16 Lck:13 Def:13 Res:7 Soren cant double him 23mag+6 might elwind-7nolanres=22 Damage SteelAxe11might+17str-9def=19 Damage Scrubs with Nolan level stats in HM exist alot and soren takes a hit like a pussy P.S:Dual Earth is insane
  13. Ike (T) is a better celerity canidate then gatrie will ever be his offence reaches god mod in part 4 str skill speed transfers mean alot to him and he is basicly fail In part 3/4 Ike is going to support oscar (t) for dual earth soren is a way way way worse support option Marshalls Caps are crap compared to the dracolords in which as follows: Gatrie's Caps: HP: 60 Str: 36 Mag: 20 Skl: 34 Spd: 31 Lck: 30 Def: 37 Res: 30 Haars caps: HP: 60 Str: 38 Mag: 10 Skl: 38 Spd: 32 Luck: 30 Def: 38 Res: 20 Only thing Nigga is losing at is Res and mag and gatrie aint going to cap them anyway
  14. A.Shoulders arent Bones they are areas B.Stop the Waifu Wars C.What you wrote isnt the thing that Implys a platonic relationship D.Im not forcing you Im just saying what I found troubling E.Leaning to that specific area in the human body is quite absurd F.Like the term underdevloped there is also the term overdeveloped and your going into too much detail isnt exactly a good thing "A man played CoD" See short sentence that says what we need to know "A man played CoD using a mouse he pressed Left click to shoot he pressed left click with his finger that finger moved the mouse slightly" Says what we need to know and 9000000000s other things we dont need to know
  15. Im preety sure no one narrates stuff that are pointless ever herd about refining and shaving text or you could leant to her shoulder and weeped there is no need for the extra fucking details the point is the same it conveys the same stuff. And dont shove WaifutarXChrom just make it Sumia (Clearly the canon waifu) Edit:Waifu wars rewind my life
  16. Spoiler the pics please Also leif achived god mode
  17. That and...(This post appointed to OP now) 300~ Words for a full story is rather short it can work well as just an early concept, but as a full on story on a scale like awakening it should be at least roughly 3000-5000 words to cover the entire story shortly with enough screentime to cover all the playable characters and give them some character. Chrom should have more defining traits if he is going to be the protag and he needs fair share of development to work as a good protag... also Im preety sure canonicly Robin is a male you don't need to shove romance into your story when its obvious that the developers pushed that SumiaXChrom is the canon The entire point of the segment you gave us is kinda take this lightly please is kinda Irretional and keeps things that like are not relevant and I like to call them "word filler" I can use other words to cut half some of this pointless information like the "collarbone" and "falchion bloodied and mud drying slowly between his glove and its hilt." for example this things are rather useless information that just acts as pointless "word filler" in order to satisfy your word cap P.S:Im not interested the moment the time traveling lucina arc enters (aka when it gets stupid) If you want to have a limit word cap feel it with content
  18. the wyvern riders base speed is so low its absurd Christoph thus far has been the best unit par hellius im at chapter 3 Like at memnus base speed needs to be like 6/7 In chapter 5x WTF WEISS
  19. The graphics are not excellent but I think you ment aestetic anyway really good review but I dont fault a game for being short
  20. Gatrie (T) Caps everything but his caps are awful I could give celerity too a god in Haar who shaves way more turns P.S:Proposing Ike(T)-Str Spd Skl to Heroes of daien Tier Transfer Ike is absurd as fuck really also checking if Kyza actually shaves enough turns to warrent mid and proposing (N) Astrid to Falco tier
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