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Everything posted by JupiterKnight

  1. Now for something Lilith related. So what was pretty obvious is now canon.
  2. Actually it seems Hydra subtly influences on his anger and the like until he can outright posses than just making Takumi hate them with every fiber of his being. That's why he doesn't outright take control of Takumi until chapter 23.
  3. Well it kinda did make it easy for Hydra to possess him. I can see Hydra going all "The Hate is strong in this one". Now I'm actually disappointed he doesn't turn into a Light Dragon at the end of Nohr.
  4. And I never refuted that cause I keep saying he is right to distrust Kamui to a certain degree. What the problem is that he acts distrustful towards Aqua despite having been raised with her even before Mikotos death and includes her in his distrust of Kamui after it happens. That's clearly him letting his personal issues cloud his judgement. @NekoKnight: He doesn't even dislike her. He's just having problems with accepting Kamui because he already has issues in the family as it is cause he's the only one not obsessed with meeting a kid he never knew. He's lashing out at anything Nohrians as a result.
  5. It probably did have a dragon in it somewhere, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was just in any backstory he might have wrote. @Water Mage: I forgot to reply to earlier comment about that being false. Actually Kantopias summary for chapter 12 clearly states that he does try to get Kamui to return to Hoshido in exchange for medicine. That is blackmail. What wasn't canon was the bit where he apparently says he doesn't care if Elise dies.
  6. While he's not completely wrong his attitude before Mikotos death towards Aqua makes it clear that he's just lashing out because of his own insecurities. Plus he falls into the Infinite Chasm after the choice so he got possessed because of his personal issues. The only time he doesn't fall down there is on IK, which is why Gunther gets hijacked instead.
  7. I would totally find this believable if Hoshido was a wasteland in the ending, or very much left in ruins. Clearly she needs to go to Nohr and see what a real burned wasteland looks like. Instead it just leaves me laughing.
  8. He wasn't, but it is known that pretty much all the women Garon loved besides Shenmei were terrible abusive people. Even Elises mom, who while the least monstrous, didn't love her and called for Garon on her deathbed with Elise nearby. Plus any form of abuse they might have suffered after Slime Garon took over.
  9. People who don't like how biased the main story is towards Hoshido and the supports are ignored as a result. And even then the Nohr support between Kamui and Aqua has him whining about having to kill vengeance fueled assassins just because they are Hoshidan.
  10. Hydra's existence isn't really that absurd, but being behind most of the events of the game definitely is though. There were hints that something was going on early into the game including the mysterious assassins that everyone assumes are Nohrian that cause Mikotos death and the fact that Garon does mention his name as the Dragon he's communing with early into Conquest does show that he's there, but the extent of his role is never truly revealed until IK. And you would expect an Invisible Dragon to be better at hiding himself than Grima.
  11. There could also do some fixing of the whole Nohr is literally Mordor and Hoshido is paradise to remove the Hoshido bias as well. Or actually do something with it instead of just having one be hell for the sake of it.
  12. I'd argue that Nohr having a bigger family would make sense due to Garon having a number of concubines and having Aqua as a stepdaughter, while Hoshido can have a smaller one.
  13. Well while Takumi is justified to not trust Kamui to a certain degree he's also shown to be paranoid in general as an attempt to overcompensate for his own personal issues. Even making comments about how Aqua can't be trusted before Mkoto's death. Yet he had been raised with her most of his life. Of course he fell into the Chasm and got possessed by Hydra after the choice, so he was being more ruthless than usual by having his emotions preyed upon. Now for Ryoma personally it just seems weird how Ryoma blackmails Kamui with the choice of returning to Hoshido by force or returning willingly in exchange for medicine to Elises illness in chapter 12 of Nohr. You would believe that it's dishonorable for a Samurai to do that, but the fact that it's never brought up again irks me when any Nohr character doing that on Hoshido would automatically be seen as wrong. It comes across as it being okay whenever Hoshido does it. The story itself goes out of its way to make Nohr as contrived as possible in order to portray Hoshido as flawless perfect saints, even when there are supports that are suppose to suggest it isn't as perfect as it appears but only further reinforce how flawless it is. The bias of Hoshido honestly seems to be what screws the game up so much because Fantasy Japan can only be paradise. @Thane: Starting a war is fine if there's a good enough reason, which should work considering Nohr is literally Mordor and the nation has only been able to sustain itself in the past by conquering other territories, but instead the game goes with a slime monster that wants to destroy both countries.
  14. And he still went and wrote 500 pages for a draft on each route. I take it he really enjoys what he does.
  15. Hydra is implied to be insane at this point and suffering from the degeneration. But yes he does have some goal. Mankind forgot his existence and everything he did for them (The founding of both nations, the dragon's blood in their veins, likely those legendary weapons since Nohr Dragon uses an attack similar to Brunhilde) and there was some vow about how mankind should never forget. So he decided to destroy the world and everyone in it! There are also hints that Hydra in the past may have known what would happen to him due to seeing the future. So he's gone out of his way to set things up to kill himself when he's gone crazy. The prophecy bits that Aqua sings, the legendary weapons including Yato, Kamui's very existence, etc.
  16. Iagos barely manipulative of Garon. He's more of a yes man that follows his master. Just like Ganz. Iago might go around his back to deal with Kamui, but he usually does it to protect his master. Fake Garon is pretty much Hydra imposing his will. So naturally the omnicidal nut displays a love for death and destruction and through his familiar. Gooron even thought that he'd be a vessel for his master like Gunther was but Hydra eats him instead. That's all he was good for. Killing, spreading death, and being food. Plus his emotions and goals are rewritten whenever Hydra needs to be more evil. He even speaks on Nohr about how Kamui will be killed for "betraying" his master just like he rants about destroying both on IK. I'd rather all the parents being straight up evil in service to the Invisible Dragon Illumanti. Heck have Sumeragi being "killed" by Garon be part of the plan as well to justify a war against the evil Nohr!
  17. I think Fake Garon can work you just have to do it in a smart way. Like actually have some supports or scenes that flash back to the loving father the kids had in the past to the father they remember. Because you would also have to change their loyalty to Nohr as well, because despite what they may think those memories of a kind father is why they don't just leave his side or outright defy him. Besides Elise who again was not only the only one who never saw that side of him alongside Kamui, but also ditches the army rather than fight Kamui. Even Aqua experienced the unpleasantness of the Concubines who were all terrible mothers and people.
  18. I'm hoping for some dlc that might elaborate on it in the future if Invisible History doesn't. I don't think the Light Dragon symbol even appears in the game, unlike Nohr's Dragon symbol. So maybe they could show Sumeragi turning into a Light Dragon and already being Hydras pawn with Garon being forced to kill him. In fact it's pretty weird how the Invisible Dragon symbol doesn't look like Hydra at all. Even the Nohr Dragon symbol resembles Garon's Dragon form.
  19. I'm sure it's just a portrait to show how the barbaric uncivilized westerners fighting the glorious Japanese Hoshidans in dishonorable combat by riding a horse.
  20. Magic barrier. It appears to do some form of brainwashing to remove aggression towards Hoshido from people when they enter Hoshido. Faceless have no minds of their own, so they are unaffected by the barrier.
  21. Is it true Hydra doesn't get any new skills on the harder difficulties? Because that would be disappointing. I like the idea of a dragon boss where you have to beat some of its limbs before beating it.
  22. We don't actually know for sure. But if he did I believe it could have something to do with what the Sage told him in the past.
  23. I never said it did. But slurs are still signs that the country is racist to some degree. That said the chapter where Aqua joins in Nohr she was forced out of Hoshido for being Nohrian and one Hoshidan family tries to have her assassinated in the Subaki support. In fact the family has wanted her dead for years and got the chance to try to kill her now that Mikoto is gone.
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