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Captain Karnage

Section Moderator
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Everything posted by Captain Karnage

  1. Having become a moderator I've had to do my duty and expose myself to protect the innocent masses from spoilers. I've edited posts to hide spoilers. I'm sorry to those who've been exposed to spoilers, I've done what I could do.
  2. I believe you can If you have more questions like this bring them over to the general questions thread in this sub.
  4. Take this discussion over to the 3 Houses Board, this is the Heroes Board. or I take away your thread
  5. I think they might not wanted to have another child character in the story, so they cut it. Especially considering that they both have very limited supports you could easily miss out on getting that kid ____ also, this is some serious stuff, allow me to summon@VincentASM (what's his casting cost again?)
  6. Howdy, welcome to the forest partner. I'm Karnage, I'm the Sheriff of general FE
  7. Get back on topic y'all or I'll start handing out warns like candy on October 31st.
  8. So since I got back into MTG I've regularly seen people play Heroclix at my LGS. So last week I picked up a starter pack, and to my discovery I realized this starter pack didn't come with a manual, thankfully the guys there who were playing who gave me one and taught me how to play, and gave me a few figures to build some teams with. I thought it was a fun game, it kinda played like a table top Fire Emblem. Anybody here play at all?
  9. As my grandfather used to say "you're a day late and a dollar short" This is more like 2 years late and a couple hundred short
  10. I will say this I have no strong opinions on the matter, what I would have said has already been said. I really just wish S supports weren't in this game to begin with. ____ I will say this, there is no such thing a a wrong opinion, and everyone is entitled to their own. If you see one you disagree with just move on. Don't get offended when someone else gets offended, I can never wrap my mind around how people can be like that. I personally don't see anyone in the past few posts seem like they're trying to start something. I understand there is a strong negative emotional response here to the news about the m|m relationship choices. in the words of a wise man "Take a chill pill"
  11. I don't know, and I don't want to know dude That's what I like to call Borderline furry, like on the edge not all, but some of them are
  12. went to an MTG event once MTG event are known for smelling, there was a furry convention next to us, and it was worse considering of just baking together in a room they were doing the same in a full fur-suit a guy in a suit ran up and hugged me ------ I came that close from body slamming it into the concrete, I just didn't want to get kicked out of the venue
  13. tru nuh, uhh, I'm right thems fightin words I'm going to go and rant pointlessly on Twitter about what you just said it'll be a 67 tweet long thread your comment made me angry, I'm going to go yell at pigeons for the next half hour
  14. dogs are weak wolves who gave up a long time ago, HOLO IS THE WISEWOLF
  15. high and hello, welcome to the forest
  16. I come here with not an opinion, but a fact come at me with all you got, I will wreck 360 no scope ya'll with FACTS and LOGIC
  17. I think you may just be a god if you can handle that candy
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