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Posts posted by RPGatWill

  1. Awakening never really had a 'postgame' anyway. There were the spotpass paralogues, but either IS is already planning to release those or they've been cut in favor of developing the two/three routed you can play instead. Either way, it's not like I particularly mind it. It would have been nice to have a save after the final battle especially if you get some great levels out of it, but I'm not going to pull hairs.

  2. How many times can you visit other players in one session of My Castle?

    I'm also curious as to this. I would imagine they would want to limit this, but maybe they don't? Aftert all, for people who want an easier time they can go to a ton of my castles. For those who don't they can take the harder route and not use online. Still, would be nice to know if there's a limit.

  3. I don't know if anyone else has confirmed this yet, but do all the child paralogues show up at the same time?

    In chapter 8, my Suzukaze married Rinka. In chapter 10, he died tragically. After chapter 11, Tsubaki's and Hinata's children's paralogues showed up, but none for Kaze, even though the story sequence after chapter 10 proved he wasn't dead canonically.

    This either means that children don't appear if their dads die before chapter 10 (unlike awakening, where the mothers would retreat) or his daughter's paralogue doesn't show up until later. Anybody know?

    Suzkaze must have an A rank with Kamui to survive the vents of chapter 10. If he survives, then his child appears. I'm not sure if it takes a couple more chapters but I don't think so.

  4. Maribelle!Lucina is a beast what you on

    I do like that pairing, but Her stats take a rather huge hit on higher difficulties. Add in the loss of the Falchion if you change her class from great lord, and generally it's just easier to use Sumia or Olivia for the galeforce she needs to really wreck havoc. Maribelle!Lucina doesn't have the strength/defense growths to survive lunatic.

    Again, that's gameplay mechanics talking though. I've also heard that Maribelle!BrideLucina can be quite the beastly addition though. Might try that next time.

  5. This gives me an idea.

    The First Ever Serenes Forest FE: Fates Tournament!!!!!

    This needs to be done.

    Sign me up! I would guess it would have to have rulesets though to address which version since Nohr has limited grinding and such, right?

  6. One of the main reasons I hoped children characters were nerfed/not as important this time around was so that there'd be no issue with choosing your favorite pairing. It always bugged me that my favorite Chrom pairing (Maribelle) resulted in probably the weakest Lucina due to her being based of Chrom so neither of them had good magic growth. because ehr stats were influenced heavily by the parents, you'd have to be crazy to use Maribelle in any mode other than normal.

  7. Eh well, I will not read the spoilers, since, uh, I said I didn't want spoilers so no idea if my question is answered.

    Yeah, but I mean in storywise. Like, if you didn't pursue Gantz in a chapter and kill him off, in the endgame chapter, he will appear and catch Kamui in a trap, killing him. Credits roll!

    So far there is no evidence of a bad ending like that.

  8. Please, I wasn't "offended" by what you said. I was merely pointing out your hypocrisy. If you think it isn't hypocritical to try to talk about people being "fixated on controlling our own subjective realities and trying to make the world conform that we can't even be civil with people who are part of our own subculture." whilst simulteanously comparing attitudes opposing gratuitous fanservice to hate groups, then you'll have to elaborate or sustain your position a bit more. Disagreements cause division, obviously, but your point about intolerance doesn't carry any weight when I don't believe anybody (or at least, myself) has said "this kind of thing should never exist", and have instead complained that it doesn't fit the series or the tone.

    You may want to read this post and some of the subsequent ones as response, since I think I elaborate fairly well there.

    I have read a lot of supports for Awakening and I have to say that the main "identifier" for me as to who is who beyond their appearance is still very much rooted in their initial presentation, and has nothing to do with whatever small development they went through; mostly because there's very few poignant situations or conflict, and characters don't really move past their issues much either.

    I don't believe that'll happen anymore, esp considering the voluptuous, subservient dialogue characters in this game have with the MC, but more power to you if you still have faith I guess.

    To the first; that's a fair point and I hadn't really considered that. However, part of the reason early shipping is even a thing is because of how identifiable the characters are, so it's easy for people to imagine what they'll say or what their interactions will be like. This is part of the criticism I was raising.

    To the second, it still exists even if you don't want to do it, so you have to live with the knowledge that the game enables the player to grope their army and the characters will always submit.

    You make some good points in that link. It's not that I don't understand where you're coming from either. I think my nonchalance in regards to some of that is in the very basic game design I've taken, along with all the narrative storytelling lessons I've learned. In a video game, these are MUCH harder to do. Unlike a novel, you can't tell the story you want to all the time. oftentimes, you need to tell a story that draws in and appeals to the player. This becomes even more important when you implement systems where the player is directly involved in the story.

    What's difficult is the solution. Unless they had a much longer development time and much more money to do it with, the support conversations likely can't be expanded upon/personalized to the point where they would be unique enough for every combination. even enough combinations just to avoid over repetition would possibly take weeks to implement, especially to avoid crossing stories between the 40+ characters. The only other way to potentially solve this would be to restrict the number of supports a character could have again. However, I think you'd agree that we likely won't see that happen.

    I am an optimist though. I was hoping there would be a small improvement in the variation this time around, with maybe some changes to the dialogue depending on if the characters were married. Sure, it may not happen, but I felt that was the next solid step.

    The awakening cast being stuck very much in their initial identifier I give you, mainly because one thing that I remember irking me is Cordelia's unchanged golden space and DLC lines about Chrom even after she was married. Bit of a bad impression can be given there, even knowing it was just 'general lines' the characters were meant to say. Will Face-rubbing make it ten times worse? i don't know. I know some people will still be irked by it even if they avoid it simply because it's there. I know I can be that way too.

    I'll continue being optimistic though. It's what I'm good with.

  9. Parents are out of touch with their children. Americans are taught to grow up and leave childish things behind (though this seems to be on the decline somewhat now that the baby boomers are outnumbered) so when they get older they have no interest in their child's likes or dislikes.

    It was a joke. I know why they might do it I was just joking about that since we know that most everything is out of touch with everything else. After all, since I like games and not rocket science, I couldn't even begin to comment on what's going on there. That kind of joke.

  10. Well, what if we send a letter or an email, as a community?

    Sure, if you can figure out who we send it to >_<

    I'm pretty worried about censorship myself. We're supposed to be pretty big on free speech and not restricting people, so it's weird that a game has fans so worried about butchering happening during localization. So Teenagers can't handle the idea of people getting married or in swimsuits? Somebody's out of touch here and I don't think it's us...

  11. I agree that having a defining trait in itself doesn't turn a character into a mere caricature; it's a helpful tool that helps determine their function within the narrative and make them unique - and that is all fine and dandy. However, it depends on what these defining traits are, how they are fleshed out, how they relate to the wider context of the narrative, what tone they set, and whether they are actually helpful in making these characters more interesting.

    And that's, basically, where our disagreement seems to stem from. I did not like the personalities of the cast in FE13 (our grand example of a FE title with lots of fanservice as a focus) at all - in fact, I found them downright nauseating. The basic plot of Awakening was, as far I remember, a rather basic affair, convoluted by time travel shenanigans. In any case, the world of these characters was about to be destroyed by an existential threat named Grima - and some characters had even witnessed what a pleasant state the world would find itself in if this giant dragon-moth or whatever it was would enter the stage. Yet, none of the playable characters really conveyed a sense of urgency - given the fact that her whole company was slaughtered, Cordelia's survivor guilt is not really a major focus and that support deals a lot more with her (rather unrealistic) self-esteem issues, and Lucina gave us a little bit of angst, but none of that was really explored. (Despite her mission, she couldn't even muster the spine to execute you in order to save the freakin' world - because, after all, her personal feelings are much more important than the fate of millions. We fight for our friends - how much more narcissistic can a cast become?)

    Besides that, their defining traits were often reduced pure gimmicks - which found it's expression not only in the ending, where everyone just repeated that one trait that defined them while uniformly coming to the same conclusion, but even in their critical quotes, where they would say their little lines before ripping their opponents head off. Caring Sumia, bless her heart, would let out a nationalist war-cry, and shy dancer Olivia would be enraged about her opponent staring at her delectable features during battle. None of this conveyed any gravitas, any moral dilemma - it's self-absorbed teenage stuff that shows no concern for other beings. Earlier FE's tried to bring in some ambiguity and moral tension, but when you get such a fanservice-y title, these things aren't of any importance - it's the player and his waifus who matter.

    Furthermore, the character didn't fit the tone of their setting - they behaved like little brats on a field trip, having some fun kicking the baddies in their respective asses and having some saccharine teenage romance in between. Chrome came across as self-centered to the point where he would even leaving his realm in a time of crisis in order to search for you, the allmighty Avatar; one of the female characters (I can't remember who it was) was of course, all about your player character to the point of stalking and implicitly date-raping you; while most others were wholly consumed by their little crushes and insecurities that would better fit in a high school novel. They were a bunch of self-absorbed teenagers, not real people who are fighting a war.

    And maybe I'm repeating myself, but earlier casts in the Fire Emblem series weren't like that, for the most part - they had wider interests, they behaved like people with their backgrounds and contexts plausibly would behave; of course, most of them were attractive and could appeal to certain demographic, but they weren't pandering - Knoll might be irresistible for girls (and guys) who like it angsty and gothic, but his character would behave like a guilt-ridden scientist who is horrified by what he helped creating probably would.

    And that's where the problem with fanservice comes into play - it leads to characters that are intended to romantically appeal to an teenage audience, and players with all kind of fetishes; accordingly, they are fully build around these particular type of tropes. In FE:A, you had the rabbit girl for our fellow furries, the brooding, angsty swordsman who just needs to meet the right girl to get over his inner demons <3, the nerdy girl, the goth girl, the muscular jock without a shirt, the adorable klutz, even an improperly clad 6-year old girl for the paedos. Some characters are resurrected to give you a bit more variety - utterly helpless amnesiacs you can advantage off if you're so inclined, for example. And in their supports, all these characters behaved exactly like you would expect them to behave - they give you their fixes by showing the same titillating character traits over and over again, and they will not ever reject you, because they're here to give you a bang for your buck.

    And that's a problem - it reduces the types of characters we see, the interactions we get, the themes that are explored. Ambiguity, rejection, moral conflict, age, philosophical viewpoints, social standing are either left out or relegated to the sidelines - sanitized or mentioned in passing - when a game becomes a dating sim. In that way, this focus on fanservice, which is an outgrow of this mentality, does take away from the story and my enjoyment of it.

    I am fully prepared to admit that these are, of course, generalizations, and might not fit every single case. Gregor's support seems to be one of the better ones in the game - though, for me, is it a bit ruined by a cheap, non-sequitur marriage ending. Still, this is the general impression I got, and I do think it is a valid one.

    Now, of course, this is all about Awakening, and as everyone else, I can't fully comment on Fates. But it seems hell-bent on verifying my worst suspicions; for instances, we get tons of opportunities to ogle our virtual love interests in swim-suits and frolicking around some beaches. Doesn't this strike you as implausible? Doesn't this run counter to the established time and setting, and kill of any tension the supposedly dark story tries to build? True, even during war, people need to relax, but has it to be on such a high-school level? These are supposed to be adults, and young adults, raised in a hierarchical feudal society, after all - can you imagine Henry V. playing volleyball with his companions on the beaches of Normandy? What purpose does this serve besides us drooling over their figures? I'm not against attractive characters and silly moments (Fire Emblem always had them, and I'm not expecting a dead serious game with Shakespeare-level writing) but you can have that without killing the atmosphere.

    Apart from that, we get some lewd comments out of our husbandos by feeling them up a little, and good ol' Xander has no problem to fuck his adopted sister he has known since childhood, because getting off on incest is apparently a thing. Here, shipping and fanservice agains ruins some potentially good characters. (And for god's sake, have some class, people!)

    Plus, from the few spoilered supports I've read, the writing doesn't seem to get much better.

    Please keep in mind that these are subjective impressions, as all aesthetics are - there is no universal solution to what constitutes good writing, and my taste and reading may differ vastly from yours. I just tried to clarify my standpoint, and you are welcome to disagree.

    Yeah, I can understand where you're coming from now. In my experience, I feel pretty differently about it. Characters who try to find fun and enjoyment in the middle of war are a bit more relatable to me, not only because I myself have never and hopefully will never be in a war, but also because if I imagine myself in that situation, I'd try to find fun where and when I could. You could argue that them frolicing on a beach goes against the realities of war, but at the same time it's not as though army platoons aren't given time off to enjoy themselves. A lot of time they go out to bars or beaches and spend their days doing things they enjoy. When I think of Fire Emblem supports in the context of "These guys are doing things they enjoy during their freetime" it doesn't really bother me as much.

    Your right I did focus on awakening a bit much there, as I was trying to illustrate the point. From what I've read the plot in Fates is much better, and the supports may end up feeling a lot like awakening and they may not. I'd rather give it a chance before consigning it to terrible or pandering nonsense though. There's ways to write deep and interesting characters that technically pander to people's taste as well. So I guess we sort of agree to disagree there. Not that you don't make solid arguments.

    It's not just Japanese media that gravitates towards tropes, all media from everywhere does. Tropes are fine, they're just a tool and are not the concern. The concern is the type of trope and the extent it is played up. For example, the basic concept of a tsundere isn't really a problem, because some people really just are kind of bitchy until you get to know them. It's the contemporary overexaggerated moment to moment bipolar mood swinging aspect that becomes the polarising factor. Common sense applies here because going extremes in any area will ostracize moderates, and change indifference to loathing in those who have incliations against that angle.

    Then you've got stuff like tokusatsu imitators and chuunibyou wannabes...this goes beyond romanticised and enters the area of comedies and parody.

    The acuteness and intensity of a character's behaviour increases the acuteness and intensity of the feeling felt towards them. If a character does nothing interesting and says nothing interesting, you do not actively dislike or like them because they have no identifiers. If they do or say things then you begin to make judgements. If they do or say things to an extreme, your judgements will likely become more extreme as well.

    Nobody said simply having a defining trait made someone a caricature. Caricatures in writing are characters who have an exaggeration of some characteristics and oversimplification of others. You need both to qualify, and you'll find most of FE13's cast revolve around an exaggerated presentation of a personality gimmick that completely overwhelms and oversimplifies the rest of their character.

    I can't speak for this game as a whole in that respect but it is not an unreasonable assumption to make at this point when looking at precedent and the fact that there are bunch of clones who even have the same personalities. Additionally, it is not just critics that are assuming things here, fans are too because they were making distinctions about who to marry, kill, and fuck before the game even came out.

    You are simply reiterating the point I made before.

    "Characters are created with exaggerated traits at the forefront so as to allow a player to easily identify their preferential units with which to experience more content/dialogue/etc with. This plays into the fact that rather than existing for their own sake, the characters obviously exist for the player."

    Being "easily identifiable" just strengthens the argument that the game is making it plainly obvious that this is your playground and all the characters in the game are pets for you to play with, and is thus diminishing it's own tone and ability to make people take it's narrative aspects seriously. There is no compelling reason as to why they have to be easily identifiable as individuals from the get go without accepting that it's to facilitate the player. Honestly this is something of a looping scenario, your units are exaggerated in order to acutely please players so they can identify which of their pets are the most appealing to play with because the units are exaggerated to the point of polarising people so players need to identify which is pleasing to avoid being displeased.

    And regardless, one can form impressions of an individual without them being exaggerated, even in a short span of time. And these games have enough optional script to facilitate it. If you're balking at the prospect of being in the dark and using and reading interactions of people that you might not end up liking in the end then frankly that comes off as very insular.

    As for the rest of the post detailing other aspects of characters, you're again forgetting that because of the way the game presents it's cast, people act based on that first impression because they find whatever it is about that impression appealing. That's the thing that predominately sells the character, not the later stuff. You're already sold at that point instead of it being tentative.

    Additionally it is somewhat vexing as to how people keep trying to focus on this single "exaggerated character" criticism whilst trying to sidestep the larger issue at hand. It is but one factor in the overall concern, and is honestly dwarfed by the fact that the game enables you to grope all your soldiers or oogle them in underwear whilst they'll say all sorts of gross subservient shit like "It is an honor to be touched by you".

    Okay, I'm trying to fully understand but forgive me if bits slipped past me here. You do agree that using the trope is not inherently bad, but in how well they use and develop the character from that trope. For example, a Tsudere style character who is well written and developed as opposed to one who simply rockets between punching you and blushing. Here is where you believe FE13 had much of it's problem. I do agree that a few characters present very strong fronts, but I found most if not all the characters had deeper issues lying beneath. This is especially true about the future children, many of whom use these facades to pretend/bet away questions about the future, which was really horrible. Now, again this depends on your opinion regarding those supports, but I found most of them interesting in their own right. I believe most of the backlash came from how similar the supports were (Like Olivia's generally being about her shyness), the S ranks having no sufficient build up (an issue they likely won't manage to solve until another installment or two, I'd bet. Writing good relations that can be interpreted as friendship or romance depending on where the player stops building that support is difficult), and that the children didn't have different dialogue with their parents (a restriction of having everyone marry everyone else being possible). Are you wrong in these thoughts? Personally, I don't think so.

    However, this is also where we reach our disagreement (Amicable, of course). Video games are made for people to play. More so, the Fire Emblem series now has the Avatar, which is meant to be You/Your character fighting alongside your army in this universe. It's what brought me fully back into the fire emblem fold. I felt that Fire Emblem 7's tactician system was great, and that what IS needed to do was expand upon that system. It took them a few installments, but they've now gone that direction. I like that, but I also understand others may not. however, just because a character is made to be appealing or to get across certain tropes in a limited time to the player does not make them uninteresting. again, this is where our disagreement comes in. I don't think of them as pets or things to be played with, I think of them as new characters with new personalities that I may or may not want to explore. However, if all I got was a unit every chapter without even an introduction to that unit, I doubt I'd be as interested. Admittedly yes, this is because the game is not making an active effort to make me care about that character. Sure, it could also be my bias, I prefer the game to introduce these characters and give me glimpses into who they are before I put more time into them and you may think that's wrong or that entirely defeats the point. I understand our opinions differ here.

    One thing I will agree with and hope for: I think it would be cool to see improvements to the script. Of course I want each character to be even more interesting and in depth. That would be awesome. I'm just one of those who's actually pretty satisfied with what I got in awakening and Fates has shown enough to win my confidence.

    As for your last point, I think most people ship things knowing full well most of their ships will change once they have the game. It's just a fun way for me to keep my hype going during a long wait. As for the Outfits and stuff, I just consider it another option. I don't have to touch it if I don't want to. I probably won't looking at how hard it seems to be to farm resources and you have to give up precious resources for those outfits. I dunno. Reserving judgment there.

    Thanks for debating with me though. I see your points of concern. hopefully we find that happy middle ground in here somewhere.

  12. Thank you, that's exactly the point. When characters are primarily designed to appeal to the various fetishes and fantasies of the fanbase (otherwise,all this fanservice wouldn't be quite as possible), you're diminishing them. They aren't autonomous individuals anymore that react to the world surrounding them in a believable manner, but pretty, hollow caricatures that just happen to appear in a war game.

    That doesn't mean that every characters has to be all gloomy and brooding about the horrors of war all the time; we've had pretty crazy folks like in Fire Emblem games before. But the point is that they were depicted as plausible individuals with their own thoughts, dreams, fears and limitations, not merely as projections for the player's supposed desires. Look at how the gruff, boorish Dozla marvelled at Ewan's futuristic ideas. It was hilarious, and even touching, and totally in line with his character - but it doesn't get any panties wet, so we can't have that anymore.

    If you as a developer inplausibly depict your stern, earnest paladin in some swimming trunks to show of his abs, you're taking him less serious as a character. And if the writers themselves don't take their creation serious, than who will?

    Now, please don't bite my head off, but let me try to explain where a normal person might be coming from in this case. I've studied a lot of storytelling during my acting training, so hopefully I can remember enough to explain this in a way which hopefully makes sense.

    Starting with how characters are made to appeal to various fetishes instead of being their own characters, let me say this: There's only so many character types and possibilities in this world. Sure, Japanese media tend to gravitate towards certain similar tropes (The loli being the one I remember most prominently due to my own distaste for it), but inevitably if you wanted to you could go out and explain how every single character in this game is similar to a character in a novel or another game and how that inevitably locks them into a certain behavior set that appeals to certain people who are attracted to that type of character.

    Just because a character has a defining trait does not make them a charicature. This is a mistake a lot of people make. In most media and especially video games, there's not usually a lot of chance for people to see the characters outside of the game before buying it. E3 and such maybe a little, but I think everyone has learned not to trust most things at e3. One of the few things that is pretty solid is the Treehouse stuff, since they play the games, do interviews, and can cover more over three days than you can in a 2 minute trailer.

    Going back to why they aren't simple charicatures. You need something defining to stick out to people right from the outset. Once people have latched onto that, you can develop the character inward. However, without that solid defining characteristic, the characters simply come off as 'another addition to your army' and don't seem unique in any way form any other character you've recruited. Sure, the units themselves in gameplay are different, but if Sumia's clumsiness and slight inferiority complex were taken away, what would differentiate her from Cordelia, if Cordelia's survivor's guilt and genius were stripped away? Sure, a bit of overexxageration of your point, but hopefully you see where I'm going with that.

    When you first meet Sumia, you learn she is clumsy because she trips and it is implied she likes Chrom. That's a decent amount for a fifteen seconds you get to spend with her character before she joins the army. The only other way to make characters appeal would be to give them a lot more screentime, which to be fair Fates seems to have a lot more character's having importance in a lot more ways throughout the story which is awesome. However, in Sumia's short intro, you know enough now to know whether or not you want to learn more about her or not. If not, you'll likely pair her with Chrom due to her implied crush. If so, you'll learn more about her.

    Same for Cordelia. She joins you during the battle and afterwards you learn she is a highly gifted pegasus knight and that she is the only likely survivor from her unit. Do you want to learn more? if not, no harm done, but you learned enough to get a small grasp on what her supports expand upon.

    Now, before you crush me with the counter, I do note your second paragraph addressed this to an extent. Saying that not all characters should be brooding about war and Dozla's conversation with Ewan. However, you got a little too angry at the end of this argument, saying that since it doesn't appeal we can't have that anymore. That's more of your personal opinion than a fact, however. In my personal opinion, Awakening had some solid conversations between people who were of the same gender and would not marry. Chrom's conversations with Frederick are hilarious, showing that Frederick is not only reliable but also goes way overboard in his devotion to an extent that Chrom can really get angry about it. His conversation with Lissa is a great family support that shows how the bubbly, hilarious Lissa can get really hung up and afraid about things like if she's really worthy of being his sister. Heck, even some of the eventual romantic supports do some great things. One reason Robin/Cordelia is probably my favorite is because it truly addresses and slowly helps Cordelia get over her survivor's guilt. Not only that, but Cordelia to an extent gets over the problem HERSELF, Robin more being a friend that accompanies her through these rough times. It shows that people sometimes need a shoulder to lean on, but doesn't demean Cordelia's struggle or turn her into a Robin worshipper. Sure, if you go to S rank, they get married, but even that I feel is handled really well. Similarly, characters like Lon'Qu and Gregor have several surprisingly interesting supports. Sure, Lon'qu's mostly deal with his troubles handling women, but Cherche's conversation with him addresses why he has that trouble specifically. Gregor has my favorite Tharja support, even without the S rank. I don't want to spoil it, but it shows the goofy Gregor is actually a really broken guy that can't forgive himself for his mistakes.

    Sure, their introductions introduced a main theme for their character, but I in no way felt they were chairicatures with no other important emotions or traits besides the one they were introduced with. See, that's a matter of opinion though. I felt their supports adding great dimension to their character. another person may feel the support did no where near enough to expand upon what was touched upon. It's all subjective.

    However, when creating a character, you need it to make some kind of impression and in fire emblem, you get maybe fifteen seconds to do that at most. (3-4 lines of dialogue in Awakening). If you want people to be interesting enough to explore the character, you need them to make an impression. A defining trait is the best way to do that. Otherwise, you'll never learn why the stern paladin puts on that swimsuit. was he forced into it under peer pressure from the other siblings? Don't know, but maybe it shows even Xander can let loose and have a little fun? After all, characters who can't have a range of emotions are chairactures, are they not?

    Again, sorry for the long post and you don't have to agree, just hoping I helped a bit.

  13. I hope you mean "people who like strategy games but are bad at them", otherwise my question would be, would you get something that you won't like the main meat of? or why would a company market a game to an audience who is obviously not their target audience e.g not strategy game players?

    I meant for people who want to try or enjoy strategy games but aren't particularly great at them.

    For people who like that or hardcore fans, there's hard and lunatic modes to play. For people who want to enjoy the story or need help since they aren't great at the game, there's casual and lunatic mode.

    Heck, due to timme constraints I've played awakening on Casual most of the time because I hate the idea of units dying. However that doesn't mean I hate Classic mode or think it should be removed. I just though it's cool that there are options for fans of all types in terms of difficulty and such.

  14. Gave shared to aqua for those beautiful singing and dance sections she has.

    Hoshido goes to Rinka. Her unit-ness may have been disappointing, but she still looks like a badass. Second place goes to Hana for ridiculous sword skills.

    Nohr for now goes to Elise. Little kid that cares so deeply about her family is just like... man can't hate you. Haven't seen much nohr material yet so slightly based opinion.

    finally I went with Flora for the mysterious retainer. She's your servant, yet she's so mysterious in her involvement so far. just gotta know.

  15. Afraid huh... Yeah, I guess I'm afraid of what could happen. I think there are three main things I'm worried about right now.

    1. Localization censorship: Look, I'm not saying I'm 100% behind the whole bathhouse thing (I'm a very private person, I haven't bathed with anyone since the age of like... 5 or 6 and I'm 25 now) or entirely in bed with the marrying your siblings who are not really your siblings (It's a cultural thing that really only seems to happen in Japan, though I could just be ignorant of other places). However, those things are already in the game. I'm MORE afraid of NOA censoring things and people then feeling like they were deprived of the full experience because NOA was too squeamish about married people rubbing chests or lips or whatnot. In the long run, things that are changed drastically/taken out of a game tend to hurt its sales in the future.

    2. Marketing. Look, I'm going to give an opinion. I think there will be a special edition, but I think NOA/NOJ is underestimating how many people would want that special edition instead since that way they don't need to download two campaigns and only have to download the 3rd path DLC when it comes out. Similarly, NOA needs to address how the extra campaigns will be sold in the coming month or two. If they drop the ball and each new campaign is 30-40 dollars instead of 15-20, they're going to lose sales.

    3. Advertising. So far, I think nintendo has done a decent job of promoting the game, through e3 and the treehouse, but they need to make sure their advertising also mentions the two separate versions rather than continuing the trend of 'which path will you choose?' That line pisses people off because you don't choose in-game when buying a single version. you choose in store before you even put the game in the 3DS. If they don't fix that people who buy the game and then get upset because they have to PAY for the alternate path will feel like Nintendo flat out lied to them about the game, and are less likely to buy more/ buy the next game in the series.

    Thankfully, the game has added more for people who are bad at strategy games to play and get through the game and as long as they start mentioning the price points I think they'll be good. And seriously, make a ton of special editions. Everyone I talk to that knows about it says they'll just get the special edition because they don't have the room to download two extra campaigns onto their 3DS hardware. (Considering 3DS comes with only 4 GB not surprising, especially since not everyone is crazy like me and goes out to buy a 32 gig card just to download a ton of games)

    We'll see. Let's cross our fingers and hope for the best.

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