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Posts posted by Tables

  1. On 11/14/2017 at 9:21 PM, wtfamidoing said:

    Also, is there any way to play with my mouse? Would much rather click and move with it than using the keyword. 

    Short of a LOT of hacking, no. This is a SNES game, after all, and they weren't controlled with a mouse.


    In theory it would probably be possible to make the emulator treat the mouse as a super scope, and make the super scope be treated as the cursor location or something like that, but that sounds like a lot of effort and likely a lot of bugfixing too. So really, the answer is just... sorry, keyboard controls (or controller if you have one for your PC) is what you'll have to learn.

  2. A good thing to do for a more direct comparison with that Sniper is to also compare the damage dealt by some consistent set of basic attacks. For example, hit with a fully charged C1, once with Topsy Turvy, once without. That would be a good way to estimate the Sniper's relative Def/Res, assuming you also recorded her stats at the time.


    Oh, and also, Armour Break has been tested by other people, Graphyte mostly, and we found that it halves enemy defences just like it halves your own. It stacks multiplicatively with Luna, or in other words it also doubles your damage with Luna or without.

  3. @SourPeridot I suppose the simplest explanation to most of your questions is, yeah, strictly speaking the formula should also have a "x Move multiplier term" appended to the end. I didn't really think to add that in, probably should do that though. While things like your basic string seem to usually do the same damage per hit, charges, specials and so on each do considerably more.

    On top of that, the formula in its current form gives relative damage, not necessarily absolute amounts. Mostly, that means it's a way to compare similar situations accurately. For example, how much damage do you lose by putting slayer skills onto a 5* Bravestone? This formula helps answer that more accurately. Or how much damage do I gain by adding Pair Up+ and Strength IV? Again, that's the kind of question it helps answer. It's not very good at comparing, say, how much damage will Takumi do against this General compared to Elise, since there's so many values you (correctly assume) probably need to datamine to find accurately.


    Go ahead and fire your Luna questions as well. I think we've got a decent understanding of how it works at this point.


    @Brother of MetalI too think that's a possibility as well. It's worth noting that the game highlights which stat a character (topsy-turvy notwithstanding) uses, and it doesn't highlight both Str and Mag for characters like Celica, however her specials along with characters like Sakura could specfically use Mag instead of Str. Might be worth testing in the future.

  4. 57 minutes ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:


    Okay then. It's not a crest I need to class change to be able to create, is it?

    Prayer Crest I and II are available immediately, and Crest I is relatively cheap to make (1 generic silver material, 2 bronze materials). Crest II is a fair bit more costly (1 character silver material, 2 generic silver, 2 bronze). Crest III is after promotion only, and very expensive (1 gold material, 3 character silver, 5 generic silver).

  5. That's really nice Sol info. I agree that it sounds like it scales with enemy HP as well as your own Luck. As a question since I haven't tested it myself, does Sol seem to always activate? The description for Sol in game does literally say it "May" activate, but I'm wondering if that's just a poor choice of words.


    Also, if we can use Sol to estimate enemy HP... well, we can also use Topsy Turvy to estimate the relative difference between enemy defences, and making a few assumptions possibly get estimates on how much damage things actually deal, as well as possibly calculate enemy stats. Not sure if it'll work in practice but I guess it's plausible.


    Edit: That feeling when you go to try and find your thread, but can't see it anywhere, then notice that's because it got pinned. Thanks for the swift action, mods :).

  6. 28 minutes ago, Technoweirdo said:

    ...Be right back.
    *Kicks Frederick into a volcano FOR SCIENCE*

    Frederick, having Remedy 3, healed himself for 550 HP. Huh, figured Remedy 3 would do more. But yeah, Elixirs are 500 HP.


    Assuming Remedy 3 is +50 HP when healing, sounds good. That's another one to test, actually, I guess... I suppose Remedy has a relatively bigger effect at lower levels, but personally I just didn't bother getting those crests until a lot later because self healing just isn't that useful (which is also part of why I never tested Sol).

    Also please fix your offensive member title. Tables are not for flipping.



    Just now, Arthur97 said:

    Thanks for answering the luck issue (mostly). I wanted to know since luck is Lucina's main advantage so now I know mostly what I'm getting with that.


    Yep, as it turns out, Luck is possibly one of if not the most important stat for very high level characters. Luna is good enough that at high enough level, pretty much everyone wants to use it, even characters like Frederick with their low luck stats. And Luck boosting Luna by such a massive degree makes it a really important offensive stat. If you also run Pavise and/or Aegis, it becomes a fantastic offensive AND defensive stat.

  7. I've been doing a bunch of research over on GFaqs on the details mentioned above, and finally feel happy enough with everything to compile it together into a single resource.


    Note: Most things are approximate. Exact values are annoying to find in a game that only gives you bars to measure and not concrete numbers most of the time. There's also possibly some underlying mechanics affecting damage slightly that are not entirely known, for example we've seen some odd deviations from expected numbers with crits and specials, especially when other skills are factored in.


    Damage Dealt = (Atk + Weapon mt) x (Sum of damage bonuses) / (Enemy Def/Res)


    Atk = whichever attack stat your current weapon uses. For swords, lances, axes and bows, it's Strength. For Tomes, it's Magic. For Tiki, it's some combination, we don't really know exactly. For topsy-turvy weapons, switch Atk stat.

    For specials, use (Atk + Skl) / 2 in place of the normal attack stat. For criticals, we don't know exactly, but it seems to be somewhere around (Atk + 2 x Skl) / 3 to (Atk + 3 x Skl) / 4 in place of the normal attack stat. For dual specials, no testing has been done yet to the best of my knowledge.

    Weapon mt = your weapons attack value.

    Sum of damage bonuses = Includes weapon skills, personal skills and weapon triangle advantage. Will be listed below. All things that go into this category get added together to create one single multiplier.

    Enemy Def/Res = some amount depending on the enemy. Basically the same as for your Atk. Note that for topsy-turvy weapons, switch which of Def/Res is used (e.g. topsy turvy swords would hit Res)

    It's not known exactly where effective damage factors in here, might be in the sum of damage bonuses section, but we do know effective damage is a very large amount, typically multiplying damage dealt by approximately 20.


    Damage Taken = Enemy base Atk / [ (1 + Sum of defence bonuses) x Your Def/Res x Weapon Triangle disadvantage] x Effective damage


    Enemy base Atk = some amount depending on the enemy. Typically a very large number, usually in the thousands for mid-high level enemies.

    Sum of defence bonuses = Includes defensive crests, personal skills like Aegis and Dracoshield. Similar to the attack bonuses list, everything that goes in here gets added together to create one single defensive multiplier. See list below.

    Your Def/Res = If you need me to explain what this is, then this thread is probably too advanced for you.

    Weapon Triangle disadvantage = 1.25 if you have weapon triangle disadvantage against the enemy, otherwise 1.

    Effective damage = ~20 if the enemy has an effective weapon against you, otherwise 1. It's not known exactly how this works or what the increased damage depends on though.


    Personal Skills

    Luna - Appears to reduce enemy Defence/Resistance by 1% for every 4 points of Luck. Some people have been confused by the description and think the skill has a chance to activate, and then lowers enemy Def/Res for a certain time or for that attack. This is not the case. Luna causes the enemy Def/Res to be treated as a lower value while calculating damage. Here are some values to give an idea of how effective Luna is:

    25 Luck: 6.7% extra damage

    50 Luck: 14.3% extra damage

    75 Luck: 23.1% extra damage

    100 Luck: 33.3% extra damage

    125 Luck: 45.5% extra damage

    146 Luck: 57.5% extra damage (Level 99 Anna with Luck+20)

    Also note that because Luna is not a standard damage boost skill, it doesn't add to everything else. Rather, it multiplies all of your other boosts. When you also consider how massive the increase it gives is, it should be clear it's an absurdly powerful skill.


    Pavise - Appears to give a 0.33% increase to your defence bonuses per point of Luck, when facing the relevant weapons. As with Luna, it is always active, its effect just becomes larger as you have more luck.

    Sol - Still only lightly tested but appears the healing amount is proportional to your luck and enemy HP.

    Solidarity - +25% to your damage bonuses. Only affects the vanguard, and only when the support has the skill.

    Awakening - Currently untested

    Aegis - Strictly speaking untested, but almost certainly the same formula as Pavise.

    Trample - +10% to your damage bonuses

    Dracoshield - +20% to your defence bonuses

    Paragon - 2x EXP gain

    Payday - +1% gold earned per point of Luck.


    Weapon Skills are actually fairly straight forward for the most part.


    Boost skills (Pair Up+, Health+, Critical+, Awakening+, Warrior+, Desperate+): +25% to your damage bonuses when active.

    Strength skills (Strength I-VI plus Rainstorm): +25% to your damage bonuses when using the relevant attack(s).

    Bonus skills (Slayers): -20% weapon might when at least one is equipped on a weapon (the mt will appear in read). Ignore this for weapons with True Power unlocked.

    Topsy-Turvy: Description is just really really bad. It basically works like a magic weapon in main FE games,. A topsy-turvy bow will use your MAG stat for damage against the enemy Res, for instance. Healing amount is not affected for staff users, they still heal based on magic.


    Misc formulae and stuff


    Healing amount:

    Potion: 50 HP + Remedy boost

    Concoction: 150 HP + Remedy boost

    Elixir: 500 HP + Remedy boost 

    Staves/Rods: Same as above at equal tier, plus Mag / 2. E.g. Sun Festal heals 150 + Mag / 2 HP.

    Remedy boost: 10 HP for Remedy I, 20 HP for Remedy II and 50 HP for Remedy III


    Damage Rank

    100% damage taken = sum of all deployed playable character's HP stats (only playable count, NPC deployed do not).

    So to get an S rank for damage you need to take less than 80% of the sum of all deployed playable character's Health. This is why the damage rank usually only feels relevant when you have 1-2 characters deployed, because basically you're only allowed to take half or a quarter as much damage as normal on those missions.


    Spd & Awakening duration: Has not been fully tested, but it appears that roughly 10 Spd = 1 second of Awakening. The impact of crests is not known.



    I didn't do this all on my own. I've been posting these over at GFaqs a lot as I've been researching and refining, and a ton of people helped along the way.

    Folt: Helped with testing a few things, especially relating to specials and criticals, provided several suggestions on various things along the way that might not be right and/or might be worth testing.

    NuCoEm: Always positive and encouraging in the threads. Worked out how healing and Payday work, as well as a few other minor things.

    GraphyteR: Provided a massive wad of data on damage taken, probably hours of testing and researching, allowing the damage taken formula to be calcuated.

    Technoweirdo: Tested Remedy crests and thus confirmed healing items, and also tested Sol.



    Any questions, corrections, suggestions let me know. Like I mentioned before a lot of stuff here isn't 100% final, definitely correct. I did mostly broad testing rather than deep testing, so the exact specifics aren't always right on.

  8. 6 minutes ago, DIO said:

    On the topic of slayer attributes, anyone know if there's one for foot troops? I'm guessing no since I've combed through the majority of all five history maps...

    Nope, because that would be kinda broken.


    There's five bonus skills: Wingslayer, Plateslayer, Mountslayer, Wyrmslayer and Beastslayer. Many characters don't fall into any of those groups, mainly normal infantry, so they have no slayer effective against them. Others like Camilla and Frederick fall into two groups.

  9. 3 hours ago, GeminiJ said:

    Not so sure on that, it says that it raises the points, but I've never actually seen the support level go up for anyone go up a support level after battle when the character wasn't deployed. If it does raise them, then I'd expect it raises them a lower amount if they aren't deployed.

    I have, several times. They appear on the minimap in a little bubble with the heart above their head, along with each character they're gaining a support point with (which is everyone deployed, so you have several seconds to look over and see it happening). But bear in mind it takes a lot of support points to gain a support level.

  10. 14 minutes ago, Tolvir said:

    Has there been a general idea of how support points go, and what the best way to grind them are? Trying to put Paragon on a few people to level faster, but it’s going painfully slow.

    You can tell when supports are being raised in battle by the heart icons appearing, and I've heard there's a slightly different sprite and sound for when a pair has maxed supports for one battle (either due to hitting the cap of support building in a single battle, or due to having enough support points to reach the next support level) - but personally I haven't been able to explicitly notice what it is.


    In general the main things that raise supports seem to be killing officers while paired up and healing each other. In story mode, completing sub-missions raises everyone deployed's supports with one character depending on the sub-mission. For example, killing the myrmidon who tries to get reinforcements in chapter 14 raises everyone's support with Ryoma, and killing the Sage summoning reinforcements raises everyone's support with Xander. This includes characters at the back of pair ups and applies even if Xander/Ryoma aren't deployed. As a result, story mode chapters 14 and 15 are generally considered good support grinding maps - 8 characters to deploy, lots of officers to quickly kill, each has two sub missions to complete and neither are especially long, letting you easily grind up 4 pairs at once as well as get small boosts with 2 other characters. In general any map that allows you to deploy 8 characters and has a decent enemy density is going to be a reasonable support grinding map.


    On top of that it seems like simply being deployed in the same battle might raise supports a tiny bit, but I don't think this has been explicitly confirmed. I do sometimes see pairs I wasn't expecting getting supports mid battle though, but it might be due to healing.

  11. Tiki's stones use a mix of magic and physical.


    As I said above, I prefer Wingslayer on Swords over Wyrmslayer. Getting Manaketes is nice, but getting Pegasus Knights is nicer. For e.g. Axes, I'd probably take Wyrm over Wing, since the Pegasii aren't such a problem (though I still haven't worked out how to quickly kill Pegasii as Frederick - his combos seem to just cancel their stun gauge, so I mostly just spam his string, which is... okay)

  12. On 11/1/2017 at 8:53 PM, Folt said:

    I'm more of a fan of Strong attacks than the regular attack string as I find most attack strings not really that special to warrant a boost over other attacks, though I having played a bit more, I do think Rainstorm might be a good 4th skill after three Strong Attacks (or on certain characters like the horse people).

    Yeah, that's what I've been thinking as well. Typically I think 2-3 Strength skills, then Rainstorm. I did some (extremely brief) testing and found C6 typically deals around 2-3 times as much damage as S1-5 combined, plus the fact that it has much larger range so likely to hit more targets, etc. - and I'm sure the numbers are similar for C5 vs. S1-4, or C4 vs. S1-3 and so on. But the advantage of the string is you're often going to be using it for chip damage, as well as killing generic enemies, and often you'll start a string and have to dodge or whatever - and Rainstorm gives you a little extra damage in all those cases.


    On 11/1/2017 at 8:53 PM, Folt said:

    As for the Peg. Knights, I've been experimenting with their Dash Strong Attack for crowdkilling and thought maybe it could be useful and mybe it gets boosted by Strength I.


    Oh, yeah. Forgot about their dash strong attack. Pretty sure you're correct that it's boosted. I should probably use that a little more for crowds. I mostly use C5 or C6 for crowds with them currently. I think I'd still go with 5 & 4 > 6 > 3 > 1 > 2 for boosting priority typically though (not sure where I'd put Rainstorm in there, probably between 3 and 1, possibly between 6 and 3 - which is still well below worthwhile for them).


    22 hours ago, Thany said:

    Im defedently going to have my fair share of unit slayers on the personal weapons, So i can find a use for various units for different tasks. so not all sword users share the same logic of only going for down arrows.


    Yeah, I agree, at least somewhat. I don't think I'm ever going to put Beastslayer on anything, it's too niche (no character enemies, just Monsters and Velezark covered), and two swords with that built in is plenty, but I sometimes mix up Plateslayer and Mountslayer especially. The only thing Plateslayer covers that Mountslayer doesn't is generic Knights (+Generals), while Mountslayer covers 3 additional characters and one generic enemy type, but Knights are a big issue for sword users typically. So it's basically comparing something that's extremely good in a few cases vs. something that's pretty good in several cases. No clear winner there I think, though I prefer Plateslayer personally.

    On weapons with a choice, I always go with Wingslayer over Dracoslayer though - four swords have Dracoslayer built in already, that's enough, and Wingslayer is generally more valuable I feel - covering the relatively common Pegasus Knights (3 characters + one generic enemy type) is more valuable I think than covering Manaketes (1 character + one generic enemy type) overall, I think.

  13. Curious why you went for Strength I on Hinoka over Strength VI or Strength III. It seems to me like C1 barely does any damage (it mostly just lifts enemies up or attempts to), while C3 is nice for quick damage and stun gauge breaking, and C6 for general AoE damage. C4 & C5 I definitely agree with though, they're the Pegasus Knight's two best moves.


    Also curious on your opinion of Rainstorm. GFaqs users seem pretty enamoured with the skill, but personally I've been saying I think it's mediocre. The main places I can imagine using it are weapons whose string is really good (like... uhh... ... some of them?) or weapons where you'd otherwise be using more than 3 strength skills - boosting all of those basic attacks might not add much extra damage, but it likely adds more than boosting your 4th most used charge considering how often you're landing those weak blows.

  14. The best two Boost skills are generally Pair Up+ and Health+. I've done some testing, and as far as I can tell, all of them give the same damage boost (except possibly Desperate+, I didn't test that because even if it gives a bigger boost it isn't worth it). All that changes are the conditions or moves that it's active for. So you really want the ones with the conditions that are easiest to meet, and those I would say are Pair Up+ and Health+.

    Pair Up+ only requires, well, Pair Up, which is possible on basically everything except the Prologue and Chapter 1 of the Story, and Timed Attack stages (you might also not want to pair up on some of the harder Timed Onslaught - but in those enemies are super weak anyway). And when you can pair up, about 80-90% of the time, you want to be paired up - Dual Specials are extremely powerful, Dual Strikes are very useful for officer dueling and covering weakness, Dual Guard helps with health requirements, and it makes support building much quicker.

    Health+ is second best. It requires full health, which is a bit awkward but managable. You do a lot of fighting in forts, which heal you over time once you take them, which you can usually do. You also have healing items and/or staves on your team for healing. Plus Dual Guards help keep you at full health. The only issue there is... Dual Guards. Means pair up. So Pair Up+ is just better. In general Health+ is pretty much poor man's Pair Up+ for if you haven't unlocked enough of them yet.

    Triangle+ is probably next. On Tiki it might even be the 2nd best option. Triangle+ is active permanently during Awakening (as you have permanent WTA), so you can also think of it as Awakening+ as well as standard Triangle+. The big downside here is that it's only active less than 1/3rd of the time during normal combat in theory, but assuming you're switching characters around to get an advantage, it's probably more like 50-75%. Still, if you can switch characters around, again... Pair Up+.

    Warrior+ and Critical+ come in a distant 4th. They only boost a single attack. The upside is that there's no other condition on it, and it's attacks that typically make up a significant chunk of your damage output.

  15. Probably too late to contribute usefully, but there's no reason to hold Seth back until other characters compare reasonably with him. In fact, if you do so, you'll probably find Seth to be fairly unremarkable, since, uh, by the definition of when you're using him it's when he is comparable to others. If you start using him sooner, he can do a ton of work for you. You don't have to go crazy and give him every single kill, of course that's bad for the rest of your team (but yet it still works since Seth is that dang good), but he can pick up boss kills, kill any annoying enemies or just pick off one or two enemies in each group you encounter. Between the Prologue and chapter 8, his EXP gain is not heavily penalised, and he still gets about 4-6 EXP per kill IIRC, as well as 50+ EXP from boss kills, so killing at least the bosses and a few other enemies with Seth is recommendable. If you do this, he should be comfortably about level 6-7 going into chapter 9, with those chapters having been nice and painless thanks to Seth's contribution, AND everyone else's EXP gains no more heavily hindered than using any other character would have been. It's win-win all around.


    Another thing I'd like to note, a lot of people are pointing out how he compares well to the other Cavs at max level, and while that's somewhat true (I'd say Amelia, Franz and Kyle are better, although not by much), the important bit is that doesn't even matter in main game. Thanks to Seth's early level lead, if he's used throughout the game he can comfortably end up in the -/16 to -/20 level range by the end of the game, while most other characters typically end up more around 20/10 to 20/12, and perhaps even lower for Trainees/Knoll/L'Arachel etc. So he has a good ~6 level lead still at the end of the game, and that's significant enough that even then, the other Cavaliers still don't catch up to him, at all - nor do really any other characters, for that matter. So he ends up not just being the best character early in the game, but the best character throughout the entire game. It's crazy.


    On 5/13/2017 at 10:23 PM, Deltre said:

    As a fun fact, Seth actually has the 4th best growth rate total in the game, only coming in lower than Eirika, Ephrahim, and Myrrh. Comparing him to the other potential Paladins (Forde, Franz, Kyle, and Amelia) he smacks them or is at worst equal in every single category bar speed (which he loses by 5%), and has a whopping 15% Def growth (for a total of 40%) on Kyle, who has the best defense out of all the cavs (at 25%). 

    People aren't kidding when they say Seth literally breaks the game in half simply by existing. 

    Perhaps a minor point, but his growths are the 5th highest, not 4th. Myrrh (580%), Tethys (355%), Eirika (350%) and Ephraim (345%) are the charcters higher than his 325% total. And on top of that, even more minor perhaps, but highest and best aren't necessarily the same thing. I'd say he has perhaps the 3rd or 4th best growths - beating Tethys and possibly Eirika's growths out of those top sets. Or to phrase that a little more explicitly, I feel that Seth's 20% HP, 10% STR and 10% DEF growth leads are about comparable or slightly better compared to Eirika's 15% SKL, 15% SPD and 35% LUK growth leads; even though they're smaller growth leads they're in mostly more important stats.

  16. 3 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    My best guess is that it works kinda like the GBA RNG. GBA games pre-roll RNG values when a chapter is loaded, but it doesn't save the exact values, only the general range (high and low).

    No, that's wrong I'm afraid. The GBA RNG is entirely deterministic and entirely the same every single time you load - if you load from the start of a chapter, it resets to the start point of the RNG sequence, while if you load a suspend point it starts from the exact RN point you were at before.


    You might be getting confused with methods for RNG manipulation and checking, the easiest method of which only tells you the general range. However with memory checking devices you can easily see all of the upcoming RNs, and indeed using the formula for calculating them, look arbitrarily far ahead into the sequence of RNs.


    Still, that's kinda separate to the answer you were giving. But now you know one more thing about the GBA FE's RNG :).

  17. Does anyone know how the RNG works when using Mila's Turnwheel? It feels like it sometimes changes the RNG, and sometimes doesn't. Like, I had one case where, during an enemy ambush, the first enemy Bow Knight to move doubled and killed Python on 56% hit rates. I then used all 6 of my Turnwheel cogs resetting this to see if it changed the outcome, and every time was the same. Another time, an enemy Bow Knight landed a 4% crit on Python mid enemy phase (yes, there's something going on between my Python and generic Bow Knights, I know). I reset to it, got a 4% crit again, but on the second attack instead. Reset again, second attack again, reset a fourth time, and this time it didn't crit. I've also experimented a little with changing level ups but always seem to get the same result.


    So, I know that this could just be freakishly bad luck each time, but it feels like sometimes the RNG gets "stuck" on using the same values, and sometimes it refreshes them. And so that brings me back to my original question: Do we know how it works? Did I actually just get terrible luck, or does it only sometimes change the RNG?

  18. Lots of people have said it's viable on Hard (heck, I'd go as far as to say it's easy). It's possible on Lunatic as well. I've done it myself, and I made a bit of a log if you're interested. A few thoughts I'd offer - which should be applicable to any difficulty:

    Kids are really important to this. Should go without saying really, but they're going to be your lategame, pretty much. You want probably 4-6 good kids, meaning Robin + Wife, Chrom + Wife and 1-2 other pairings. I used 8 gen 1s and 6 kids, although I think I'd probably recommend 6 & 5 instead (the last kid can pair up with one of his/her parents).

    It's important to pass good skills to the kids. There's a tough balance in when you recruit them - do it too soon and they miss out on lategame power. Do it too late and they become extremely difficult to train, and they don't have time to gain their levels. I mostly recruited after getting a desired skill on the parent - usually two level 20/5 skills or one 20/5 and one 20/15 skill. Which, yes, is pretty viable to get around the midgame when you aren't reclassing and are focusing on a reasonably small group of characters. Awakening is very easy to earn EXP in. You probably won't get Chrom's wife to 20/15 (I tried) so look at someone who gets something nice at 20/5 instead - Sully for Defender or Luna is probably best.

    Also in terms of kids, remember that they can get skills from their own line already, so consider how you want to promote them when deciding what to do with the parents. For instance with Miriel, Laurent has the same base class, so if you want Laurent to go Sage passing down Rally Magic wouldn't be very helpful to him.

    Consider carefully who you want Robin to marry, since it determines Morgan's base class and thus class for the entire game. I went with Tharja, not because Tharja is anything special herself but because it's the only way to get a gen 2 Dark Mage, which helps a lot. But there are definitely other good options.

    Using stat boosters on the parents with two kids can be quite nice as it may give +1 to both kids, in addition to +2 to the specific parent. For instance you could get Chrom to get +2 Speed with a Speedwing, and that +2 speed might also give Lucina and her sibling +1 speed as well due to Chrom's higher base stats. This can be a nice way to squeeze a little efficiency out of stat boosters - but you may just prefer to save them for the kids who really need them.

    Remember that gen 1 characters will end up somewhat mediocre - they'll still be usable, but nothing too special. The kids will be your lategame, with hopefully 4 good promoted skills plus one more skill from their own pre-promotion class, and good stats to boot. Although Chrom, Robin and potentially a few others will certainly help a bit during a lot of the late chapters.

  19. Is Revelation worth the asking price of half a game if all I care about is challenge and filling the plot holes left behind by Conquest? How much harder is Revelation than Conquest?

    Conquest is the hard one. Revelation is between the two difficulty wise. It does fill a few of the plot holes in Conquest and BR, but not all of them. You would need the Awakening DLC pack to fill some of the others, including some of Revelations plot holes. If you just want challenge and plot hole coverage, I don't recommend it.

  20. I have done the basic part of the exp formula:


    There's still some stuff I haven't figured out, such as:

    1. Exp bonus for attacking paired-up enemies

    2. Boss-kill exp bonus

    3. Exp penalty for attacking healers

    Hmm, looks kind of akward, like there probably isn't an easy formula for a lot of the values when enemies are lower level than you. What does seem clear is, if level difference > 0 (level difference being their level - your level, basically the negative of what you're using there because it's nicer for formulae):

    Hit EXP = 10 + [level difference / 2] on Normal/Hard, Hit EXP = 10 on Lunatic.

    Kill EXP = Hit EXP + level difference * 3 + 20, for all three difficulties.

    This also seems to work down to a level difference of -5 on Hard, but for Normal/Lunatic, and Hard below that amount, it becomes a mess I don't really want to describe with formulae.

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