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Posts posted by Tsuky

  1. 6 minutes ago, Motendra said:

    The supreme samurai would never biw down, no matter the odds, and neither shall we!


    I hope so, otherwise it would be his second time to get upsetted TT______TT His match with Takumi during the New Years VG would've been an upset too if we didn't push like crazy in the end.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

    Team Alfonse has some multipliers yesterday. I got a few, but I don't know when it stopped.

    Also, I'm curious as to the rate team Alfonse and team Sharena are growing. Is this basically a Sigurd vs. Tharja situation where Alfonse started off stronger but Sharena gained more support over time?

    I don't recall what exactly went down during Sigurd vs. Tharja, but I think this time, Alfonse's first-hour advantage was too small to be indicative of a larger army size. So as more people joined in, it didn't take too much for Sharena to catch up.

  3. 22 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Oh. Well, if that happens, I think I'll pass on the rest of the gauntlet. I don't feel like joining any of those teams. I would've joined Ryoma or Sharena if Ike lost.

    Hopefully the predictor changes or is wrong.

    It's still too far out for the predictor to be accurate, so I wouldn't worry too much for now :)

  4. 4 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

    Oh, there was quite the backlash from that. A lot of them were salty just because they couldn't get a chick in a bikini

    Well, tbf, W!Tharja is a fantastic unit herself (and belongs to a very rare unit type) and has two valuable skills for foddering, so it's... a combination of factors.

  5. 1 hour ago, Ae†her said:

    Fury is still one of the best A skills for Ryoma to balance his player phase and enemy phase potential. Vantage provides utility due to Ryoma's builtin DC on his Raijinto, but if you're finding a really hard time making proper use of it against ranged units, then you can do Wrath instead as that improves upon his pure offensive output more than anything, and that's really the only other thing that Ryoma wants. Since you're at 41 Spd I also recommend a QR seal to ensure follow-ups on the enemy phase or Spd+3 for a chance at both phases. 

    As you continue to merge Ryoma ideally you want to aim for +Spd/-Def or Res because Spd is still Ryoma's most important stat, and he still has very decent Atk to abuse things like Heavy Blade and Aether especially with the Summoner Support. -Def is only recommended because he already takes a decent amount of damage against Blues and as little from Greens, so amping his Res minimizes potential losses against blue mages like Delthea, Mae, and other one shot worthy blue mages. If you're planning on going full out to +10 with summoner support because of the high HP boost, -HP makes him look like a regular unit with godly stats as he has really high Def, and Res, with a a very decent HP stat of 45.


    Yeah, after hearing Thor's and your suggestions, I'm gonna keep Fury on him. I do like the big numbers XD

    As for IV's, I don't spend a lot of money, so the +10 dream may not come true, but I'll always be budgeting my orbs toward that goal. So I think I'm going to roll with +SPD/-HP or -RES for long-term usage, which means fewer and fewer mages encountered.

  6. 54 minutes ago, Thor Odinson said:

    I think there's some merits to -res over -hp, especially since -hp is a 4bane and in the super high upper tiers you don't fight as many magic-hitting units (grima and winter tharja are 2 big ones, though, but you shouldn't be taking more than 1 hit against them regardless), though -hp is pretty nice for wrath and it's not a huge deal either way if you're not getting oneshot.

    +spd is still his best, though, since one of the best counters against bold fighter armor is just player phasing them, and I can see +atk having some trouble outspeeding a forged bold amelia enough to properly kill her on player phase. +Spd should still get enough atk to cleanly orko the slower, bulkier greens such as WChrom and Vector.

    +Spd is also good in being able to avoid being doubled by faster swords like Ayra, which means you can use quick riposte to double her instead. If you get doubled by Ayra you basically just die and can't even activate quick riposte when you're dead, so there's that. 

    You shouldn't initiate into Ayra anyway unless you can kill her before she hits back anyway (or is a very bulky blue, preferably running guard). Her best build involves just straight oneshotting you if you hit her. You can always quick riposte when you can just edge not getting doubled in, but there's no point in trying to get +5 spd on her (or Mia, who runs something similar but less powerful) anyway.

    All really good points. Thanks for the tips!

  7. On 3/11/2018 at 1:02 AM, Thor Odinson said:

    I run Fury Wrath Qr to get the both of both worlds, personally. While EP is important, bold fighter armors is a big meta threat and player phase is the most reliable way against them, especially considering a refined Amelia can get quite fast. I use Wrath to help me charge Aether (important for points) as well. Definitely would recommend wrath over vantage. 

    That being said I have also ran steady breath occasionally for points and while the atk loss fucked me over with a def-stacked vector once it's mostly been fine. As long as I don't run into bold fighter Amelia or something--she's rare compared to hector/grima/chrom, I find.

    For reference, I have summoner support +4 Ryoma (Spd -hp) and fights anything from 710-734 depending on if it's Arena or AA (710-724 arena, 720-734 AA), for an idea of the kind of enemies I usually face. He has attack tactic and spd/def/res dual rally support.

    I think overall I still prefer fury wrath over steady wrath for arena for the flexibility and wrath being a good special-charger if you can orko enough things without a special, but steady is fine, and probably a bit more worth if you want first-turn specials such as glimmer or luna to proc instead of something that's solidly turn 2 (without IP/QP) like aether.

    That being said SB is my Ryoma's go to A slot for GHBs, since Fury's HP loss does actually matter there. It's also a 240 skill over 200, so if you need to up a SP bracket, that could be helpful. It's definitely Ryoma's best 240 A skill.

    Thanks! This is really helpful. Maybe I'll save my B!Ike for someone else then.

    Also, do you think +SPD -HP is Ryoma's best IV's (that's the one I have)? I feel like both +ATK and +SPD have their merits and am not sure if I did the wrong thing by merging my +ATK -RES Ryoma into my current one. Is speed just becoming less useful with how competitive it's getting (with the likes of Ayra and Mia and speedy mages) and how a lot of armors now double regardless of speed? Also, would -RES be better than -HP at higher tiers? Not saying I will necessarily pull those IV's, but I'd like to keep an eye on any future copies.

  8. 13 hours ago, Ae†her said:

    @Tsuky: Sorry for the late reply. I don't know how I missed this in my notifications. 

    I think that's still pretty enemy phase of a build simply due to the fact that you're relying on a a very high CD Special with the only means of triggering it with Steady Breath, and still having to rely on QR 3. If you tried his player phase match up with that build against +10s and Fury 3 it would be significantly different than his enemy phase even when it's against standard-skills units. That being said it's still obviously very effective in terms of damage output especially because you're using skills that are the primary way of getting guaranteed damage or Ryoma (Wrath + Dragon Fang ( and not Ignis or Glacies because Ryoma lacks Def &Res)). I'll put it down in the Calm Recipient section of builds because it is a guaranteed damage build, and that deserves to be included, but the way I see it it's barely Player Phase and all Enemy Phase. Especially if we're talking about the Arena where 38 Spd is barely anything special, and you can even get doubled past it.

    No worries! Thanks for your input. I agree that his enemy phase is much stronger with this set, but with the way the meta currently is, I've been finding enemy phase sets to be much more reliable. So I've been thinking about switching out Fury-Vantage for this set. Do you think Fury is still better on him? I definitely want to switch out Vantage for Wrath though, since it has actually gotten in the way a few times in the arena and almost cost me matches.

    Also, he's summoner supported and at +3 merges right now (that puts him at 41 SPD without Fury), and I've been saving up orbs for more merges. As I get more merges on him, do you think his player phase will be okay enough that I can run this set as sort of a dual-phase type of deal, with an emphasis on enemy phase?

  9. So I've been wanting to improve my Ryoma and was playing around with the mass duel simulator, and I came across a set that I think might be pretty good:

    My IV's are +SPD, -HP (I got slightly better results with +SPD -RES, but this is the second best one)

    Weapon: Raijinto
    Assist: flexible
    Special: Dragon Fang

    A: Steady Breath
    B: Wrath 3
    C: flexible
    S: Quick Riposte 3

    I have attached an image his matchups on enemy phase at +0 vs. all non-blue +10 units with Fury as their blanket A skill (though he does win some matchups against blues). This set relies on procing Dragon Fang in the same round of combat and seems to give him a really solid enemy phase while not completely sacrificing his player phase capabilities, and may be worth considering. What do you think?

    Screen Shot 2018-03-08 at 5.37.03 AM.png

  10. 2 minutes ago, Midnox said:

    Well, Veronica is certainly the brave hero I'm looking forward the most, but I should instead study the meta and how many situations will her niche help. I chose BIke last time, mostly because I needed greens back then, but turns out his tank gameplay is pretty useful in a great variety of battles. Hope Veronica delivers, or I'll choose another one XD

    I'm sure she will. The four CYL1 heroes are still great, if not the best, at their jobs.

  11. 2 hours ago, Ginko said:

    Most of today matches,  @Tsuky I got your Rein for many times. He killed many Brave Lyn for me.

    @Logos Also got your Nino sometimes too. I let her counter some blue mage and dragon. If opposing team have too much red, at least she can buff the team with hone.

    I still got some random red units from others but Nino and Rein save me not to get all 3 RED HELL!!

    @Aera I played all day but didn't get your Genny for some reason. 

    Did you guys get my Shiro? Did he do his job well?

    Yay, that's great to hear!

    Your Shiro is amazing. I actually used him to kill a W!Lissa once. I wish I had an extra B!Ike for Steady Breath on my Shiro.

  12. 5 hours ago, Ginko said:

    @Tsuky got your Rein on first match. Quite simple but helpful. I have to reposition everytime before he might die lol

    5 hours ago, Johann said:

    @Tsuky Totally spoiling me with the Def Ploy Reinhardt, thanks for the add!


    5 hours ago, Aera said:

    @Tsuky Omg, your Reinhardt saved my match. ; -;

    Glad you guys are enjoying using him! I worked hard to build him :3

    And @Ginko, he should still be able to tank some swords :P I did take off Lancebreaker for WoM for arena points though, so he can't really tank lances anymore. Let me know if you need that added back.

  13. 23 minutes ago, Jbunzie said:

    Wow! So mature, what are you 5? What will Making takumi and leo's loses same do anyway!

    Everyone knows that was because of a bs Multiplier.

    I like Leo but unlike Takumi he was destroyed in a fair match. Whereas Takumi lost to a Multiplier and Only lost to Ryoma because of his viability as a unit, especially in this meta influenced game. He had twice the votes Ryoma did.

    Uh, what are you talking about? Takumi didn't lose because of multipliers, it's thanks to multipliers that he had a shot at winning.

    And real mature of you to bring CYL results into this, as if popularity can't fluctuate over time and you are entitled to a win. So by your logic, Ninian didn't win fairly?

  14. 2 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

    Hmm.... Chrom expectedly lost.

    Who has the bigger team between Lissa vs Ryoma?

    Lissa would probably get a lot of multipliers against Tharja, but then Azura is a big team as well so maybe Ryoma would be good for feathers as well?

    Matt Mercer character to Matt Mercer character?

    Just from this round, Ryoma has the bigger team. There will be some definite shuffling around though.

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