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Posts posted by Rickochet

  1. I managed to fix the black screen by re typing the pointers and character bytes.. I have no clue why the black screen happened in the first place but that is how I fixed it.

    So thanks everyone for the assistance!

    I also ran into another problem but it is related to the patches so I'll just ask here:

    Is there any reason for the character banner patch to not work? It does follow the same process of telling the ROM who to ban as the forcer patch right?

    Even after specifying what characters to ban/exclude from said chapter, they still appear in the character select of the preparation screen.

  2. So what does it mean when I get a black screen when trying to check the "Pick Units"? The music is still going and no screeching noise but the screen remains black

    Every other screen works just fine and normal but I can not enter the Pick Units screen. I can continue to play the ROM if I don't enter pick units as well.

  3. I did read over that post but there were a few things I couldn't iron out so that's why I asked about the whole format thing.

    The blank table that was inserted is where we would put the offsets to where I would put the character bytes right? (ie. sain_t is 0x06, oswin is 0x0b, etc)

    Even if I don't start using chapter preparations until chapter 11, do I need to put these "bytes" and data for every single chapter before chapter 11 in order for the game to properly read it correctly?

    One of the things that confused me was when you mentioned the order:

    The position of the pointer corresponds to whatever it is in the Chapter Data Editor, mind you. So if for some crazy reason your Chapter 1 was at 0x5B, then to get to where you have to write the pointer, you can go 0x5B * 4 + DF1000 and write 00 00 DB 08 there. Of course, you don't have to put anything at DB0000, but that's just an example.

    What do you mean by this?

    With all this said, the two offsets for character forcers are DF1000 (offset where the table is) and 8DDD4 (where the offset's location is, should I choose to change it to another free space), if I wanted to put Sain_t and Oswin as forced characters for chapter 11,

    do I go to DF1000(the currently blank table) and put 70 13 D1 08 (offset for sain_t and oswin) and then go to the offset(0xD11370) and put in 06 0B 00 (character byte for sain_t and oswin respectively and ending with the 00 for the game to stop reading for bytes) ?

    Is this how I go about doing it?

  4. Okay, so I applied both the character forcer and character banner to my ROM and then went to the offsets noted in the readme.

    Am I suppose to see nothing but 00's? or am I suppose to fill in the blanks with numbers? If so, how do I format the numbers? The readme mentioned each chapter having it's own pointer and ends with 00, but thing is, currently the "table" is empty/full of zeros".

    If I am suppose to fill in the table, can you guys tell me what format I'm suppose to put the chapter pointers and character reference bytes in? I'm not a programmer at all so I have trouble with more complicated hex editing.

    I did back up my ROM beforehand but on a side note, there was "data" at the noted offsets before I applied the patches resulting in the NUPs saying that the format of my ROM is not proper and proceeded to patch it anyways. This won't cause any problems down the line when I'm editing like 10 chapters down the story will it? The "data" being referred to is not any data that I written to the ROM and is the default data.

  5. I was wondering how I can use the character banner and character forcer patches on a ROM that I've been working on for quite some time? Apart from already testing it out and finding out that it doesn't work on non fresh ROMs.

    How do I get those two "effects" onto my hack?

    Do I really need to start over in order to the effects from the two patches?

  6. I've been dabbing in custom classes recently on my project and I come across something I can't seem to figure out.

    I made a new custom class which is the rogue and inserted a custom animation for it. The problem is that I can't get the map walking sprite/animation to play when they walk. It doesn't crash or anything it just won't play so when the unit moves it just looks like it teleported across the map. I have checked to make sure the graphic and animation pointers are there for that class in the map sprite pointer nightmare module. Is there something else I need to do before the animation will play?

    As a relevant note, I have repointed the map sprite pointer table to increase the list of class slots, so I'm not sure if this is breaking things. Other classes work just fine. And the battle animation works too, it's just the walking animation that isn't working.

  7. It works with character portrait-ed characters, but whenever I change their class to a custom class everything stops working, no animations play. Why is this?

    Like I try to make my soldier promote to a custom class halberdier or a thief promote to a custom class rogue, the animation with all the thunder effects and stat ups don't display. Are there any nightmare settings I need to change besides telling the ROM via nightmare what class who and what promotes to, and what item to use. ?

  8. I've been messing with the class promotions in FE7 and something weird showed up.

    Is it normal for only characters to be able to have a promotion animation? Examples: If I gave Kent a Knight Crest, he promotes normally, but if I gave a generic a knights crest, the promotion screen hangs after the animation, if it even plays.

    So if this is the case how do I make custom classes promote and have their animations play correctly? I tried changing the battle pointer for generics and characters but that also results in no animation during the promotion item use. I have also changed some of the settings in the promotion item editor to see if anything changes but no results.

    Does anyone know anything about this that could tell me why this happens? I am basically trying to set up the promotion path for characters in FE7 but with one twist, each character regardless of class has their own unique promotion. What this means is that say I have a female cavalier character and a male cavalier character, the female will become a paladin as normal but the cavalier will become a great knight. This is all for story purposes so that aside, any help would be greatly appreciated.

  9. Oh sorry, my mistake. That was actually a typo on my part in the post and not in the actualy definitions file.

    #ifdef _FE7_
    #define DQTableOffset 0xD02000
    #define DeathQuoteTable(index, CharacterID, ChapterID, TextPointer, EventPointer, TriggerID) "ORG DQTableOffset+(16*index); BYTE CharacterID; BYTE ChapterID; ALIGN 4; 5 HORT TextPointer; ALIGN 4; POIN EventPointer; BYTE TriggerID; ALIGN 4"
    This is what my .txt file looks like right now.
    This is the top portion of my event file.
    #include EAstdlib.event
    #include DeathQuotes.txt
    ORG 0xD81690


    DeathQuoteTable(0x00, Batta, 06, 0x00, BattaDies, 0x2)

    And it is with this that the error messengers come up.

  10. I now get these error messages.

    File:Prologue Event.txt,Line3: File DeathQuotes.txt not found.: #IncludeDeathQuotes.txt

    File Prologue Event.txt,Line 139, Column 21: Didn't reach end, currently at Comma(,)

    I do have the #includeDeathQuotes at the top of my prologue event file, is there something else to this I need to do?

    Usually when the column error shows up I think it has to do with spacing and formatting right? I tried different combinations of no commas, or commas with space, or just spaces but nothing worked.

  11. What exactly am I to put into my definitions and event files specifically? I did read the ultimate tutorial but it is just confusing on this subject. I also went into the standard library and looked at the files. I copied the format into a blank text file and included the #include at the top of my eventing file but still get the same no valid command.

    So I have this in a text file called DeathQuotes:

    #ifdef _FE7_
    #define DQTableOffset 0xD82D50
    #define DeathQuoteTable(index,CharacterID,ChapterID,TextPointer,EventPointer,TriggerID) "ORG DQTableOffset+(16*index); BYTE CharacterID; BYTE ChapterID; ALIGN 4; 5 HORT TextPointer; ALIGN 4; POIN EventPointer; BYTE TriggerID; ALIGN 4"
    And I have " i#include DeathQuotes.txt " at the top of my prologue event file, with " DeathQuoteTable[0x00, Batta, 06, 0x00, BattaDies, 0x2] " inside the file as well.

    Do I need to repoint the conversation offsets as well? What is an .event file and how do I go about opening it?

    Sorry if this is suppose to be easy, I never quite figured out how to do custom macros. When my fight events didn't work I just defined the fight commands(ex: AttackerCritical, DefendMiss, etc) into a blank text document, named it Fight Event Codes, and it worked.

  12. I'm not too familiar on how to incoporate the death quotes via eventing. In the "death quotes by event" topic, you provided a sample on how to do this. Am I suppose to put the define DQTableOffset and DeathQuoteTable, and the ORG (0x71ED5C) in the same eventing file as the chapter in which I want the death quote to activate?

    With me repeating the DQTableOffset and DeathQuoteTable for every chapter that doesn't have a working Death quote anymore?

    Is 0x71ED5C an offset in your ROM or is that the area where the death quotes are located? If it is from your ROM I'd have to change it if I didn't want to overwrite anything?

    I had limited success in the past when I tried to put my own custom macros in with EA. But this time, I just get the error message that DeathQuoteTable is not a valid command.

  13. Is there anything that would cause DefeatBoss pointer in EA to stop working? As in anything event related to the DefeatBoss quotes and conversations stopped working all of a sudden for my ROM when they previously worked in earlier chapters. I erase all my game data and restarted my hack and played through, anything related to the boss quotes stopped working.

    This is for FE7 by the way.

    This is the third time that it has happened to me. Are there certain spaces in the so called free section of the ROM that contain important bytes? I feel as if when I get to the 0xD83000 section my ROM starts gtliching out. Notably with Boss Quotes. Specific Boss Quotes, non specific boss quotes, and boss death quotes that all worked previously are now not appearing when the conditions are met (Ex: batta dies and says something, now when he dies nothing happens and any chapter goal related to the boss death does not trigger anymore.

    I checked the event IDs in nightmare, check my EA scripts but all I've been changing are dialogue and portraits in Feditor since the time that the ROM was working correctly. I do make sure to not have more than one program open when I save my changes too.

  14. So does this mean I can also use the death trigger ID, 0x65, to cause a game over to happen once the turn count reached a certain number?

    Would this involve using AFEV or ASM? I'm not too sure on these two but to my knowledge after reading on them, AFEV can trigger a ASM?

    How would I cause the game to give the player a game over once the turn count reached a certain number?

  15. I was wondering if anyone knew how many event triggers there are in FE7 ROM? I read not to use 0x01 - 0x04, and 0x65 as the game hardwired them into certain things.

    Do they go all the way to 0xFF?

    What I mean is, events such as villager visiting or character talk events have an event ID associated with them in order for it to run in the game, and I noticed that death triggers, unspecified and specified conversations deal with generally the same numbers. Are they all drawing from the same pool of trigger IDs?

    For example, say I have 2 bosses in one chapter and they use trigger ID 0x11 and 0x12 respectively for their specficied conversations. Does this mean that I can no longer use ID 0x11 and 0x12 or is it only for that one chapter? I also noticed that trigger IDs that only activate once per chapter is still usable the next chapter (ex. 0x02 for boss death quotes).

    Is boss death quote trigger ID only attached to 0x02 or can any other number work? (ex: 0x05 or 0x06) And say for example 0x05 did work, would I still be able to use the trigger ID 0x05 for say a character talk event in another chapter?

    Sorry if its confusing, did my best to explain what I'm having problems with.

  16. That is what I tried to do.

    TEX1 0x85F
    FADI 06
    STAL 0x64
    STAL 0x32
    This is the last combination I used. The REMA always overrides the already faded in screen. It makes the background reappear before disappearing.
    If I don't use REMA, the background will still be there after fading back in.
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