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tali is back

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Posts posted by tali is back

  1. So, um, since my life is a bit hectic, I thought that doing this would be a good idea, y'know, to take my mind off my chaotic life. Soooo... yeah. Ask me anything you want, I'm not gonna promise you'll get a true answer 100% of the time, hehe, but I will try to answer any and all questions posted here.

  2. OC x OC

    Cerise x Jinx

    C Support

    Jinx: Hi Cerise.

    Cerise: Greetings to you as well, Sir Jinx.

    Jinx: Aw, cut it out. I'm not royalty or anything.

    Cerise: You look odd today, Jinx. Is everything alright?

    Jinx: A bunch of the other guys were laughing at how my hair's always in my face.

    Cerise: Let me pin it back.....There! Perfect.

    Jinx: Thank you, Cerise. You're a lifesaver.

    Cerise: You're very welcome.

    B Support

    Jinx: Cerise?

    Cerise: *portrait not shown* Y-Yes?

    Jinx: Are you there? I need to talk to you.

    Cerise: I'm here. Can you wait a few minutes?

    Jinx: Hello?

    Cerise: AAAAHH!

    Jinx: ..What? It's not like you're...

    Cerise: Get out! Now!

    Jinx: You're not...

    Cerise: I said wait!

    Jinx: Okay...


    Cerise: What was so important?

    Jinx: Robin wanted to ask you something. By the way...


    Jinx: Why did you freak out? You weren't naked or anything...

    Cerise: Angels are very modest about their clothing choices.

    Jinx:...Alright then.

    A Support

    Cerise: My wings ache...

    Jinx: You alright?

    Cerise: I-I'm fine..

    Jinx: I noticed you were a bit clumsy during training.

    Cerise: And?

    Jinx: Here goes!

    Cerise: Aah! S-Stop.. touching.. my wings..

    Jinx: Heh.. Feels good, doesn't it?

    Cerise: Stop.. please..

    Jinx: Alright, I'll stop.

    Cerise: My wings aren't quite so sore anymore.

    Jinx: Aha! So it did feel good!

    Cerise: I wouldn't say that...

    S Support

    Jinx: Hello there, Cerise.

    Cerise: Get away from me!

    Jinx: Relax. I'm not gonna touch your wings, I promise.

    Cerise: My mother told me never to trust humans...

    Jinx: Oh really? Why am I hearing this just now?

    Cerise: You distracted me.

    Jinx: How exactly?

    Cerise: You convinced me to pin back your hair. You walked in on me while I was changing. You rubbed my wings without my permission. And yet...

    Jinx: What?

    Cerise: I still trust you.

    Jinx: Okay. I have something to ask...

    Cerise: What might it be?

    Jinx: This ring will speak better than I ever can.

    Cerise: Yes. I will spend my life with you, Jinx. And I will continue to trust you, even though I am going against my mother's wishes.

    Jinx: I never thought you would say yes.


    After the war, Cerise returned to the mountains that raised her. But her love for her husband, Jinx, brought her back to him. Jinx eventually went back to working as a mercenary, but every night he could look forward to seeing his beloved back home.

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