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Captain Karnage

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Everything posted by Captain Karnage

  1. Par you beat me to it Anyways, I'm going to soft ban this topic for a while. So don't try to start up threads similar to this.
  2. I'm pretty sure about it afik, it's above even Vincent and Jyousa's power
  3. Yes, It's only happening on mobile though. It's an ad attack on curse media websites, so it's just not us.
  4. I wonder who could have submitted that record to Guinness? 🤔 guess we'll never know
  5. I don't think it's ever really going to matter, it's not a heavy mainstream controversy, and everyone is talking about that OTHER thing right now. It'll end up like the other 99% of change.org petions and end up forgotten or will just be ignored. Ditto on what Eclipse said. Though think that's just how people default when they see someone they haven't met, we just assume things from their outward appearance until we get to know them. I think it's one of those things that's just a part of being human, I don't think we'll ever be able to not do that.
  6. I'll let this topic stay up as long as the conversation doesn't dive southward. However I don't think a change.org petition is really going to do anything
  7. Really good post OP but unfortunately there's already an Eldegrad discussion topic. Feel free to copy paste this over there. https://forums.serenesforest.net/index.php?/topic/88666-what-are-your-thoughts-on-edelgard-spoilers/
  8. try putting sickie notes on that side of the screen or use mobile where they are on the very bottom of the screen afaik, you can't but that's something that the staff might look into
  9. Moving this to general gaming. Who did you order from, are they a reputable seller? I don't have much else to go on, I would recommend always buying from a well known seller.
  10. as of writing this you post is 10 hours old, the oldest post on this board on the front page is 9 hours old, hence why it ended up on the second page
  11. you made me do a double check because of that comment
  12. I see a lot of meme potential with this format you've been warned
  13. People have been struck by lightning before, and others have won the lottery. You probably just got REALLY unlucky We won't know until people start cracking the game open.
  14. Hey everyone, this is going to be the first Impressions thread where you can tell everyone about you first Impressions of 3 Houses. I'm mainly creating this thread to cut down on posts of this particular topic as I feel that it will be a thing in a few days. ___ I'll add my own once I've gotten more time to play. However the loss of map sprites IMO has made it a bit harder to identify units on the map. I'm not to find of the animations, something feels like they're missing something.
  15. It's kind of a fantasy game trope. I think it's the easiest way to get a player into the groove of the game.
  16. It was when the feature was rolled out, I miss it Vincent ____ We'll probably see it eventually if the boss man gets time to make it
  17. While it could be on GS end, sometimes distributors tell a buyer that they can receive up to X number of copies of a product, while the distributor may not provide them with enough to fill the orders. source - I tried buying the Ravnica Mythic editions, the people who distribute physical games do a pretty similar thing. Who really knows, I would put it up to the distributors.
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