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Captain Karnage

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Everything posted by Captain Karnage

  1. I'm skeptical of that email beacuse it's from saturday well azura's jpn voice actor might be causing the issue
  2. I would love to see what happens in the route you didn't pick where Ryouma or Xander are the main characters I think it would be really cool to be on the losing end for once I think we will see Apotheosis 2, it's just going to have an international release date and maybe some maps where we fight past FE characters like in Awakening fanservice maps based on international popularity Roy amiibo support some DLC characters based in previous lords make grandmaster a unisex class again more DLC is pretty much given at this point, considering that in the US Map Pack 1 contains all 11 dlc maps that were released in Japan, and that 1 indicates that more are on the way
  3. How long do I have to wait until the effects of that one stave (the one that lowers your hp) wear of
  4. Nintendo must really want us to forget that skinship was even a thing
  5. I just thought Peri was uber violent, or just a female Henry Maybe we can just tap the screen and a sceen will play out credit goes to thane for that lovely work of art anyways I can't wait untill we find out more about the english version
  6. well it was fun while it lasted I have a dreadful feeling that NoA is going to go crazy and try to get all of the subtitled skinshipping videos off of youtube I guess I have a reason to keep my JPN 3DS arround for a while longer apparently getting assked for a kiss is too taboo for our wonderful puritan country who has no problem with exessive over the top violence See you all around the forest, bye! ohh I hope this is just one big missunderstanding Well nobody has actually seen it, the story for Ign and Kotaku was that a Nintendo rep told them so and we still have that 1GB of data that's useless I'm way too deep into denial
  7. so it's gone, but the benefits are still there https://youtu.be/7jkVQGJ8Zms?t=54m20s I'm going to go and cry
  8. well at least we have something my hype level have gone down well atleast I have my japanese version if I ever feel the need to rub some faces
  9. uhhh, I imagine that we're just getting the same stock email because some people might ask can we touch their chests. so they are giving the stock email to everyone I'm getting burned out y'all
  10. not to mention but the cutscenes were redone for the english audio and it also contained the OG JPN cutscenes I can't tell if this comment is in support of skinship being in the game or not anyway, those large file sizes give me hope edit: correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Bravely Default roughly the same size as it's japanese counterpart, I'm going to check I'll be back in a few you can't even download it in japan, I'll have look for other examples
  11. since I added this late in my last post I think I might have come across some hope I found out that the english version of Awakening is SMALLER than the japanese version US 8,759 blocks JPN 9,784 blocks so maybe NoA is better at compressing games than IS (consider that the US version contains both English and Japanese audio, as well as redone cutscenesfor the english cutscenes) ___ I think they are giving out stock responces when any questions about skinship ( for the pourpose of damage controll) and remember in all of those emails they mention not being able to touch body parts (notice the plural)
  12. please don't call somebody a weeb, we really don't need another argument in this thread please pass this along to Adam Sandler ____ like I said earlier, I think they are giving out stock responces when any questions about skinship and remember in all of those emails they mention not being able to touch bodie parts (notice the plural) so I still have an ember of hope ____ also I just found out that the english version of Awakening is SMALLER than the japanese version US 8,759 blocks JPN 9,784 blocks so maybe NoA is better at compressing games than IS (consider that the US version contains both English and Japanese audio, as well as redone cutscenes to match the englis VA)
  13. I keep seeing the word "body parts" maybe nintendo is responding to any question regarding skinship as if you could touch any part of the body like if I were to send two seprate emails one asking if "I could touch anywhere" another if "I could touch their only their faces" I feel like I would get the exact same stock responce you know, damage controll ____ who would have thought one little "!" would have raised so many "?" that's what I was thinking
  14. Nintendo is a lot like a parent They don't want their kids (customers) getting exposed to anything sexual or violent. But they forget that there is a rating on the box for a reason.
  15. life lesson- never underestimate anyone my feelings are the exact opposite, I think gen 3 is the best and gen 4 is the worst- and this is very off topic
  16. then lets hope that Hulk Hogan wins his lawsuit against Gawker media because if he wins everything under Gawker media is screwed including Kotaku
  17. oh Naga, people keep forgetting that lying and the internet go hand in hand
  18. So his tiny amount of credibly still stands.If you get caught in a lie you have 2 choices A. Admit that you were lying B. Dig yourself into a deeper hole with another lie to back up the OG lie Wait a minute, he has no credibility @lobo I agree that it is decent to hide his email address but because it's hidden I'm still skeptical that he could have just forged that email. I'm even more skeptical about it because there is no receive date, it could have been an email from 2 years ago
  19. That tweet us from Nathan Grayson, the same guy who has caused this panic(and partly responsiblefor gamergate). He's probably covering his tracks. The problem is that email has no adress and there is no receive date as well. If he's lying he's dug himself a hole and he's in too deep. edit: @lobo they guy is a journalist, he knows the names of important people and credible people. He could have forged the email because there is missing information on that email Grayson showed. I mentioned it above This is not an attack on anyone Edit2: FROM NOW ON PLEASE DON'T BRING IN SOURCES THAT REFERENCE THE ORIGINAL KOTAKU ARTICLE OR NATHAN GRAYSON (unless it's new)
  20. This is just a guy is just using a tweet frome that kotaku guy.We've already had a discussion on that particular tweet
  21. yep, just check the product details http://www.gamestop.com/nintendo-3ds/games/fire-emblem-fates-special-edition/126802 and yes, amazon, and bestbuy say the same thing
  22. that's true about the Japanese version of the game, however one of the bigger selling points of the US SE is that this is the only way to get revelations physicaly
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