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Status Updates posted by Tables

  1. So, today I leave for scool at 8:15am, and then am in exams/isolation until 4:15pm... STEP III and Geography exam clash ¬_¬. Also, you should consider opening signups for your mafia game soon.

  2. Sounds like normal to me... well, vectors are usually the topic people struggle with (on the Jun 09 paper that I did, about 10% of people got each mark for the last 6 vectors marks). Hopefully UMS scaling will push your grade up just enough for an A or A*

  3. Quick question... how do I pronounce your name now?

  4. won two Mafia games today. Go me. Also broke my laptop screen.

  5. The very same, yes. And I'm sorry, but I don't recognise that name. Perhaps it'll come to me in the future.

  6. Well, it helps with my Cambridge University application...

  7. Haha, yep, I'm crazy like that. 4 A levels wasn't enough, so I did another AS and 1 extra maths module too.

  8. Got D2, FP2 and FP3 left in maths, too :P. And I'm taking AS computing this year so I have that in a few weeks, then just Physics (1 paper left), Geography (entire A2) and STEP papers (Cambridge maths entry). Should be a nice fun 2 months.

  9. Saleh is clearly over L'arachel. He makes a strong endgame Sage, and can easily fill in as a healer as well. I'd rate him quite highly among prepromotes, probably second on Eirika's route and maybe 3rd behind Duessel on Ephraim's. A rating of between 7 and 8 would seem fair. L'arachel is weaker, and perhaps around 5 on both routes, due to a weak start and basically only bein...

  10. Well, if you check my name history... it was only Black Bomb briefly because I fancied a quick change.

  11. My name is wrong? And it's fine, take your time.

  12. An hour slow, but my second post has gone up in the thread. Time for your final post :)

  13. I haven't forgotten about our debate, by the way, but I have schoolwork and revision to stay on top of. I'm not going to set a firm deadline, but I'll try and write it by the weekend.

  14. Oh I will ;). It actually makes some good points, so I might have fun with this one :).

  15. It's not just about proving your character is better. That's obviously quite important, but debating well is also key. You still have Ephraim's route to tackle, which L'arachel has a small level advantage compared to Eirika's for. And I mathsfailed too, remember :P?

  16. I eat tables is fine. I just decided I wanted a quick change, and Black Bombs are pretty awesome (Advance Wars, if you don't know)

  17. Indeed. Unless Colin is around, then it's only 20,000G, and your army recoils in terror.

  18. I... yes? What do you mean by that, Rein?

  19. I did think you wouldn't notice indeed, Proto :P. And cheers again everyone :)

  20. Thanks guys, wasn't expected this :P.

  21. You've really degraded from the speedrunning hero you once were then, Oliver :P

  22. Excel 2007 tables, for sure, but older excel tables are fine too.

  23. Yes, the taste of a well made table is very sweet. You can try it if you want, just go into excel and start testing stuff.

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