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Posts posted by B.Leu

  1. On 1/25/2023 at 10:35 PM, WindSentinel said:

    Another poster @B.Leumade a joke of it, but I think you're both more on track than the OP and I despite our long back and forth about it.

    if I turn out to be right about it. I'm eating brocollis, and I hate broccolis, but I will ate them while laughing a bit.

    On 1/26/2023 at 4:41 AM, cpsy1991 said:

    Typical that they'd put it somewhere nobody would bother to look for it

    I dunno. I like looking at it. Even if the interface, of it and of the game in general, is kinda bad.

    On 1/26/2023 at 4:41 AM, cpsy1991 said:

    I'm sure that Sombron's character there was also supposed to be sympathetic, but the execution has the exact opposite effect and just makes me feel contempt for his pigheaded stupidity. 

    So I know this is a low blow, but doesn't this remind you of Anankos and Rhea? Funny how the character that is a waifu is seen as sympathetic by the narrative.


    On 1/26/2023 at 4:41 AM, cpsy1991 said:

    Anyway, I still don't quite buy that Sothis was truly a creator god- what kind of deity could be slain by its own creations? Or be slain at all, at that matter? 

    On 1/26/2023 at 8:17 AM, WindSentinel said:

    I'd call bull on how she was killed without a holy weapon/relic (she was sleep but surely she was huge? How did Nemesis do this?)

    The mere fact that she is called a Creator God imply that she created life everywhere, which is a big fat lie: she only ever created life in Fodlan. So either Sothis is that arrogant, or Rhea just made that up. There's also the God part, which she pretty much isn't.
    There's implications that Sothis wasn't so much as sleeping, but was plain dead after doing her god things (implied to just be Time Power things), and Nemesis just picked the bones like Pathways Into Darkness and.... gave them to the dupsteper and soloing an entire race with his Sword of the King, which begs multiple questions, such as how did he do that without being seen, didn't the Nabateans tried to protect the tombs, just how big the bones must have been, how the HELL is he considered a Thief with this build, etc.

    I'm happy to see that I'm not the only one being utterly confused by what the writers were trying to do, and I really hate how they didn't seems like they wanted to commit to it. "There is no religion. The Goddess isn't a Goddess at all and was actually fairly bad, it's all made up by one of her daughter crippled by PTSD. Her daughter is cruel and controling because her mom was the same, and she also really, really want to have her back, using necromancy or cloning at random to do it. This is also why no Nabateans are trying to help, the Goddess was bad, Sothis is bad. Fodlans aren't humans at all. It's all a stupid lie made by a stupid person for a stupid but understandable reason. Santa Claus doesn't exist. The Sword of the Creator is a bad weapon. Most redesigns and haircuts in Three Hopes are stupid." (Do not, for the love of God, take offense of the fact that I'm making fun of a fictional religion, and take it as me making fun of real life religion, please.)
    Imagine how ballsy it would have been, not in a JRPG animay Persona let's shoot notgod in the face to save xmass way, but a painfully sad, realistic something that happened and there's nothing you can do to change it because it's in the past, all that remains are the consequences. I can almost feel the writers wanting to just came out and say it, but in the end, there is not even a "So that's how it is" feeling, bitter, angry or whatever, by the characters or story.


    And this is why Three Houses has a better story than Engage anyway!


  2. I have even less respect for the chara-design than before, after seeing the new characters, it's amazing, absolutely, amazing. Even the voice acting is making me ill!

    But I gonna say, Alear having a past with the "Emblems" is kind of interesting. "You were kind. As you are now, there is no need to remember everything at once." "We will remain by your side until the end of this dream". I'm probably gonna be disappointed, but I wanna dream a bit, even if it's for such a tiny thing.

    1 hour ago, CompteSecours said:

    Why 12 rings when we only have 10 fingers ?

    How dare you forget about the big toes.

  3. Never forget the golden rule: Don't get hit. 😛

    On 11/8/2022 at 1:06 PM, TanatatKnight said:

    Class: Bow Knight for both leveling and as his final class.

    You could go Barbarossa (as his personal lord class) or Mortal Savant (for Excalibur). I'm sticking with Bow Knight for the Bowfaire synergy with criticals and the high Dex growth rate.

    Claude is amazing as a Bow Knight I agree.
    Personally, I would just replace Absorb Dex with Cyclical Specials, Absorb isn't very reliable, and you could just instant kill things with Specials

    On 11/8/2022 at 1:06 PM, TanatatKnight said:

    Fiendish Blow: It apparently activates with his personal skill so it's an option.

    Wait it does? I thought the L'ord's elemental skills had Fiendish Blow on it? Or is it Essense of?


  4. On 11/6/2022 at 2:57 PM, Fabulously Olivier said:

    So in a dev interview yesterday, they said that they had at one point considered but scrapped an Outrealm Gate system for recruiting other characters. But really, they should reconsider for dlc, because that's a perfect way to add in both side content and high-demand characters without having to change the existing story.

    I'd rather have Fodlan characters than getting Outrealms nonsenses, Awakening Fates and Warriors 1 are things that I would rather forget forever, but eh.

    On 11/7/2022 at 2:31 PM, Fabulously Olivier said:

    Well, v1.02 apparently just came out, and we don't know what it does. Anyone care to test these skills again?

    I'm praying for the Apex Skills to be working properly. To the risk of sounding entitled, this took way too much time.

    On 11/7/2022 at 4:06 PM, Metal Flash said:

    I would worry about them being another 

      Reveal hidden contents

    Rhea/Seiros and Sothis


    I'm so weirdly triggered by them.


    Rhea's class is Mortal Savant with a different name, different skills, a cool Unique, a cool Special. But the MS thing bothers me to not end.
    Sothis is literally better Byleth, because Byleth is a terrible character with a terrible class in this game by comparison of everyone. Great Unique, and can use the SSotC.
    Arval doesn't even have their own unique class, has terrible uniques, they don't even has their anti-damage crest weapons! His gimmick is just that he has access to both gender and their classes.

    So much for bonus characters, you can't even bring them in the main game!

  5. I'd love a lot of things.

    -Being able to have the Personal Skills of the NG+ characters.
    -New characters, mostly Argathan, Nemesis, the Saints too, maybe even the Ten Elites.
    -New classes, seriously, why did they cut off Hero? Maybe granting access to Personal Classes to other units.
    -What I'd really like would be new Relics and Dark Relics, so that we can have more fun with units and crests. After much thought, I'm miffled that they decided to make the Sublime Creator Sword, when they could just have made it the Sword of the Creator so that Edelgard could play with it too, while deciding to make the Dark Creator Sword, which can be used by everyone. Just why? If you wanted to make a bonus best weapon useable by everyone, you could just have made it so it was Shez's unnamed sword, which would have came with a name on it.
    -Tying up loose ends, like Shez's mom, Arval, this sort of things.
    -New missions (duh)
    -Bigger level cap maybe?
    -Please, patch the buggy skills.
    -No seriously. patch them. Please.

  6. It's a tough choice. While I do like AG, it's a mess gameplay wise, Dimitri like to bugger off, and it doesn't even have a good final boss!

    It's really between SB and GW.... who have the same final boss. Bruh. But GW really did what I feel like VW should have been, Claude in GW is such an experience, I love it.

  7. 7 hours ago, Cysx said:

    Ne me force pas à te combattre en français, morbleu !

    Nah, all I'm saying is, that's one avatar-friendly factor(in Fire Emblem or otherwise) among others that could be there but isn't. And yes there's precedent in Byleth.

    Plutôt en Mortal Français..... yeah no, my joke is bad and I feel bad.

    Obviously, while Byleth's sueishness is really toned down, centuries compared to the like of Corrin and Kris, it is still a bit there, see below. 

    5 hours ago, vanguard333 said:

    I don't remember Corrin's hair being special, mainly because their hair was customizable.

    I know you're talking about Byleth, but I wouldn't really consider Byleth to be a "dragon child"; they're the son of a human and a homunculus. Outside of having a crest stone inside them, there isn't really anything "dragon" about them.

    Actually, I was talking about Corrin. Byleth had the decency of not being the center of the universe. (to the point where I would argue it's a bit strange that people who are in the known doesn't try to learn more but who care there) Except when they insisted of making them stand in the middle of the students, so they could talk and you could be really attached to them. They even did that in Three Hopes!

    Or are you telling me that my Green haired Corrin isn't special? I should I gave them purple hair.

  8. On 9/16/2022 at 1:33 PM, Fabulously Olivier said:

    The golden ending just makes the red and blue swap sides.


      Nah, they just fuse together and become either purple, or each strand of hair become red/blue. You are welcome for the nightmares.

    On 9/17/2022 at 4:48 AM, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

    RIP to everyone playing with the white OLED Joy-Cons. Myself included

    That's racist, I'm playing with the black one. 😛
    Not sure if I'm blessed or not, black and white are such boring colors.

  9. Alear is activating alarms in my brain- wee-ooo-wee-ooo-wee-ooo- that's what.

    Bad design, spesshial hair, Dragon Child, Chosen One, worshipped as a god, now if I could remember where I saw that....

    Well okay, I do like their armor, and MAltear's hair isn't so bad.

    1 hour ago, Cysx said:

    and they're not mute

    So Kris, Robin and Corrin aren't self inserts, but Byleth is, that's what you are saying? 😛


    On 9/18/2022 at 6:17 AM, Cyan1456 said:

    On another note, Engage is almost immediately more visually impressive than what we've had before. The backgrounds and colors are vibrant and much more visually pleasing than how grey and washed out a lot of things looked like in Three Houses. 

    I don't really care what anyone is saying, but I'm not calling Toothpaste/Pepsy-kun-chan, Jeigan with a badly rendered beard (seriously, how do you screw that up?), and all Generic J-RPG designs impressive in the slighest. I can agree about the colors being vibrant instead of satured, but the designs? Nope.

    On 9/18/2022 at 6:17 AM, Cyan1456 said:

    Also very very minor gripe, but tropes are tools and common literary conventions. Complaining a story has tropes is like complaining a tree has wood. I think you mean cliches and such.

    Last time it was tropey, it was Fire Emblem Awakening and Fates. I understand that right now a lot of people, me included, are jumping the gun, but don't act as if any fear was undeserved if the devs though going back to those two is a good idea. I did said that TH wasn't perfect at all remember? Include every implications. Three Hopes too messed with things, but somehow it still was better writing wise, even if it still could have been better.


    On 9/23/2022 at 12:47 AM, Fabulously Olivier said:

    Ghost Alm looks on in horror as you near S Support with Ghost Celica.

    Too late, I already near S Support with Ghost Alm. Celica will now have to watch in horror. :d

  11. What this trailer is telling me is "Good Fire Emblem can only be done right when not in IS's hands", because just look at that trailer, compare it either THs, and gosh, it's the day and the night, the colors are over satured everywhere, the interface look oversimplified, the designs, while not 100% bad, reminds me of pre-TH, and I'm nitpicky as all hell for this one, but look at Vander's bear, compare it to Jeralt's. Also, freaking Toothpaste. Dragon Child. Yeah, I'm definitely not getting any bad vibes from it. GG. 

    Last time the game tried to put past games into one, that was Awakening, and Heroes and Tokyo Mirage, that's a bad sign not a good one.

    But I'm not gonna pretend that TH was perfect, Three Houses and it's Garreg Mach of Infinity, Three Houses and it's bland maps, Three Houses and it's reusing of maps, Three Houses Birthrout, Three Houses with Kronya and FemByleth's designs. Engage's maps looks good, but so far, that's look and only look.

    So I'm rather pessimistic, going from Echoes, to TH, to Engage is like inventing archery, then the tank, but going back to throwing stones.

  12. Let me try to rate him correctly, no promise it'll be good.


    Availability - B

    Dimitri has the annoying gimmick of being away for one chapters and one fight. I hope you have another good spear user to replace him when that happen.

    Stats - A

    The biggest Str in the entire game, low Mag and Res, good everything. In other words stomp stomp stomp.

    Skills - A

    The only thing I have against him is a lack of Luna, same with Dual Onslaught and Big Game Hunter, but this doesn't stop him that much, he still has the rest of the set of the Perfect Optimized Unit(™). I suspect that the dev made him that way to not make him too strong.

    Arts - S

    Hello Atrocity, who is effective against everything. Hello Paraselene, who cannot be guarded against. 

    Assist - F

    Why would you even think of doing that?

    Preferred Class - S

    Unique classes that are stupidly good. Paladin too.

    Alternative Class - C
    I was never disappointed when putting him with any physical class, he was much competent with magic ones though, but it's not that much of a problem. I was surprised to see how good he was as a War Master, but War Master give even more Str, so I really shouldn't have.

    Crest - A

    Dimitri is basically an introduction to Forging and why you should do it even outside of Hard/Maddening, if you don't, Minor Crest of Blaiddyd is a curse, and you are effectively nerfing him, if you do, enjoy Atrocity and the massive damage it does, more so when the Crest activate.

    Unique Action - A

    Boring But Practical. Azure Lightning imbue every attack he does with.... lightning, it's utterly boring, but practical.

    Unique Support - A

    Funny thing is that Dimitri has a unique skill called Savior of the Meek from his second unique class, which make it easier to knockback ennemies depending on how much Str he has by comparison. Dimitri has the fattest Str growth in the game.

    Unique Tactical - A

    When ordered to attack, does 50% damage, considering that Dimitri is made to break people, this is stupidly good.

    Bias - A

    Lord/10. You can't go wrong with him, make him your dedicated Spear user in AG... except when AG take him away from you... multiple times. I do dislike his Lord/Great Lord gimmick a bit, I hate being stuck in places, and I prefer to replace King's Ploy with something else. But that's really just it.

    Overall Ranking - S

    In other words, Lord/10. Great character. Use him.



  13. The worst thing I can say about Edelgard is that Armored Lord/Emperor is slow, and it can seriously screw you up if you are bad or unlucky enough. (getting hit = bad)

    In term of meta, if you are using axes, there is no reasons to uses anyone other than Edelgard, that's something all the Lords have, (Dimitri for Spear, Claude for Bows) In other words Lords/10.

    I really wished that more characters could use SSotC though.

  14. I do have to agree, I'm not a huge fan of the yandere type. She is a major simp, and okay, it was a bit funny at first, but it overstayed it's welcome really fast when she goes too far. Her stalking habits made me cringe.

    And then, you realize that Kronya didn't have to pretend much in her skin, which is pretty funny. What's more funny is that Kronica wasn't annoying.

    On 7/31/2022 at 12:54 PM, Jotari said:

    I'm also slightly miffed they gave Monica a crest. I do get that they wanted someone to have the crest of Macuil, but it kind if makes the appearance if her father in Three Houses a bit more inexplicable. Because the whole point of him was trying to use a sacred relic without a crest. And yeah, yeah, crests can skip generations and stiff, but everyone in the chapter is like sure he can't use it. How do they know that if he comes from a family that historically has a crest. Is Balthus a crest scholar in his free time and has encyclaoedic knowledge of who does and doesn't have a crest?

    Unreladed, but by themselves, having Tomes as Relics is weird story wise. I know they had to do it, because Tomes are weapons and all, but it's really really weird.
    But I do get a kick out of the Agarthan essentially created two Necronomicon-like books.

  15. 21 hours ago, joevar said:

    great, now go and finished the other half of the game.

    Your post just reminded me of peoplle who stopped playing it after Route A, and thought that the game was finished and nothing behind it.

    And then I realized that my own made me look like that. Ah ah.

    Hacking started as an annoying minigame, but it grew on me, I miss having two weapons though.

  16. On 7/20/2022 at 6:31 AM, Seazas said:

    How? Three Hopes is a spinoff and an alternative branch. It's not a follow up to Three Houses' endings. Hopes is just another what if so it can't really make 3H's endings irrelevant at all.

    Three Hopes can be summarized, and simplified for maximum fun potential as, "Byleth isn't there, so the Lords doesn't full simp for him, and the plot, and characters are all (mostly) the better for it somehow".

    Of course, when I said they "already did that by making Three Hopes", I'm being a bit facetious, by that I mean "By that same logic, they already did that by doing Three Hopes in the first place".

  17. I started a game you guys probably don't know, Three Hopes. 😛

    More seriously, I also finished the A route of Nier Automata, it was about time I played it, and I love it, it's very contemplative, it has some pretty trolley design choices, but it's a great game that make me feel emotions in my tiny heart, while also being pretty damn fun.

  18. Classes DLCs, for the love of heck, why didn't we got War Monk/Cleric, Dark Flier. The mere placement of Falcon Knight bothers me, they could have just made the Pegasus and Cavalier-lines separated, it's not like Flier are that great in the game anyways, unless you are called Claude. Same with Brigand and Wyvern.
    It would be fun to be able to use some enemy exclusive classes too, imagine a wyvern rider that wield swords.

    Maybe some Paralogues to explain what the hell is going on with Arval and Sothis, a genuine one, they are the biggest mystery of the lot, and Sothis feel like a large waste of plot.
    Also, Arval > Sothis

    Oh and maybe, a genuine freaking ending for each path instead of an unsatisfying "the war goes on". Gee thanks. "Oh we didn't want to make Three Houses' endings irrelevant" says the dev, what kind of stupid reason is that? They already did by making Three Hopes, and no amount of "pleasuring" Byleth will change that.
    Speaking of dreaming, I would like it is there were more Camp and Battle appearance, like Three Houses time skip ones, appearance AND face. And is it too much to ask to walk around the camp as another class? Same with the other characters.

    On 7/12/2022 at 8:35 AM, Anomalocaris said:

    t's a group of four rather than a group of three like the placeholders suggest, but I wouldn't be surprised if we got some kind of villainous TWSITD campaign or something.

    Hey, a new compaign that is about playing the TWSITD would be pretty great! Plenty of characters to add, plenty of times to play with them. AoC actually did that, with only one chapter and character, mind you. Maybe even a Nemesis one too.
    No. I won't let this go. Imagine making the best music and the best final boss of your game, and not including any of them in your next AU game. That's stupid, it's as if they were ashamed of it.

    On 7/12/2022 at 9:45 PM, Aedan7479 said:

    there were voice files that suggested Astor was going to be playable, but he was never added in DLC.

    It really hurt that he wasn't added.

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