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Gordon Freemeow

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Everything posted by Gordon Freemeow

  1. The people in this topic care about legality? That's a surprise. =\ You're right.
  2. Just throwin' this out there, but I just want to know: What would people do if he didn't stop pulling these "stunts"? What exactly is the plan then? Also, why not chastise him for the mistake, instead of the apology is what I'm really asking. I mean if he admits he did wrong, then tearing him a new one doesn't help. He would lose respect, and with a loss of respect is a loss of power over your member base. Some would leave, but some would just cause shit. And once you ban a large group of people, the place kind of loses its spunk. And once that happens, the forum generally dies completely. If you can't follow your own rules, then you're a hypocrite, and neither you nor your rules are worth obeying. Just because someone apologizes doesn't mean everything is honky-dory. If BK or anyone else who was involved doesn't feel like the apology was worthwhile (e.g. a lot of "well I was justified in doing this") or heartfelt, then there's reason to question it. Something tells me not enough people would care to kill the forum, but to each their own. You don't have to care. What I mean is not enough people will care to get pissed off and leave and accumulate to a high enough number to where it would kill the forum. I RARELY see that happen on any forum no matter how corrupt the staff is. Hell, you ever been to Datebayo? They ban you for all kinds of dumb shit, and yet their site is still thriving. The staff treats everyone like utter garbage. Something tells me people aren't here for the staff to treat them like this is a democracy...
  3. Good news blokes, I'm 17 now. That means I'm more legal than I was before!
  4. Just throwin' this out there, but I just want to know: What would people do if he didn't stop pulling these "stunts"? What exactly is the plan then? Also, why not chastise him for the mistake, instead of the apology is what I'm really asking. I mean if he admits he did wrong, then tearing him a new one doesn't help. He would lose respect, and with a loss of respect is a loss of power over your member base. Some would leave, but some would just cause shit. And once you ban a large group of people, the place kind of loses its spunk. And once that happens, the forum generally dies completely. If you can't follow your own rules, then you're a hypocrite, and neither you nor your rules are worth obeying. Just because someone apologizes doesn't mean everything is honky-dory. If BK or anyone else who was involved doesn't feel like the apology was worthwhile (e.g. a lot of "well I was justified in doing this") or heartfelt, then there's reason to question it. Something tells me not enough people would care to kill the forum, but to each their own.
  5. There is truth in this statement. Too bad the default font isn't much better. Better than Comic Sans. :\ Comic Sans gives me the impression that someone is childish, and young. Your font is part of the image you give off. Awesome, while I do consider myself somewhat childish, I'm young too(18). Folks on this site has mistaken me for a 14 year old anyway. If that's your thing, then go for it love.
  6. There is truth in this statement. Too bad the default font isn't much better. Better than Comic Sans. :\ Comic Sans gives me the impression that someone is childish, and young. Your font is part of the image you give off.
  7. You're just jealous. Actually just offended. Comic Sans alone looks awful.
  8. Just throwin' this out there, but I just want to know: What would people do if he didn't stop pulling these "stunts"? What exactly is the plan then? I'm sure I'm not the only one who would leave if that was the case. I see that on SO many forums. "I'll leave if the staff doesn't change." Then they either stay, or come back when nothing changes. People acting like them leaving is going to end the forum and teach the staff a "lesson" when not everyone leaves, and half the people who claim they're going to leave don't.
  9. Just throwin' this out there, but I just want to know: What would people do if he didn't stop pulling these "stunts"? What exactly is the plan then? Also, why not chastise him for the mistake, instead of the apology is what I'm really asking. I mean if he admits he did wrong, then tearing him a new one doesn't help.
  10. EYE'M THE STRONGEST You're all washed up. No u Your green text offends my eyes.
  11. EYE'M THE STRONGEST You're all washed up.
  12. Well being so critical when someone admits they are wrong discourages them from doing it in the future most of the time. I mean I wouldn't want to admit I was wrong or apologize if I knew I'd get a new asshole torn every time I did it! Jyo is always apologizing. It's getting people angry, and that is the problem. Remember the whole conflict with Blacken? He apologized (in a way). For what? For blowing things out of proportion, paranoia, generalizations, and misuse of the banhammer. Everyone forgives him and it's all better. Now what? For posting things about members that were private to the public. Only their added friends could see this information. He posts it. Once again he says sorry for the things he has done. Jyosua acts on impulse. It makes members angry. Then (like Suzaku, though a good internet friend, does this a lot too) he ends up apologizing for things he did. It can't be that hard to control yourself. What do you expect him to do? He did something wrong and apologized. Does anyone but me realize that Jyosua is just a person, and has no training for leadership, or business training for pleasing customers? It seems people are expecting him to be the best admin ever, and setting impossible expectations for him to meet. The mate isn't even paid to sort out this stuff, if anything, he probably loses money keeping the site online. What do you expect him to do? Leave? He's paying for the site. You can't expect him to not go to his own site. You also can't expect him not to make mistakes. Bloody hell people. Not do it? Actually, out of the forums I go to, he's one of the best at being active. At least he's cool most of the time. No, I want him to control his impulses. Anyone can control their impulses. Not hard to do imo. That's understandable, but there's no need to chastise him for apologizing. Attack the crime, not the repent.
  13. Yes. Very much so. Obviously I'm attracted to Hika I AM NOT ATTRACTED TO GIO! He's hung like a horse. Yes I am. I said HE. That could apply to me, too. Yeah, but it doesn't you bloody wanker.
  14. Yes. Very much so. Obviously I'm attracted to Hika I AM NOT ATTRACTED TO GIO! He's hung like a horse. Yes I am. I said HE.
  15. Yes. Very much so. Obviously I'm attracted to Hika I AM NOT ATTRACTED TO GIO! He's hung like a horse.
  16. Well being so critical when someone admits they are wrong discourages them from doing it in the future most of the time. I mean I wouldn't want to admit I was wrong or apologize if I knew I'd get a new asshole torn every time I did it! Jyo is always apologizing. It's getting people angry, and that is the problem. Remember the whole conflict with Blacken? He apologized (in a way). For what? For blowing things out of proportion, paranoia, generalizations, and misuse of the banhammer. Everyone forgives him and it's all better. Now what? For posting things about members that were private to the public. Only their added friends could see this information. He posts it. Once again he says sorry for the things he has done. Jyosua acts on impulse. It makes members angry. Then (like Suzaku, though a good internet friend, does this a lot too) he ends up apologizing for things he did. It can't be that hard to control yourself. What do you expect him to do? He did something wrong and apologized. Does anyone but me realize that Jyosua is just a person, and has no training for leadership, or business training for pleasing customers? It seems people are expecting him to be the best admin ever, and setting impossible expectations for him to meet. The mate isn't even paid to sort out this stuff, if anything, he probably loses money keeping the site online. What do you expect him to do? Leave? He's paying for the site. You can't expect him to not go to his own site. You also can't expect him not to make mistakes. Bloody hell people.
  17. Yes. Very much so. Obviously I'm attracted to Hika I AM NOT ATTRACTED TO GIO!
  18. My hard work at being a horny bitch is being accredited to Gio? D:
  19. You're giving HIM all the credit? My hard work goes unnoticed. ... Heh... Hard...
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