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Everything posted by nordopolica

  1. It makes sense if Roy was to be added, with his amiibo and Smash bros status and all. But if Sigurd were to be added I'd get hyped for a remake. Please? Goddamnit, never mind...
  2. Unfortunately yes, we are on our own little pocket dimension, so we have to basically start from scratch in terms of skill hunting. I have been doing my best to supply some that I've found but started Revelation today so will have to build up a team again.
  3. Finally got a hold of my SE and 3DS! Can't wait to get home and play. Apparently mine was the only SE they got in store and the dude was disappointed that I picked it up since he wanted it lmao. Hope you're all having a good time. Will update with MC address. Can't wait!
  4. Haha, don't worry. If it's any consolation I live in NSW but I have to work in the morning so won't be able to pick it up until at least midday, if not later.
  5. Hey, we're in Eurovision now too so us becoming part of Europe is apparently old news. PAL regions have always included EU + AU. Bit of a shame that we can't connect to NA systems, but eh. There's always Pokemon for that, plus I won't feel like I'm falling too much behind with my units.
  6. I got my text saying it'll be ready for pickup tomorrow morning! Can't wait. It's been a long ride. Will update my Sig with my My Castle address as soon as I get the chance. Enjoy everyone!
  7. Congrats everyone who has their hands on theirs. Damn I hope Aussie stores get their shipments on time or else I'll be pissed. That being said, they could be getting them today since stores haven't opened yet.
  8. No problem, I feel the same. I checked online and if you have an account, go into your communications and make sure that you have checked the box asking whether you want to receive an SMS when your preorder is ready for pickup, and add a mobile number to your account if you're comfortable with it. I hope that they actually send one since I've had bad experiences with that type of thing before (ehem Yr12 HSC results), but I'll go in on Saturday regardless to check if it's in. Godspeed everyone! Wow I heard that that sort of thing was happening a lot when it came out in NA. They really need to sort out their stock issues. I'm kind of scared it'll happen at my store but I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who'd be ordering it in my area.
  9. I ordered Pickup from my local EB (same things that you did) as well and haven't received anything. I'm pretty sure on Saturday they might text or email to say it's ready in store? I've never really done this before lmao, but I wouldn't fret just yet!
  10. Yep! There are options in MyCastle for visiting castle via friend list or just inputting their My Castle address, I believe. On that note, does anyone know whether our My Castle is limited to PAL regions, or if we can mingle with North Americans as well? Truthfully I'd rather it just be PAL because everyone in America will be so far ahead of me. It'd give me an inferiority complex. Oh, and I've added everyone who has added me since I posted my code.
  11. So apparently your FC transfers when you do system transfer? I may as well put my FC here even if I've missed the party. Tell me if you add me and I'll get on it! Do friends also transfer between systems? FC: 5301-1921-0536
  12. Takumi being quite low down surprises me, especially being lower than Ryoma, but it's pretty cool to see the royals not stacked up the top as usual. Las and Odin being up top is a bit suss, though. Flora being lower than Hinoka is a CRIME. Stupid Goddamn Hairâ„¢
  13. Hmm looks like they've broken street date already at some places, unless it's a placeholder. One more essay due this week and I'm allowing myself to be excited for Saturday's pickup. I impulse-bought the New 3DS XL as well, so I'm pretty stoked to give that a try as well given the one I bought a while ago has been having some mad troubles with the SD card and turns off randomly (maybe it's the ds' way of warning me away from finishing AA:DD). I think it's safe to say at this point that I've spent too much damn money on this stupid game.
  14. Yes, the units you command in Heirs of Fate are entirely disconnected to the ones you have in-game, as is the story (although it is loosely connected to Revelation.) Unlike Future Past in Awakening, the characters in the DLC aren't just alternate versions/timelines of the same kids, they're almost completely separate characters. None of your choices when it comes to the kids' parents/hair colours/skills/supports come into play, I suppose because you can play them whenever and on whatever route. I thought it was stupid at first, too, and I still sort of do. It feels sort of lazy to create this separate story which forms a sort of disconnect between the player and these characters - after all, they're not yours. They're a generic, somewhat boring attempt at recreating what Future Past captured, except that sort of made sense and featured a range of different ways for the player to feel emotionally connected to this plight, such as the unique dialogue between the NPC kids and their parents/other selves. Of course, now we have that in the Hoshidan Festival DLC, but these are mostly fluff and nothing of real substance. However, it does have its charm. The last chapter of the DLC especially is quite something, even if you don't quite care about the units. It has a great feel (and battle theme) and provides quite the challenge with the units you're thrown. It may not be the best storytelling, no, in fact it is mostly more of the same contrived BS we've been fed throughout the game complete with characters you don't really know and don't really want to, but it can be fun gameplay-wise. If you're not into the idea, though, and the skills aren't appetising for you, I'd say sit it out. You're really not missing much.
  15. No, to my knowledge Nohrian festival is exclusively for 1st gen characters. I don't believe there are any variable conversations at all except for when the Avatar is married to any of the CG-winners (secret ones notwithstanding?)
  16. I feel sort of the same way, even though I'd rather they not come back at all, but I definitely agree on the Awakening adults -> Fates children deal. Even though I'm ambivalent about the children as a whole, I can't help feeling a little sad that they sacrificed the opportunity to have brand new designs and characters in favour of these carbon copies that serve absolutely no purpose other than to function as a very fleeting novelty. Saizo, Hayato and Subaki really get the short end of the stick; imagining who their kids could have been is way better.
  17. Thane? Get on someone's case for criticising the writers of Fates? You must be new here.
  18. I posted this in the other topic, but might as well reiterate here. [spoiler=Spoiler for Length]I have very mixed feelings about the kids. On a very general scope, I dislike them. None of them really stand out to me (ok, I love Little Cheese but thats different), especially in terms of comparing them to Awakening's. 90% of them are so forgettable and boring I usually only use them for paralogue grinding in Conquest. I mean, I really wanted and tried to like Kana but he's basically a "cuter" Morgan 2.0 who has no reason to be as Mama-crazy as his counterpart and has literally no personality outside of this. At the very least the Awakening children has personality and presence IMO, perhaps due to the story shenanigans which made them kinda relevant or perhaps due to the fact that there were just less of them altogether, but in Fates they just don't sit well. In terms of plot, they are an absolute shoehorned mess that I'd rather pretend doesn't exist. They have no plot relevance and only serve to make the world even more contrived than it already is - which is a feat. It's very obvious that they're just in there because of Awakening's popularity and I think that can be said of a lot in Fates, which may have benefited a little more from being developed in more of a vacuum. However, I do like the idea of children. I absolutely adore the ideas of G1+G2 presented in FE4 and I loved the kids in Awakening and expected them to at least improve on them in this game. I'd love a full-blown timeskip in the next game, however I'm not confident IS is willing to take the risk of isolating the more fanservicey, player-catered aspects of these past two games by killing off/aging up G1 characters and restricting marriage. I don't really want a timeskip if all it yields is an Avatar character who magically doesn't age and can marry the kids of their fallen/aging allies. EDIT: I would, on the other hand, like a timeskip where perhaps you can create your own child (maybe with a fixed hair colour based on your marriage partner so they are acknowleged?) IF the Avatar aspects remain (which I'm quite certain will, given now they're kind of moving towards it being a staple of the series.) But again, I'm also confident that it will never happen. Another reason I don't think they'll do a timeskip even though I love FE4 RIP remake is because it means that if there are no substitute characters there's the issue of time limits on S/A rank supports in order to get the kids, which could lead to Chapter 11 Chrom automarry shenanigans, and would also mean a potential Avatar character doesn't get their pick of the lot and we know we can't have anything that puts the player's marriage candidacy at risk!!!!
  19. Goddamnit. Fine. I'll change them back. ...For now. But don't you worry, one day, when you least expect it, I'll take my Berserker Nyx out into the yard like Old Yeller. You'll be none the wiser.
  20. Thanks for all the help, guys. Those last few additions will help me out a lot even as reserves, and it's always good to have options! I'm really looking forward to the teams...even if Conquest's is a little...different.
  21. The biggest examples I can think of right now are Silas, who I initially loved to the point of first marriage, but now am sort of overwhelmingly indifferent towards; Saizo, to whom I initially preferred Kaze but now adore so worryingly much; and Charlotte who I didn't think I'd like at all but fell in love with as time went on, to the point that she's one of my favourite characters, though Saizo is firmly at the top of that list. I don't even know how or when it happened but it did and it makes Fates all the more bearable for me.
  22. Every PMU should come with a disclaimer: multiple choices per poster, barring Phillius and his berserker Nyx shenanigans.I will endure, mark my words.
  23. If you had some suggestions, I'd be happy to replace some of Phillius'.
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