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Posts posted by Tables

  1. Yes, that tables. No, don't recognise the name. I'm not very active there now though (well, nobody is). Topsy Turvy in general is not really ever "optimal", especially on physical units as targeting defence on average is better than targeting resistance in this game. But it helps make units more distinct from their clones and can give people a niche compared to others with a similar role. With how many sword users there are, I think Topsy Turvy on Celica is a reasonable choice for this reason.

  2. For the most part I agree with @Baron the Shining Blade's advice, but there's a few things that I don't agree with:

    Trample is very mediocre. It gives a weak bonus to damage (+10%) and is not even active against all enemy types. With just the base game it's borderline on being worthwhile I guess, but that's more just because there aren't many good skills for upping damage in the base game. When you compare to the bonuses given by DLC skills such as Lethality (+400% when it activates), Vengeance (up to +300% at 1 HP), Resonating Power (up to +25% if Str/Mag are equal - even with Str/Mag a massive 75 points apart you still get +10%, the same as Trample) and Lone Wolf (+50% when not paired up), it won't really do much. Also bear in mind these bonuses are additive - so if you have say a +50% skill and two +25% skills between personal + weapon, that's +100% total, or a 2x damage multiplier. +10% on top of that brings you to 2.1x, which is actually only a 5% increase on what you had before.

    I personally wouldn't worry about Iote's Shield on Corrin and Tiki. There are only four characters with dracoslayer weapons as enemies (one of which, Lyn, is somewhat uncommon), and extremely few generic enemies. With 4-8 deployment slots on almost every mission, they will basically never be a problem. For the fliers, it's more fair game. There's again only four character enemies with bows, three of which are common, but archer/snipers are common enough to worry about.

    Critical Focus and Armour Strike are not really skills I would go out of your way to get, for most characters. Critical Focus is decent, but every character can easily trigger a crit on a generic's stun gauge or a gold character stun gauge, and most characters can combo a character's normal stun gauge reasonably well. On top of that it's a massive pain to grind for, needing 4K kills to unlock and there also being Aerial Focus in the same slot (which is also decent). Armour Strike is really mediocre, especially after you get the DLC. With Lethality and other damage boosts active, one crit is usually enough to kill generics or at least bring them down a lot. For officers, with a solid lethality chance two crits is generally enough. Armour Strike doesn't activate until you land that first crit, so a lot of the time it does nothing, while also making you close to twice as vulnerable. It ends up being often close to as much of a detriment as a help, and with weapon skill slots being very tight, I'd think carefully about if you want to use one on Armour Strike.

  3. 13 hours ago, Dr. Tarrasque said:

    EDIT: Mordecai has 33 WT just like Kieran. Chapter 10 has a "Statue Frag" item you can obtain. Use it on Mordecai and he should be able to Rescue Kieran.

    I believe it's never possible to rescue mounted units in the Tellius games, regardless of weight/con. You could potentially shove/smite him to the escape point though, but I don't know if he would leave on his own.

  4. For gameplay: Pretty much the most effective characters:

    The Pegasus trio are good in basically every secondary measure - they have staves, they use lances (best weapon type due to prevalence of swords), they have the highest movement. Then the moveset itself is great - C4 is huge range, exposes stun gauge on every hit, and hits several times after. C1 is a decent crowd clearer, both C1 and dive from standing, or C1 dash for AoE. C3 juggles, C6 is invulnerable and big AoE. And finally, Caeda especially is just busted. Wing Spear is awesome, she has incredible luck and thus excellent damage output. I'm not sure if the pegasus moveset itself is the best in the game (it is quite slow, and damage output is unremarkable), but the combination of all its upsides with all the extra bells and whistles you get that I mentioned above make the three Pegasus Knights overall three of the best characters in the game. And, well, hands down the Pegasus Knight moveset is the best of the lancer movesets - although with how average Azura and Oboro are I guess that isn't saying too much.

    Xander is one of, if not the best sword user. Fast moving, projectile C4, juggling with C5 and C3. He's difficult to play but hugely rewarding once you get used to him.



    For just enjoyment:

    Ryoma is quite nice and simple to play, fast, solid C4. He's not the most effective character, but he's very easy to use well, so if I don't feel like paying too much attention he's a good pick. Plus he brings Astra to everyone.

    Camilla/Minerva for basically the same reason. Their moveset is awful throughout with one exception: C2-C6 are all pretty slow, they can't break white stun gauges in one round without Critical Focus or extremely precise combos, basic string is poor, C4 requires precise aiming or you don't catch enemies in the wind up hurtbox, and leave yourself vulnerable during its long animation... basically, everything is really bad. They can make use of some of those later moves, but doing so basically just makes them really bad versions of the Pegasus Knights. The big exception is, of course, their stupidly broken C1. Huge AoE, surprisingly good DPS (not as good as landing crits, but still as good as most typical juggles), and extremely fast to come out. Hands down the most OP move in the game, and basically enough on its own to make them move from low/bottom tier to like... high tier.

    Tiki. She's both cute and highly effective.

  5. On 7/23/2018 at 9:48 AM, SorenJules said:

    Hiya! Just wanted to ask if someone knew, if I put the 'Legendary' attribute on let's say Corrin's Yato and I transfer it to someone else's personal weapon, does it break the Yato? Thanks a bunch!

    1) You can't put Legendary on personal weapons, since Legendary is an Awake type skill, the same as True Power/Divine Blessing, and they're limited to 1 per weapon


    2) You can't do anything that would get rid of personal weapons. You can't sell them, use them as materials or anything similar.

  6. Yellow gauges don't give Awakening by themselves. Attacking an enemy you have WTA over gives awakening (except when IN awakening itself), and breaking a yellow gauge when you have WTA does a big AoE attack, which often builds up a lot of Awakening on its own.


    In general, Mages and Archers benefit a ton from Quick With Quick Wit all three levels of Awakening crests, one yellow gauge crit builds enough Awakening to use it, and generally that's all you need since the KO bonuses in Awakening will quickly fill your gauge to max anyway. And, well, mages and archers can easily force a yellow gauge crit on anything with their C1, which basically means they can just get Awakening ready very quickly. Galeforce is another option, but doesn't work quite as well for archers/mages since you need at least 2 kills to get their awakening ready (though, the special bonus is nice).

  7. Hm, I never really noticed much of a difference with mages vs. mages or physical vs. Knights personally. I do know that every different weapon type has different base power, which could be a factor, as @Technoweirdo said. I know for example that Pegasus Knights are nautrally lower damage than Wyverns, even with identical stats and skills, for example. It wouldn't surprise me too massively if other mages are naturally a tad weaker too.


    Maybe I'll test this at some point. Got some spare time this week. I can also write up a few other things I've found since I last updated - notably several other skills including the new ones.

  8. I'm glad they're not in, honestly. Just look at how Velezark gets handled here - spam dual strikes and Awakening until he goes down. It's rare you actually have to fight him with the proper mechanics.


    Similarly, look at how they are in HW. They're generally considered a not very fun part of the game, and they're all over the place there. Fun the first time you fight them, but mostly they're more annoying than interesting. Granted, part of that is how you have to wait around until they do a thing that exposes their weak point in HW, while in FEW Velezark is more just "beat on him when you can", but still, Velezark isn't particularly fun or interesting most of the time either.

  9. You can find some skill recommendations on the Online Resource spreadsheet, although it's more on weapon skills than character skills. In general for optimal builds:


    Must have: Astra, Luna, Lethality. All three are pretty obvious. Astra is crazy good, and weapon skills (especially spirit) are generally more valuable than character skills, so you want Astra rather than Acceleration. Luna is a huge damage increase for basically everyone that isn't Frederick, and even on him at high levels (100+) it's good enough to be worth a slot almost always. Lethality provides an absolutely massive damage increase when it activates (+400% additive damage), and has typically pretty good chances at high levels. Since a lot of damage comes from crits anyway, it's a highly valuable skill.


    Typical remaining slots:

    Luck+20 is a solid boost to both Luna and Lethality. Slightly counterintuitively, the higher your luck, the bigger the proportional boost it gives to Luna, so it has more impact on high luck than low luck characters. The +10% Lethality chance is nice, as well as the +6-11% extra damage to Luna, but those two things aren't necessarily enough to make it an auto include any more

    Galeforce provides a pretty substantial boost to Awakening, which can make prolonged Awakening easy to maintain and/or ensure you always have Awakening ready for when it's needed. Mages and Archers are probably better off with Quick Wit, since they can get an easy gold stun gauge crit thanks to their C1, and with all three of the Awakening charge speed crests that's enough to ready Awakening for them. They can't prolong Awakening in Awakening, but personally I don't think that's too big of a price to pay (the first 15-20 seconds of Awakening is usually all you need), unless you're combining with Vengeance.

    Vengeance is really powerful if you're careful and work around it. It combos really well with a Galeforce build, since you cannot be killed in Awakening, and it provides an absurd boost to everything except specials and crits (up to +400% damage). I don't recommend having Vengeance on everyone, but putting it on a few characters can make them able to rip through enemies ridiculously fast.

    Resonating Power is great on everyone with MAG and STR (or DEF/RES if using Statflip) that are close together. Rowan, Lianna, Corrin, Camilla, Cordelia, Anna, Tiki, Celica, Niles and Owain all have close enough stats to use this well (+20-25% bonus, even at level 150)

    Iote's Shield on fliers. Not always needed but can be nice if you want to negate that big weakness they have. Mounts don't really need it - mountslayers are super rare. Tiki and Corrin can sometimes benefit, but anti-dragon weapons are also not super common.

    Lone Wolf if you don't pair up. +50% damage is massive.

    Solidarity if you DO pair up. +25% damage for your partner is still very solid.

    Awakening if you want to run an Awakening centric build (often using Galeforce + Vengeance + Awakening).


    There's also defensive options which can be good sometimes if you want to boost someone's bulk. At level 100+, in most cases Aegis or Pavise is the best option there, although Frederick amusingly is still better off with Res+10 than Aegis even at level 150 IIRC. Dracoshield is of course good if someone is a dedicated support, otherwise don't bother. There's a few grinding options as well of course - Paragon doubles EXP so it's pretty good if you want to grind those levels up, Payday is luck% more money from battle, can be good in gold rushes, and Potent Potion for support grinding. And finally, Armoured Blow has some potential value, but it's probably not worth a slot on most characters unless you find yourself taking potshots often (in that case though, probably adjust your positioning rather than your skills).

    Most other skills not listed here are probably not worth considering. This includes most Stat+10s (too weak), Trample (too weak), most healing abilities like Sol, Amaterasu, Potent Potion and Live to Serve (rarely need much healing - though PP is at least niche for things like villager rescue). The DLC has come with LOTS of really good abilities - many of them support new and interesting builds compared to the base game set.


    In general, I suppose a generic, one-size-fits-most build would be something like: Astra, Luna, Lethality, Luck+20, Solidarity/Lone Wolf, Galeforce/Quick Wit. Adapt and adjust as needed for each character.

  10. This is really the kind of question that's best answered by the quick question sticky.

    The data sheet on google docs that's posted here and there has the answers - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10oQoFIzf3t3drnjuboFg3h8ecL9m5TDsMaCbJDuZeYU/htmlview?usp=drive_web&ouid=104011298558992378347&sle=true# if you haven't seen it.

    Drop: 4* (Power Up, Divining, First Class, Healer)
    Attack: 6 (Strength I-VI, Rainstorm)
    Swap: 2 (Topsy-Turvy, Antitriangle, Statflip)
    Gen: 1 (Gencross, Genpeer)
    Bonus: 2 (Mountslayer, Plateslayer, Beastslayer, Dracoslayer, Wingslayer, Rampager)
    Defeat: 1 (Gift skills)
    Break: 1* (Armour Strike)
    Boost: 1 (5K locked skills)
    Slay: 1 (Breaker skills)
    Fury: 1* (Fury Builder)
    Focus: 1 (Critical Focus, Antiair Focus)
    Awake: 1 (Legendary, True Power, Divine Favor)
    Spirit: 1 (Bolster, Amped, Acceleration)


    The ones marked with a * are where the limit equals how many skills there are in that category, i.e. you can have all the skills of their type.

    The most significant limits in general are the 2 Bonus, 1 Spirit, 1 Boost and 1 Slay slots, as they're some of the most useful skills you might want to include large numbers of at once, were they not limited.

  11. On 4/28/2018 at 8:40 PM, Homosexualbeard said:

    Do we have the numbers on Owain's skill yet? What the damage boost is at equal Strength/Magic and how fast it falls off? I've been wondering what the cutoff is on how close the stats have to be for it to be worthwhile.

    It's ( 25 - Difference / 5) % extra damage. So every 5 points difference between the stats means it's a 1% smaller boost, and at 125 points difference, it'll give no boost whatsoever.


    As a result as @CmdrQuartz mentions this means it's actually pretty good on anyone at low levels. At higher levels, it's only good on characters with close Str/Mag like Owain, Cordelia, Celica, Rowan, Lianna, Corrin, Camilla, Anna, Tiki and Niles.

  12. That's correct - all of the limited materials such as Master Seals, Scrolls, Opuses and Essences can only be used for creating crests, not blessings, and there's exactly enough of each to create every crest - 32 Master Seals (6 Story + 17 vanilla History + 9 DLC), one of each Scroll and Opus, and 31 of each Essence, one from each support conversation involving that character.

  13. Lyn and Navarre aren't really that different. Navarre has higher luck and Strength so hits a bit harder, Lyn has better defences so takes a little less damage (she has less HP but it doesn't mitigate the defensive lead). That makes Navarre statistically better, but Lyn's free Dracoslayer makes her better overall, I would say. There's not a whole lot between them though in general.

  14. On 4/17/2018 at 11:24 AM, Momentai~ said:

    Is it better to go with amped or bolster for dealing more damage? I am not sure how much the raw stat increase is worth compared to whatever bolster does.


    I still plan to actually calculate this a bit more accurately, but as a rough estimate Amped becomes better for raw damage when you're at around 85-110 luck, depending on a few other factors like how many additive bonuses you have, if you're Bolstering a strength skill or just a boost, and your Strength/Magic stat. This is assuming Luna + 720 power weapons by the way.


    Since Amped also boosts e.g. Lethality chance, significantly increases durability, Awakening duration etc. that should also be considered. But just for damage, the above applies. I think I put Bolster on about half a dozen characters. Camilla, Frederick, Niles, Tharja, Robin(?) maybe.

  15. 20 hours ago, AJ Okami said:

    I wouldn't say Lissa is low tier. Her C6 is amazing at racking up KOs and her C5 can instantly break white stun gauges (non character captains). Also, her C1 raises all her stats and if you give her weapon topsy-tuvey (or with statflip as well), she becomes significantly stronger and the best magic dealing axe user. Her luck is pretty decent too so she can utilise Lethality and Luna well.


    The problem with Warriors games tier lists is that EVERYONE is really good. Even Corrin can dominate pretty comfortably (although she does struggle a lot with wave clear and possibly can't even S rank certain 5 minute maps unless you're very lucky or skilled). So bear that in mind as we break down these points:

    "Her C6 is amazing at racking up KOs" - It's a C6, meaning it's got to go through S1-5 before it can be even used. It's also a relatively slow C6 as I recall. Someone did a lot of testing on racking up KOs, and overall Lissa places pretty low, with C6 being her best option - but the majority of characters can rack up KOs faster.

    "her C5 can instantly break white stun gauges (non character captains)"  - Totally unremarkable. Almost everyone can break generics stun gauges with ease, many can do it quicker than Lissa as well.

    "Also, her C1 raises all her stats" - Well, it raises her Str/Mag/Def/Res by 25%. If it raised luck as well I'd definitely place her higher. I'm mostly assuming 720 power weapons and optimised skill sets here though, and +25% Str or Mag to her doesn't add all that much damage. Even at level 150 with Topsy Turvy, it's only about a 4.2% damage increase, and while the 25% extra defences are nice, her defence stat is still bad regardless - and both defences don't matter all that much in general.

    "and if you give her weapon topsy-tuvey (or with statflip as well), she becomes significantly stronger and the best magic dealing axe user" - Best magic dealing axe user yes, definitely - but how useful is that, really? The damage increase from Topsy-Turvy is only about 5.7%, but it also forces you to target Res instead of Def, which is generally not ideal. Plus, weapon slots are very valuable - using one or even worse two for TT+SF really limits her other options. I think this is a good idea for variety purposes (Mine has those two skills for instance), but it does leave Lissa lacking potential better options, so for an optimised build it's less good.

    "Her luck is pretty decent too so she can utilise Lethality and Luna well." - It's a little above average, certainly, although it's not anything too amazing. Definitely better than the other axes, but they all have other extra properties that are useful.

    Lissa isn't terrible by any stretch (again, this is Warriors, it's more a measure of who is more OP than others) but she is a little more lacking compared to many others. Her crowd clear is well below average, her character officer dueling is poor (she struggles to break white stun gauges quickly, especially on mounted/flying/heavy foes she can't C5 drag along), many of her charges are a bit slow... she has staves, and her C1 makes her very solid early on if you can grab her a Topsy-Turvy Axe, but postgame, she's nothing special.

  16. Oh, god, not Ni Li's meme list again.


    The list isn't terrible, but there's so many issues with it. It got ripped to shreds over on the GFaqs board due to it just generally not making sense in a load of places. By and large, it feels like it was made without real regard for how the characters perform when played well, and simply just based on initial impressions. For example:

    • Wyverns in top tier, when they have some of the worst 1v1 dueling in the game and general struggle on any map with several character enemies
    • Niles as 2nd best archer. No idea where this one came from
    • Lyn and Navarre in top tier, above better sword users like Chrom, Lucina, Xander.
    • Robin like a tier and a bit ahead of Tharja. He's better, but not much better.
    • Pegasii Knights all over the place
    • Lissa in High, when she's pretty unremarkable at everything.

    I still don't feel qualified to make a tier list, but making one right now I think it would look something like:




    Don't ask me to defend this too vigorously. I (slightly hypocritically) went a bit off of gut feeling rather than analysing the data, although I've looked at a decent amount of the data in the past. I know @Folt probably won't be too pleased to see me valuing luck so highly now, but honestly the difference between +100% damage from Luna and 100% lethality, and +33% damage from Luna and 50% lethality (200 and 100 luck respectively) is just crazy. Small luck differences don't matter much, certainly, but large ones make a huge difference and can easily make up for a weaker moveset.


    Also having actually tested out the wyverns in a bit more detail, I was kinda shocked how unreasonably effective just butt stomping everything actually is. That Fury Builder bonus quickly adds up. Character officers slow you down, but you rack up KOs so fast that it doesn't even matter much. They're still not the best in general, and really do struggle in duels where they don't have an effective weapon, but they can get you through stuff much better than I though they could.

  17. 7 hours ago, smfthegeek said:

    I do agree that her combos leave her rather unsafe but slap critical focus on Aura

    There's two issues here.

    1) This doesn't make her C1 any less safe. As soon as it's done executing, everything is stunned. The danger is during, not after.

    2) Why even bother? You're going to expose gold stun gauges which are trivial to break. Same for the other mages. Robin/Tharja can just C1 > C5 for a guaranteed, fairly quick break on everything. Even Linde can do something similar I believe. If she needs Critical Focus to break a gold gauge reliably, man, that sucks. Less damage stacking potential if you need a weapon slot for that.

  18. 11 hours ago, smfthegeek said:

    So between Camilla and Minerva, which one is truly superior? (also I'm starting to think Linde is slightly more useful than Robin/Tharja due to her luck)


    They're very close performance wise. Minerva deals a lot more damage. At max level for example with Amped, Luna and Luck+20, Minerva's higher strength and luck let her deal 10% more damage on every attack compared to Camilla - while also having a 71% lethality chance vs. Camilla's 55%. However defensively, Minerva has a major weakness to magic, taking 67% more damage from magic compared to Camilla. And considering how common mages tend to be, especially in harder maps, this can be an issue for her durability.

    As a point of comparison, assuming the same skills but no Amped, at a much lower level - say, level 60, with a 240 power Brave/prf weapon: Minerva deals about 10% more damage, and she takes about 54% more from magic as a % of her HP (the ratio is different as they haven't capped HP yet). So the difference there is smaller, but also her magic vulnerability is more of an issue - she can get really messed up by mages. As a result, you might well want to run Res+10 on her at lower levels, since avoiding mages altogether - which Minerva can kill pretty efficiently - is a bad idea.


    Overall though, Minerva is better when played well due to the higher damage she can output, and her weaker defences not mattering too much. Camilla on the other hand has the advantage of being more reliable for players who get hit more, due to having reasonable Res - and especially if you make use of her high magic by using Statflip she can become a fortress of defences, with huge Def and Res.

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