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tali is back

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Posts posted by tali is back

  1. This is a chance for anyone to ask any of my characters any question that they want.

    Here are my characters:

    Tali - Dark Mage, kind of rule 63 Henry, Plegian Sue

    Adelina - Tali's daughter, Sage, delicate frail moe girl

    Lupus - Tali's son (long story), Dark Prince, kind of Zero but also not

    Keaton - Lupus's boyfriend, Myrmidon, really shy but fiercely loyal

    Hawke - Tali's father, Swordmaster, kind of a rogue but also kind of not

    ~~~~I'm not including Keaton's siblings because that's way too many characters~~~~

    Ask away!

  2. Ah, Tali...

    I-Is it true that humans just lead short, boring, insignificant lives, so they make up stories to feel like they’re a part of something bigger! They want to blame all the world’s problems on a single enemy they can fight, instead of a complex network of interrelated forces beyond anyone’s control?

    Also why choose Laurent over some huge muscular axeman?

    1. That's true for most, but I'm different. Sometimes, I'm not even sure that I'm fully human...

    2. Do I need a reason?

  3. So

    if all of our husbandos got into a fight, who would be the last two remaining?

    Dozla and Laurent get to sit out so they survive ;w;

    I'm pretty sure that Brutus would definitely survive, because he's a bit more dodgetanky than most Warriors. Um, I don't know about the other one. Maybe it would be Silas because Cavalier stats?
  4. What do you do in your spare time?

    Read disturbing stuff, write lewd/disturbing fanfics, fangirl over my husbandos/waifus, stay as far away from my mom as possible, think about the dark side of life, sing random songs, plot my revenge against my enemies, and try not to think about my nightmares.

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