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  1. After some checking I believe there is also a Bolting In Part 4 Endgame 1. It should one of the enemy sages on the right side of the map. I don't think it would be too hard to get especially if you hit him with Silence first.
  2. You get no exp by fighting Ashnard?! That sounds like a total breakdown of game mechanics. Guess I'll have to check it out on one of my endgame saves. I guess another way to try to get Tibarn leveled up on hard mode would be to have a bunch of unequiped units take/dodge attacks until you can beat Ashnard the first time then let Tibarn go beat up everything on the map.
  3. I thought Tibarn came in at level 18 in PoR, so he would need two levels. Though you could do it by attacking Ashnard repeatedly without killing him to do so if you don't mind a long turn count for the chapter if on hard mode. On easy and normal you can have him just slaughter all the enemies on the map. For my votes: Nasir. Ena for me is really only useful for one chapter and no one will attack her on the dragon chapter anyways. Giffca. Tibarn is already powerful enough, and I don't really care much about Naesala. Plus I usually use Giffca as my reiforcement anyways.
  4. I have battle animations on unless I'm abusing the battle save for level ups. I find the action to be too dull otherwise.
  5. My vote goes to Astrid. I've never found Geoffery to be anything special except for his paragon which I yank the first moment I can. Oscar(along with Kieran)got beat up by the nerf stick inbetween games. Fiona certainly has lots of potential, but unless you are going to boss/priest abuse a lot, she'll likely never catch up with the rest of the characters in her group. Level isn't too big of an issue for Astrid because of paragon. Feed her a few kills and she'll jump up a few levels easily. Plus, other than Marcia, the other units she is initially around don't really scream awesome, so she isn't really competing against bunches of characters for exp.
  6. I would like to get rid of green NPC units. They at best do little to nothing and at worst just throw themselves at enemies and get themselves killed way too easily. Yellow allied units aren't too bad as you can tell them to sit in a corner and stay there while the rest of your army does the work.
  7. Leaving dragons aside I did use Lethe in the final chapter. She did well enough.
  8. I like the idea of making Levail recuitable, but to make it practical for me they would have to buff his stats up; speed and resistance in particular. 24 Speed and 15 resistance doesn't cut it at level 16 third tier at part 4 endgame.
  9. FE7: After the first trip to Dread Isle. FE8: Chapter 14 on either Eirika's or Ephraim's routes. FE9: When Greil is killed. FE10: When the Black Knight first shows up in 1-9.
  10. As far as pure evasion goes for Lucia: 40 speed + 35 luck = 115 evade. Add in a double earth affinity support and her evade goes up to 160. Things like high biorythim, terrian leadership and resolve can move her evade even higher. Yes, Lucia can indeed be a dodging queen. Now if she just had better avaliblity and a better strength growth.
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