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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. I feel you. I was really sad when I had to kill the penultimate boss of Sacred Stones. When a certain character died in Valkyria Chronicles, I couldn't believe it and stopped playing the game for another week. It's painful but well written tragedy can make an average work beautiful.
  2. Because it was a rant nobody asked for and contained an unnecessarily amount of detail to explain why you're not excited for FE14. You could have just said "I didn't enjoy Awakening so I'm not excited for the next game". Instead we got your bitter dissertation on why Awakening sucks. I apologize if it was an original rant, however. It looked like so many Awakening-hate troll posts that I've seen a hundred times. I'd debate your arguments but you've clearly made up your mind.
  3. Solid post, Irysa. I'm glad you can appreciate the intention and context of the script, even if you don't like it so much. Let me just respond to a few points. First, what I've bolded is the single most important thing to remember for why Emmeryn does what she does. She knows what's going on and what Gangrel is trying to do but is powerless to take a hardline approach to it because another war would be disastrous for both Plegia and Ylisse. Emmeryn cares about her people, but Gangrel is insane so he's pushing everyone to ruin. As for no attempts at diplomacy, she does try to talk Gangrel down but it doesn't work. She even confronts him about the raids disguised as bandit attacks and he responds "lol, not my fault you guys have a bandit problem". The Awakening plot has some serious holes but the set-up for the Plegia-Ylisse conflict is competently written. Anyway, back on topic. If there is to be moral greyness for Hoshido, I want it to be concerning things that are happening right now and not the past. "Used to be bad guys but not anymore" is NOT moral greyness!
  4. Are we forgetting about that whole Apocalypse thing in the Book of Revelations? It's biblical canon that God will decide to kill all life on earth at some point. Anyway, I'm not here to debate religion, just to correct someone who claimed that there are no Grima-esque "destroy the world" religions in real life.
  5. The Abrahamic religions have a "I get saved and everyone who doesn't worship the being I do gets destroyed" thing going for them so I don't think it's that much of a stretch to assume that the Grimleil believe they'll be getting a privileged position...wherever they go next.
  6. Well yes and no. Yes, it 'undermines' the choice in that the final outcome for that character remains the same, but the circumstances change. Let me give you some anime examples, so brace yourself for SPOILERS for Madoka and Steins;Gate. Ready? In both of those stories, the main character uses time travel to save someone they love from dying. Each time they reset time and try again, the person they try to save just dies in another way. Ultimately, there is a happy ending but a lot of the drama and personal tragedy of the main character comes from not being able to save their loved one, no matter what path they choose. Fire Emblem if could write a powerful story where you, torn between two worlds, are forced to destroy BOTH things that you love for the greater good.
  7. It reads like one. So much rage and snark inserted into a thread only tangentially (if at all) related to the actual topic.
  8. I don't think it's as set in stone as you think. All the pictures of 'Hoshidan siblings' also has Sakura and/or Ryoma so it's not incorrect to say 'this picture contains your family'. I could easily see Hinoka/Camilla/Archer boy/Dark Knight bro as family retainers and not actually your siblings. Maybe they could have said "Hoshidan kin" but they're trying to emphasize the blood connection for the trailer. The reason I have doubts about the unconfirmed characters is 1. these characters haven't been given any specific commentary and 2. there is more diversity in the narrative to not have everyone be family. Just like Chrom, you already have your bases covered with one older and one younger sibling.
  9. Wouldn't it be interesting if you had to kill Marx and Ryoma REGARDLESS of the side you choose? For Nohr, you need to kill Garon but Marx doesn't think his father is that bad so you need to defeat him. For Hoshido, after to defeat the invaders, Ryoma goes on a revenge murder spree in Nohr and you need to stop him to restore peace.
  10. Chrom thought highly of his sister because of her saintly qualities, not in spite of them. Yes, he believes that she was being too soft in the context of fighting a war but he deeply respects her. I'm not saying there is nothing to criticize about Emmeryn but the story and characters explain that she did a lot of good for the country. Do people criticize Jesus because he knew he was going to be betrayed but let it happen anyway and got killed? It's a messianic character archetype. Like the above quote from Chrom shows, this is an intentional part of the story. Emmeryn is a peaceful saint/martyr archetype to balance out Chrom's realism. Emmeryn is great for peace, and Chrom is more suited for dealing with war. What Chrom said could be restated as "Emmeryn is the hero Ylisse deserves, but not the one it needs right now."
  11. Why was she a screwup? She dedicated her life to revitalizing the reputation of a previously warmongering nation. Then she sacrificed herself to end a war sooner. Is that not saintly?
  12. You're making an argument about game mechanics in a thread dedicated to characterization.
  13. Don't a lot of games do this already? Many games start with an enemy nation rofl stomping your country or perhaps several (Path of Radiance and Sealed Sword) so that's a villain victory. As mentioned before, Blazing Sword had Nergal continuing to wreck everyone's shit throughout the game and Sacred Stone's Lyon destroyed ALL of the stones except for one.
  14. This plot premise sounds like choosing to play as Crimea (defending itself from Daein) or the Apostle faction of Begnion. You'll be playing as the good guys either way. Um, deaths in the peaceful nation will be the fault of the aggressor nation. When you're being invaded, it's fight or die. Forgive me for the lazy analogy but was France just as bad as Nazi Germany for defending themselves against invasion? I think politics and motivations do matter... Also, I'm not sure why you're speculating that Emmeryn would stand by and do nothing if Ylisse were invaded, because Ylisse WAS invaded, then they repelled the invaders and mobilized their army to topple the leader of the nation that attacked them.
  15. There is gameplay footage of ninja using knives (possibly swords) so that's likely what you're seeing in saizo's sprite
  16. I'd like to see a completely emotionally mature, maybe even world-weary Manakete but in a child's body. Think Rika's true personality in Higurashi. Manaketes tend to be reclusive and rarely interact with humans. Maybe we could get one who has been watching humans warring for centuries and is getting real tired of their shit.
  17. The aversion is as social as it blood related. You won't get married to blood relatives but you won't get married to people you grew up thinking of as family. But marriage can be possible if you flip those priorities around. You might be okay with marrying someone from Nohr because you're not blood related and you might get be okay with marrying someone from Hoshido because you don't think of them as family. It's a bit harder to swallow for Nohr because social ties trump blood ones when it comes to attraction but I can see IS making it work.
  18. 4 playable manaketes, full blood or half is irrelevant (this is a discussion of the class). I'll give you Tiki and Morgan as one is a reestablished character and the other is female by the breeding mechanics. Let's say Nowi has to be female in order to get a female Morgan. That still leaves Nah, who could very well have been a boy (like Yarne) but they decided we needed a FOURTH female manakete in one game. I think it's safe to say that IS discarded the idea of playable male manaketes early on. Bantu appears in FE1&3 and their remakes, obviously. We never got another male character. Your comparison to conquerer, king, queen and emperor isn't valid because those classes are one of a kind in their games. Let's say Tsubaki is our first male Pegasus Knight and Rinka is our first female fighter. If they never again mixed up the genderlock for Pegasus Knights and Fighters, would people be okay with that? Would they say "No, no, no. Look at Tsubaki and Rinka. Those classes aren't genderlocked. It just so happened that all the characters besides them were female (pegasus) and male (fighter)." That's why I'm not satisfied with where Manaketes are right now. (or were, rather) Disclaimer: This isn't a deal breaker for me, it's just something I'm interested in seeing.
  19. I don't think it was a coincidence. Of the playable manaketes (Bantu, Tiki, Fae, Myrrh, Nagi, Nowi, Nah and Morgan) 7 were girls and 5 of those are very young looking girls. With only a minor exception, "manakete" is as female associated as Pegasus knights are. Awakening has 4 playable manaketes and there's not a single boy. You don't include that many characters and have them all be the same gender unless it was intended to be that way.
  20. I forgot about Bantu. Still, the majority of manaketes have been female and they were genderlocked in Awakening. (speaking of playable characters, mind you)
  21. I'm not super opposed to the gender locked classes being shared but at the same time, I don't think IS needs to go out of its way to change them. The only genderlock I wanted to see removed is for Manaketes and Kamui kind of already did that.
  22. I'm guessing a new dragon type because of the horns and unique stance. That said, I'd like to see them being a alignment neutral Earth dragon, especially considering their Dragon Vein ability.
  23. I just want to know about the game's length and some other elements like classes and weapon durability. I don't want to leave this sub-forum for 6+ months but even with mods doing their job, some jerkface is going to be making threads like "Poll: Did you think Kamui's death at the end of the game made Dancer's sacrifice pointless?" and other spoilery bullshit. I'll have to get my information from the main website.
  24. Four more words: Read the whole thread What do you you think we've been discussing if not what was revealed in the trailer...?
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