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Everything posted by 鳴美

  1. I like my girls like I like my guys. (flat chested )
  2. Hurt 3, heal 2. Hurts shall be this colour, heals shall be this colour, kills shall be this colour, no double posting, 30 minute cooldown, and ignore all posts that don't follow these rules. hagbeshk - 3 meegnsg - 3 shaoblalg - 3 merglshfalfs - 3 brulgekeets - 3 shumpleblulk - 3 kurplebung - 3 hoostagalp - 3 murlemal - 3 grokklestelf - 3 koolubase - 3 yuxabugrin - 3 mengestectus - 3 bullberschiches - 3 murlamaug - 3 wooberskallk - 3 bunderbund - 3 zoolbanus - 3 wtfisthisidonteven - 3 qoobleskilz - 3 geshmatikser - 3 hafubolshduf - 3 boorlzudib -3 ruwageshull - 3 qefaweer - 3 wayehiv - 3 awereebivos - 3 heshglmargs - 3 gullbuhtuh - 3
  3. I don't know you. At all. Thanks, bye!

  4. You wish you were inside of me ._.

  5. I liked Rozen Maiden and Elfen Lied. Everything else sucked.
  6. No, but you've got a good idea of where I am now, right?

  7. We shud have sexxi tiem

  8. My threads get derailed a lot here...
  9. ▲▲▼▼◄►◄►BA
  10. 鳴美


    Your name can be Pun Pun, but your stats are the same.
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