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Posts posted by Interceptor

  1. Not the topic at all.

    Sure, and my avatar isn't an animated GIF of a dog.

    The pronunciation is very clear for both her intended name and her American spelling: her actual name is pronounced shi-da, her American name is pronounced kai-da. It's rather weird they would just change the pronunciation like that though, why not stick with the Japanese pronunciation? Like Integrity said, we naturally pronounce Caeda the same way we would pronounce Caesar, with a hard k followed by an ai, as they are both Latin inspired. Thinking that Caeda=Seeda is such a weird train of thought.

    It's as clear as mud, especially when it comes to something as personal as a given name. Ask me about the time that I almost got slugged by a guy named "Stefan" because I pronounced his name "ste-FON".

  2. This is a strange topic. It's one thing to argue about spelling of a name, but the pronunciation? How many people actually say any of these names out loud, in real conversations with actual people?

    By the way, it's "SAY-dah". Taste the rainbow.

  3. Every chapter went fine, without much problems, even the evil chapter 2 fell within 2 tries.

    The chapter I got stuck on was the Mila tree. I could have rushed the boss, but I wanted to kill all the reinforcements without losing one of my units. Apparently that is impossible.

    It might difficult depending on your army, but most likely you just need to be creative. Fliers and Rescue staves can get you to the thin strip of land in the east side of the map, where none of the land units can reach you. Just deal with the Pegs, and then you can dice with the land units at your leisure (only the Longbow archers will be able to reach you there, and even then only if you are all the way to the water's edge).

  4. If you're just cramming Robin through it, you can get away with Assassin because of Veteran. The low DEF cap doesn't really become a problem until promoted enemies start showing up in force, at which point your ~31 starts feeling like a real liability (combination of both increased enemy mt, and also less ability to avoid-tank).

  5. Assassin sounds tempting as well thanks to Pass, though I'm not sure about the defense...

    I've never been able to make an Assassin last long-term; Pass is great, but the lack of DEF really does hurt. I feel like you need to have a final class with better defenses in order to make it still work. Gregor has the best class set for it (he can end as a Warrior), but it's hard to get through the gauntlet in time.

  6. I still don't understand though. It adds randomness to the mix instead of guaranteed hit true, but what is confusing me right now is that isn't the "possible result (Not being hit) of the now added randomness" a good one for the player?

    It's "good" in a macro sense, but it's annoying from a tactical perspective to have to account for it, because we're still talking about small chances to avoid damage. I'd probably just simplify the process by assuming it'd still be a hit (just like I do for Dual Guards).

    Regarding the upside....it's mainly the idea that I like the idea of the player still having his Avoid acknowledged by the game. It's a rewarding feeling to the player, because they know that their Speed stat will matter in battle even if it is only just a little.

    Avoid still works on the other 70% of enemies that don't have Hawkeye. Since avoid is the most powerful form of defense (a max DEF Morgan in lategame is still going to get rekd by 72 mt Berserkers), it makes sense to have such a strong counter to it.

    L+ kills off a lot of pet strategies... avoid-tanking isn't anything special in that respect. Comes with the territory.

  7. N.O.W.I. does not need any additional skills. She is best just staying a Manakete, particularly since she levels up like a tier 1 unit but has stat caps suitable for a promoted one (i.e. she will be gaining stats very quickly relative to her peers, especially considering her growths). Once she hits level 30, just reclass her back into Manakete again.

    Taguel is a garbage class. Get Panne out of that class as soon as possible, like 6 levels ago. Wyvern Rider is good.

  8. I'm simply curious though: Why would doing what I proposed make the game more complicated or difficult to prepare for? Shouldn't that if anything make the mode possibly easier in a few select parts? Because now for example your one higher speed unit has a chance to dodge the attack, while in the current Hawkeye he wouldn't be able to dodge just like all the other units.

    In the current scenario, there's no question as to whether or not a Hawkeye-loaded enemy is going to be able to hit someone (outside of a DG). That greatly simplifies the decision tree, because you don't have to crunch any numbers.

    What's the upside? If the enemies are going to have accelerated hitrates anyway, you're not adding strategy, you're adding randomness.

  9. But why couldn't they have made Hawkeye be a skill that gives general all-around +50, or x2 hit? Heck I would even go with something like +100 hit (Exaggeration, but you get the idea). My point is that the concept of Hawkeye now completely ignores the Avoid on your character, making one of the aspects of battle not play a role at all.

    This would be more complicated, difficult to properly plan for, and harder to make relevant as the game went on. Hawkeye would then become the one L+ skill that actually had a random result attached to it. I don't see any particular advantage gained; it would be like having Pass or Vantage+ only work 80% of the time.

    If you want tiny chances to avoid damage, that's what Dual Guard does.

  10. Lol You're right, I am a noob lol. But I meant what's luck based about it is that the skills are random.

    The pool of skills is always from the same seven, and none of them have random properties. You can prepare for any by preparing for all. This is how the Ch2 strategy I posted works: I just assume that all enemies have every skill, and solve the problem for that situation. You can do the same thing for reinforcements.

    IMO Enemy phase is hell when luna+ or counter is involved because I basically have no defense stat. [...] Unless I'm going about this the wrong way entirely, (Which is likely) in which case please show me my error.

    Your problems are completely self-inflicted. Sometimes you need to be creative to deal with reinforcements. Take a look at what I did for Ch16 in my playlog. This chapter is notorious for having both a mess of fliers, and reinforcements that arrive from behind your starting position. I deal with it by avoiding land-based enemies, unequipping people, and limiting their facings.

    However putting aside simply being able to be "dealt with", there is one skill of the Lunatic+ skill pool that I dislike out of design: Hawkeye

    The reason I dislike this skill is because it complete negates any influence of the avoid that your unit may have. Luna+ at least will still take your defense into account, and you will still be rewarded for your unit having a high enough defense to soak it up. Hawkeye just takes the factor that it affects (Avoid), and completely throws it out the window, removing its existence for this battle completely.

    Hawkeye needs to exist in order to make Luna+ a credible threat. Otherwise you could just load up your army with dodgetanks.

    Each of the L+ skills unravels one or more standard strategies. PavGis+ forces you to have variety in weapon types, Counter kills the super-unit tactic (mostly), Pass breaks up walls, Vantage+ makes weakening/training more difficult and forces extra damage on you, etc. Hawkeye and Luna+ work to keep you from just bombing through the game with units that have either high avoid or high concrete defenses, respectively.

  11. You can't always cover the forts in time. Especially when you're forced into a situation where you have to turtle through. Also, you have to pray to anna so that you don't get paladins or other units with high move and luna+ and hawkeye that can close in on you in the very turn they spawn in and luna+ your face with perfect accuracy. (thank goodness they don't get brave weapons) Yeah there's ways around it, But it's still pretty luck based if you ask me.

    You just need to step up your game. I don't have a problem with reinforcements in L+, and it's because:

    • Nothing should be a surprise, because everything has already been experienced in vanilla Lunatic. There is no difference in stats or units.
    • Just in case you forgot, they warn you that reinforcements are coming.
    • I assume that every unit has every skill, and prepare around that.
    There's no "luck" here. None of the L+ skills have any luck factor whatsoever: Luna+/PavGis+ always proc, Hawkeye always hits, Pass always Passes, Vantage+ always goes first, Counter always fires if you hit at 1-range and the enemy doesn't die. What you call "luck", I call "preparation".

    Dealing with L+ reinforcements is another aspect of understanding Fire Emblem mechanics. By the time that you have to face any, you should already be well-acquainted with how the bonus skills work, and what you need to do in order to deal with the unknown.

  12. I thought that in no-grind L+ the water trick was retty much required. That part seems retty cookie cutter, Ameven if the rest of the game requires creativity. Am I wrong?

    I don't see why it would. The water trick just makes the top half of Prologue easier, you're still going to get Robin to level 5 or so without it.

    The stat minimums for Robin in the early chapters are fairly modest. Sure, you need a bunch of SPD and MAG for Ch2 if you're using my method, but that's because it's skill-agnostic. In a real-world scenario, you have more flexibility in your movements because you can react to the situation on the ground, and not worst-case assume that every enemy has all available skills (which is what I had to do).

  13. I hate to say, but after my initial complaining and playing past the first few chapters, I kinda agree with you. It test the players adaptability, and while I thought it was way too cheap at first, I changed my mind about it as I got further and started to acctually enjoy the game mode.

    That's not uncommon. I used to crap on L+ back in the day, based on early reports of what it was like. Then I actually sat down and played it myself, and although it was frustrating at first, eventually I came to appreciate what it had to offer.

  14. Lunatic+ is, in my opinion, a really poorly designed game mode just because of the first 4 chapters. First of all, you're basically forced to play the game in very specific ways and use specific setups to do it. It's set up in such a way that you're forced to use Frederick, who even then is still taken down fairly easily if you do it wrong. Whether or not the levels are even BEATABLE is entirely up to the RNG and what enemies it throws at you. After chapter 4 it lets up a bit, but those first 4 chapters just really break the deal for me because of how specific the ways to win are. It's hardly even a strategy game when you consider that.

    L+ is an excellent difficulty mode; it's probably the best one that the series has ever had, despite the flaws. Unlike other attempts at "challenge" modes, L+ tests your actual skills as a player, as opposed to seeing how good you are at memorization/iteration. You can't just keep banging your head against the same layout until you find a way through: you have to have an overall plan, as well as the ability to make adjustments based on the situation in which you find yourself.

    I've never understood the "specific ways to win" criticism. Not only is it inaccurate (there are multiple ways to handle earlygame), but having a wide breadth of options is duplicative with other difficulties. If you want to play a carebear mode where you can get away with almost anything, that's what the vanilla stuff is for. The surest way to screw something up is to try to please everyone at once; L+ does one thing, and does it very well. That's not a failing, that's one of its strengths.

  15. but...the last time there was talk of selective breeding for the best possible gene pool irl, World War 2 happened.

    That wasn't the last time, and also not even the first time. Study your history, son.

    And no, you are not the only drop of water in the ocean. Is this your first day on the Internet? Tons of people pair for things other than stats.

  16. The both of you are out of your goddamn minds.

    Well, I think I'm going to give it a try once I get a free file (even though I won't be saving, I want to run through the route a few times with saves first to get a good feel for it).

    Unless you are already taking advantage of this trick: try using battle saves. Start L+ Casual, don't use a real file, and just plop it in one of the in-map save slots. We trust you to be honest.

  17. I guess it would be theoretically possible, but you've got a lot of resets in your future between hits/misses, getting a timely DS proc, getting the right stat distribution on Robin, etc. It's not too bad if you can save between chapters, but without those saves, yikes.

    Maybe it would be less insane on Casual mode, where you could choose to sacrifice someone or another in order to bail out a bad miss.

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