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Ars Nova

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Everything posted by Ars Nova

  2. Dunno if anyone's interested, but there's a pretty safe dupe glitch. Just tried it today, still works. According to the comments, the video neglects to mention a few requirements: You have to be offline, your dupe character has to be male and you can't loot anything before you get to storage (presumably because storing something other than a Pebble will nullify the glitch).
  3. tbh it's probably your avatar ##Unvote But yeah that's all I'm probably gonna get from that, least for now.
  4. I kinda like the back-and-forth of a standard Mafia day, but I was also promised a People's Elbow™, so I am impartial Reason I didn't wait is because I was also whacking the beehive. And at least I was up-front about my reason, whereas you left it to be assumed until now
  5. Wow who walls on page 10 Also why in the world would you vote for Shinori and not Refa if you think he thinks Refa's suspicious for the same reason you do
  6. If you have suggestions or concerns, please call 1-800-277-6682
  7. Well now that Sheen's putting in work ##Unvote ##Vote: Makaze I wanna hear this explanation too.
  8. get it cuz he keeps jumpin HEHEHE
  9. https://www.askhelixfossil.com/#rshlu1
  10. ##Vote: Shinori Somebody's jumpy.
  11. Cornfarm Wow for once I'm not late
  12. UM EXCUSE ME Other way around, boo
  13. Oh yeah, plenty. At least a year and a half, maybe more. I've even hosted a few.
  14. Hi instead of shooting my targets can I People's Elbow™ them instead
  15. Bet he'll be real adorable when he's on fire E: Decided to pass the time in the chalice dungeons. I hope some of the pyromancies the Keeper uses are available, 'cause that's my jam.
  16. Wow, Rom the Vacuous Spider is a RUDE BITCH. Anybody in Byrgenwerth that wants to help me out with it? I'm Lv53 if that matters.
  17. Tough to say at this stage, but it seems to borrow most heavily from Demon's Souls and forgo many of the changes Dark Souls made—for better or worse. It also doesn't have much in the way of casting, if that's a deal-breaker. My personal favorite is still Dark Souls II but this one has its merits so far. Ah, I figured it out. I'd missed meeting Alfred completely, but I just found him. What's with me always finding my way to the bosses but passing up all the NPCs...?
  18. How the heck do you get to the Forbidden Forest? I beat the Witch of Hemwick and the Blood-Starved Beast, and got three levels into my chalice dungeon, and now I'm out of places to go. Probably just missed something in plain sight like I always do.
  19. You need the Beckoning Bell to summon help. The messengers give it to you in the Hunter's Dream, I think after you beat the 1st boss? It's early, at any rate. To help or invade someone you need the Small and Sinister Resonant Bells, respectively; you can buy both with Insight at a vendor in the Hunter's Dream, but it only becomes available if you have 10 Insight. (Doesn't cost that much, but anytime you go below 10 the shop closes when you leave it.)
  20. Dang, nice turnout. Thanks for the warm welcome, y'all. At least marry me off, even if you don't plan to use m- Ah, Scarlet's got it covered. Good. Mm off-topic, my favorite. Goes great with the alfredo. PUT ME IN COACH I CAN GO THE DISTANCE. JUST GIMME A CHANCE. (Sulfur Blade wrecks shop w/ Peg Knights ah sweer) It's k, I'm actually the secret boss on Path C. Database database. Ooh thanks for the links, looks like they'll be right up my alley. WOW that was fast. Thanks for ruining my intro, ArcSys. Song was from Guilty Gear Xrd, Eddie's theme. Looking for a replacement now.
  21. Lv80 Brigand/Dark Knight VIT ★★★★☆ STR ★★★★★ AGI ★★★☆☆ INT ★☆☆☆☆ WIL ★★★☆☆ SPR ★★★★☆ Skills: Armor Crush, Disrespect Fist, Sulfur Slash, "Asobi Wa Owari Da!" Items: Fire Crystal, Fume Greatsword, Teeth-Whitening Gum Likes: Alfredo sauce, haiku slams, short girls with pixie cuts Dislikes: Tea, silence, responsibility, deep water Themes: Main, Battle, Joke Freelance mercenary from the southeast. Described generously as eccentric and laid-back (or less generously as a scatter-brained layabout), Nova spends most of his downtime sleeping, eating, pestering people he likes, and writing design documents for games that will probably never be played. Despite his lackadaisical attitude his mission success rate is nothing to scoff at, and his skills are in high demand. Enemies revere him as "the tank with a brain," citing his mix of raw strength and unexpected cleverness as an odd, yet potent threat. Allies admire him as a loyal and stalwart friend... and a scant few add that it's unwise to anger him. His dream is to be a stay-at-home dad. Playing: Bloodborne, Final Fantasy XIV Watching: Log Horizon, Steven Universe, Once upon a Time Hoping: That no one finds out the only Fire Emblem he's played is Awakening.
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