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Captain Karnage

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Everything posted by Captain Karnage

  1. by chance like I said an alt skin became a full character a melee vet returned and a new Nintendo character was picked all of them just happen to be from fire embleme and yes if you love FE as much as me
  2. So I've been wanting to talk about this since Corrin's reveal, but when I tried to bring this up in the Corrin thread it seems that every one just ignored it and went strait for my other opinions this is the point I've been trying to make Fire Emblem just lucked out this time Lucina was one of the three alt costumes who got upgraded to full character Roy was the Melee vet that got brought back Corrin is the only new Nintendo character from an established franchise they all just happen to be from Fire Emblem in regards to Roy, I think he was the best choice as a returning melee vet over a joke character and another version of Link
  3. I've been seeing a lot of different translations on the internet about when the encounter with Chrom and company occurs So I've been wondering when in Awakening is this event happening does it occur before Awakening or after Awakening are they looking for the player avatar or about to find them because I've read translations like this Chrom "I once had a friend by that name" and one where Chrom acuses them of being Plegian soldiers both of which kinda contradict eachother so when is this happening?
  4. you can change your hairstyle at any time, you don't have to wait for the ! to show up not to mention the woman in the video said we have to keep some secrets. that little ! pretty much asures that we will indeed be able to touch our waifu/husbando
  5. It doesn't really matter unless you're looking for story I'd go with Azran legacy
  6. what was I stating as a fact? sorry for sounding rude was it because I said xenoblade and splatoon are too young go ahead and criticize my opinions, that's what free speech is for ..... sorry for the minor derail folks ...... this is the point I was trying to make Fire Emblem just lucked out this time Lucina was one of the three alt costumes who got upgraded to full character Roy was the Melee vet that got brought back Corrin is the only new Nintendo character from a stable and established franchise they all just happen to be from Fire Emblem
  7. I put those opinions in a spoiler for a reason
  8. I deleted post I felt my og post was rude @Sunwoo I think Splatoon has sold around 2.5 million worldwide
  9. Fire Emblem has been around since 1990 I think they've been doing something right
  10. people would have hated him anyway I imagine if we didn't get Lucina or Roy people would still have complained that FE has too many characters People would have cried "why does Donkey Kong only have two reps and Fire Emblem has 3, UNFAIR, WORST SMASH BROS EVER, F**K YOU SAKURI" Fire Emblem just kinda lucked out this time Lucina was one of the three alt costumes who got upgraded to full character Roy was the Melee vet that got brought back Corrin is the only new Nintendo character from a stable and established franchise opinions edit: fixed spelling error and spoilers
  11. I found more english gameplay and Lura Bailey is Lucina and Yuri Loenthal is Marth
  12. I'm just happy that Corrin isn't another amnesiac
  13. could you provide some examples as to why you can relate better to Robin than to Corrin and do you really want an avatar with no personality at all at least Kris has more personality than the MC of Shining Force I,II, and III and sometimes I prefer Shining Force to FE
  14. I'm begining to think that all the Kamui hate is comming from that one infamous support conversation
  15. The OP is a troll don't bother with this thread
  16. you're part of the problem any choice that let's us sound like we like him makes us look like complete idiots get a mod to lock this thread before it goes to hell
  17. just got back from GS, my pre order is secure good luck to the rest of you
  18. 3 things 1. SHUT UP ALREADY about the story, I've heard enough BS about how bad the story is, people like you are killing ANY anticipation I STILL HAVE LEFT(I should doubt your opinion on the story because its coming from someone who says Awakening is there favorite game) no offense to Awakening fans I'm not the biggest fan of its story, mechanics, and unlimited leveling up. 2. we're suposed to be checking to see if our preorders have been canceled 3 It further makes some of us mad because of the way that the game is set to ensure that no one survives without careful strategism with the fanservice to further tick us off. I hope you realize that the S in SRPG stands for strategy edit: sorry for my little rant, hopefuly everyone who has had there preorder canned can get it some way with out having to resort to scalpers edit 2: I'm not saying sorry to anybody who keeps us from having something to look forward to next year
  19. I'm glad I preordered it the second it was available at Gamestop and Amazon being paranoid I ordered an extra copy if one were to be canceled. If I had gotten both I would have probably sold it to a friend anyway I was the first person to preorder it in store the day it was availabe, so I really shouldn't have a problem well there is always eBay where people are selling preorders for $300 lol
  20. So this is something I've been thinking about for a while. I thought it would be fun to speculate what might be in Smash for NX first off I think we're going to get the wii u version on NX with a few extra things like all DLC included 3DS stages All custom parts and moves unlocked 3DS trophies something thing I'd like to see (but I know will never be) Turbo mode (everything is faster) Melee's & 64's Final Destination Big Blue stock matches (where you pick several characters and each one is a stock, like what they had in Project M)
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