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tali is back

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Posts posted by tali is back

  1. Lilah: So, tell me, what is this frog incident? I'm curious and it's not often that you pique an assassin's curiosity.

    Lupus: *sigh* I was probably nine years old, Addy was ten, and our parents took us to a lake. I had never seen a frog before, so when it jumped out at me, I sorta, um, lit it on fire.

    Adelina: That was around the time that Lulu carried around his Fire tome like a teddy bear.

    Lupus: Anyways, all I could do was watch that frog die in agony as its thin skin was burned to ash. Everyone was laughing at how terrified I looked. Mother could barely stand because of her laughter.

  2. Yoshiro: Actually, I was being a smartass.

    Rogelio: Hey, I'm dead, are you kids scared that I'm asking a question?

    Keaton: I'm not scared...

    Adelina: Something a lot scarier than a dead person is watching someone die from Nevermore. Now that is nightmare fuel.

    Lupus: Nothing scares me.

    Adelina: Oh yeah? What about the time when--

    Lupus: We shall not speak of the frog incident.

    Adelina: You should've seen his face! It was the first time I had ever heard Father laugh!

    Tali: Alright, alright. Settle down.

  3. Yoshiro: So, anyone of you crazy kiddos can answer this question. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a toostie pop?


    Yoshiro: Sorry, tell me, Adelina, what is your favorite food.

    Adelina: Uhh...I don't really have--

    Lupus: Sir, the answer to your first question is--

    Adelina: Can I finish answering him before you butt in? Anyways--

    Keaton: Umm...


    Adelina: As I was saying, I don't really have a favorite food, but I guess pie is good.

    Lupus: Can I answer the first question now?

    Tali: No, because he was joking.

  4. Tali, how does shadow travel work?

    Tali: Um, well, basically, I use Nevermore to open a doorway to another location. I don't know exactly how it works (Laurent can probably find a book on the subject, hehehe) but I do know that it drains my energy more than anything else. Also, I can't use it to travel to any Outrealm or any holy place, such as the Mila tree.

  5. Hawke, what makes you love your daughter?

    Tali, Is your Father the most important person in your Life?

    Hawke: I wasn't around for most of Tali's life, so there are others that know her better, but she is as strong-willed as I was when I was her age.

    Tali: I only just met him for the first time a few months ago, so I guess not. He is still important to me, though.

  6. To Adelina: How dk you feel about Keaton? Are you a bit overprotective of Lupus or are you happy that he's found love?

    Adelina: It's funny that you ask the second question, Lupus has always been protective of me even though I'm the older one. Now that Lupus has someone else to protect, I'm a lot happier.

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