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Posts posted by JupiterKnight

  1. Probably because they don't think it's their place to intervene. This isn't their world and the Lords they serve are not likely to agree to their words or actions, not to mention most of Nohr. The three also come to care about the Nohr siblings so they'd rather stay by their side than fight them. Being from a crappy future where they lost many people they care about would make them unwilling to kill people they've grown close to.

  2. The Odin, Luna, and Lazwald just dropped in suddenly one day in Nohr and the siblings took them in as their servants. It was either that or execution I don't remember for sure why.

    Its less naive and more Xander having some futile belief in his father since he's been raised to see his word as Law and also remembers the loving father he used to be, and that in the end he pretty much wants to be killed by Kamui after killing Elise. I was more insulted by Kamui's statement that he was no longer the person they knew when this is pretty much in character for him. It literally takes Garon saying he'll destroy the world on IK and Slimedads appearance on Nohr to have him turn against Garon.

  3. On the nohr art, is it just me but isn't there a significant amount of forest and greenery in that art around in the middle of the picture , but the wasteland part just seems more prominent as it is right in the foreground (which i think is kinda the point) but the dead tree and rock outcropping part doesn't really take up all that much space when looking at the big picture. It still has the Lava parts, and the bare mountains to the east, but other than those parts i see a decent amount of greenery or possible greenery. Still doesn't look like good ground for crops though but to me the hellish vibe is mainly because that is what the artist is tryng to accentuate.

    Actually it's only a bit of grass around a single one of those rocks emerging from the ground. There is no forest. You can tell there's small patches of grass growing near it though, but nowhere else. Showing how there is a little fertile land but not much, Plus we don't know why those rocks are glowing and there's certainly no volcano giving the lava needed give to make ash and help fertilize the earth. Otherwise there would be more plantlife growing.

    Nohr pretty much fits all the conditions known about it even before the official artwork was revealed (wasteland, poison swamps, very little sunlight, barely any fertile earth, terrible weather conditions for growing crops, etc.) The image just settles in how bad Nohr has it once we can see it clearly.

    A shame that instead of the totally justified reason that Hoshido is way better off than them the story goes with "Garon's evil as only evil people would want what we proud privileged Hoshidans have!"

    Also nice to hear the full song from the Invisible Kingdom trailer.

  4. I think Silas is just into sister figures in general. His Carmilla support has him wanting her to treat him as a sibling if I recall right.

    As for Mikoto. I find the whole magic barrier that makes all people lose hostility towards Hoshido to be pretty shifty. Especially since it doesn't work on Faceless who have no minds. Sounds suspiciously like its brainwashing people into not wanting to attack Hoshido.

  5. Eh different tastes. I for one have a bigger problem with the Hoshido bias than those things.

    Also in the end since the dead seem to all be together it's more than likely Mikoto told Takumi what happened. Thus he was able to let go anyways. Before while his paranoia was justified to a degree, he still displays distrusts towards Aqua even before Mikotos death despite having been raised with her and it takes being freed of Iagos brainwashing to make him calm down. He saw Mikoto as a mother and thus assumed he betrayed Hoshido by causing her death, which is clearly not the case. The fact that Kamui saves and spares them at some points should have been a clue, but his distrust always got the better of him. It's the same reason why Izana gives up what little life he has from his wounds to convince Takumi to trust Kamui on Invisible Kingdom.

  6. Most of my understanding of the Nohr route is secondhand, from the translators and people who've played it and understood the story. If I recall correctly, I believe they said that the game treats Takumi's dislike of the avatar as having been something "bad" on the Nohr path even though he's justified there at least.

    Apparently, the actually dead Takumi forgives Kamui and says that the thing fighting against him isn't really him and just a manifestation of his resentment? Ehh … I can understand not wanting the lingering spirit of your resentment running around, but I am not quite sure why Takumi (or Ryouma or Mikoto or the surviving sisters for that matter) all forgave him so easily. Even on the Hoshido route I am not too sure what to think about Marx forgiving you. It's possible to say, "for the sake of my spirit being at peace, I will forgive you" but not be all hunky-dory like everything is okay and you're all smiles.

    I don't know, apparently it wasn't handled all too well? I'll make my own judgment when the game comes out in English, but from what I've heard it doesn't look too favorable for the game's writing.

    Probably because being dead gives you better insight. Like the fact that he didn't actually do the killing of Mikoto. Something that Mikoto knows because she protected him from the real perpetrator. Ryouma sepukku to protect Kamui since Garon and Iago would have him executed otherwise and realized Hinoka and Sakura were still alive. Though if you consider how he passed on it likely means Takumis hatred remained in his corpse (As that's why Hydra was able to possess him in the first place and the corpse is filled with hatred) since emotions are sometimes believed to remain even if the soul is gone. So he was able to let go of those feelings with his death.

  7. At this point, I'm starting to think the whole "choice" aspect may have screwed over quite a few things regarding the story and the characters.

    - Hoshido is portrayed as "obviously good" while Nohr is "obviously not-good". That's boring.

    - Nohr's story. Just … Nohr's story.

    - Your Hoshido siblings apparently still forgive you (and in one case died saving you) if you pick Nohr, and the one who never liked you (and in Nohr path has every reason not to) is portrayed as being "wrong".

    - Your Nohr siblings seem to be more understanding about your betrayal (minus one, who comes around before they die), as if it were the "right" choice to pick Hoshido.

    - The third path brings up more questions than answers regarding the other two paths

    Kind of makes you wonder where all those resources went into.

    EDIT: Actually, I wonder if some of the above points may have been exacerbated by the fact that the main lord is an avatar this time around. With the player worship and the pandering and the yeah.

    You know looking on his scenes I get that Takumi is less wrong and more that he allowed his emotions to consume him. It got to the point that he

    was possessed by Hydra/Anankos just like Gunter was and jumps to his death while under Hydras control.

    And the Avatar spares him way too much for my liking. But oh well still one of my favorite siblings amongst the bunch alongside Leo.

  8. What the actual hell.I knew Nohr was bad, but damn.

    You know what the saddest part is?

    Mordor is capable of sustaining life better than Nohr can. (Volcano and lava ensures good fertile soil to grow crops and they have great farms).

    Holy ...

    Are you sure isn't the ...

    Touma (Invisible) Kingdom?

    Well, this is more like conceptual art anyway, but hell ... what a hell.

    No because that's

    In the sky, not on the ground

  9. Except that reforming a country entails changing the laws and practices of the people. None of this is done in-story, any actual reforming takes place offscreen, after the fact.

    I too feel slightly betrayed, a lot of the promises of the trailer were half-truths at best. SMTxFE gets a pass because the first trailer had zero substance, but Fates had a fleshed-out concept that they didn't deliver on.

    The nation itself never needed to reform in the first place beyond getting rid of Garon and corrupt foes like ganz and Iago. The major problems of Nohr are rooted in the land itself (Poison swamps, dead wastelands, clouds always blocking out the sun, terrible weather conditions, very little farmland, barely fertile soil on top of it)

  10. Technically

    you do depose "Garon" at the end, and you do kill Ganz and Macbeth. So you do end up offing the leading corrupt elements in Nohr. And Marx becomes king, a better ruler for Nohr than these people were. So you actually DO reform it…. people made too sweeping assumptions of what "reform" meant. Kamui plays it very cautious, not really rebelling until he can turn all the other royal siblings against Garon in one fell swoop, greatly increasing the chance of success in removing Garon


    And all those sweet resources from Hoshido will help keep the nation functioning. Hopefully with more castles built to protect them from the rest of Mordor Nohr's inhospitable environment.

  11. The Museum bits however pointed out that dragons avoided that by becoming spirits, which is why there are almost no dragons left and what ones we do see can voluntarily take different human or dragon form. Lilith even stays in her dragon form for a great deal of the story. They never became Manaketes. All Manaketes shown in Fates at least are half Dragon, so it could be related to their nature as hybrids in this world.

    Which leads me to wonder if there were hybrids before Kamui.

  12. The Subaki support with Aqua does show the assassins trying to come for her as I recall, which is where she mentions how there are people in Hoshido who want her dead even before Mikotos death.

    And the assassins coming after Kamui are always doing it for vengeance and hatred rather than just doing their jobs. Vengeance and hate is far from being a virture. Except for when Hoshidans embrace it of course.

  13. Well, Hoshido isn't as perfect as you think, for example Aqua suffered racism and a lot people wanted her dead, simply for being from Nohr, in fact on the Conquest path, the whole reason Aqua is in Nohr was not because she wanted to join Kamui, but because some Hoshidans used Mikoto's death and Kamui's betrayal as an excuse to banish her, and even on the Birthright path she's not completely safe, since without Mikoto's protection some Hoshidans start sending assasins to kill her.

    Granted Nohr is still portrayed as the more "evil" country, but that doesn't mean Hoshido is perfect.

    I think the problem is that the game overlooks this and still treats all Hoshidans even the ones who do this kind of stuff as being right in the end.

  14. I feel Hoshido shouldn't have a magical barrier put by Mikoto that makes it so all Nohrians are incapable of feeling aggression towards Hoshido. And making Hoshido not be paradise on earth while Nohr is Mordor.

    I should find a link for it sometime. I've seen the official artwork for both nations on 4chan.

  15. To be fair, Kamui does do a lot of questionable things in Conquest. So as a protagonist, they are actually far from perfect and innocent. However, the way the story's executed, as well as how they're forgiven by everyone in the end despite all their deeds annoy people.

    The more I learn about how perfect and flawless Hoshido is the more I stop caring and wish they actually burned it to the ground.

  16. Deer dragon thing.

    Do they even call them Manakete? Because Kamui is pretty much the first of their kind like that in Fates from what I recall.

    Most dragons became spirits afterall, and I don't think the Rainbow Sage/Lilith are ever suggested to be Manakete. In fact Lilith seems to be able to switch and stay in one form or another all she wants.

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