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Everything posted by ReformBlade

  1. Dammit! I knew it looked wrong... Edit: In an attempt to save face... *Places pole in ground*
  2. This is an uber serious question yall.
  3. What, are you Lloyd Irving or something?
  4. Hm... Bread Pastrami Dinosaur Angel Bear Bread
  5. Yeah, well, I pronounce Lethe as in the first part of Lethal. Oh the irony!
  6. She has high SPD and LUK, so I think it's safe to say she can survive at least one turn of AVO tanking, unless you've literally never used her.
  7. Soren with a siege tome, do that, I think it can reach.
  8. That, actually. I don't know why I didn't just do that.
  9. Sothe = 'Sooth' but 'So' instead of 'Soo'... If that makes sense. If it doesn't, BACK OFF, I ain't explaining it! Lucia = Whatever I'm feeling at the moment. Loosha, Luseeuh Ya know, I still wonder hwy this topic comes up as often as it does...
  10. Oh, er... Welcome? Bathroom is in the back, if you need it.
  11. Super Smash Brothers Brawl. It took what Melee added and destroyed it. Still a good game in its own right, but it's a fucking terrible sequel.
  12. That would just be awkward for me.
  13. But... Why!? I need them, I have an interview, and pants are most assuredly a prerequisite for entering the building!
  14. I... suppose that's the best it'll get. Can I have them back now, please...?
  15. Um... Are they digested fully or no?
  16. Where the hell did you hide my pants?!
  17. If he tells anymore, he's susceptible to Nuklear Launches!
  18. Eh, I don't blame people for not playing Summoner, I just let out a dejected sigh when I hear it get bashed. It really is a good game if you can get passed the very ugly graphics and the clunkiness.
  19. Then I shall reply with this (G.D.L.) TRIANGLE ATTACK, GO!
  20. My mouth. Last I checked, my mouth is English only!
  21. NC for me. I would say AVGN is a close second, but NC is more fun to watch, since most people can laugh with him at movies. Not everyone likes/understands games.
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