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Everything posted by ReformBlade

  1. "Why did you never get a chance to participate?" for someone so interested in it it seemed odd that they haven't tried it out in Mushirah's eyes. All in all it sounded like a place that, aside from needing to visit anyway, she's enjoy it perhaps. "Well excuse me for not being a professional human catcher, I studied being a massive jackass in school instead." As long as he was here he may as well do his thing. Maybe they'd like a song? "Anyone mind if I start playing a song here?" "A song? Do you sing?" Mushirah asked, a confused look on her face. She didn't think his voice would work for singing so she assumed at this point, after saying it out loud, that he had some instrument on hand. "No I do not and be happy that's the case." he said pointing at both the ladies, pulling out his harmonica, "Tadaaa, nah it's just my harmonica." Mushirah was admittedly less than enthused by the presence of the harmonica, never really liking the sounds it'd make but she would give the benefit of the doubt that maybe the people she heard it played from were bad at it, as much as she hated to say about her dad. "I... can't say I would mind if you wanted to. Any objection, Eva?"
  2. "It's uh... way south of here if my mental map is correct." Going through her limited memory of the places she had traveled since leaving her hometown, Mushirah could remember it quite clearly all things considered. "It's right by water, hence the port. I remember eating lots of fish there, I could never get tired of it." Smiling at the nostalgia, she could still taste the meal she ate previously. "And please, don't apologize for being you. You're being beyond considerate." "Yeah, riiight up until she knees you in the rib cage." Jericho added because he could and to lighten the mood, figuring this'd get a reaction out of her somehow. Did it need lightening? No. Did Jericho particularly give a hoot? Nope.
  3. Assurances helped Mushirah calm down and focusing on the question itself helped further, "I'm from Tremere," she said, answering the question as concisely as she could. "Tremere? I've been there though i guess it's not surprising. Pretty nifty place, get people from all walks of life there, what with a port and all." Jericho added, admittedly just trying to make the woman feel a little bit better and hopefully not scared of him. "Yeah, it's... home. It's all I'm really accustomed to." Mushirah spoke further, elaborating slightly on her story ever so slightly.
  4. Getting incredibly nervous at the staring, she was quite thankful that others were talking first instead of her starting up. "I-I'm Mushirah, pleased to meet you, Eva." The lady seemed pleasant enough to the earth mage, not sure what she was expecting in all honesty, though tension thick enough to cut with a knife was one of them. "Well, Mushirah, what's got you so worked up? You're among comrades, don't worry, we won't bite!" jericho said, trying to be friendly and throw in a joke which seemed to have backfired as the woman flinched visibly and her demeanor only seemed to get worse. Good job Jericho... The stump seemed to remember that it was ripped apart and started throbbing, but Mushirah was too scared to make any movements at the moment beyond the flinch and so stared blankly at the ground while she could have sworn her heart was going to beat right out of her chest. I should've just taken her advice and rested up, this isn't helping me out whatsoever and I'm probably going to get yelled at and more stressed out and everything's over now.
  5. Irritated at the new girl's tone, he had to speak up, "I'd greatly appreciate it if you wouldn't describe something that's caused me years of mental stress and the occasional nightmare as a mere 'whatever', ma'am." the irritation in his voice was thinly veiled and he wasn't too concerned about it going any further as his conversation with Eva was interrupted by Tia. He'd avoid being rude by taking another massive bite out of the apple and loving every second of it. Gathering up her courage and taking a deep breath, feeling presentable enough, she decided to go and venture outside of her room and maybe try to go talk to other people or at least merely enjoy other people's company. It was all kinds of awkward for Mushirah, having to stick closely to walls to lean on something just in case she'd lose her balance, taking as much time as she felt comfortable with taking since it wasn't a race in her mind, not to mention she was stressed out in general so moving faster would have potentially made her panic more... and that's no good. After what felt like an eternity to the one armed girl, she made it to the dining hall and quickly took the closest seat she could which happened to be near a Jericho and an Eva. Forgetting her manners, she simply took a deep breath and calmed herself down before saying a somewhat shy "Hello." to any who would hear. The newcomer took Jericho by surprise, namely because of how awkward he felt her interruption was and secondly noticing a distinct lack of a right arm. He might've asked about it right off the bat had he been the only one around but he didn't feel like being a classless dick just yet, "Hi... you alright miss? You seem out of breath..." "Yeah... Just a bit, stressed out right now." she offered as an explanation, not saying what was causing it. "Uh huh." Jericho nodded, taking final bite from his apple and calling it a day on the poor thing.
  6. Brow furrowed out of confusion, Jericho focused on Evangeline's curiosity before addressing her other concerns. "Oh that's right, you did kinda fly off before I could respond, not that I was, or am now really, in a particularly sound mood to discuss it in as mature a manner as i can but I'll never get it out if I keep bottling it up. Turns out, the reason I was literally just hired onto this weird mercenary group was to go and hunt down another group, one who I still firmly believe stole my brother away with lies. you may think I'm exaggerating but I'd be willing to fight to the death to defend that view point, or at least I thought I was because now that I know the fucker who stole my brother away is here in this city, I'm doubting my ability to viably follow through and pull it off." Tilting his head to the side for a moment, "And yeah that's really about it."
  7. Looking up and flashing a smile for all of a single moment, "Not much, really. Just waiting for our next move, you know? Hopefully I can end this quickly, but at the same time, I sincerely doubt i can effectively bring about a satisfactory outcome by myself." Taking a massive juicy bite into the apple, he took a few moments to chew it up before continuing to speak through it like a rude dude, "Also, sorry, I can't really speak Neviskotian all that well, not to mention i'm a bit muddled in general." He finished with a shrug, as if to apologize, "I mean, go ahead and continue if you want to speak it, I'm just explaining so as not to seem rude." Giving Alphonse a friendly fist dap on his shoulder, "Hey, beating up an failed soldier doesn't make you a teacher, kid~. Now come on, lets head inside, I'm completely beat and tired right now..." Motioning for whoever was nearby to follow, it was more out of habit than any sort of actual command because, well, she wasn't the commanding type. Actually, the rain did sort of sound like a relaxing idea but then she'd probably just settle for a bath due to being tired and all that.
  8. Jericho took his time making his way into the estate again, taking a spot in the dining hall. He grabbed an apple, holding onto it and taking a bite every so often. He would've gone after Raquel to follow up and figure out what they'd be doing but he got too lost and uncomfortable to keep wandering aimlessly and decided to simply hang out where he could at least eat some food and relax. Last time he was here he also got to play his harmonica so that would also be an option for him to de-stress himself. It was hard and rigorous, but what Aneda lacked in actual functionality she made up for in her tenacity and drive to do her best. As such, the bruises kept adding up and she was definitely feeling sore from the barrage of hits flying her way from Alphonse's attacks but she honestly relished in it at this point. Finally calling it off with a heavy sigh, Aneda was all smiles, "Well, okay... foot in my mouth, you're definitely better at this than I am. But fuck if that'll stop me from climbing. May not be as efficient and skilled as you, but i've got my place... And I should probably find that place." Mushirah had finished up her meal and decided to finally take her fist few steps since waking up today. She wasn't sure if it was the fatigue or her lack of balance, but it certainly did feel extremely awkward as she stumbled her steps around, merely practicing and hoping she could get teh hang of it fairly quickly. It was pretty startling how quickly she wasn't adjusting but she soldiered herself on in her own room, a practice field for her.
  9. That was an oddly specific amount of information thrown at him, none of it making sense so he looked over the side of the vehicle. "Noted." he said, with a sigh. When Ranyin asked what they were talking about, Jericho sighed again, "Just exchanging experiences on what just happened I suppose. How're you doing...?" Jericho wasn't aware of who this person was or who anyone in the group was in general. Deep down he imagined everyone wearing name tags to make things easier for him on the go. "Yeah yeah..." was Aneda's rebuttal, even if there wasn't necessarily a need for one. ( http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4473619/ )
  10. Jericho shrugged, "I don't feel all that different, or maybe I do but don't care, I don't know. I'm anxious due to the knowledge itself, not how it got there." He didn't feel a need to explain it again, so he went after what Zach mentioned. "Again? Is this a regular thing with you? With this group??" Anything to stop the dread at this point. "Just as a reminder, no being a dick and hurting more than necessary, unless you want to deal with a pissed off me~!" ( http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4471667/ ) (Aneda 9/18) (Al 15/15)
  11. "I'm this close to doing what I set out to do and now I'm doubting everything." He answered bluntly. It felt better to get that off his chest but not too much better. "You ever get somewhere then feel it's one of the worst decisions you've ever made, going there?" Eager to get on with the duel, Aneda found a person to get her a training spear and she was very content to see how this would turn out. "Alright son, you ready to do this or you gonna chicken out? I mean, if you'd rather not be publicly humiliated, there's no shame in backing down~!"
  12. Sparing a glance at Evangeline, Jericho wasn't sure if it was reflexive or an actual acknowledgement of her talking to him. It would ultimately be the latter when he finally responded with a shrug and an unusually cryptic phrasing, "Dreading what's to come." Now that there was a picture he could see, he wanted to stop looking at it since it was seemingly getting bigger and more insurmountable with every passing moment. "I don't think a broom or a stick would even remotely replicate the feel of the respective weapons, but I do like your ingenuity. Nah, I'll have to go ask for a training weapon myself, or perhaps I can try using a sword, though I haven't used one in a while. I'm better with a weapon regardless, but prefer a spear." Aneda pondered out loud, well it wasn't pondering so much as stating a fact of the matter to begin with.
  13. "Using a sword is what you do and doing random shit is what I do for a living! Cleaning, fighting, doing laundry, baby sitting... I've actually been able to be pretty picky about what I do if it's for money so while I've maybe not mastered any one particular thing, I can sure as hell still try to give it my all." Resolute in her views, Aneda stared Al down, "And if I need to do more than that, I will." Aneda wasn't too thrilled about betting but when Robin chose to bet on her there was a spark of some spirit rushing into her, most likely adrenaline but Aneda wanted it to be something more than the physical. "Your sword versus my spear, well, a sword versus a spear anyway, no bladed weaponry... I'd rather not be cut to ribbons over two fucking gold." Jericho had managed to make his way on top of the wagon, though he was keeping to himself for the moment, an odd mix of rage and inadequacy filling him up. It was a mixture he would never get used to, no matter how often he'd feel it, and he hoped to never get truly used to it until he becomes some withering husk, left to die by the wayside. I am so god damn close, and only now do I start doubting if I can do it. Do what exactly? Rush in there, wherever there is I guess, and do the impossible? There's no way I can take on that pile of shit alone, and he'll have plenty of people to back him up regardless, not to mention any legal bullshit that'll get in the way by any chance... Anything could have been happening around him right now, say, a big light show, but he wouldn't have noticed. In his own world, he was stewing over what to do with the stunning and yet completely underwhelming revelation of where his goal is.
  14. ReformBlade


    I'm always told not to pursue Lu Bu, but I couldn't resist. Have fun and don't let the end catch you unawares.
  15. "Nah he was just commenting that I could have all lot of power but if i don't know how to use it properly, I could get taken down easily. I suppose it's some form of expression or Idiom I guess? Either way, he can pretend all he wants, I'd kick his ass before something like that happened to me! Eh? Wanna find out? What say you we take this up a notch and go at this with weapons?" Aneda issued the challenge, now there was only a matter of accepting and fighting, or denying and being forced to stomach her tirade of slurs and insults.
  16. Well that's good to hear, thank you very much Miss!" Mushirah replied excitedly. It was nice to see something resembling a structure and a plan panning out. "You talkin down to me, son? I'd kick your ass if I had a weapon on me!" Aneda barked at him a bit reflexively but mostly in jest. "And besides, power is simple, skill and finesse simply aren't things I was born with, and lacking skill and not power still gets me money and a livelyhood~!"
  17. Being told to sit around again didn't do much for her mood. It didn't make her angry or anything, but it didn't really make her feel better. Still, maybe relaxing would be nice for Mushirah... "I know... thank you." she ceded, not wanting to continue her childishness from a while ago. With nothing else to really add, she continued eating her meal. "Well, hopefully someone can help me acclimate myself to walking again later today. I don't think it'd be too much trouble but I can be patient... hopefully." Wind knocked out of her, Aneda was dazed for a moment. "Whoa..." she said, admittedly too excited sounding, though not for her anyway. She took her time getting up, making sure to catch her breath and plan her next assault carefully. He seems quicker and more skilled at this than I am... Can I actually overpower him? I know this is just a practice match but grrrrrrrrrrr! Stupid rules, I'd kick the shit out of him otherwise! Yet another case of Aneda not thinking things out all the way through on her part. "Ok ok, clearly I'm pretty bad at this... so how's about you show me how it's done, eh tough guy?"
  18. While this is all a nifty read, I don't think anyone mentioned 'bad' settings, just if you preferred a setting over a stat system or vice versa. Personally, I think there can be poorly handled settings (like everything I've done IMO) but that's a different beast altogether.
  19. Short answer: Both are important Long answer: Both matter and equally effect each other, each person will value them differently so there is no factual best to really be had. Some people value writing and interactions better, others value more logical approaches and having a goal in mind (not to say that both paths can't have this actually).
  20. Unexpected, but really she should have all along, aneda had to catch her breath before going at him again. She wasn't gonna back down until she could feel some sweat. She decided to follow up with another right hook and a left one because, well, she didn't exactly know any better. Tenacity was always her forte, not smarts, so maybe...?
  21. I've barely done any hand to hand crap, I'm gonna be so rusty! Thankfully this was just a mere sparring match or else Aneda would be in actual danger without her weapon. She could brute strength through some of, maybe most of her problems, but brute strength was only going to get her so far. She didn't think this one simple match was going to change her view on life or how to fight or any of that, but still, she could always try to figure out ways to make things work. She took the first swing, a right hook aimed at Al's chest. Mushirah smiled "I'll try to think of it that way but I get pretty caught up in my own mood sometimes." Laughing, she took another bite, savoring the flavor some more. "It all boils down to how long I'm staying, again." It wouldn't sit well for her if she ended up staying longer than a day which is all she expected to happen.
  22. I can't keep asking for freebies like this. I have to make sure this is the only time I do it! "I appreciate that, I really do but I don't want to be a bigger leech than I already am." Mushirah said, shaking her head, "I mean, this is a one time thing, I wouldn't feel right if I kept asking for stuff.. I already feel bad enough with this but it was way too tempting an offer."
  23. It took an extremely conscious effort from Mushirah to not use her missing arm, which ultimately failed as she kept trying to use it anyway out of habit. Accustomed to eating right handed, she felt extremely sloppy using only her left hand for this, admittedly very self conscious about it and chewing her bits a little slower as a result. A tasty and gratifying result! "You know, even after all of that crap, this is still fantastic... some things will never change, and I'm okay with that." She said, content with the meal. "If we're going after that piece of shit, you're taking me." Jericho added his two cents to the conversation. He didn't feel it necessary to really get into why as the people there should know why anyway, or so he thought, either way he was as straightforward as he could get the moment and wasn't going to take no for an answer.
  24. "Oh, you didn't interrupt, I'd much rather be eating right now than anything. My stomach is really upset with me, like... like it actually thinks I'm trying to stop feeding it or something. I don't know how else to explain it haha." It was certainly a nice turn of events for Mushirah's well being to laugh and joke around. "Fists and elbows only. No kicking!" Aneda blurted out, admittedly very excited. It was most likely the adrenaline kicking in but just thinking about punching someone was as good a distraction as any for her at this time.
  25. "He's asking if Shadrak here would like some non magical medical help." Jericho clarified for Veronika. Good thing he spoke his native tongue and could translate. This could be the beginning of a new awesome friendship! "Yeah, you can come in!" Mushirah said in an actually happy tone. Thinking of the food was just making her stomach grumble more and more but she could smile through it, closing up the notebook and awaiting the maid. "I wouldn't say I'm trying to identify or figure anything out but... Well if it's a fight you want..." Punching it one more time, she turned her attention towards Al, a grin on her face, "I can oblige~."
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