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Everything posted by Fallaner

  1. Freaking... I'm out for now. Fucking... GAH this place is pissing me off, and normally I'm open to other ideas. Nobody else here seems to be, however.

  2. It doesn't. Only Birthright is worse than Conquest. Revelation is vastly superior to both of them, at least to me.
  3. Personally, I find it to be immensely superior. Sure, it still has some problems, but it explains a lot of things that I like and has a lot of story elements that I really do rather like. Personally, I don't think it's bad. I'd say it's the best of the three. Still has some problems, but in all seriousness I like it a whole lot more.
  4. Oh i'm just incredibly biased and love Leo. So a... "Just trust me" situation. I don't have any particular REASON to say marry Leo... aside from the fact he's awesome, occasionally looks adorable, and is simply great. I like Leo. A lot. Ergo, I say everyone should marry Leo just because I love him and will only ever marry Leo in fates.
  5. Personally, I find my Girl Avatar to be absolutely adorable. Though, I based her look on an OC of mine. So... naturally i'd love how she looks.
  6. ...I'm not seeing how that is relevant to a problem regarding my wording for the most part? When I get mad I can calm down in plenty of ways, that really wasn't the problem... My problem I have is people inferring the wrong thing from what I say, and thinking i'm trying to do a personal attack, when I am not.
  7. Nearly everything in life is down to personal opinion, that's kind of how things are. (It's how there are terrorists who think of themselves as good!) Personally, I like Conquest's story and, while I think Conquest's Avatar can be an idiot in many respects and isn't as good as they COULD be, I still think they are a pretty good character and like them. From what I see, my opinion is part of the minority, but I will stand by my opinion. Somethings I've changed my mind on regarding some aspects, but to me I still feel they are good to my subjective tastes.
  8. I'm certainly aware I may come across as trying to find a problem with a poster than than the post. I generally don't try to do that, and I don't see much of a method to minimize that problem. At least in my intent I try to find a problem with a post and point out what problem I have with it and try to provide my reasoning for it. If someone can think of some method to try reducing the problem of me coming off as such without it being my intent, I'm all ears. I can certainly see if I can make it work for how I type things.
  9. My apologies then, I quite clearly had the wrong idea given I hadn't seen any of that. I do find problems with your posts. It's why I've argued against usage of Mary Sue as a reason that a character is bad. That's all. I've at least tried to keep any problems with you to a minimum, if I came across otherwise, I apologize.
  10. You certainly don't have to address it here. However, I should be able to go out and find you addressing everyone else being Mary Sues. In fact, I'm willing to bet that I will NOT find you criticizing any other protagonist for being a Mary Sue. Otherwise, that is quite hypocritical and merely serves to make it look like you simply don't like this particular character for no legitimate reason, when you are using complaints that apply to other characters you do not have a problem with. Personally, I'm fine with Mary Sues! It's why I'm not out criticizing characters for being them. In regards to my behavior, NekoKnight, I apologize. I was in a bit of a bad mood (still am, but not as much), and ended up taking it out on you. I sincerely do apologize for that, and hope you can forgive me for my hostility and rudeness.
  11. I'm not saying don't criticize them, I AM however saying you shouldn't use Mary Sue as a reason to criticize the Avatar unless you are willing to hit everyone else with it. The writing itself is not a reason to say "Mary Sue is more valid regarding this character". Sure, maybe I'm being too rude. But... meh. Just because The Avatar has a lot of traits of a Mary Sue compared to others, doesn't mean it invalidates the argument that everyone else is, so don't use that as a stick to beat the Avatar with if you aren't going to beat everyone else with it. Pick one, either leave the stick alone, or hit everyone with it. As a Hobbyist writer (when I was younger I wanted to be a writer. I was decent at it, but I ended up dropping that in favor of doing programming stuff and writing my own personal me-only stuff as a hobby), I get somewhat irked when characters never change (Seriously, I expected the Avatar to snap at some point). Even when I have a billion characters (at least it feels that way) I still try and change each of them over my very hobbyist works.
  12. Oh yeah. I can be a total ass when you start misrepresenting what I say when It was quite obvious, especially as someone else got it RIGHT UNDER that post. I'm saying that every FE protagonist fulfills the conditions of being a Mary Sue. Plain and simple. Using "Mary Sue" as an argument against one means you should start criticizing all of them for being Mary Sues/Gary Stus.
  13. I stated elements of a Mary Sue. I did not state the reasons why the Avatar didn't sound like one. If I was, I would of ignored "unrealistic abilities" and "young". The Avatar COMPLETELY fulfills those. I was refuting a previous point that a Mary Sue can do no wrong. Nobody will say that Conquest!Avatar doesn't do things TOTALLY wrong. Not even I say that and I LIKED Conquest's Story! You know, bend things to my advantage? Like you? Nice strawman though. Again. Nice job kicking that strawman's ass! But again, that wasn't what I was doing! Oh I was considering deleting it. But then I decided to be a smartass because of how you were acting.
  14. While I generally like Conquest's story (and like it more than Birthright's), I will honestly agree with you guys there. I WAS expecting well, a revolution. I kept asking myself "How long until I can kill Hans and Iago?", because they are just... terrible and deserving of death. I also wondered why I couldn't just go back and get another orb, if you HAD to show Corrin one herself first, why not just... go get another? The Avatar and Azura enough should be able to sneak around and steal one. If that wasn't possible, why not wait and show the entire family? Is it only viewable by one person? If so, why not show it to say, Leo? Who's word backing you up would probably carry substantial sway.
  15. Was I saying the Avatar wasn't one? No. I was saying that the description of a Mary Sue applies to virtually every main hero of a FE game. It also applies to most "good" characters in the games. THAT was my point. That was what I was saying, as the person I was responding to conceded. I would commit a logical fallacy here by saying "Like a feminist and like a creationist, you are either acting like you don't get the point of what i'm saying in order to further your agenda, or don't actually get it and don't care to ask." But I won't actually do that. Nice strawman though. Nice job kicking that STRAWMAN's ass.
  16. The named weapons (Yato, Siegfried and Brynhildr or however the last one is spelt) have okay-ish crit rates, but for the most part you will lack critical chances. There may be some skills that help increase it, and forging DOES increase crit rates. ....At like +4 through +7, and only in total to like 10ish points (+6 has a 10 Crit rating for something that started with 0) between all of them. It's expensive.
  17. Then that argument should be done with. If I see anyone else bring it up, I will start hitting people. Glad we could be civil about things and end that quickly.
  18. "A Mary Sue for female characters and Gary Stu or Marty Stu for male characters is an idealized and seemingly perfect fictional character, a young or low-rank person who saves the day through unrealistic abilities." ...Might I say that sounds like quite a bit of FE protagonists? Your point being? A Mary Sue does not have to "do no wrong". A Mary Sue can in fact do things wrong. A Mary Sue is a fictional, idealized (Conquest!Corrin does not sound Idealized to me!), young or low-ranking character who saves the day through unrealistic abilities. A Mary Sue does not have to be a self-insert (though often they are Author Self-Inserts, it is NOT required). They do not have to be all powerful.
  19. Then you shoulda bought Special Edition. Everyone with special edition (like me) gets to get themselves Omega Yato already, considering we got Revelation access when the game was released, and not March 10th.
  20. [spoiler=Revelation Spoilers]Mikoto and Sumeragi interactions in Revelation.
  21. Bah! That's the only proper way to spell it! I refuse to let you ruin my name further! Spell it properly! It's Fallaner! Not Fallener! Fallener looks weird and that isn't how it's spelled!
  22. It's Fallaner! Not Fallener! I am specific about spelling my name right! Can't help you regarding Subaki. I tend to just use the Royal Family+Owain/Odin,Severa/Selena and Inigo/Laslow.
  23. I am a HUGE fan. [spoiler=Revelation Spoilers. Only read if you want to be spoiled. MAJORLY. LIKE SUPER MAJOR END-GAME SPOILERS. LIKE MAJOR PLOT SPOILERS. I DID TRY TO AVOID THEM AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE, BUT IT'S HARD.] For one thing, Gunter has a HUGELY important role. You also have full access to the royal families, and get to learn what the deal is with the Rainbow Sage (Though you would of guessed it by now if you were me, I mean "I who forged the sacred blade. I who committed the greatest sin"?) along with learning more about Yato. You get to learn who wrote Azura's song (It was Anankos himself, thus the passages referring to Revelation), and you get to speak to Mikoto some more and even meet Sumeragi (Originally possessed, after beating him you get to speak to him as well, himself, before he dies) You get to see where Garon's dragon form comes from with it's weird eye thing. You get to kill Hans and Iago LIKE HALFWAY IN, AND THEY NEVER COME BACK. Omega Yato looks really cool (I mean... Chainsaw Sword with purple flame. It looks cool.) It hurts at the start (you only get Azura, Jakob and the Avatar for Chapter 6 and most of 7, where you get Gunter about 4/5s through the map). You get to explore Valla and learn more about it. You get to see just how much the Retainers and royals respect you (Scarlet points out that they'd do pretty much anything for you when you tell them too. They won't jump into the Bottomless Canyon on their own... but they'll do it in an instant if you tell them too). You get to become Queen/King of Valla at the end. Valla looks really cool. You learn where the damned Faceless come from (Anankos kinda makes em. You see someone get turned into a Faceless due to him). You learn who the Hooded Man was (It's possessed Sumeragi). You get unique Revelation-Only supports and marriage possibilities (Like one of my personal favorites, XanderxSakura). You get a critical quote that sounds actually unique instead of being "Copy/Paste loyalty crit quote, just change the nation name to fit", that being "I make my own fate!" It also sounds good, unlike "For Hoshido!" You get Xander/Ryoma Support (and A+ Support between them) You get the best final boss theme for the game (The End of All [below]) The story itself is really quite compelling and Anankos feels like a far more dangerous enemy than Garon, and one you SHOULD focus on. Need I say more?
  24. I still see both sides as gray though. Sure differing degrees of gray, but still gray. It could simply be a bias of seeing things gray (or on the other side, a bias to see things in Black and White), but I still see things in gray. Not all of Nohr is bad, and not all of Hoshido is good. It is a gray set up.
  25. [spoiler=Revelation/DLC spoilers]The Dragon thing is KINDA explained in Revelation covertly (through ancient texts if you decode them) and in a DLC. The Avatar is the child of Anankos. Like DIRECT child. Literal, direct descendant. Anankos is their daddy. Their daddy is the silent dragon who eventually tries to kill everything. As you basically have direct dragon blood, it's probably why you can turn into a dragon and the others can't. They may be descended from dragons or have a bit of their power, but you are literally half ancient dragon.
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