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Everything posted by pureblood

  1. I loved the Saizou/Charlotte support, it's one of my top supports in this game. Asama/Elfie is also in there and the Shinonome/Matoi one. Surprising supports for me was Charlotte's, Joker's, and Flannel's. Although almost all of Flannel's support was him being cute. As for disappointing supports, it's mainly with Zero. Everything is awkward with him.
  2. Sorry. But are the SakuHina supports already translated? i might semi-translate it since i have time tom
  3. "Zero: Hey, let me massage you. I'll make you relish my massage technique." i ship it so hard. The KisaragixMidoriko support reminds me of NahxMorgan(M) support with the flower and other stuff.
  4. It also helped that Charlotte has good written supports. The weakest one I've read was Zero's and that was good too.
  5. My fave support chain that I've read is got to be Saizou and Charlotte's. They got chemistry (surprisingly lol), and the dialogue is so natural ugh i love it. I like supports that establish the romantic stuff before S.
  6. Someone finally translated Suzukaze and Kamui Supports: http://pastebin.com/L3Hq7paE by amagicrobot.tumblr.com
  7. I've read that 4chan's is posting fakes so yeah...
  8. Is Ryouma/Oboro support translated? I only want to pair them up bec I want Shinonome to have blue hair. what? he sorta looks like chrom
  9. I'm not really the one to complete all the supports and marry every one. So it's just going to be Suzukaze. And Silas bec that silver hair on Kanna is good. Haven't really decided on anyone for my Mamui run.
  10. I read the support again and I missed the part where Leon said he's gonna ask Kamui about it. heh
  11. thank you for this! But does this mean Leon (or any other partner) and Kamui do not sleep together? lol
  12. The Seliph and Leif are they by Kozaki? If yes, I want one.
  13. Oh god that google translation. :\ I skimmed though the Suzukaze/Kamui and this is what basically happens
  14. I would really like a jap voice option too. Especially on the amie one :) Having Jap voices makes the amie less cringey for me anyway... Azz01, your avatar is like mine but male.
  15. I've read in the translated roster that Cordelia Matoi easily falls in love. And Shalla (?) I've been reading Suzukaze's support with Kamui and
  16. yeah that blog explicitly says that it uses google translate I downloaded all of the untranslated supports. I really want to know what happens in Kamui's Support with Suzukaze. I could link it to you.
  17. hmm idk if this is already posted but Charlotte/Marx Support: http://pastebin.com/pq6jnGNE I am surprised that I liked it.
  18. thanks. i'm really interested in what happens next. guess i'll just dig for the untranslated ones
  19. C: http://feifsupports.tumblr.com/post/122653966048/flannel-kamui-c-support B: http://feifsupports.tumblr.com/post/122657295050/flannel-kamui-b-support A: http://feifsupports.tumblr.com/post/122660174992/flannel-kamui-a-support S: http://feifsupports.tumblr.com/post/122662640584/flannel-kamui-s-support he's pretty cute
  20. definitely pairing up Luna and Tsubaki for maximum cordelia resemblance in the 3rd route. Lazwald and Charlotte. Finally Inigo can get some in this game.
  21. lmao it's exactly like Flannel's support
  22. has anyone seen suzukaze's translated supports with kamui? there's nothing on the big supports dump.
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