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Everything posted by NB8

  1. I think all games that came out for the series is canon (Unless Nintendo or IS say otherwise), but because of the fucking Outrealms which completely spoil the story of FEA.I mean the kids of the future say that traveled back in time to change the past, but surprise we never know if this is the right past and to make matters worse we don't know if all children came from the same future (Because of Outrealms) For example Laurent I don't remember anyone in the game (I mean the kids of the future) when they meet again with the other kids, nobody seems surprised by his "adult" appearance. What's more this seems completely normal for them. .. Seriously no one will say anything or point nothing... And if we talk for a moment about Lucina, where sister Cynthia (or their other brothers) how come she never had a moment to tell his father that she had a sister or brother? IN A TIME OF WAR? Lucina you're a bitch. And i will not start with Morgan because the game did well to hide their origins but had to f*ck him/her with DLC. If you don't have in mind the Outrealms, maybe you manage to find the true end.
  2. Yes... Emm... Marth... Archanea saga... I mean Nintendo and IS glorifies Marth more than any other character in the series. I also believe is the only game where they have a book and an animated OVA. It is a surprise that you do not know, I mean marth is everywhere.
  3. I know right? But apparently both Nintendo and IS liked the idea and decided to do it canon in the series. Yes Outrealms and Time-traveling are canon in the series. Why? I do not know, but the idea ruined the series for me.
  4. Seriously... Seriously you'll bring up Final Fantasy as example, you should be ashamed of yourself. In any case, once again you are right in part, there are some exceptions in the series (As places and weapons) but the big difference is that they don't have continuity in each entry in the series and a every big difference is that the worlds of FF are isolated in each entry. Otherwise it comes with Fire Emblem they have some continuity of events and everything takes place in the same world. (So far my knowledge goes)
  5. I know my english sucks. You said that there is no "Main series" but there is some continuity in the series, for example Chrom talks and explains brielfy about the life of other characters (if you bought the DLC Ike/Marth/Elincia/Ephraim...) That means that these places and characters exist or existed, therefore suggests that there is some continuity in events in the series.
  6. Yes you are partly right, but the difference is that in Sacred Stone they didn't introduce the idea of ​​Outrealms in Awakening.It is a possibility not a certainty. I see your point, but the thing is a bit complicated if the game develops outside the world of Marth. The Outrealms in Awakening
  7. We should be considered to be within the main series or not Hey there, look... I do not know if someone already made this issue but I was looking and found nothing. Well here's the question: if we can consider this new game to be in the main series or not. When I say the main series I mean the world of Marth/Alm/Ike /Lucina /Chrom Google... I read the available information we have given by the game developers where one of them ("Sorry I can't remember your name") said this would be a "new world" Now my point, if you've played awakening and bought the DLC (To be exact, "The Future Past") you will know that Naga tells us more than once and she says: " Although it seems your world is not the same" Oh something like that. My point is... that in recent weeks, we were bombarded with lots of information. You know Severa.2 and Inigo.2, a talking fish "insert your joke here" this is what i have to say on the subject of "my castle" Camilla and Nyx, go up to my room, I'll be playing day and night. Ok time to be serious, well you can imagine that many elements in this game are very radical that we find in the main series. And everything indicates that this game is being developed into an alternative world. And back to the question of the beginning of this topic. We should be considered to be within the main series or not? And if you try to answer the question is going to be a little confusion. A)If you chose no. The situation is quite simple, new world that has nothing to do with the main series. B)if the answer was that it is a part of the main series Someone could tell me how this can be? Did you not see the plot holes that will create with this? I mean in this game they tell us the pegasus knights technically do not exist, but in the main series they already exist from the beginning. And to make things more complicated we have Severa.2(In the world of critics we call it laziness) in short what do you think about it?
  8. Nohr... Camilla, Nix, Elfie... Girls I'll be waiting until next year T^T sniff...
  9. Camilla She's the only woman who i can marry without feeling dirty. :'( snif! Sad story, i know.
  10. No. I do not think so. Yes he/she can change into a dragon, but that doesn't mean it is a Manakete. I really can't say it's a Manakete or Laguz. Because both already have their own stories and customs to define what they are. Is very difficult for me to call him/her a Manakete or Laguz; because all I see are superficial things with the other races, but that doesn't define what he/she is. In any case, seems to be (at least for me) it will be a new type of Dragon race.
  11. That is a very good point, buuuut... There is evidence that the guy who gets "All the arrows" is his father or at most a close relative.
  12. I hope in FE14 "Customisation" have 2 things: A)skin tone (Come on I.S., everybody knows you people can do that.) B)Eye color (I would be satisfied.)
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