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Everything posted by MasterJP28

  1. There were a bunch of jews with that name that came from Germany and Austria to Israel, they brought schnitzel with them :)
  2. What's with the sigh? I know 4 languages, one of these days I'll start on Japanese. Well I'll just be smart about it and just read the FE3 script while playing.
  3. Damn that's right. Aren't there like different styles of Jap, like what is it Katakana. Well will it help in naming MU?
  4. Then 3 words at a time lol If not there are other websites that translate
  5. Wasn't there a Judah from FE4 before fighting Arion? The dark bishop. And Shmidt from chapter 6
  6. Can't they just copy a paragraph from the convo and go to google translate? The people who want play not the translators.
  7. He was Roy's little bitch in FE6. FE7 it was just plain funny seeing how scared he was of his stuff.
  8. @severlan I said names not essays! I didn't even bother reading past my quote lol. I'm the as thick headed as they come, if not the thickest. How did you figure out I wanted an invasion :)? Isaac is FE's version of Israel, by name. Merlinus is useless in FE6, although he does have that Jewish humor. Etzel is a Jew too! Show him some love. We can also mourn for Elbert, he left us Eli and Roy, 2 other Jews :P
  9. There are plenty, by name. For example levin comes from Levi, which is short for lev sheli, which is Hebrew for "my heart."
  10. Didn't I say non biblical? lol and some aren't even Jewish.
  11. Gordon, Allan(all of them), my favorite FE character:Levin. They are a minority even in video games.
  12. July 28? Wouldn't that be something if you get the game on my birthday? It could be a sign that we'll get the release info in July >.< the game was released in Japan on my sister's bday.
  13. Like I said, release date or not, there are other ways of getting the game and playing it in english on whatever, including the R4. It isn't dead, just hiding. With updates always available. Hopefully the translation will be done soon. I'm am dying to play the game in english
  14. If your having a hard time with emulators or want some online play, just get an R4! It costs money, but it doesn't lag or turn the fan on a computer :P
  15. that's not true, I watched the entire playthrough and just enjoyed the way you handled the game as if it was easy. How did you feel about the difficulty of Lunatic? And will you please do a Lunatic' playthrough? I want to play the game myself but I like reading the conversations in the game, but I can't read jap.
  16. What? I do the same thing. I keep going to the main page to see what's new and nothing. Now I'm looking at a race. Which will come first? The English patch or the world release.
  17. Your asking me? lol I was the one who asked this question first
  18. Yep the more annoying we get the sooner the release :) This is why high demand games get released quickly.
  19. I agree! Nintendo would just end up screwing themselves by not releasing FE12. The world will just get the fan translation and that will cost Nintendo's income. Once for not buying the game and another for playing it for free. So if they want to maximize their profit, they should just release it already.
  20. I corrected my post. Also some of the X series were up-ported to the PSP IIRC
  21. I think he meant support conversations, something SD didn't have that FE12 does. Another up-port I thought of was Megaman BN 5 (You know what I meant ), first came out as two separate games for the GBA, then one bundled game for the DS. But the DS version is dumb since there wasn't anything new added to it. Also the Zero collection. So nevermind about what I said about up-port, I have heard of them, but to me it's just scheme to make more money with little effort by the developers
  22. I kinda dont count either Dragon Quest or Ace Attorney as up-ports because of the time difference of their release from Japan to worldwide. Animal Crossing took a year and a half, which is easier to compare to FE's situation. But I highly doubt Nintendo would go through all that trouble just for FE. I think the developers miss calculated the time of release or were unaware of what Nintendo was doing and focused more on gameplay, which I think was a good idea. I would rather get a great game in Japan that can be translated than another SD released worldwide.
  23. I have never heard of a game be released for one system in one country and an higher-port system in another. It just doesnt make any sense. Oh and Jave, what Meteor said is right. The person who wrote to Nintendo was the one who gave FE12 the crappy title, I thought I made that clear on my response. One thing is for sure, Nintendo never named a Fire Emblem game with such a long title (In US/EU). All we can do now is wait just one more month til E3
  24. I hate to burst your bubble, but the reply message is a template, which I received numerous times, and the only difference is what you call the game. I called it the new FE and they replied the same template with "new FE" and "FE12"
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